I guess you know because it is not your fingers you are losing, NM
Posted By: romey on 2008-03-11
In Reply to: Comparison very much valid. Having seen & followed - thousands of declaws I KNOW it is not a bad thing.
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yes, and now they stay off cuz my fingers are swollen
lol...working me like a dog.
Keeping my fingers crossed that
Sanjaya's number will be up
Eeeek! (crossing my fingers against PG!)
I have osteorthritis in my hands & fingers. - sm
Also getting it in hip. For the most part, I would say the pain has come on gradually, increasing in each joint over a period of a couple years. Only exception was my right thumb. It has severe OA, which gave me no trouble 'til one evening when I was at my mom's, I was bored, and I texted a bunch of emails to my friend on my cellphone. The next day my thumb ached like crazy. With rest it felt better, but never did go back to baseline.
The quality if the pain is usually not sharp, more like dull ache that varies in intensity. Occasionally, though, moving the affected part in the wrong way (especially turning my hip & thigh inward) can cause a sharper jolt.
Without x-rays & a doctor exam, you probably won't know for sure what it was. As the other poster said, there could be some kind of an acute injury, or even a muscle spasm. But then again, it's always possible there is arthritis in the hand that was quiescent until now.
Now that I know it's not an acute injury, I find heat and gentle stretching to be of help. Also NSAIDs for when it flares up. Most importantly, I keep the part moving. The hip bothers me when I run & do other vigorous exercise, but I find I can warm up, work through the pain, and it ultimately feels better afterward. WARM-UP is the key.
Same with the ouchy thumbs, especially when typing. I keep my workspace warm (I don't use (or even have) AC in hot weather). In cold weather I keep the room war and use typing-gloves.
I would keep an eye on the hand, try to take a few days off from typing, or anything else that makes it worse. Try researching the symptoms online, and if there's no improvement within a reasonable amount of time, since you're an MT and need your hands to make a living, I would self-refer to an orthopedist or a hand specialist. Still, try giving it some time & rest. It could be you were working really hard up to that point, and upon making a sudden, possibly slightly awkward movement while reaching for the cup, the muscles in your hand cramped up. I find that kind of pain to be worse than a fracture!
Take care!
No kidding. I'm not typing my fingers
to the bone for a week or two straight just to buy a freakin' purse! Maybe if I was a CEO or something, but not on my MT pay. Or maybe if I was an MTSO, LOL...
Boys wrap their moms around their fingers too
Apparently you, for example......I know moms of boys and sometimes I think some of them are delusional about their *boys/men*.....I don't know - I surely just don't get it.....as much as I try to get it.....
They used to do that with extra fingers & toes on babies that
And yes, I could type minus first joints of fingers. It
yeah, why don't you just snap your fingers and magically make another job appear?
Nana - you are so funny! If only pigs had fingers!! I'm gonna have to try the Got2B shampoo (nm)
little by little in this country - losing ....nm
I think I'm losing my memory
I know as we get older we all joke about it because it seems to be true for a lot of us. But, do you ever worry that it could be something more serious? For the last 10 years, I've noticed that I can't remember numbers any more like phone numbers. I used to be very sharp and have a good memory but now I rely on notes. It sux!
I am always losing my hair.
All year round. A lot comes out in the shower and when drying my hair. My bathroom floor is covered. I have very thick hair. I never thought to ask my doctor about it. May be I should. I do not see any bald spots yet, but I will continue to watch. I just turned 50. I hope it does not get worse.
Losing a child
I think when people say this they are talking about children who have lived, a viable child. Your baby could not at 11 weeks have survived outside the womb. My question to you- would you much rather it have been born say with a myraid of birth defects and struggling to breathe, constant medical care, not able to walk by itself, needing constant medical/home attention just so it could have been born? I know it would be even more difficult for me to have that happen than nature taking its course as in demise in the womb.
I posted above about losing my mom sm
I remember walking with a couple of friends and complaining about my mom (while she was still alive) and one of the women said to me "I lost my mom and I would give anything to have another day with her". It was several years later before I lost my mom, but oh how those words play in my mind. I will hear the country song "Just one more day" and I have to turn off the radio. I miss her teribly and I personally think that is the way it should be. Just keep all of the wonderful memories. "hugs again"
Okay, losing my mind. I now see it! Thanks for the help. nm
Losing friends
When I lost my first one (my cat BB) I tried to keep him hanging on as long as possible but when I talked to him about it he let me know he wanted me to let him go and I held him when I took him to the vet and he purred the whole time. He knew he didn't have to suffer any more. The really hard stuff only lasts for 3 days, then you feel better every day. It's lots easier after you get the ashes back, you feel like they're home. On my hearth I have 4 late cats, 1 late husband, 1 late brother-in-law and my late mother. I never really feel like they're gone. I feel for you, hang in there.
I'm sorry you're losing him too. (sm)
Maybe he and Sasha will play together over the bridge. So far she is eating well and keeping her weight on, so perhaps we have a little more time. She's so precious.
have same problem after almost losing my
only 2 year old to renal failure. Had to find ways to give high calorie and stimulate appetite. From the vet get one called AD by Science Diet. Mine likes it mixed with a little warm water to pablum consistency. High in vitamins, protein, fat and vets give it to very sick cats - like TraumaCal in humans.
Is she losing weight or having frequent
urination? I know from a friend of mine that these are some symptoms. Also, my friend had blurred vision to the point she was afraid to drive. She went to an ophthalmologist for whom she used to work. He suspected diabetes and checked her sugar. It was over 600 in the office. She has seen been an insulin dependent diabetic. She was losing weight rapidly. You are just being a good daughter. Keep an eye on things for her.
Losing your sex drive with menopause is
part of the natural progression of our biology.
the world isn't losing freedom of speech...
Just the Christians! Talk about anything except God, Jesus, Church, etc., and we're gonna pay and pay dearly for it, I am afraid!
Focus on getting healthy, not on losing weight
I don't know your height, but was 5Ǝ" and 175 when I started trying to get fit. I lost inches first before losing weight. It took 4-5 months to lose 25 lbs, going from a size 16 to 12. Once I got there, I was more fit than 93% of all women my age. I was doing mountain hikes that put my teenagers to shame.
A few years later, I had some GI problems and started losing inches and a bit of weight, but not much weight. I lost the muscle as I had already burned off the fat. I dropped only 5 lbs, but went from size 12 to a size 8. I was anorectic. I'm back up again. ugh.
Just wanted you to know that if you think about getting fit, you may be more successful than if your goal is to lose weight. A lot of people give up because they don't lose the weight they expect of themselves. Your body will tell you where you should be. If you lose too much weight, you'll stay sick. If you are fit and stay fit, you'll feel it in any muscle and bone of your body. Good luck! Sounds like your off to a good start.
so sorry, losing a pet rips a part of my heart out
and having to make the decision rips an even bigger part. So very sorry. Take some solace in the happiness he had with you.
Agree with losing tail. An old cat just tends to walk around, not much jumping or
Read the papers, duh! People are losing their homes
for getting into this stuff.
Goes to show, you aren't that smart. Money in bank getting interest only. Come on lady, what planet do you live on? You are full of it. You are depending on the two most unstable things in the world right now. Talk about planning.
Parenting advice needed! I am losing my mind with my 14yo son. SM
He is so smart. I got his first grade card a couple of weeks ago, 2 Fs (Science and Computer Lit) and a D+ in English. The rest of his grades were acceptable. The problem isn't that he doesn't understand the subject matter in these classes, but that he simply doesn't do the work, doesn't turn in homework assignments, NOTHING!
I started having trouble with him last year and he barely passed the 7th grade. Now, here it is the beginning of a new school year and he's doing the exact same thing. He's grounded, of course, but that doesn't seem to make a difference to him. Last night his English teacher called to tell me he hasn't turned in any assignments since the beginning of the new quarter, that he simply sits there at his desk doing nothing while the rest of the class works. She said he seems to be easily distracted.
When I talk to him about school, he gives me attitude. Last night after I hung up with the English teacher, I was very angry, and proceeded to ground him longer and took away his IPod. He had the audacity to say "mom, you're really making me mad (only he didn't say "making me mad"). I took step toward him because I was about ready to slap his disrespectiful mouth and he said "you better not lay a hand on me." He threatened me! So I basically took a deep breath and said "son you do not want to take me on." And then I proceeded to tell him that he would be staying after school with his English teacher until further notice and that I will be picking him up every day after school to make sure he brings home all his books and homework.
I don't know what else to do. I have asked his teachers to keep me informed via email cause I'm always at my computer during the day. His Science teacher just emailed me and said he didn't turn in his assignment today. After all that last night and he STILL didn't turn in his assignment!
I tried to be understanding because he's at a new school in a new town, but socially he's happier than I've seen him in a long time. He has made a bunch of new friends, he's planning on going out for the basketball team. At first I tried to blame his attitude problems on the move and the new school, but he was doing the exact same thing last year at his old school. His dad and I have separated and maybe that has something to do with it, but life has been less stressful without his dad here, even my son has said so.
Please give me some advice. I've thought about talking to the school counseling, going to family counseling, having my son see a therapist. I just don't know what to do. I feel like I'm failing as a parent here and I don't know what to do.
Thanks for letting me spill my guts.
Crickets, airports (not planes), spiders, losing my kids...
My chiropractor said his plastic surgeon friends are losing their practices.
At least here in C.FL, plastic surgery is tanking!
I'm sorry. It's rough losing a pet. I lost my dog, Tate a couple years back. SM
He was a sheltie and he used to lay under my desk when I worked and I would rub him with my foot and he was a great foot warmer in the winter! I used to say, he wasn't my dog, I was his person. He got sick and then his liver failed and I had to have him put to sleep because he was suffering. I cried for weeks! I still haven't gotten another dog. My kids have been begging me and they've almost wore me down, but for a long time after Taters died, I just couldn't bring myself to even think about another dog. I compromised and got the kitty last summer. I've never had a cat before, so I didn't know if I'd like a cat or not. I've always been a dog lover, but I've been quite taken with my little cat. He's ornery little guy and I love to play cat and mouse with him.
Listen to me just gush! Sorry about that.
Crossed fingers, crossed toes, crossed eyes
Please keep us advised and we just hope for the best!
It's anybody's guess
I hope it's Sanjaya, but three people forgot the words to their songs. My guess is maybe Brandon (one who forgot the words). With the exception of Lahisha, Melinda and Blake, I am not impressed with this years singers at all. It's one of the worst seasons for me.
Just old, I guess :(
I guess
...that's why I gave up on Christianity. Jesus' message was beautiful and loving for the most part, but the religion has become inundated with intolerance and condemnation and even damnation. Religion world-wide is too much of a trigger for war and violence and I'm not sure how it got twisted into its present form(s). Well, let me take that back -- it seems as long as there has been religion humans have been fighting and killing each other over it, which is a sad advertisement for a particular religion, unfortunately.
To quote from a favorite folksong, I'm willing to "let the mystery be."
no, actually, i guess i don't. (nm)
Well, I have 8, so I guess not . . .
and, if I had it to do over again, I would do exactly the same! My youngest will be two in June, and my oldest has two of his own. Yes, we have quite an age spread there. Our 2-year-old is the joy of our lives. One little laugh or even a smile from him, and everything else seems to pale in importance. He's a great little de-stressor.
As I have always told my children, "Friends come and go, but familes are forever."
I guess it's not who you know, but who you ?
not funny
Hey, guess what???
Still havent called� I asked if anyone else had done this. I don�t live in terror that I will fall over, have my own blood pressure cuff. I can ask if others have done this without showing up at the emergency room....
Guess you were never a kid?
As long as she's smart, then she should be able to stay out. Now if she's going to be all night, she should have the courtesy to let her mother know. I've been in that situation where I had to pay rent to my parents once I was that age. They didn't have a curfew for me, but I was considerate enough to let them know when I'd be out all night or staying with a friend. According to tradition, the female child does not move out until she's courted and then gets married? I think the OP should cut the girl a break and let her make some decisions on her own.
Are they all like that? I guess that's what I really want to know
LOL - I guess they run out often!!
I guess it should go to you, then, b/c you know what
Ahhh, the arrogance. You should be careful! lol
You said yourself so I guess sex at 16 ok
your daughter was 17 and this relationship going on over a year. Sorta sounds like 16 to me but hey, if you are alright with letting your daughter live like that, oh well.
Sorry, I guess this has already
been posted. I got it as an email from someone.....It is really cute for Christmas...
my guess is...sm
Wagons East Cat
my guess is .......
My Cousin Vinnie?
I guess I was probably
a bit of a Nazi then because my kids opened one at a time, they took turns handing out presents to those who were there, and we recorded each one and made them actually look at whatever it happened to be that they opened and smile and say thank you grandma or whoever...
I guess I too, was trying to be brief....
Ablation was never an option for me. Besides the adenomyosis, I had a septum inside my uterus and was told this prevented me from ever having any kind of ablative therapy.
Guess I am the only one who DID. LOL! SM
You probably know it is a musical. I loved the time period, etc. Yesterday I checked on the price of a the Sweeney Todd CD and can't wait to get it. I was very low in money, but just checking to see who had it. The song I was referring to is acutally "Not when I'm Around" sung by the young boy in the film. What a voice and what a beautiful song. Let me know if you see it, Cat. I warn you . . . not for the faint of heart! LOL.
LOL. I guess that's what I'm saying
I swear I have a four year old and a 14 year old (on 2/10) and they act like they're both four. The older one can't get that all she has to do is walk away from her sister. I let my husband deal with that one a week. LOL.
Let me guess again
You're the same who has been arguing the same nonsensical points for the last 2 days. Three words for you: LET IT GO...breathe...LET IT GO. Nobody cares!