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I have bought this milk for years

Posted By: :-0 on 2007-05-04
In Reply to: I know...someone else just emailed--sm - DumDum

and I have not had any problems like that, I have had menstrual problems but that is due to my thyroid. My hubbie and I both have drank it for that long. I hope that is not true but you never know.

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Years ago I bought a used Blazer from a guy -sm
who had gotten an extended warranty (6-years), he paid $1200 for it, it had 4 years left on it when I bought the truck. I had it transferred to my name for $100 along with the powertrain warranty. It came in very handy in my case, but it only covered parts, I still had to pay for labor. I did get my money's worth, but I only spent $100, I had way more than $100 in parts go over those 4 years, but I did pay a fortune in labor unfortunately. But if I was buying new, NO, I would not do it. They rarely pay for themselves, you'd have to have a real lemon to get your money's worth, and you don't want a lemon. They are just another way to suck money out of you. Whenever we have bought new appliances we always say no, and never has one died in the 3-year (or whatever) period of the extended warranty. Granted a refrigerator is not a car, but unless you are really hard on your vehicle I would not waste my money.
Milk around here has been
perhaps it is residual milk, since she was still--sm
lactating when the kittens were taken away. Perhaps call the vet to see if and what can be done to relieve this.
Maybe I should send milk
I can't believe the milk prices elsewhere. Anyone want NY milk. LOL.
Why are we okay with animal milk?
Funny how we think it is "normal" to drink the milk of an animal, don't you think?

Honestly, I would much rather find an animal hair in my food than a human hair though. :) I even get grossed out when it is my own hair!!
can milk be frozen?
and still be good to drink?
Milk around here is $2.50 a gallon

and it takes 1 gallon to make a nice chunk of mozzarella. It takes 3 gallons to make the harder cheeses like cheddar and Monterey Jack.  I want a good "biting" sharp cheese.

I'm sure if I look around here, I could find cheaper milk. I just haven't tried yet. Years ago, I could buy raw milk from a local farmer, but I don't think there are any dairy farmers around here anymore. I know of 1 in another county but he's 20 miles away "over the mountain". It's too dangerous to go there in the winter.


cats and milk
Have had cats for over 40 years. Was told they are lactose intolerant and cannot digest milk properly and not to give them any.
We used to use the wax milk cartons for candles sm
when I was a kid. We used to put some ice in the carton and then add the wax. It always made different looking candles. Also, if you have an old electric mixer, you can make the wax foamy while it is still liquid and look like suds or piles of snow.
Mother's Milk in Food
What nutritional value does this serve for an adult? I don't think he is going to ramp up his business by publicly announcing that he is putting breast milk in his food. Most would probably find that rather weird not to mention gross. What women would allow this man to use their breast milk for such a purpose? Breastfeeding is supposed to be not only a nutritional gain for a child but a bonding experience for mother and child. I don't see many women going for this either.
Well, if these cows are suppling milk
they are hamburger. What does PETA have to say about that?
saw Milk this weekend and everyone was bawling.
everyone in the theater was crying. 
I've always given my cats milk.
Never had a problem and have always had cats. Half and half is good too.
I give my cat milk about once a month but
it's "cereal" milk and he'll only have a few swallows and then be done. He drinks with his paws which I think is a hoot!!
Substitute milk for the water and it's
If you use shortening to grease your pan, then sprinkle sugar instead of flour for a sweet bottom! 
Email, heavens no.. he might still be into the milk jug situation
and my breasts are through with that. These are probably the most obnoxious reading posts I have read, ever on here.
And squirting milk on a cousin of his is not normal either
just amaze yourself and read some of this nut's posts. Un-b-liv-able.....
Try some low-fat vanilla soy milk in your joe, Hayseed. Awful at
Totally agree, cornbread, milk, egg
Never added sweet unless cookies, brownies, cakes, pies- all those got sweets.
milk chocolate. Snow or sand?
So instead of "stealing baby cows milk"
we are supposed to steal baby human's milk??? Hello?! If mommas in financial distress find out they can sell their breast milk rather than give it to their kid, they are going to do that!

And like PETA said "the breast is the best!"

Are you hoping to milk a sexual harrassment lawsuit out of this?
Oh for crying out loud! Drink some warm milk and
$4.75 a gallon of milk at Costco here, cheapest place around nm
99-cent stores in Houston sell milk....
any fat content, 2 gallons for $3. Might be worth a shot if making cheese, though I don't know what the yield would be when converting liquid to solid. Sure beats the $4+ per pound price of cheese in the grocery store.
My uncle told me each teat on a cow gave different kinds of milk (sm)
One for whole, one for 2%, one for chocolate, and one for buttermilk. That was when I was *real* little; I don't think I bought that one very long.

He also told me that the mountain people had to have "hill cows" which had legs shorter one side than the other so they could stand on the hills without falling over. (If you've ever seen cows standing on a steep hill in the mountains, you'll understand why I believed that for a while...)

Generic corn-chex cereal, milk, & a cup of coffee. (nm)
Mocha - 2 shots, nonfat milk, extra hot, no foam and a straw pls.
I think it tastes burnt. But I do like their iced coffee drinks, full of milk and sugar, LOL. nm
I miss college and Carnation Instant Breakfast in a nice tall glass of ice cold milk.
My husband is 7.5 years younger. Been together almost 20 happy years...nm
My feelings; people shacking up together for years and years
and then all of a sudden deciding to get married don't need a thing, obviously. A shower should not even be given. I lived with my now husband a while (nowadays who doesn't!) before we married and I also had been married before years ago but he was not....so of course HIS mom wanted a shower. I told her absolutely not unless it was just the immediate family, his mom, sisters, etc, more like a celebration/get together. And so that's what we did. Showers are tacky, period. Unless it's a couple of young kids getting married straight out of the house and that doesn't happen much anymore.
you should have bought it together.
my husband adn i shop together at the sex shops. i would be angry too if you were trying to hide it.
What GPS was that you bought ? ...sm
I am terrible with getting around. I could get lost easily and the older I get the worse I get with not wanting to drive. I would love a GPS that has the capability of telling you exactly when to turn etc. I have no sense of direction.


I just bought something like that, it was about , sm
$14.00. I have 2 cats and they would just play with the mouse, so I thought I'd try something to keep it away.

I just bought it the other day and so far no sight of the mouse. Hope it keeps it away.
I bought one...sm
I just bought one this weekend for my 6yo son. He LOVED it. I made the outside only rule too and so far he has obeyed. It doesn't hurt to get "hit" with one and it seriously provided hours of fun for him.
Just bought my mom...
I just bought my mom Paula Dean's set which you can purchase at Wal-Mart. It is stainless as well.
Been with a man 13 years older, now with a man 4 years younger.
Younger is better, at least in my case ;)
Sorry, meant 75 cents. Still, that was years and years ago.
I studied to be a scopist years and years ago
Back in the early 1990s I took a course called Note reader Scopist. They read court reporter notes (those long skinny papers that looks like a cash receipt) and types them into documents. I had found the course through something called At Home Professions but just didn't finish it because it was too expensive for me. But I am familiar with them and even found my book from the first course I took. Looking back I think it would have been a blast if I had kept up with it.

It is definitely legitimate. A lot has changed since the early 90s, so I'm not too familiar with the industry now. I do remember what was really weird was it didn't take a lot for me to learn it. For instance I could look at a line of court notes and see something that looked like: NV p srn - and I seemed to know exactly what it said. Just weird. My DH used to say that I understood it because I was an alien and my ship crashed in Roswell. HA HA HA Anyway...that's what I know about it. But if you Google note reader scopist or at home professions i'm sure you could probably find a lot of info.
I have been vegetarian on/off for 35 years, was vegan for about 5 years sm
not that hard. Right now, I am having so many issues with food allergies and celiac disease, having to give up nightshade veggies...nothing left to eat. I am eating some meat now, but not when the gastroparesis sets in!

Being vegan is not hard...unless you are a celiac. This is how I figured out the celiac part because so many of the meat analogs and vegan packaged foods use gluten for the protein and I got really sick from it. I gave up all the premade things and the whole grains with gluten and I was fine.

There is vegan and then there is VE-GAN. By definition, vegans don't wear, use or consume anything that is derived of animals...no leather shoes, most shampoos and toothpastes are off the list, as are deodorants. No wool or silk. Anything with soap usually has animal byproducts. It is very involved and rather difficult to do.

Giving up meat, eggs and dairy is no big deal, except for cheese. You hear that ad about "comfort proteins" in a baby formula and there is such a thing. Mother's milk, be it human, cow, goat, whatever...contains a chemical that triggers the release of endorphins in the brain so that feeding feels good in more ways than one. The purpose of this is ensure that the nursed young want to nurse and thrive. Human milk has a lot of these, so does cow's milk and cow juice triggers the same reaction in the adult human brain. Cheese is concentrated milk and therefore these chemicals are also concentrated. As a result, cheese is an addictive substance. This is the hardest thing to give up when going vegan. Vegan cheese substitutes are nasty and they don't melt. If a dairy-free cheese melts, it contains casein, an animal protein and not vegan.
I will take more than I bought in the first place
if they don�t cough up the $700 plus Tuesday morning and according to what (if that is the way it goes) it brings in on the court house steps, then I get % and the courts take % but not as much as mine. I can hardly wait until Show-Down at the OK Corral Tuesday morning. I just get ticked off thinking about their nerve.
Our son just got married in May and I bought
Regularly $129.00 and I paid $35.00 for it, so it is not necessary to pay a lot of money, the sales are out there. The colors were blue and gray and I wore a darker pink dress (not bright) and it worked out really well. I am a larger sized woman and the dress looked very nice in my size. I wish you the very best.
Just bought a Fleetwood PUP (sm)
and you don't want to know what we paid!! But we plan to have for years - into retirement so looking at it as investment. Have been out twice so far - we have the hard-sided bathroomm - we absolutely love it. I was concered about storage inside but very spaceous. We're on west coast so no advice on camp sites. Have fun and Happy RVing!!
My son is 10 - bought him a men's 9 today (sm)
I know the feeling! His feet are bigger than mine and the same size as his dads!
My daughter bought that for her son
and he LOVES it. He learned so much and had a lot of fun with it. I remember my three kids all watching that show and it brings back memories. I really helped my grandson with several things he kept "forgetting." Does anyone else like Bill Nye the Science Guy? My grandson loved that too and my grownup son is still crazy about it. I say more good shows like those! Bring them on!
I actually just bought a Rug Doctor
from their web site. It is the best thing ever! It does a great job on the carpets and furniture. I can't wait for the weather to warm up so I can try it in my minivan. We have owned the store brand ones like Bissel and Dirt Devel, but they just don't do nearly as good of a job as the Rug Doctor. Ours came with huge supply of different cleaning fluids too. I love the thing!
I bought a new car a week ago...
If anyone cares. A brand new Kia Spectra. I got a great deal on it. They gave me a $2000 rebate so that meant no down payment. And they took off an additional $500 for applying for it on the internet. I love the car and it gets around 35 mpg. So that is my good news!
what is something you have bought in the past you will NEVER

Mine is Little Critters Omega-3 Gummy Fish. Cute concept but the berry, lemon and strawberry flavoried gummies somehow manage to taste like fruity flavored fish Shocked When I got them, my kids gagged with the first one and wouldn't even touch the second one for the recommended 2 a day. So guess who is choking down 2 of those suckers every day now?

LOL I just bought some candles SM
at the dollar store - I actually prefer them. I think because they are such cheap candles that the scent is not as strong as the nicer ones, but for me it is perfect - just enough to smell nice without being overpowering. I was just thinking I could buy 325 candles for the price of 1 of those Jo Malone candles. LOL