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I bought something recently and it was sent by media mail and took 3 weeks. sm

Posted By: justme2 on 2007-11-30

Last year I bought some videos and they took about a month to get here, so give it a little more time if it was sent by media mail.

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Just bought a husky pup two weeks ago.

He is the cutest little thing.  He is all white but has some cream running through him.  His dad is pure white and his mom hs the reddish color running through her. 

We also have an Olde English Sheepdog, who is almost 1 year old now.  If you want to see another cute puppy, check out Olde English Sheepdogs.  They have such great personalities too!!!  My husky and my sheepdog just play all day together.  They get along so well.  But I must admit the husky doesnt take any of the sheepdogs crap..... He's just a baby and he is the more dominant already. 

In addition to the media, I would also

contact an attorney if the school does nothing.  I've seen a few movies "based on fact" where the school is legally bound to protect your child during school hours.  If the school does nothing and the police do nothing, I would contact an attorney immediately.


I cannot believe that the media compares M to
Princess Diana, as Diana # 2.

Between the 2 lies a world.
No, the post said media was embarrasing
her which is not the media causing this mess. She has herself to blame, not the media. They only try to follow a story that is so out there and hers is. It seems like she has had a complete loss of reality but even on my worst days, never thought of murdering and this was her intention from what the reports are saying. Like I said previously, you never ever know a person, maybe yourself. All the people who know her shocked by her actions. They said mother first and foremost about her. I see women posting about not letting others keep their children and here is a mother of 3 and what is she reported to have wanted to do? Things happen all the time just like this story except most of us just not as famous and therefore we mostly do not land in the news.
Media and attention seekers...sm
There is nothing wrong with "children today" anymore than children of any other day.  Half the problem is the media and all the attention they are giving this and other similar things of this nature.  The media are reporting every shooting, every violent act they can get their hands on and grouping them together because people watch this crap.  Bad things happen every day and will continue to happen.  It's just part of life.  The more media attention things like this get, the more people wanting attention will copy it.
Wow! You're a keeper! :) In what media are you
what you did and what the media portrays are completely different
I think you're watching too much media, which overrates everything.
all for the sake of media, once again, running lives
I never started watching this useless gimmic of a show; typical media crap that it is.
What a media whor$. Child expert
my foot. How about expert at manipulation, selfishness and greed? It wouldn't surprise me if Oprah slurped all over her just for the attention; she is another media whor$. I hope the IVF clinic is shut down. I heard on the news yesterday that she actually worked at the clinic. The whole story skeeves me!
No, I do not hate her. It's just unbelievable as what the media tries to portray her.
Second Princess Diana?
Unique style (this yes, but positively?)

Does the media think that we do not have eyes to see?

I bet that M is also irritated by all this.

But $ 540.-- for a pair of ugly sneakers?

What are these people thinking, especially in these times.

And she wears them at a charity event?
like a cow, he does what the guy in front of him does; sees it in the media, thinks it's real
BOYCOTT!! I think she is a media hound (nicer word than what I really think) sm
and we should not dignify what she has done by giving her one iota of attention. And any station that decides to give her a "show" (like Jon&Kate plus 8 or that Duggars Giant humongous family - disgusting) should be absolutely boycotted and all their sponsors too. Promoting this stuff is just WRONG.
I like Paula, the media and people make up so much stuff!...nm
I agree, in the beginning the media was in such a hype that we got panicky
and now they slowed down too much with the reporting so that we got the impression that it is over, but it is not yet!
Stay careful, out there....
bogus media runs this country; time for a change.
OP does not support raunchy media-spun shows...that is the point.
Well I guess it is a pretty sensational story judging by the media coverage!

Sorry....I didn't mean to ruffle your feathers or get on the soapbox.....It appears we've got a lot in common, namely patriotism....Tried to e-mail ya, but it kept coming back, ergo I thought your were incommunicado. 

I worked for the Veterans Service Agency (what would be called Veterans Affairs now) 30 years ago and still spend an inordinate amount of time at the VA with my husband, bless his heart. 

I'm glad you enjoyed the bit about the politician's kids.

Have a great Labor Day Wknd! 



I got that ad in the mail the other day
and threw it away. I won't step foot in that place.  I was wondering how I even got on their mailing list.  H said he thinks it was because he bought some perfume for me there 2 Christmases ago.  Anyway, this reminded me of a conversation I had on a parenting forum I visit.   A good many of us were disgusted at a Neiman Marcus ads that kept popping up.  It looked as if they were hiring 13 or 14-year-old girls to model maternity clothes for them. 
not my mail

How do eliminate mail that comes to previous residents of your home?  I know you can write "wrong address" on mail and have it returned, but what about junk mail?  Will the post office accept junk mail returned this way?  I do not know if the previous residents completed a change of address form or not.  They have not lived at this address for many years; however, mail still comes on a daily basis.  How do you get rid of all this? 

too much mail
Fill out a form at the post office telling them who is to receive mail at this address, they have the forms, just explain the situatioin to them.  Then you will only get mail for who you have indicated to the post office
Anyone else get this letter in mail?
Got letter in mail --  inquiry about 'opportunity' for my service to hire on 50+ MTs including dictation platform - something about an MTSO losing 98% of its hospital business in November and wanting to place these MTs.  ?  I'm wondering if these poor MTs even know about it yet ??
I would write an e-mail sm
and say "I love you anyway!"
That's it! Whatever happens, happens. You can not control how other people act or react, nor can you change people. So, you need to just love like you always do and move on from whatever is hurting you.

Best of luck to you and many blessings!
Hi Hayseed...sent you an e-mail...nm
RE: E-mail status
I just heard that you can check the status of an e-mail you send to see if it has been opened or not.  Anyone know how to do this?
Yahoo e-mail
Mine has been acting up for a couple of days now.  I went in the other day and all of my mail in my inbox and "trash" was gone!  I know there were things there.  I went to their answer forum and others said that yahoo is having difficulty currently, and to go back to the classic Yahoo and see if that helps until they get the problem figured out.  Sort of scary if you ask me!
it appears I still have your old e-mail...sm
I sent an e-mail to you a coupla days ago and it bounced back.  Just e-mail me and I can update my address book.  What did you think about barforama! Poor Juliet Cat 
I have a PO Box, and I still get the junk mail. nm

momt....please e-mail me. Don't know
if I can help at all, but would be here if you just needed to talk. Don't know what you are thinking but I come from "the most" dysfunctional" family there it. I have suffered from depression all my life. Would be glad to corrospond with you if you would like. Am about to sign off, need to start dinner, if you do respond please don't think I am ignoring your. Good thoughts being sent your way.
Mine is 06 and nothing in the mail yet. NM
unwanted mail
Write "Return to Sender - Refused" on the package when you take it to the post office. Then call the company who is sending you this stuff and really give them a piece of your mind. Also make sure to document everything. If these steps don't do any good then file a complaint with the post office.

For those that have comcast e-mail
I have a question.   I have two e-mail accounts, one is Yahoo and the other is Comcast.   I received e-mail through both.   My Yahoo account will notify me with a pop-up that I have mail.   Comcast doesn't.   Is there a way I can set it to notify me when I receive e-mail?   TIA
read my mail

Link Below.

I sent you the original e-mail that I sm
got back. Your e-mail address is coming back without the "e" on the end of chelle. Looks like somehow it is getting forwarded wrong through MT stars. Anyway I corrected in my address book. You might want to contact MT stars about it. Check your aol e-mail for my letter.
I was just recently .....

At the GYN, and had a PAP/HPV test and I was told it is actually the male who spreads HPV, and yes, males will be tested in the future as well.  I was also told that the thing of the future will be the HPV test replacing the Pap smear.  Interesting.


For some reason can't get mail through Yahoo right now. (sm)

Is there a problem with the Yahoo mail system anyone knows about.  The Yahoo web site pulls up fine, it is just the mail.


help with yahoo mail alert

i cannot figure out  how in the world to get back the alert in yahoo toolbar that lets me know when i have new mail???!!!  would you please help me?  many thanks.

We should talk via e-mail. Sounds like we have..sm
had similar things happen to us.  I have been divorced for 5 years.  I did the dating site a few years ago and met some real freaks.  Right now I'm talking to someone I dated 13 years ago and another man who is going through a divorce.  Feel free to e-mail me. 
I'm not getting Yahoo mail today
I wouldn't have thought much about it until I saw your email. I'm emailing you a test email to see if you get it.
No mentors, formerly done via mail order, etc.
I answered this before but don't know where it went. We worry he is being used but he asked us to think positive. We are sick about it but can't dare say anything. He is doing his best to ask for help, a competitor just laughed in his face at Manhattan. Newer product previously ordered online or through catalogs, no prior salesperson cold calling.
Anyone else's yahoo e-mail down tonight? nm
Hot mail change and no pics
My hotmail email account sometimes changes the way it looks with upgrades or whatever they are doingl.  Ever since the last time, when someone sends me an email with a picture in it (not an attachment), the pictures are blank.  What can I do?
Would rather have someone hand it than e-mail cards sm
I only use these on occasions they don't usually make cards for. I send one to my bro for Vets day with Flag and music, he loves it but not for Christmas, please!
Gift for mail carrier?

Hi all.....does anyone have an inspired idea for a gift for the mail carrier?  Our mail carrier always takes the time to stop and talk if she sees us out....and she just told me that they lost their family dog to cancer.  She is so nice...I would like to remember with a little something.....she is definitely not into sweets.....so cookies and candy are out.

Any ideas would be appreciated!

My DH is a mail carrier, here's stuff he gets:
Cookies and candy, which you say are out.
We get bags of apples or oranges and nuts.
He gets gift cards for Walmart and Pizza Hut, which is funny because he used to deliver for Pizza Hut.
I usually give the mail carrier a gift card for Walmart for 25.00. This year might not, because we are so broke. DH also gets cash in a card. He likes that best, even the 5 buck ones because it's always great for him to have pocket money. No matter what the mail carriers appreciate anything, even a card. Good luck to you!
Used to give to our mail carrier but

he retired and the one we have now delivers mail when they feel like it. He used to deliver around 9?30 a.m. and never missed that time. I used to give him gift cards and/or cookies every year. If there was a package to deliver, he would bring it to the door along with the mail.  He retired last year and we have a new "person."

Now the mail comes anytime between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.  If hubby is waiting for a check on a Saturday, we're out of luck to deposit until Monday. Then we have the luxury of looking at it until Monday and, in the meantime, hope nothing comes into the bank that we forgot to write in the bank book. If I'm waiting for a package, I have to remember to get to the mailbox and check 3-4 times a day because he/she never brings any packages to the door even if it's raining or snowing.

This new mail carrier gets nothing from me this year, or any time until he/she gets his/her shitsu- together. 

Mail Order - KV Vet Supply (sm)
I had a friend who was recently
selling his house and buying another one who stored some things in a storage facility. He opted not to get the insurance on it. It got broken into and his things stolen. He thought it was an inside job since it happened not too long after he rented the place and no other units were broken into.

You sign a contract though usually when you get a rental unit. I bet you somewhere on that contract it stated they are not liable. That is why they have the insurance you can purchase. Kind of a different scenario. Plus, if they had stored them properly and then they were stolen, no, it wouldn�t be their fault at all. There are situations where some things are out of people�s hands. They acted negligently though.

Whether the husband should have made a better decision is really beyond the point. They both knew that storing them near the street could mean them getting stolen and they did it anyways, but they didn't put their quads there.

That is my point, yeah the husband should have made a better decision, without a doubt, but they completely had no regard for her property, but did for their own property. I think that is pretty crappy.

Had 1 just recently - that was fine
within the past 4 months, so next step??
I recently had a talk with my ex

I am the grandma, but I'm raising my granddaughter.  Both parents have supervised visitation, but don't visit.  My ex-husband, my GD's only grandfather, comes to get her every couple of months for a visit either alone with her or with his family.  When this happens, she gets loaded down with presents.  Even though there are other children in the family (although she is the youngest), none of the others are not treated equally.  They all feel "so bad" for what has happened to my GD (granted it HAS been bad), but a special extended family dinner, huge bag of toys and candies for Valentine's Day was just too much for me.  I asked him to please consider and talk to his family about these excesses.  I reminded him that if he/they continued to treat her as "damaged," she will consider herself as being "damaged" and will always have a victim attitude and have the expectation that she should be treated differently.  Once he thought about it from point of view, he understood better and things have cooled down.  They still visit, but the gifts are fewer and not as over-the-top as before.

I think the same thing happens to children of divorces.  The noncustodial family tries to over compensate for not being there as much as the custodial parent.  I don't think your daughter needs to speak to the new "wife", but should try to have a reasonable and nonthreatening talk with her ex about always trying to think what is best for the child...not the adults.  Every time I need to make a decision, I always ask myself "is this in her best interest."  I've had to make some hard decisions, and this philosophy has made everything easier.  Good luck.