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I am a preacher's kid. I got spankings, plenty of them.

Posted By: Wannie on 2007-12-07
In Reply to: I worded it wrong - my kids are not sneaky (sm) - NCMT

It did NOT make me sneaky behind my parent's backs.  It made me realize that there were consequences for what I did and I knew exactly what those consequences would be.  I, in turn, spanked my children.  They were never beaten.  They were never abused.  They also behaved well in church, in school and social situations.  Teachers and others told me how well behaved they were when I WASN'T around.  They are now healthy, happy adults with whom I have great relationships.  They do not resent having been spanked as children, just as I don't resent it with my parents either. 

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Anyone every seen a preacher do this

I have attended a small church off and on for the past 10 years.  I would say membership fluctuated from 5 to 30 then back down to 5 or 6 during those years.   I had married outside of the church and an old pastor frown and I felt snubbed when I brought my new hubby and my kids to church, so I quit going.  We got a new pastor and I started going again but he left and now we have a new pastor and this is the funny one.  He called me up one time when he first got here saying that he was the new pastor and I was invited to attend church.  I went once.  I was going to go back but never did.  I noticed a used car parked there for the longest with a for-sale sign on it.  I thought that was odd.  Then the next thing I know there was a big moving sign on the church lawn one weekend, then I noticed a for sale by owner sign that next week in front of the church.  I called up one of the members and asked what was going on and he said yes, they never told anyone.  He said the pastor�s mother was saying everything was tacky and it had to go.  They just went in and started selling everything that wasn�t tied down without consulting any member.    That $200 mirror we purchased last year, they said it wasn�t worth anything so that sold for $5.  They did not believe anything in that church was worth anything and were selling it for cheap prices.  However, they were putting a $1500 price tag on the pews.  He said he called up sister Sue because they were trying to sale that baby crib that she let the church barrow.  She paid $200 for it at JC Penny when her daughter had a baby.  When she went in, she found that they had thrown all our songs we used to sing, song books all in the trash.  Again, he never told a soul he was going to do any of this, he just did it.  He moved church to his mother�s house.  I have yet to receive a phone call from him saying �hay church has moved, this is where we are attending church now.�  All that is attending church is he, his mother, his wife and their two children and our blind piano player from what Sister Sue told me.  She also said that when she went in to get back her crib, the pastor nor his wife, nor his mother said one word to her.  She told me she is attending church elsewhere in a town 30 minutes away.  She introduced me to the pastor there and they all invited me to go which was nice but too far away. 


What really concerns me is that dh thinks he might be a scammer.  He has gotten our piano player, who is blind,  believing that we are all immature and it is just a silly old building.  I guess what I am saying is that he might try to take advantage of our good friend who is handicapped.  Maybe he does have the church�s best interest in mind, but it just doesn�t appear that way since ran the few that were attending there off.  He said he wants a younger crowd.   The building was old, in need of repairs. 


LOL Preacher's kids
My kids are preacher's kids LOL. And you know it really makes it hard. I cannot tell you what it is like to be constantly stared at in church (me too as the pastor's wife), what they wear, how they act, etc. I try to explain we are kind of on public display but kids do not understand that. So, when they act like any other kid and they always do, then they are misbehaving. Same goes for me. If I wear an outfit or say something or wear my hair a certain way there is sure to be "talk." But after years of this I am used to it and realize we do have a responsibility to set an example. Anyway, just last night when my son was being naughty, really naughty, I said to my husband," I think they are right, preacher's kids are always the worst." My husband gave me an ugly look. No matter who the child belongs to, there is no excuse for disrespect, ugliness and the like. We as parents all have the important responsibility of setting boundaries and to help them to grow up to be responsible adults. I agree too about the sneakiness when spanked. I think positive reinforcement works much better, although I have to do that more. The more positive I am about the good things the more they will want to do good. IMO
What?? Who said anything about preacher's kids??
Let me tell you what I did when my father died and I talked with the preacher about what I wanted...
�I told him no sugar coating. Told him not to say he was a good family man, he wasn�t. Told him he could say he was a very hard worker and had lots of friends - he did. Told him I did not expect the funeral to be used as a call to join the church. I hate that at funerals. The service was a good 1 and exactly what I wanted. When he asked about what I meant sugar coating, told him not to say things that were not true. Gosh, when I go probably will be silence.....
You are SO RIGHT. But obviously there are plenty

It is a shame.  Let's just sit on our butts and blame the system. 

I have lost jobs and I have found jobs, when I picked my sorry butt up and moved on.

It is easier though to suck one's thumb, whine, and blame everybody else for your situation. 

Plenty of ice and elevation will help a lot!
At least it did when I fell off a ladder in my house last winter and onto my right (pedal) foot onto a hard tile floor. Speedy recovery to you!
I think you're right...but they have plenty....sm
plenty of USA MTs working for them........
Oh, I have plenty of my furkids if any would be
interested. That is all I have pictures of right now but taking them right and left. Ran out of batteries in 2 days and invested in battery charger Saturday and back to the snap, snap, snapping.
Plenty of victims ...
Kids falter in school and education due to it. Adults perform poorly at work and lose jobs because of it.

We have had deaths due to drivers being under the influence of it.

YES, it has victims.

Drink plenty of water...
I try to start my day with a pitcher of ice water on desk, like a 2-liter bottle and try to drink that during my shift, which really helps. Hubby and I went on program with Dr. and took Adipex and B12/B complex and followed the attached diet. We were on 1500 cal/day and he lost 65 and I lost 35. We quit taking the adipex but stayed with the diet. I lost 30 on this same diet several years ago too. It is well rounded. Somewhere I have an 1800 cal if you are interested. You don't count calories, it is already figured out for you. Daily meal plan gives you a break down of what to eat in a day (1 bread, 1 fruit, etc)and then the individual breakdown (breads, meat, etc.) lets you know what these include. (i.e. 1 bread - 1 slice of bread, 1 fruit 1 small apple or 1/2 cup canned fruit). No expense of buying diet products and you can eat regular food with your family. Funny. We used to eat 2 center cut chops a piece and with this we would split 1! There are free foods too so you could pile up a big salad for lunch and save other stuff for dinner. We did not quit drinking sodas, just switched to diet cokes 0 calories as opposed to 140 or so per drink. Good luck.

I (humbly) have plenty to be thankful for!!
What sounds wrong about it. There are plenty
on this board who are exactly the same. I am no different. As I type this he and I have been together most of the day in my work room just being together. No work for either today and we are going out in a short while as I am treating him for his b'day dinner. There is more love here that the law allows.
Oh, I beg to disagree. I know plenty of "older"
people who are in bad shape financially. They're getting squeezed out of jobs because young college grads with good technical skills can be hired for much less money. They've got a "want it now" mentality after living it up in the ྌs. They owe money on houses, cars and credit cards. Sweeping generalizations won't work on either age group. Some do, some don't. Age has nothing to do with it.
Already put in long hours and have plenty - sm
of work, so that is not a problem....would love more per line of course...only get .07 and .08 now. DH could play chauffer that is for sure but one activity one daughter does ends in 2 2 weeks (and is free) and won't start up again until October, but would cut out one of their other activities at $120 a month...though will keep them in dance at only $60 a month...don't want them to lose all they do...Between the two of them they do 4 things, only pay for 2 and they will lose 1 of those. They are 8 and 10 so don't want to burden them with this though I do want them to be aware. When I am driving them to their activities I do take my laptop with me and usually work in the car when I have to wait an hour, though not going at all would be a bigger help. He already does the cooking, though I do everything else though I am not what you call a regular house cleaner, once a month or so for everything, and touch-up vacuuming in-between. I suspect if it happens he will sit in the LR all day watching TV, saying he is done with working as he is almost 50 and wanted to retire at 55 as it is and that it is my problem to fix (because of the cc issues). He inferred this last night when he dropped it on me and ran. So it will not be pretty, even w/o the debt it would be tough though less to worry about and more doable. ---I do have a plan of actiion thought out and if I have to beg my dad or his parents for the money to pay the house off I will--I will pay back every penny too, just may take a while. They don't know of our (my) past issues, etc. but will confess all in order to get help, don't want to but more than willing to do it if it means keeping this roof over my head.
Link to NY Times article - there are plenty of others
I have a fairly new HP printer and I have plenty of paper in it but it always think it is out.

I adjust the paper but it keeps saying this. Seems to be an ongoing problems.  I can hear it drop on to the paper but it doesnt pull it. 


it's different, but I use an old hair claw. Holds plenty. NM
False. I'm sure there are plenty of skinny dim bulbs living in poverty
Rainy, cool, dark. Home working with plenty of work. Hubby and kids are sm
picking up toys, taking them to Goodwill. LOVE days like this.