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I can relate, my mom died 09-2004, so almost 3 years now - sm

Posted By: Laura E. on 2007-06-26
In Reply to: I mom passed away last September..sm - missingmymom

and I still miss her terribly. I tear up everytime I think about her, seems to be getting worse lately instead of better. It did not help that dad remarried so fast either (9 months after mom died). My mom was like a sister to me, but a mom too. So much changed when she died. She was only 68, had valve surgery, was doing great and 9 weeks after an infection killed her, she was weeks from getting out of the hospital. She had not been ill before any of this either so that made it doubly hard to deal with. It just plain sucks and I am jealous of those who still have their moms. I hope they know what they have and make the most of it while they can.

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My grandmother died a couple years ago.
She was not a churchgoing woman but believed in God nonetheless. As we were setting up the funeral arrangements, the pastor asked what Bible verses my grandma would have liked read at the funeral. We told him nothing particular, just whatever he wanted. She wasn't a churchgoer. Well, this Christian pastor took MY GRANDMOTHER'S FUNERAL as an opportunity to tell everyone there that she wasn't going to heaven because she wasn't "born again." I have never been SO MORTIFIED in ALL MY LIFE!!! So, believe me, I have hostility towards Christians who try to "save me" or any of my family.
they tried to get rid of this judge in 2004...

Judge Seidlin Takes Center Stage In Smith Trial

(CBS) FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. He's known to be the no-nonsense judge sorting out the claims for Anna Nicole Smith's body, but Judge Larry Seidlin has left many wondering about him and his courtroom antics.

For the past two weeks, the international media has watched the Broward County judge's handling of the dispute over Anna Nicole's body.

"It's a piece of paper that's purported to be a will, that causes me to lose more hair than I have already lost," said Seidlin on Tuesday, as he looked at paperwork provided by Howard K. Stern's legal team.

Comments such as this one have some in the legal community questioning how the judge handled this case. Seidlin has more than 20 years of experience as a judge.

Some of the expressions he used when handling the case left him apologizing, such as when he referred to Anna Nicole's body last week as "my baby." He later apologized for that comment and has since taken a more serious stance when talking about the body.

"We want to give respect and peace to Ms. Smith's body," he said this week.

Nonetheless, this is not the first time that Seidlin's behavior has been questioned. In 2004, a poll of the bar association showed that 20 percent of lawyers didn't think he was qualified for the job, putting him at the bottom of the list of judges in the county.

Seidlin, a native New Yorker, paid for his way through law school by driving a taxi and was appointed in 1989 as a circuit judge. In 1978 he was elected as a county judge, making him one of the youngest judges to be elected, at age 28.

� 2007 CBS Broadcasting, Inc.


My plants died when husband still alive but after he died
surprisingly I grew lots of plants and still have them. My housekeeper says he was the devil and that is why the plants died. I was just as bad as you back then, killed artificial plants.
I seem to relate

the most to tanmamma's post.  I too married very young.  1975 was a whirlwind year for me.  I turned 16 on 03/31, married on 04/12, and had my first child on 07/26!  I know I made the choices, and other than having a wonderful son, if I could go back and live my life again I would not make the same choices.  Then my husband and I really never developed a relationship because he was very young as well, and worked his butt off to provide for us.  I could not ask for a better provider.  However, five years ago when he had the affair, not just an affair, but an emotional affair, is when my world came tumbling down.  I have a lot of anger and resentment regarding this along with hurt and feeling betrayed, in that he gave her exactly what I had wanted from him all of our married life - - his time, his listening ear.  I don't know  -- I know that I need to make changes in my life or I am just going to scream.  I have two wonderful children (ages 33 and 26), a wonderful daughter-in-law and granddaughter.  I sometimes thing that I am being totally unrational and selfish, but I just feel that I need something for me - -

Again, thanks for letting me vent and express my feelings.  Expressing my feelings is something that I really have never done.  It just causes chaos in my marriage. 


I can so relate to this...
I never thought a job would wear me down so much, and I am fairly new to all this. To think of the ladies who have been doing this for 20+ years...I would go crazy.

I am looking into starting school this fall myself. I could make double what I do now and still need to find something different. I need a change, seriously.
Wow can I relate

Started getting the menstrual migraines about 6 years ago.  I'm in perimenopause now and while I'm now getting the headaches every 3 weeks instead of the usual every 4, the last 3 were less severe.  Mine always run 24 hours down to the hour exactly and yes, I can tell as soon as I wake up in the morning if it's going to be a migraine day and then I have about 3 hours to get things done because at some point I'll be going to bed for the day.  And it's not only the pain, it's the nausea, the flu-like feeling, the pain in the base of the skull, the whole putrid works.  I am allergic to Tylenol and try acetaminophen and aspirin but have to keep changing the type I take because after a while I start to associate the smell and taste of the meds so strongly with the migraine and I get a revulsion just looking at and smelling the meds.  Kind of like Pavlov and his dogs!! 

Anyway, the last 3 headaches I was actually able to keep at bay with OTC meds and was able to be up and about...it wasn't pleasant but was way better than usual.  So I've got my fingers crossed.  This perimenopause thing was heck for about 6 months and now has been better so I am hoping I am almost through.....

The first OP I can relate to.....the other one should
Boy can i relate!
I had a day like that last Wednesday and I thought the day would never end.  PLUS my ShortHand had bit the dust and I was trying to type everything which was a pain.  But, the good news is, the next day was much better!  Good luck!!
I can relate with you!! sm

It's so nice to hear other peoples experience.  Not that I'm happy you feel you have an eating issue, but I try to explain how I feel to my hubby, and he tries to be supportive, but he just doesn't understand.  He has never had weight issues.  I honestly think you have to be in the situation to understand fully.  Just like a guy wouldn't understand how it feels to be pregnant.  (Which I loved being pregnant with my boys).  I gained so much weight with my kids, but I got back down to my pre-pregnancy weight, but still need to lose some.  My left lower leg has varicose veins really bad, to the point my leg is warm all the time, it aches and swells up some (not a whole lot, but it will get tight feeling).  When I went on NS last year, my leg felt better.  I appreciate your story!  Maybe the moderator can fix us up a weight board and we can all support each other!!


I can relate
I'm in the same boat!  I love my husband VERY much, but I feel the same as you.  I started cracking up when you mentioned talking about the dogs..LOL!!   In the mornings, we will sit on the couch with our coffee and have nothing to say to each other, so we watch the dogs run around.  My husband has NO friends or hobbies.  Some of you say to make a date once a week.  Well, we have done that.  We go out to eat, talk about nothing and then I regret paying the money for food I didn't want anyway.  My husband likes to watch movies, so most of the time we have a date to go to Blockbuster to rent a movie.  I lose myself in other peoples lives by watching a movie.  I'm 37 years old and feel like I'm 87.  My husband doesn't know I feel this way and I'm certainly not looking for a new one.  I am happy and feel content and loved, but boy do I wish there was a spark and romance instead of feeling like I have a roommate!   I joined a gym just to do something for myself.  Well my husband has to go too now.  Now, every morning I hear, 'hey got your workout shoes on.'  Arrgghhh!  I just wanted to go when I wanted to go, not be obligated to go at 7 am every morning, but I smile and go.   I've been alone before, lived in my own house by myself for 7 years and I felt much more alive than I do now.  I have no advice, but it's nice to vent once in awhile :)
Can relate to some of this
I had tummy tuck, face lift, arm lift, but have never done acid, this came in after first married, not into Jimi Hendrix nor Woodstock, not the Beatles. I believe in maintenance and keeping up with how I feel on the inside. Believe me, it takes no time to get from your 20s to the 50s, 60s, just such a short time. I have always enjoyed my time here on this earth and it just gets better. Thanks for the YT.
I can relate!
Living and working in the greater New Orleans and having experienced Katrina first hand (yes, I'm one of the morons who stayed) this really made me chuckle!
I can relate to your situation...
My boyfriend and I have lived together for several years. He's a web developer and I'm an MT. We both work at home. Anyway, we did very little w/his family until this past year and now we've taken on (or been thrown into) a whole new role as caretakers for his mother.

My boyfriend's mother had two massive strokes back in the spring. She, too, had not been to a doctor in years and insurance was a big worry at first. The business department at the hospital made sure that they were going to get their money; hence, the Medicaid, Medicare process was started (thank goodness)!

The docs told us that she would never again walk, talk, feed herself, go to the bathroom alone -- you get the picture. We were looking at having to take care of her every single need and, of course, guess who was going to be the ones to "volunteer" do it? That's right... the ones who "work" from home!!! The least qualified!! Her children said, "I can't put mommy in a nursing home"!!! Where are they now? Not here! Man, they ran like scared wimps after they turned the task over to us! Oh, at first they promised to help, but that's not been the case at all.

In the beginning, my boyfriend did not see the big picture either. It being "his mother" and he was going to take care of her. However, when he realized that there may very well be bathroom trips and baths to assist with and that I REFUSED to do it (IOW, HE would have to do it) well, he changed his tune and started listening to me in regards to (1) getting her quality healthcare treatment with folks trained in rehabilitation so that she could at least have some quality of life (I was in no way qualified for this), and (2) checking out all our options.

This entire ordeal has put a great strain on our relationship and my relationship with other family members who only come around when they want something. I won't go there... LOL

Anyway, YES, there are options and these options are for HER best interest, whether she or any other family member may disagree. For her to recover, it's essential that she get all the help she can get -- all that Medicaid/Medicare will pay for -- all the rehabilitation she can get because it's worth every minute of it!

My boyfriend's mother went through very intense, structured rehabilitation programs with some well-trained PTs, OTs, and STs. She can walk, talk, feed herself now and go to the bathroom.

It's very difficult at first but, it's really in her very best interest and you'll all regret if you do not seek the care that she needs from qualified caretakers who can handle these things.

Not only that, it's completely selfish for your MIL, your hubby, and any family member to not demand this treatment that is very much needed and very available!

My boyfriend's mother stayed in the hospital for four weeks and then was in rehab for a another three weeks and believe me, it was worth every single second!

She still goes to speech therapy and, believe it or not, she loves it! She actually enjoyed her stay in the rehabilitation unit.

Good luck and let us know how it goes!

I can relate --same situation. sm

My daughter goes to college out of state in New England and does not get any financial aid, which makes no sense because when my other daughter was in college at the same time she got financial aid  for a private college she was going to.  Any scholarships that are available are only for Massachusetts residents.   This college charges for every little thing.   If she wants to join the gym, an extra $100.00.   She told me she needs to move in one day earlier for Soriety business and it will cost an extra $100.00 to move in one day earlier.  She thinks it is senseless also and tell them she won't be coming a day early. 

If you have outside health insurance you can probably have that charge dropped.  We declined the colleges health insurance at $1,0000 a semester. 

I feel bad that my girls have a lot of student loans to pay back but we are not wealthy at all.  We live in our means. There is no way we can come up with $25,000 a year for college. 

oooh I can relate

I have about a 11 yo Shih Tzu, he is a grumpy old man.  He has quite a variety of noises - groans, little whines, shrill barks, etc.  Very expressive.  Now I am working at home again (past 2 months) after 6 years out and he is so happy to sit by side of my desk.  But I am in the basement and he has a hard time with stairs (short little legs) so he whines at the top of the stairs, until someone is "watching him" before he begins to go down. 


I have 3 boys, so I can somewhat relate

It seems I can take privileges away from my oldest and it works very well.  My younger one, however, doesn't seem to care.  What does bother him is sitting on time-out.  I read a few books and they say the length of the timeout should be equal to the age - 5 years old then 5-minute timeout.  This frustrates him more because he likes to be in control and when I put him on timeout, he has no control.  I usually sit him at the dining room chair - no TV, no toys.  I use the timer on the microwave, so he can hear it when he beeps.  He knows to push the chair in when he gets up.  If he does something shortly thereafter, I double the length of the timeout.  A few times of this and eventually they catch on.

As for harming the dogs, I would probably keep them in a certain area of the house where I could see them.  At least then you know if he's doing something to them and hopefully can stop him before he really hurts them. 

As tempting as it is, name-calling will not teach your child anything but name-calling.  Taunting him with this is probably not a good idea.  If he continues to lie, I would continue to put him on timeout or take away privileges depending on the extent of the lie and the circumstances.

I know it's hard, but consistency is the key.  Eventually, he will learn.  It just takes some kids longer than others.

I can relate to your situation. sm
I'm not interested in back surgery either, except as a last resort. I have "mild" scoliosis (mild as in not severe enough for a brace or surgery, but certainly not mild in the amount of back pain it's caused).

I've had low back back since I was a teenager, but about 8 years ago (when I was about 34) it started getting worse. It got to the point where the pain was so bad I couldn't stand or walk for more than a few minutes w/o needing to sit down. I tried a lot of things (chiropractor, muscle relaxers, TENS unit, PT exercises which I did religiously but they made almost no difference, heat packs, hot baths, Vicodin when the pain was really bad). I was taking a lot of ibuprofen every day and still needed a back brace to do much of anything (house work, grocery shopping, etc.) w/o being in debilitating pain. I have muscle spasms and now have bulging disks pressing on nerves. The muscle spasms are bad enough, but the nerve pain? OMG.

I finally got referred to a pain mgmt doctor. Just yesterday, I got my first facet joint injections with steroids (Depo-Medrol). I was skeptical it would work, but I woke up today for the first time in years with NO back pain. None. I didn't need to take any ibuprofen. I'm astounded. Now, I don't know how long the relief will last because it's different for everyone. It might last a few weeks or a few months, but I'm loving it so far! Just wanted to share my experience. Depending on your back problems, it might be worth looking into pain mgmt? Good luck!

I can relate to several things...

I love working from home, having no commute, being here for my kids.  The flexibility used to be good but that has gone down the tube as well as the $ cut and off shoring. 

The thought of ever having to go back to an office and deal with petty politics and cat fight nonsense makes me sick.  If I can find a job that is not related so much with people but just computers, I think that will be my idea job.  I, too, tend to not mix well with people (or rather I should say they don't play well with me...because I don't play...I'm usually too much of a work-a-holic type personality).  My extent of socializing is pretty much church people too. 

Well, I have 7 years to squeeze 2 more years of college in for a Bachelor's Degree.  I just need to pray about what major I should go for. 

For me change gets scarier the older I get. 

Thanks for sharing!

I can surely relate! Families can be so --sm
cruel sometimes. I really think that they don't even think about how their actions or lack thereof affect others sometimes, but we sure feel the hurt, don't we? Hugs to you!
I can totally relate to this post.
When I take the kids to the pool in the summer (at home full-time), I feel guilty that I'm not at home typing.  It is totally ridiculous.  I really do like my work and at 37, I am making an effort to try and get out with friends once in a while.  We just moved to a new town and I've met some other Moms, so I've been doing some breakfast meets.  We haven't found a church yet, but I think that's my next step to finding some social moments for myself.  The kids keep me busy, but they are in school all day. 
Relate to many things in your post...
I had a hysterectomy at age 51 and was on tamoxifen at the same time.  My doctor would not prescribe any HRT.  Tried Wellbutrin and herbal remedies without seeing much difference.  I'm now 60 and have just begun to feel "normal."  I am on an antianxiety medication (Xanax) now and probably will be for a long time.  Did have hot flashes so immediate and severe that they would bring on a headache, sweating, lightheadedness, loss of focus, and mood swings--my mood tended to be depressed and anxious rather than angry, although did have much less patience with everything and everyone.  Yes, it certainly does not help when men think we are the only ones affected by hormones!
I certainly can relate! We have the exact same situation!
Especially since our son started working for my husband, he never has to leave the house. We're back to back in our office. Sometimes I say it's better when we're fighting because I get more work done. When we're in a good mood, and gab too much!
Mine are older now, but I can sooo relate (sm)
You're not overreacting, but when you are married into that type of family you have to pick and choose your battles. I would say your daughter is probably safe, your mil is probably being slow and careful (I hope?) but I would ask her to use some of the ear-protective type "earmuff" looking things that block out sound. It is a thin line to tread because they see nothing wrong with this type of lifestyle when it is the opposite of what you would do. Unfortunately you may have a long battle ahead of you because I have. My children are now 8 and 11 and I have been labelled the "overprotective mother" the whole time. Too bad. I do pick and choose my battles with them but if something is unsafe it is unsafe and they will just have to not like you. What are they gonna do, kick you out of the family? lol - I think not. And they have to be nice to you so they get more baby time - use your leverage, but be fair and try to give a little too. Ask yourself it is is truly dangerous before you react - if it is, then don't allow it.
i thought it was very cute and i can definitely relate. thanks for sharing romey! nm
I love that and can relate. Betcha have good stories :-) TY! nm
I totally relate..my daughter AND my mother are driving me insane.
It's funny you should mention Melodie Beattie as I went online today to look for support groups and someone mentioned that book. When I saw the description of "copendency" it fit my daughter..in EVERY category, and I know that I, of course, fell into the "enabler" category. Between my daughter calling 15 times a day and my mother..I am ready to move away and let someone else deal with them for a while. In a way, my mother is like my daughter..she also calls for money. Ironically, she does not like my daughter because of what my daughter has put me through. Funny how she doesn't realize that she does the same thing..emotional manipulation..guilt trips. I just want to be mentally free from them, and for this, I am getting help. They have drug me into depression, along with them. They are both bipolar and I think I am almost there with them, because one minute I feel so happy and positive..and then they call..and I'm depressed. I pray for strength..Thanks for your kind words. I can't help them anymore but I can save myself.
She died.
The vet looked through the records for these cats and they were apparently 4 weeks old when we go them, which made Little One about 12 weeks old. She still fit in the palm of my hand and weighed a pound. There must have been something genetically wrong with all of them. :(
Oh, that's why he died sm
I haven't been keeping up on the backstage stuff and wondered why he had to die.  I really like the show.  It kind of reminds me of Stephen King's The Stand, which is an all-time favorite of mine. 
I say died. Died is died.
My dog died while I was away....sm
I was at the beach this week and he'd been going back quickly, but you always think there's going to be more time.  I knew he wouldn't see the end of summer, but I thought he'd be here when I got home today.  I've been carrying his collar around in my pocket since my husband gave it to me when I got home. 
They are now saying he has died. :( nm
I also prefer died
tells it like it is. Expired just sounds dumb. I have not heard these in medical records but here are a few terms for disabled people I hate (I am disabled): Differently abled, physically challenged and - (gag) - handicapable. Who came up with these?  Admittedly, crippled does not sound right anymore and handicapped sounds passe but just plain disabled will do.
My g'mother died in the 70s at the age of 75.
It was very sad when my grandmother died
but she had lived a long good life. It was not a big party by any means, but we were looking at it from the side of she is now in heaven, she is with her husband, and she is no longer suffering any pain. I know there is always sadness and more for some than others. I knew what I wrote was going to be misunderstood. BTW, I am caucasian.
Bernie Mac died
It was sad to hear Bernie Mac had died.  He was such a funny and talented comedian.  I loved him in Transformers and Guess Who and heard his comedy stand up routines several times.  He really made us laugh.
Unfortunately this is untrue - he has died
Don't know what news you were listening to but they were misinformed. Bernie Mac has passed away from complications of pneumonia. I wish it weren't true. He was very funny and from what I've read a very decent and humble and wonderful person in his private life. Will miss his good humor. I did love his routine about his sister's kids among others.
My father died when I was 21.
He was sick most of his life ... or at least during most of my life. He was a very sweet, gentle man, but he was always in pain and ill. As it happens, my family was just devastated in 1983. A dear uncle died of lung cancer that April. In May, my paternal grandmother with whom we lived died, my father died in July, and then another aunt who lived next door to us died that winter.

I have to say that as bad as that all was, the one thing that I was able to take forward with me was how to deal with death. After that point, as young as I was, I knew exactly what it felt like to lose someone, then to have to continue on and make funeral arrangements, stand in receiving lines, etc., etc. There's sort of a ritual to it all that is actually comforting. At least to me it was comforting. So from that point on, I had real empathy for others going through similar losses.

I think you've hit on why you feel that you are falling short in comforting your daughter. You said you haven't experienced this sort of thing in your life. One day, you will, unfortunately. It's part of life. But until then, it might help to talk to your friends or relatives who've been through it. You can gain insight from their experience.

I can tell you that there is really nothing to be done about the feelings. A person really does just have to experience them before going on. Your daughter sounds as if she is very in tune with her friends, who are going through such a horrible time right now and certainly have a long way to go yet. No doubt, your daughter is frightened about the thought that this could happen to her, as well. And she also would like to help her friends. I, too, tend to withdraw under stress. If your daughter is that sort of personality, then it might be difficult to talk to her. Just let her know that you are sorry and will talk to her when she is ready. But if you can talk to her, I would suggest you simply acknowledge that these sorts of things are extremely difficult to bear, seeming impossible. But that just being available to her friends will be a huge help. She can simply send a card, note, email, even a text message to say "I'm thinking of you." You can set the example by sending a card to the your daughter's friends and their families.

That sounds so simple, but it's actually huge, because when you go through times like this, so often you feel alone. Knowing that others are thinking of you can be so comforting. I can remember when my father died, I felt like I was walking in a bubble, separated from everyone but still there with them. I'd walk down a busy street, people moving past me, talking, doing their normal things, and all the while my whole life had changed. Yet, I know I looked completely normal. It was a strange feeling, one I've had more than few times in my life. I felt as if I had a gaping wound in my chest, yet as I walked down the street no one would notice it. It makes you feel very separated and alone.

So if you can offer any advice to your daughter, let HER know that she's not alone, and tell her that her friends need to know that, too.
My niece died from
obstructive sleep apnea at 37. I did not see at my father's funeral. I was not called when she died. My brother's wife called my first cousin and he passed the news on to his mother (my maternal aunt) and maternal aunt called me. I had no idea (being as my brother did not speak nor want me in their lives) that the niece had gone thru so much. My aunt and I went to the funeral home and funeral and the mother told me about what kind of life she had, drugs, alcohol, prison - yes prison. No one ever told me and this was about 3 times she was in prison. I never knew anything about these kids coming up. The mother told me the niece did not have insurance, could not afford CPAP. I would have bought that had I known but like I said, brother made the decision to NOT have me around and I went along with his wants. The only heirs would be my brother's children, not his wife, not ever. I am sorry you do not tend to understand this but this is the case. In the years since 1973 no one from that family called until nephew in jail in maybe 1986 or 1987. I never heard my name called by Aunt on the first part of it. Only sibling I had. I have complete peace of mind and sleep like a baby. After my brother died with his children being 4 and 6, his wife could have reached out to me then, did not happen. All water under the bridge, long time ago.
I was nine when Elvis died,
but it still had quite an impact on me, and I remember, as do most, where I was when I heard the sad news. I was never one to watch the royal family very much, but I must say that I felt devastated to hear of the tragedy when Princess Diana was killed, and had the same sort of feeling when John Denver went home.
I was about the same age when Elvis died...sm
I remember listening to his funeral on my radio, which at that age it still strikes me as odd as I probably was not a fan of his music. Just one of those moments in history, I guess.

I also remember getting up at 6:00 a.m. to watch Princess Diana get married, and I remember when she died, I was kind of embarrassed at how impacted I was by that. I guess somehow maybe I wanted to be a princess even in my adult years.

Don't remember John Denver so much but anyone a Chris Ledoux fan?
CNN says she's dead - died at the hospital....
found unconscious in a hotel room. So sad that she had such a wasted life.
I think she died of a broken heart.

She said in an interview awhile back that if it wasn't for her baby, she'd be with Daniel whereever he was.  She wanted to leave this earth.

This whole thing is so sad - like some horrible made-for-TV-movie. 

It's confirmed our baby died ...sm
3 weeks ago. I'm having a D&C tomorrow since I haven't had the spontaneous miscarriage.
my father died at 96 and worked til 86
I'm so sorry for your loss! Mine also died of (sm)
acute renl failure, and was only a 4-yr-old Persian. His problem started with a urinary tract blockage that almost killed him. An amazing vet saved his life, but apparently the damage was already done to his urinary system, and a month (and $2500) later, he had to be euthanized. :( After reading about Persian cats' predisposition to UTIs, blockage, and renal failure, and the role food can play, I blame myself for letting him have Meow Mix dry food - not as a staple, but just as a hand-fed, occasional treat. Especially since this cat would NOT TOUCH wet cat food of any type - another risk factor. I now have a new Persian, and this kitty gets ONLY Royal Canin Persian 30 dry cat food, and immediately after the recall I threw away any Nutro Max wet cat food I had. (I was lucky - she wouldn't eat it anyway). Their kibble is supposed to be a high-quality food. But since my little flat-faced kitty also finds the shape of Royal Canin easier to pick up and chew, in addition to the fact that it's formulated for Persians, that's the only dry food I'll feed her. For wet, she gets a mixture of Fancy Feast and Friskies Prime Filets.

Thanks for the info. about lilys (?-what's the plural of lily, anyway?) Aloe vera is another poisonous one. Actually there are MANY! (You can find lists on cat websites, which you probably already know.) I play it safe and keep ALL live plants (except kitty grass) outdoors, and have only plastic plants indoors. (An upside to that is the plastic ones are easier to keep alive, too!) ;D
Had a friend whose husband died
and she had grown children but I know she was not able to collect his social security at 50 - she had to wait til at least 60 before collecting on his. She had never really worked at job where she could make her own living and she was in a mess, had to take sales position in a dress shop and nearly went under waiting.
I know there was a reason my baby died...sm
but that doesn't erase the heartache of losing a life that was created. I've always heard that losing a child is the worst pain anyone can endure and certainly agree. I've buried a fiancee in the past as well as other close friends and relatives but the pain from their deaths was different than this one.

Thank you to those that have responded. I know I'll get through this, hard as it may be.
my Pop died early 2005-have never gotten over it

But some of it He does allow to happen - my friend died (sm)
of lymphoma and left behind her six month old baby. She never had a single normal day with her child as she got sick during her pregnancy. Many of us prayed so hard. Maybe it was God's will for her to die, I don't know, and I know that we don't understand everything he allows. But he DOES ALLOW things. Her illness had nothing to do with people being evil. I am a Christian, as in I believe in God and Jesus, but I don't pretend to understand everything, because I really, really do not understand.
Update on dog that died from heatstroke sm

Way back in July (page 13 down below-find Calling Animal Rescue) I reported a lady who tied her dog outside in the blistering heat and I found it-well, it died of heatstroke.  Anyway, I have been dilligently checking on this because I want to see this lady prosecuted. Meanwhile, she went out of town to another shelter and got not 1 but 2 more dogs.  Really ticked me off. I went to my vet with one of my dogs for its checkup and he was the one that treated this dog that died. He wouldn't talk about it, of course, but I did say, "Doc, I know you treated that dog, can you please get on the stick with the paperwork" and he just looked at me and said "why".  "Well, doc, I found that poor dog and watched it cook from the inside out-I want to see those people rot in court-I'm the one who officially reported it to the police".  So anyway, he did just that!  The police were there at this lady's house and confiscated those two new dogs and fined her for lying on her application to the shelter-said her other dog died of old age.  Now it's in the hands of the states attorney. So, after sticking my neck out several times, I am finally going to see something happen. I hope they call me to testify. I gave one heck of a statement that day.  It pays to be persistent. 

Love the pic. My golden who died 2
months ago LOVED the snow and would always run out in the yard, stick his whole head in and then do a slow dive and wiggle around in it. Thanks for the great memory.