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I collect scrapbooking materials but haven't made one yet!

Posted By: nm on 2007-10-05
In Reply to: What weird things do you collect? - DW


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I haven't made this yet, but I got it from Allrecipes.com. I like sweet potatoes anyway so will g
6 sweet potatoes
1 (20 ounce) can crushed pineapple
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 pinch ground cinnamon
1 pinch ground ginger
1 pinch ground nutmeg
1 pinch ground cloves
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Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Butter one 9x13 inch baking dish.
Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Add potatoes; cook until tender but still firm. Drain, and transfer to a large bowl to cool. Peel and quarter.
In a sauce pan, combine pineapple, sugar, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and cloves. Bring to boil and reduce heat.
Arrange potatoes in a single layer in baking dish. Pour sauce over potatoes and bake for 45 minutes.

scrapbooking sm
I am not sure if I can help. I do scrapbooking but I use different theme papers and put them in a plastic protector without slots after its done.  Anyway did you try typing out what you want on Word, then printing it out.   If you have a printer that you can print out pictures , you can scan your word document into your computer and then print it out on the paper that you usually use for your picture, so it will come out on a 3 x 5 paper.   Hope this makes sense.  I know what I mean but it is hard to explain.  If anyone can explain this better please feel free. 
Anyone familiar with scrapbooking software

I love to make scrapbooks.  I am currently working on one a thank you gift to the hostess who allowed us to stay with them on our vacation this past summer.  They are friends of ours and actually took their vacation to vacation with us.  We had a great time in Colorado! 

I'm wondering if anyone has used any of the scrapbook softwares that are out.  I think I might try to do it this way to conserve some time.  Any thoughts or opinions would be appreciated.

I think I can dig up some WW materials...

I have been to WW before, and I still have info about the point system and the brochures.somewhere  My house clutter reflects my body clutter, so it may be hard to find them, but I have a couple ideas as to where they are.  I'll try.  I absolutely hate to diet and exercise.  This is all very depressing. 

packing materials

Your comment reminded me of my mother telling me that during WWII when she sent packages to our family members she used popcorn for packing material so that everything in the box would be a treat.  I always thought it was a great idea.

If you can get the materials like the above poster
It's easy to do yourself. I did the point system on my own and it worked really well. My daughter was on WW with me so that helped also. I lost 20 pounds, unfortunately put most of it back on and I'm at it again. My daughter on the other hand, became a vegetarian and lost 30 pounds in three months. Wish I could do that, but I like my meat too.
Not if you don't re-marry and you are widowed. I collect, so I know
What weird things do you collect?

Got this idea from a poster below and thought it would be very interesting!  I don't collect too much, aside from movies and books, but I do have about 15 Care Bear stuffed animals (and I'm 25!).  Loved them as a kid, but couldn't always afford them, so I figured I'd get them now!

What about you all?  What things do you collect?

You collect widow's benefit's at age 50, not 60, unless you have a child
under 16. I had to stop my benefits for one year and then got them back when I turned 50.
I know they told me 50 and I collect now at the same rate I collected
after his death when the children were little. However, I was 49 when the youngest turned 16, so I had to wait 1 year to re-collect. The laws may have changed since her situation, but I know this is true for me and I have no other extenuating (?) circumstances.
Hubby thinks it is weird that I collect
so many shoes. I just don't see his point.
I collect small shiny things.

When I was a single gal, I used to have "issues" with home shopping channels, but I self-rehabbed.  I have a retarded collection of jewelry that I will never wear because I'm scared I'll ruin them or lose them.  I really should sell everything, but I could never get back what I paid.  Totally not smart at all on my part, but I never could resist sparkly things.  I don't collect anything anymore though.  I actually have an anti-collect policy for some weird reason.


A spouse can collect widow benefits at age 60, but the benefit is reduced 21% because you took it ea
So, if his benefit is $1000, you would get $790. If you take you retirement at 62, you can keep the widow benefit, or your benefit, whichever is larger. It's worth taking it early because $790 x 24 months (the difference between age 60 and 62) is almost $19,000. My tax lawyer says always take it early.
My family made home-made mozzarella,
and it was very good. I was pretty small at the time, so I don't remember the exact process, just that it was done pretty quickly, and a lot of milk was used.

I don't know if you'll save a lot of money making your own cheese. The cost of milk is very high, too, and you need a lot of milk to make cheese.
I haven't done much yet...

I pulled out some flowers that didn't make it to the end of the summer, but some of my annuals look better now than they did earlier so I hate to pull them.  We haven't had a frost yet, so most of my summer stuff looks great.  Once we have a frost, I will pull the annuals and plant my bulbs.

I am in Central PA, so yes the leaves are starting to turn.  They look so pretty.  Where are you?  Your pepper plant sounded interesting.  What kind of weather, growing zone do they like?

I haven't been through this, but...
A good rule of thumb in life is to (1) not worry about things for which you don't have all the information, and (2) not worry about things over which you have no control. You don't have all the information necessary at this point and you definitely don't have control over what's going on, so worrying is absolutely unproductive and is added stress that your baby doesn't need right now.

I wish the best for you. Now go relax and think good thoughts!
I haven't used one myself, but...sm
my parents and sister have had excellent results with theirs.  They both have big, strong dogs - a black lab and a border collie mixed with something big and long-legged - and they both trained very quickly and easily. 
We haven't seen her yet but....sm
if you know of a weekend day in the future that you'd like to go we might could meet you there. I have a zoo membership and can get 1 adult and up to 2 additional kids in for no extra charge. E-mail me if you're interested.
I haven't been there
personally but have a friend who visits it regularly. For her 13th birthday instead of getting presents for herself, she asked the girls she invited to bring a gift for an animal and then spent her birthday up there at the shelter playing with the animals.

No, I haven't seen it.
I'm not sure if I've ever even seen it advertised.
If they haven't been to one themselves, they just don't get it. Wish I could go, too! nm
I haven't, but need to.

I only have the one child, also, but a daughter, so I know the feeling of wanting to get that perfect gift for your "one and only."  She is four and wants everything, so I guess that makes it a little easier, since I can buy anything and it will be something that she wanted.   

Your son is going to be SO excited!  What a good mommy you are. 

haven't been there
but just wanted to wish you well. It sounds like you are making the right decision. My husband's father is an alcoholic and from what I have heard (we have talked about it a lot) it is not pleasant for kids. You are making the right decision for them. My MIL did not do the same for her kids but my husband still wishes she had.

His father is still an alcoholic and now we face the difficult decision with his influence on our children. We make the tough decisions that we feel are best for our kids. It's our job as parents and we know it is the right thing to do, despite what others within the family may say, namely the alcoholic FIL and MIL who still stands by his side and takes the abuse.

Good luck. It will all work out in time.
haven't really gotten into them...
although my sister is always seeming to be watching a lifetime movie!!!
They won't or haven't said. What do you think? nm
Haven't seen her on HSN
but to answer your question, from what you're probably describing, she's always like that. I saw some of her jewelry on AI and one of the entertainmnet shows. Some of it's really nice and not overpriced from the pieces she had on.
Haven't seen that one all the way thru...
I'll watch it if so!
Haven't tried this yet...sm

but I have this recipe in my "To Try" files.  If the filets are really thin, I would grill them on an oiled sheet of aluminum foil. 

2 pounds flounder fish fillets 
1/2 cup olive oil 
1/4 cup lemon juice 
2 teaspoons salt 
1/2 teaspoon worcestershire sauce 
1/2 teaspoon cajun seasoning 

Arrange fish on a well-oiled grill.  Combine remaining ingredients and baste fish.  Grill, turning and basting occasionally, for 10 minutes per inch of thickness or until fish is flaky and no longer translucent in the center. 

Haven't you ever

Haven't you ever said something and after you said it you realized it didn't come out the way you meant it to and you wished you had never said it.  Men act first and think later most of the time.  My son is always teasing his wife, she wants to become a nurse practitioner and he always says he is going to retire when she gets her NP license.  He is kidding but if she was really touchy about it she would get mad.  He is an electrical contractor and makes alot of money but he still says he is going to retire and let her support him. 

Since this is a new relationship for you I would back off a little bit on paying for things.  Think of free stuff to do and spend more time with him getting to know him.  If he is looking for someone to pay the way he will be on his way and you will have your answer.

I did and haven't had any problems at all. nm
I haven't done it in a while, but here is a site
that looks pretty good:


Keeping the crate in the family area during the day and your bedroom at night is very important for a puppy. Being alone is distressing, and they don't learn as well when they are stressed about that.

I know you're probably getting tired and frustrated, but you can do this. Good luck.
No I haven't - is it good? (nm)
What is this show about? Haven't seen it.
I haven't seen his show but...

have seen the ads for his show on HGTV.  He looks fun.  Like you would want to invite him over to a party at your house, even if he couldn't decorate for you!! 

Don't know about what he does with silk but whatever it is, I bet it is snappy!!!

I haven't tried it; I am using fitday.com

This website is free and is a tool used to help keep track of your calorie/fat/carb intake. 

I have limited myself to 1000-1200 calories a day.  I was really hungry for the first couple of days, but then I adjusted.  Now, I am not hungry.  If you go less than 1000 calories you won't lose any weight.  I started about 2 mos ago and I just hit the 20-pound mark today.  I don't have time to exercise.  I work full time and have 2 small children.  Now that it is nice, we walk across the street to the park a couple times a week, which doesn't really count 'cause it isn't "strenuous" at all.  Just being more active has helped me.  Plus I feel better about myself. 

I have a long way to go, but I am off to a great start!  Good Luck!!!


I haven't but would LOVE to!
OMG! I haven't seen red poppies since I was
How do you know they haven't been told already?
Maybe the parent's already told them and the kids or parents are saying anything to anybody about it. Anyhow, it is not your place to tell them.
I haven't ever met my doctor!

I've had her for 5+ years now and have no clue what she even looks like!  No matter where I've lived, I always ask to see the NP, but that's my choice.  I personally prefer seeing NPs, as I think they spend a lot more time with the patient and aren't as harried.  Plus, she's a fatty and I don't feel so bad about myself when I see her and I'm all nudie-toonie!  How bad is that?!  


Haven't noticed anything like that here
And I live only a few miles from Oklahoma City, which is Sonic HQ.
I haven't heard this? sm
I know she "surrendered" to the police on the DUI charge in May. She wasn't officially arrested until after she finished rehab. I haven't heard about her in jail right now.
I haven't, but mom has. She is doing great. Please sm
don't worry too much about it. I know she just had to have a hysterectomy and then gets checked every 6 months. So far so good.

Right now I am sort of in a scare too. They found a lump in my left breast. Next step is biopsy since ultrasound and mammo were inconclusive. I have been reading everything I possibly can about breast cancer - and I'm worried, too!
Keep us informed. I know you are going to be just fine!
Haven't had cats in a while, but
what I learned was that the most likely thing is a UTI. The cat thinks the pain with urination can be escaped by finding another place to do it.

Or there has been a change in the litter and the cat doesn't like how it feels on the feet or smells.

Or there has been some big change that has rattled the cat, such as a new pet introduced or you moved or I suppose noisy construction, or something major like that.

A cat behaviorist said if infection has been ruled out, the best thing was to offer several litter boxes with different litters and see what the cat likes.

(Cats always want us to remember they are royalty and expect life to quietly revolve around them, lol).

No MRI yet and we haven't been in the woods
She got a few mosquito bites this summer but no ticks. There has been no bullseye rash or anything like that.

What were the Lyme symptoms in your 4-year-old?
I haven't regretted it one bit
I still spot for a day or so, nothing like before though. My only regret is not having had it done sooner and getting so anemic that I had to have IV iron infusions for 5 weeks...go for it, you won't regret it! Good luck!
I haven't watched it, but
I believe it's the real thing. I watch a lot of reality shows, but this one definitely didn't interest me.
Put a lid on the cage if you haven't already - sm
We have 2 hamsters, and the cat just sits on the kitchen table and watches them (they are on a little table in the kitchen). Provides her with hours of enjoyment!
Haven't heard of that but
you might want to have thyroid and ferritin checked.  I actually went to a derm doc for same thing, and he said it's been his experience that a lot of women with hair problem have low ferritin.  Mine was borderline-low, so started taking vitamin with a a little iron in it.  I probably haven't been getting enough iron in diet and stopped taking iron many years ago.  But I think mine is probably a combination of things, since I'm a lot older than you and all the menopause things figured in there too.  My GYN PA, before the derm doc,  basically said yeah, you're old with no estrogen left, think back to when your hair was in its best shape.  Yeah, I remember that when I was pregnant, but kind of patronizing attitude there with no help.  Yeah, I know I'm old, okay?  
Mmm. I haven't had that in years (sm)
I think I had it at a church potluck. I need to make it, I bet my oldest son would love it.
I haven't watched N/T yet
Unfortunately I've got a nasty cold and went to bed really early last night. I'm going to watch it this afternoon. I heard there were major cliffhangers.
I haven't been where you are but wowsers...
I would've had a breakdown simply between the bird cage falling down and the computer breaking down, so you are a WAY more stronger person than I!  That is an awful lot of stuff for one set of shoulders and I cannot blame you one bit for feeling stressed.  Sometimes it helps just to talk about it like you did here...at least to take the edge off a little bit hopefully.  I have absolutely no advice other than to say you indeed have my sympathy...yeowsers.