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I am 5 feet 2-1/2 inches. nm

Posted By: PAMT on 2007-05-14
In Reply to: depends on if you are 4 feet 11 inches or 5 feet 9 inches... - aln


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depends on if you are 4 feet 11 inches or 5 feet 9 inches...
don't you think?
That is 5 feet 4 inches. nm
should be 5 feet 8 inches
5 feet 11 inches tall that is, why you cannot put - sm
quotation marks for inches on this is annoying.
A King mattress measures 78 inches wide, 80 inches..
long; Cal King is 72 inches wide and 84 inches long. Maybe you just need to rotate the sheet.
Maybe a couple inches my way...sm
not much, and it has pretty much melted away now.  Very windy last night, though.  Had the trusty generator ready just in case.  Sorry you have to deal with so much of the white stuff.  You know how hard it is to predict the weather out here, so keeping my fingers crossed they are wrong about your area getting more.  Have a hot toddie (sp?) and keep warm!
12 inches is not deep pocket--sm
12 inches is barely even standard these days. Mine is 21 inches deep. I need 22 inch deep sheets to at least stay on. You shop around and see where you can find that size for under 200 dollars. If you do, let me know!
Oh really? Even if they say accummulation of 1-3 inches, that won't stick? sm
LOL! I have no idea! It has to stick. It just has to. I mean, then that won't really matter if it doesn't stick!! I'll post pics when it's all over! haha
We are up to 5 inches of snow since this AM with more coming...sm
along with some ice by time my husband needs to drive home. I have no idea why we stay in Ohio! I cant wait for summer to come!!!!
Nope. Still 2 inches of snow on it!


A few inches of VERY wet snow for us just north of Montgomery, AL -nm
Lower NY state north of NYC, getting hit with sleet and ice! Few inches of it now. :( nm
My desk is about 6 inches high with papers =(. I have two labs & a yorkie on the floor next to me.
I wish I had time to clean my messy desk.  I work so much better in a clean office.
What's on your feet?
I am curious if other transcriptionists have the same problem I have.  I can't seem to use the foot pedal with shoes on.  I am either barefoot, or wear socks or slippers.  I can't manipulate the foot pedal with shoes on.  Am I the only one?  If you wear shoes when you work, what kind?  Please don't tell me I'm the only one with this problem. 
I WISH those were my feet!! :-)
Those are my daughter's feet. Aren't they pretty?

The dog is a mutt. She's an incredible animal. She actually belongs to my ex. She's one of 3 dogs from the same litter that I raised, BUT everytime my ex came over, she went nuts. Like she was attached to him in some way. When I moved, I told him he had to take her because I could only take 2 dogs and he did. That dog is incredibly loyal to him in a very strong and almost psychic way. I know that sounds strange, but I've never seen anything like it.

Anyhow, I could tell you many stories about Clara (the dog). She has figured out how to get into child-proof cabinet locks (ex had to install them because when he left for work, she got into mischief -- she's 10 years old).

The rats.... we have 3. They normally stay in their cages because, yes, they will chew things up. But they are SO sweet!! My 2 other dogs aren't as gentle with the rats as Clara is (Clara actually plays with the rats), so they don't get out much.

I also have 3 mice. It is really interesting to observe the social and nesting skills of rodents. It's very obvious why they are such a nuissance in the wild! LOL.

My dogs are my sweeties, though, Clara's sister Izzi, and her half-brother, Fluffer. I'll try and post some pictures of them later.

BTW, love your doggie pics and your stories. I couldn't imagine a life without my animals. :-)

How could you know they were a kid's feet just
LOL !...Not only her feet.......nm
Down booties or something for the feet?

For someone who is on her feet all day long
how about a gift cert for a pedicure. She would get a foot massage, pedicure, and a back massage if they have those magic finger chairs.
Happy Feet
My daughters just got done watching it. They loved it. From what I saw in between working it was a cute movie. But you're right, isn't it great to not have to pay for a rental, especially if the movie ends up being a dud? Better than paying the $8.75 at the theaters too.
I have a cat that does that!!!!! Jumps up to 6 feet
All I know is of course they have to wash their feet
because they sure "stepped in ****" when they came to this country! :)
First time I saw that was on Six Feet Under. Now
Stinky feet!

Help, hubbie's feet stink and not just normal sweaty stink, but really bad! He woke up this morning with feet very red on the bottom and when he stepped on the wood floor he said they felt like they were sticking, not like sweat but like something oozing from them. Sorry for the graphic description, but we can't figure out what it might be. Anyone with any thoughts or suggestions on what he should do would be appreciated. I, of course told him he should go to the doctor, but he is a man and is very stubborn about this unless he is dying! I should note he has a cyst on one foot that he refuses to seek treatment for because he does not want to take the time off of work as he will ultimately have to have it removed surgically, but could this be part of the problem and why both feet now?


I am having problems with my feet- sm
On 1 foot I have certain toes that will hurt. This past week it was the 1 right next to the big toe- really painful and I knew if I put weight on it it would hurt. That got a little better and yesterday on the same foot it was the little toe and the 1 right next to it plus along the sole, painful for about 2 days, does not again feel good to bare weight on it. I have been checked for neuropathy, nope, diabetes, nope, fasciitis, nope, Morton's neuroma, nope but my symptoms go on. Has anyone had anything similar? Anything you have done that helped yours? I am willing to try anything within reason to help this pain. Thanks!
Just put everything up about 3 feet from floor.

Move all plants up to counters and maybe a gate for the kitchen so you don't have to worry about babe getting into cupboards.  Also for any stairs.  They have those socket covers that are very cheap and I would put them in outlets and always make sure the toilet seat is down. Other than that, enjoy.   

Have you tried switching feet?
I switch back and forth between left and right foot on the pedal to alleviate discomfort and have found it makes a big difference.
She looks like she has clown feet...nm
My cat does that too! I thought maybe her feet

cold hands/feet

Any ideas for cold feet and frozen hands (fingers) when working?

Happy Feet movie

What was all the hipe about?  The kids and I were bored, bored and more bored.  Couldn't wait for the darn thing to finally be over.   Glad it was a free rental.  Not worth the $$$$ in my opinion. 

Found out why my feet were freezing sm
I even bought a pair of wool socks yesterday and tried them out last night. No go under the desk. Anywhere else they felt fine. Checked for a draft under the desk and found none. Figured out today that all I had to do was lower my foot pedal (I have it up on a stool and blanket, was more comfortable that way about 4 months ago). I took the blanket off and pushed the pedal back about 6 inches so I have to stretch for it and voila!  No more cold feet. I must have been pushing neuropathy symptoms with my pedal in the other position. Feet have felt fine for the last 3 hours! 
and I could paint with my feet if I had no arms
the question is if I had a choice, I think I would choose to have arms.
What happened? was supposed to say 5 feet, 1 inch.
Isn't that what they use in swimming pools? Very rough on the feet.
Yeah, plus, they were nice feet, I thought.
I used to have bunions, but I had one taken off. What a relief! The surgery wasn't bad at all, and I'm glad I had it when I was in my 30s and working at home, but oh the back pain from not being able to walk. That's why I never had the 2nd foot done, but it only hurts now and then since my other foot can bear a load now, unlike before the surgery.
Wouldnt wear them even if my feet DIDNT
Real --midsize about 6-7 feet tall - nm
The sheer look of them makes my feet hurt..nm!..
I don�t eat pig feet, pig brains, chittlings, tripe
no chicken liver, pig or calf liver, no oysters on the half shell, no food on a buffet that does not look fresh, no fried or scrambled eggs, only boiled, no sardines, not gonna eat rabbit, squirrel or the like, definitely no deer, cant eat Bambi.
No.no. no pig feet, no brains, any kind, oysters
no squirrels, no Bambi, and certainly no
ants, roaches, all these in chocolate dipped critters....eeeewwww!
Okay, I'll show you again! You paddle your feet like this....
....and this time I want to hear you quacking!.
Running around barefoot ruined my feet
Now I have to invest more money in Birkenstock's because arches have fallen. As a person ages sometimes those really good feet might come back as oh, my aching feet.
Grabs bowl of popcorn and puts feet up

This is almost better than watching TV sometimes.

In my opinion, no. They were on their feet for the queen, not the manufactured princess. nm
feet tattoos: One of my friends has a 4 leaf clover
it's so cute!!! I thought that was a cute idea but i bet it hurt. did yours hurt?
if one has good feet, one can wear cheap shoes.
Shoes do not necessarily have to be espensive to be good. There are also expensive shoes that are not so good.
People with unhealthy feet need expensive shoes.
I have a lot of shoes (over 100) average price $ 40.--, and I have very healthy feet.
I take very good care of my feet and my shoes, some are 20 years old, inspite being medium priced.

I could not wear the same shoes, yearin, yearout, resoled, repaired, etc...boring!

But, most of the time, I run around barefoot, that's the best shoe!

Use water or rubbing alcohol on tummy, feet, inside ear
Would you wear high heels even if they made your feet hurt?
A survey conducted by the American Podiatric Medical Association showed some 42 percent of women admitted they'd wear a shoe they liked even if it gave them discomfort; 73 percent admitted already having a shoe-related foot issue.

http://www.oprah.com/beauty/webmd/200802/beauty_highheels_b1.jhtml?promocode=CNNheelsDL?cnn =yes

You can read tips on how to avoid hurting feet at that link.

But 275-pound footbal players are taller than 5 feet, therefore not so wide. nm
Weatherman just said we could espect "drifts of many feet" from the approaching blizzard. sm
Being an MT, you can probably imagine the visual image that produced.