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I disagree - just because you aren't married doesn't mean you can kiss whoever you want (sm)

Posted By: NCMT on 2007-11-29
In Reply to: It happens everywhere! - Are you kidding?

not if you are in a committed relationship. Now i agree that Helio's kiss was part of the show and don't have an opinion on that. But what you are saying about him having every right to kiss another woman if he wants - I strongly disagree with that. He was engaged. Even if they were just in a committed relationship he wouldn't have that right. Too many germs out there for one thing! It may not be new but it's still not right.

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I agree. Aren't you married adults?...
This is your husband, not your father. Having been in a relationship something like this in the very distant past I can tell you that you need to get rid of this jerk. Why do women put up with this garbage from their husbands or boyfriends? What advice would you give to a daughter or friend if she was in the same situation?
just because your risk diminishes doesn't mean you aren't still at risk!
why does it seem worthless to quit? what if you have a CHANCE of living longer?? you may be diagnosed with cancer still, but it may be sooner than later. Your argument makes no sense, to say that no one is affected by your second hand smoke do you ONLY SMOKE ALONE IN YOUR HOME and nobody visits you ever? if you EVER smoke in public, someone is affected. i can't believe I'm counseling someone who has smoked for longer than i have been alive. i mean that's just my opinion, you are going to do what you want, it's not my business, but if you enjoy smoking and dont care if you die sooner than later, continue on.
Wotta face.
I wish my husband still liked to kiss like that...
We've only been married for a year and he's quit doing all that stuff.
Oh, I just wanna hug and kiss both of them! You
obviously enjoy, love and respect them. . . and they are dressed so beautifully!! 
With a kiss and hug good-bye...
That ship has, sadly, sailed and too many lives would be disrupted, perhaps even destroyed, by acting on these impulses.

I think perhaps both of you are hitting a mid-life crises and reuniting would be a way of bringing back your youth.

But doing that would also bring heartache to MANY.

Sometimes it's easier to let the ship sail than to climb aboard, but it's the best thing to do for everyone, even you. You'll only end up hurt and having hurt many others.

Sean wants to kiss the presidents
crown and I do not like him at all. If a person calls in and he does not agree, the person is so rudely cut off. I like the way Alan handles him, cuts him off like he should be. To me he definitely is NOT a great American, get so tired of hearing that crap.
I went to school with a Candy Kiss = sm
She dropped out of school in 10th grade and married a man whose last name was Kowalski.
Do you and Hubby/So Go into that Embrace & Kiss?


Yall remember those kisses and hugs they were hot back then!


yall still have that passion or do you remember or have you forgotton lol?

L x H x W divided by size of hershey's kiss
peanut butter kiss cookies
I sent you an e-mail.  Sorry mine didn't go through:( Good luck and have fun!!
They have a RULE about not blowing a kiss to your family?! nm
A Very Costly Kiss: Senior Denied Diploma

For teens, there is no greater joy than graduating high school. Shaking off the shackles of education and claiming that hard-fought diploma is truly an epic day. Unfortunately, for several students at Bonny Eagle High School in Maine, their natural exuberance has led to some surprisingly serious problems.

On Friday night, when the senior class was waiting to graduate, excitement began to grow. Students bounced a large inflatable rubber duck. The noise level rose. And then came "the kiss." When called, one student walked on stage to receive his diploma and blew a kiss to his family. The school administrator, clearly not the sentimental sort, sent the student back to his seat ... sans diploma.

The seemingly harsh punishment has sent the Web all aflutter. Searches on "student denied diploma" and "bonny eagle high school" are both through the roof. Additionally, blogs and news papers are chiming in with opinions on whether or not the administration overreacted. The student's mother has given interviews and is quite upset at her son's treatment. According to an article from Fox News the outraged mother said, "A bow, a kiss to your mom is not misbehavior."

But the administrators feel they were just enforcing the rules that students agreed to. At a meeting following the debacle, school superintendent Suzanne Lukas said that "if a student doesn't adhere to the expectations, then the consequences are clearly spelled out."

This isn't the first time that rambunctious (dare we say "fun"?) behavior affected a graduation ceremony at Bonny Eagle. "Four years ago we had some issues with silly string and beach balls," said Lukas.

Hey, have at it. If you want a lazy, apathetic, not affectionate, doesn't listen, doesn't make
can reach him!!! Let me know if you're interested.
It doesn't make me mad but it doesn't sound intelligent either (sm)
I am sure if all of those people who were aborted were living, some would be good and some would be bad, in the same proportion as there is good to bad now. Your statement makes no sense. So somehow the babies who were aborted were meant to be aborted because they were bad seeds? Whatever. Sorry, that's just silly.
It doesn't always work that way though - some give but it doesn't come back like that nm
I married the same man 3 times and still married to him.
Together for almost 29 years now.
sorry, should be aren't nm
Hope you aren't someone I know. Why would you even
respond to the poster like this?  Post the ways to reach this goal of yours instead of just mouthing off.  What are you DOING to help the situation?  Or do you just like spouting off your opinions with no substance?  Bet you don't even vote let alone do anything constructive or supportive. 
I know!! Aren't there any other doctors? - LOL (sm)
It's our little half hour escape to fantasy land!
Are sure sure there aren't other hidden -sm
issues, such as maybe drug or alcohol abuse?
Aren't there any agencies to help you? I cannot believe SM
you are not receiving child support.

I have cousin who did the same thing. Raised her grandchild alone. You must be very strong. Good luck to you.
Why aren't they working?
At least your son should be working. I agree with the other poster, you MUST cut them off. I can imagine how hard it will be, but it must be done. Sad situation, and it's the babies that suffer.
Are you sure you aren't one of my neighbors?
Sure do have the same attitude. Have a good day!
Aren't our babies fun??
My Simon tries to put two toys in his mouth and throws them at my feet when I'm working - okay, I get the hint!!  80 degrees in Texas Monday - awesome.
Oh aren't they BEAUTIFUL!

Doncha just love flowers?!  I was just talking to my husband today about how I just got royally screwed over by an on-line company...

My friend's husband just passed away after a long awful illness.  So, I sent her some flowers.  When I went to her house to give hugs and support in person, I didn't see them anywhere...no one sent the poor thing flowers.  This lady has absolutely nothing, is dead broke, and has no family, and I was very bummed she didn't even get my floral version of a big hug.  So I called the on-line floral place and they told me they had no idea and couldn't give me the name of the florist they do business with.  Long story short, no flowers for this poor lady. 

My husband thought flowers were a stupid way to spend money, but I told him that people LOVE getting flowers.  No matter how bad things are, flowers make you temporarily forget.  It's why I wanted to be a florist...one of the best jobs in the world is to give someone flowers.  Then I learned how nasty some brides-to-be can be and bailed, because I can't take heat like that.  Just dang.

You are welcome to e-mail me anytime at kathy@perin.org  Like I said before, I only post under "Hayseed" because there were, at the time, lots of Kathy's and KathyP's and KPs posting and I just wanted to be different, otherwise I'd just use my regular old name.  I gots nothin' to hide and hopefully no one to hide from, well, except from the Jehovah's Witness' folks.  It's always been in my blood to just hide when I see 'em coming, don't know why really...that explanation is for another day I guess....

Oh my, aren't we uppity!

I've seen the Festivus episode.  I googled the information people said to Google and did NOT find it.  Obviously if someone has never heard of the "other evil board that shall not be named", it's not quite that easy to find it.

So get over yourself already and just post the name.



Well aren't you the lucky one! Most of us don't have
Do you REALLY think they aren't learning the
SF has one of the best school systems in the country.

As for 'separation of church and state', what makes you think this will be a religious ceremony? It may be nondominational.

I just can't believe the things I'm reading here this morning. It's really sad.
Aren't you guys always saying that
if you aren't doing it out of love
and because you want to, then don't!! You could allow others the opportunity, go out to eat, volunteer at a public dinner, etc. That's silly to do it all with that attitude. Be true to yourself.
Deeni - Are you sure you aren't ME? LOL
I'm just sorry I went full-in and did not figure it out first like you did.

I hope you are happy now in whatever relationship you are in...
Boy, you are pleasant, aren't you?
I would take a screaming toddler over you ANY day! Even someone's poorly behaved toddler.
You aren't bothering me....sm
The purse is 10-1/2 inches tall without handles and
10-1/2 inches wide. It is
4-1/4 inches deep from the front to back of the purse. With the handles it is 18-1/2 inches tall so the handles themselves are 8 inches.
LOL! Men are a whole different species, aren't they?
I have 'disappeared' a few clothing items too... They usually either don't notice or think they misplaced it somewhere - LOL!
Most of us on here aren't unemployed
But most of us are taxpayers and can see the cost of such a program. I won't even get into the infringements on personal rights. Unemployment is EARNED; the government has no right to try to find loopholes around preventing companies (think the Q here) from paying it out.

Disagree with you on this
Happened to my father and it falls under the category of elderly abuse, same as if you beat old folks up. My father had no dementia but after his spouse passing, the younger married women moved in on him. He had lots of money. A person likes attention from someone they think finds them attractive. He had plenty of friends and associates, did not spend lonely times at home, nothing like that- just thought the wonen were interested in him sexually. He gave away over $100,000.00 to 1 woman I found out after he was killed in accident - get this, going to see her!
I disagree!!!!
Frenchie willingly posed completely topless for money for a website that reportedly was also using underage girls and apparently did not have a good reputation. Antonella posed with her friends and I believe a boyfriend and they betrayed her and put her pictures on the internet behind her back. They were really not even *nude* photos. I'm not saying they're not bad but then again in today's world is there anything left that would be really shocking? I definitely disagree that this was even similar to Frenchie's situation and her playing the race card is oh so typical and sickening to me. Some things never change. The only thing Antonella is guilty of is being a lousy singer.
I disagree and here's why - sm
While I may disagree with the idea of abortion, I am also completely against someone taking away a choice that is MINE, whatever the reason may be.

I don't understand why so many people don't try to look at the bigger picture. There are many reasons why a woman might choose abortion, not just as a form of birth control.

Can you honestly say if you knew a woman or girl was raped or became pregnant by incestuous means that you would prefer to traumatize her further by forcing her to carry a baby to term? I know the baby is an innocent that didn't ask for what happens. I struggle with that thought too but... I also believe that is one less baby who would probably be neglected, abused, or worse because that same woman or girl feels pressure to keep this baby.

If you are lucky enough to have never suffered a brutal rape, you could not possibly understand. If you have and you still feel this way, you are stronger than many many many women.
Disagree with you sm
I'm not going to get into a religious war but a TRUE Christian would never dress like that!
I disagree

I was both in the military and legally drinking when I was 18.  Husband, whom I met and married in the military when I was still a teen, entered when he graduated high school at 17.  We did not have a problem with drinking responsibly and neither did most of our fellow soldiers at that age.  In fact, most of the young soldiers just out of high school are way more responsible than the average college student years older because that responsibility and accountability is demanded of them by the military and is generally not demanded in civilian life. 

People trying to take away even more responsibility/accountability by excusing bad behavior because of  the "youth" of people that are legally adults are creating the problem by refusing to put the accountability for said bad behavior exactly where it belongs--on the people behaving irresponsibly, and likely on the parents for not instilling the knowledge that there are consequences for bad actions.  Budweiser is not responsible for their idiocy.  Jack Daniels is not responsible for their stupidity.  They are.

Oh I so disagree with you
I tried and tried, did things my g'children loved but I did NOT want them playing on my company computer and my company machines, not mine but if I asked them to come out of the room then the DIL thought I was wrong because at the other g'parents home they could do everything they wanted? As a PARENT you have to instill the fact there is not just 1 set of parents, usually 2 - maternal as well as paternal and both should be able to spend time with the kids. It is terribly unfair otherwise just to be 1 sided and this is exactly what happened in my case. I had no say in my being bypassed. My DIL so entangled in her family, my side didn’t and still doesn’t count. I eventually gave up- I did not want to compete for attention.
I disagree...I think you are looking too far into this...
her children obviously don't want to go for a reason because they are crying not to go...sounds to me like something the grandmother is doing and not the mother...rememeber she asked for opinions not judgement...
I disagree
Spanking doesn't have to be abusive. It doesn't have to be done with a belt buckle, or something that will inflict undue harm.

The power of spanking is humiliation. Using your hand or a folded magazine to sting the kid's buttocks or upper back thighs is not going to scar them, physically or emotionally. What it does do is let them know their behavior is unacceptable and has consequences.

Throughout human history, the majority of people have used spanking as discipline - notice I said discipline not punishment - and I would say the human race has managed to make progress. So, spanking can't be that awful.

I was spanked 3 times in my childhood and I have never laid a hand on anyone in my life. So, the theory about spanking making the recipient into an abuser is just bunk. Tens of thousands of us were spanked as kids, and we turned out fine.

I am not advocating out of control parents beating kids within an inch of their life - but I do think a swat on the bottom isn't the end of the world for any kid.

I do wish people weren't so afraid of kids today - kids have way too much power and adults need to take it back. We're aren't doing these kids any favors by giving them the run of the place.
I could not disagree more
I see no reason whatsoever to have a girl on hormones to "manage" her for her entire life in one way or another, to me that is repression. I also disagree that being a woman causes "needless suffering." Seems like men have simply perverted the normal for monetary gain and insist on managing every miniscule aspect of our bodies. It does not take much to convince a woman that if she is okay she is an exception to the rule.
I disagree...
my husband and I each have an e-mail account with our own passwords and I am sure that if I asked, he would give me the password, but I really have no reason to read his e-mail. Don't you think that he should be able to have something of his own? I have nothing to hide in my e-mail, but have never even thought to offer up my password. Frankly, I would be offended should he ever ask for it.
Sorry, but I disagree...
That is great that you are happy and not having orgasm, but not everyone feels that way.  It does not mean that is the only 'glue' in the marriage, but it is an important component to many marriages, and that's okay.
I disagree...
I think that if you lose your honor, it is a bad example for your children. I am not saying that she should not make sure that she gets some money, but it is dishonorable and bad for the children to take it all. I watched it happen and I don't think it is good for the children. Also, kids know more than you think. If you feel you are resorting to something, you are doing the wrong thing. I watched my mother act in a way that she taught me to be better than. I will never regain that respect. And it was never about us. It was about revenge. My point was that women should be careful of stooping to those levels, it happens a lot. I was not defending the husband. He might be a horrible person or he might be okay; I have no idea. The OP cannot control his actions, but she can control her own.
You can disagree all you want but if you
don’t notice either a rapid weight gain or weight loss, then you don’t really know your body. I have a scale at home, maybe you should invest in another or just do what you want with the deal about weighing. I am not going to, don’t have to but whatever floats your boat.
Disagree with you
There are many reasons why a child flies alone but that aside, what is the big deal? They are supposed to be assigned a flight attendant at that age to chaperone them. Obviously there were a bunch of incompetent people at every step of the way. I have flown alone many times as a young kid - no biggie if people are doing their jobs the way they are supposed to. The airline is absolutely at fault here.
See the thread below about businesses that are and aren't