I am when I can get a hold of her...sm
Posted By: blondie_1147 on 2008-11-21
In Reply to: observation - question
I have been trying to call and can't get an answer.
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Hold off on 911...
Nah, not elderly...yet. Just raised with good morals and my priorities are where they should be. I don't expect people to give me anything.
Doesn't matter if you spend $20 or $20,000. Again, you spend what you can afford. If 10,000 was under budget, great. You suggested everyone should give a minimum of $25 then your 60 guests x 25 = $1,500. You made a profit.
If the "bride and groom incurred a very big expense", that's their problem. Take a nice honeymoon? I wonder how many don't even HAVE a honeymoon. Why do you think you are entitled to a nice honeymoon?
You are missing the point. A gift is a GIFT. Whether it's money or an object, it is GIVEN to the bride and groom from their guests out of the goodness of their hearts.
People like myself do understand that the bride and groom or someone dished out some heavy duty dough for a wedding, and we sit there at the table and say "Can you imagine what they paid for this?" Then we laugh.
Guess I'm being too practical, but I'd rather take the money it cost for the traditional wedding and put it towards a house.
How's this for a new theory: you save until you have enough for the wedding AND honeymoon of your dreams. THEN you get married.
By the way, I do give money at a wedding, but I give what I can afford.
NOW you can call 911.
hold off if possible!
Had I known about flushes prior to my surgery in 2001, I would have done everything in my power to have avoided it. My digestive system is so out of whack since I don't have a gallbladder, it's terrible. I have done 5 flushes since this past May and have seen all kinds of stuff come out. I really believe they could have saved me. I just didn't know about them and of course the Dr.'s aren't going to tell you. All they say is that you don't really need it. Visit www.curezone.com and checkout the liver flush forum. That's where I learned about it. Good luck!
Hold out until you get a new job.
Sounds like a few companies..
trying to hold on, but I also am
starting a "sock account"!
He did say he wanted to hold off since my dog sm
is young, only 1-1/2 years old. I'm a wreck from trying to keep on eye on him as much as possible. Then, when I get comfortable after he hasn't had one for awhile, another one occurs. Just 3 weeks ago we had 15 inches of snowfall and I let him and our other dog out to potty. Well, I called them in and found the little guy in a snowbank and the ned of our lot shivering with the endings of a seizure. I ran outside in my barefeet and got him out of the snowbank and carried him in. It just tears me up to watch it. LOL--it probably IS worse on us than the poor poochies.
...hold off on surgery. nm
hold on tight - sm
You need not to panic. The stock market is going to have highs and lows of varying degrees. If you bail out now you will have lost money, plus all the taxes you will pay. Hang on!!
Hold the pickles.....have had it that way...yuck!
Hold on, can you or can you not kill a spider?
I just killed 1 the other night and I do not know if I was supposed to do something else to go along with that or do I have a jinx from now on?
Also did you know if you hold in your stomach muscles
and breathe slowly in and out through your nose it works the stomach muscles? This is based on Pilates and also Greer Childers breathing techniques for losing weight. I do this while watching TV, working, driving and standing when I think about it and not sure if that is why but I have very little belly fat.
Can't Hold Us Down by Li'l Kim & Christina Aguilera. nm
It's a buyers market. Just hold on to that job.
your fear should not hold him back.
I understand your feelings, but this seems like a completely reasonable and good trip being planned, one that could mold his mind/heart for his future. Your son could make a very positive difference in many others lives. If you haven't already, learn to trust God.
Hold on, now - not all old folks have that smell
I have an aunt who is 89 and she always smells so good, likes her really nice perfume and never a stinky. She is in 80 group. I am quickly getting to that ole folks age but I also love smelling nice although I don�t do the perfume as I love those nice shower gels.
Are you going to hold his hand on the subway, too?nm
Mine's 43...don't hold your breath ;-) nm
Well, dont hold your breath.
Victor can hold a grudge but...
he loves Niki. It will be rough for a while but I think all in all this will bring them closer together since it involves both of them so directly and of course the kids.
I think a lot is about to happen with Adam pretty soon too. He thinks the Newman's are a broken family but he doesn't understand the half of it. He didn't really grow up in a traditional family and I don't think realizes there are bumps in the road but they are still family and will always be close - the last few months is typical of the Newman's but will come back together as a tight knit group.
Do you ever watch on holidays? They usually do re-runs of old episodes.
Let me know if you have any questions about the past. I have been watching for about 20 years. I started as a kid because my entire family has watched it routinely since it started and I was sucked in with the rest. My husband now watches it (but of course denies lol). A lot is based on history of the characters.
i hate it when i hold the door for someone and they
snotty, like i owed them that courtesy. i've even said "you're welcome" to people. once, a woman said, "I didn't ask you to hold the door for me, fat ass." nice.
Unfortunately, children do hold grudges...
YOU call him. He hasn't had enough life experiences to know any better. Show him how things are done. I would just say I am sorry if I have wronged you. It wasn't my intention. Maybe I could have done things differently. I love you. Come over for Christmas.
Even though children hold grudges, they never stop loving their parents. It is the people you love who can bring about the most upset and emotion.
Thanks to all, but with the loss of bone to hold the
teeth in, it seems I don't have many options. I just met this dentist, who is just wonderful, on Wednesday through a friend. I am going back in 2 weeks to have an old filling replaced that has cracked. I will talk in more detail with him about options when I begin losing my teeth. I was told I had about a 40% bone loss on the bottom especially in the front. Thanks again.
I only have 1 question - if you hold these degrees
what are you doing on this forum? Why are you not putting your masterful degrees to a better position that would be more than the lowly MT
Hold it, are you saying zinc helped your
insomnia? I have gone through some natural items my husband had and still waking usually every 2 hours during the night, drives me crazy and needless to say the next day feeling like a zombie. I also take biotin and have the longest eyelashes now, not so much help for the hair but my dermatologist told me to take that the rest of my life due to the severe hair loss. Talk about avoiding the scales, only my scales and I know the truth there, do not even weigh in the doctor's offices, just tell them take a guess.
Anna Nicole's burial on hold maybe
Anna Nicole's mother is trying to stop her daughter from being buried right now. Also the father of Daniel is trying to have his son's body exhumed. This is really sickening. Let her REST IN PEACE already.
I'd hold off on the foot pedal, Scott, sm
as you may hook up with a company that will provide you one that is specially programmed. I bought a wav pedal a few years ago and never used it.
Catalog with a possible web site out there called Hold Everything might
Anyone try a GB flush to hold of surgery? Successful
You ever deal with Lab couch pup?Mine would hold
hold on....letting adults paddle my kid?
Have hope, just dont hold your breath while you
hold up...are you sure this is a Roman Catholic Church?...
First, let me state I have utmost respect for my faith and priests but they cannot force your daughter to convert...it is against the Roman Catholic faith to do so (prosyletizing). Also, in regard to all the other issues that you mentioned, any so-called "sinful activities" that may or may not have gone prior to marriage, these are reserved only for the confessional and not for the premarital screening process. The priest has no right to ask for "penitence" or to know their secrets. I think you may be onto something; my suggestion is to contact the archdiocese this priest lives in and calmly state your case without passion; he may have had other complaints against him. A wedding day should be a sacred occasion filled with joy and i hope you can resolve this issue.
So funny - I remember when I thought it was hold me close I'm tired of dancin'......! lol
But I like Tony Danza better. Going to sing that from now on. LOL