I'm sure you could find it easily on google, BUT it sm
Posted By: Southener on 2007-12-03
In Reply to: Cooking HELP!! - Sunshine
sounds like typical southern style dressing with dried cranberries in it. Sounds yummy!
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- Cooking HELP!! - Sunshine
- I'm sure you could find it easily on google, BUT it sm - Southener
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While you are in google see if you can find
anything about the old people that are losing their homes because of "reverse mortgage" because it is not ALL on the up and up.
I make no sense because you make no sense.
You have no idea how old I am or am not. You have no idea what I do and do not know.
Oh, and by the way...Google all you want. I bet if I Googled Obama I could find a website that would tell me he is Purple. Get a real life. You know, the kind that you don't have to make up.
Could not even find it on google search. ?? sm
what is it?
So sorry did not work but google around I am sure you will find it##
You can Google it and find lots of forums discussing it. nm
Easy to make, cant find recipe. Google. It has
Google, google, google and make some practice
WHAT?! "Kids" can easily pay for their own...
car and car insurance and all other living expenses! I moved out when I was 17 and have been paying for ALL of my own bills ever since (I'm now 27). Yes, it was difficult and I had to buy clothes at Wal-Mart instead of Macy's, but it's very feasible. I also completed college, got married and had a baby all in that same time and have done just fine. You really just need to teach your kids responsibility and quit spoiling them and they will be able to make it on their own.
They get cold really easily (sm)
They are low to the ground as you know, and don't have much fur on their tummies so they get really cold easily. I have had one for 13 years and he has always lived inside, stays outside a lot during the day but comes in whenever he wants and sleeps inside. He gets shakey shivery freezing cold if he is outside in the cold for long. I do have two outside dogs who are quite happy out there but they are not dachsunds. I would at least make sure he has somewhere to sleep where he can be warm. They make really great pets.
that's okay im not easily offended
and im EASILY amused.
#7 is very funny
I could easily get hooked too. That is why I
do not watch those shopping channels anymore.
Know from experience that his PCP can easily prescribe something...just ask.
This is very common and can be very confusing for those going through it. Call your PCP and describe what you are seeing. They have seen it before and should know how to help. Don't suffer needlessly (neither of you). I wish you the best and KNOW there is light at the end of the tunnel...just ask!
I think parents give up too easily
these days on tattoos. It has been a fad for quite a while, but most people I've talked to regret doing it. People change with maturity, so it is not wise to put a permanent mark on the skin that will be an embarrassment less than 5 years later. It's a complete waste of money and an unnecessary health risk. Just Google worst celebrity tattoos and show him how silly they look down the road. If you help them see the future, most kids can understand consequences of their actions and will be glad you took the time to teach them some wisdom IMO.
Sounds like you could easily turn this into a meal
by tossing in some chicken breasts. My MIL bakes pork chops in cream of mushroom soup, bet you could use that too for something a little different.
What makes some people forgive so easily and others not so easy? sm
The reason I ask is that I am in a very unique situation. I have a family member (an in law) who basically hates me. She and I have sort of been at it on and off for 8 years. She's a very mean person, very judgmental, hates everybody. I mean, seriously. It's bad. She rubbed off on me for too long. We were friends! I used to point and make fun at others ONLY when around her. When I finally caught on that she was not a very good influence and that I was so easily pursuaded by her meanness towards other people (backstabbing, etc), I began to keep my distance. And she caught on. Now she hates me. For no reason, really, other than I don't call her anymore, don't hang out with her anymore. And here lately she has been doing evil things to me like returning cards I've sent to her family with a giant "return to sender" on the envelope, getting her sister against me (I mean, come on, how old are we??), etc. She will be at my mother in law's for the holidays with her kids and I am cringing inside. In fact, just today, I received a nasty email from her when I got home saying some pretty mean things, calling me crazy, insane, etc. which I know I'm not, but it hurts anyways to hear stuff like that. She has a very hard time forgiving people, I've seen it over and over in her life, and now it has come to the fact that I need her to forgive me in order for ME to have peace in my life. It's just the kind of person that I am. I am totally willing to look past all the mean things she's done and said the past year and try to move forward positively!
So, fast forward. I've written her an email basically BEGGING for her forgiveness and saying I'm sorry for whatever I've done to hurt you (I know I've hurt her by not wanting to be around her,etc), and told her it wasn't good for us to be on the outs like this. I am pretty sensitive (if you can't tell already), and I really, really, really wish she could get past all of this and just forgive. We all need a little forgiveness, don't we?? What do you think? Why is it that some are so easily forgiven and others will go to their grave filled with HATE? I don't understand it one bit.
I'm not saying I'm any better than she is. I know I'm not. I just don't have an evil vein in my body to not forgive people and I HATE when others talk about others behind their backs. It's mean. I grew up around that stuff and once I reached adulthood and realized that I didn't need to talk about others to make myself feel better, I hated being around it. Give me some advice. Should I send the letter?
Please help me. Would you send it? She obviously needs love. What would you do? Would you just tell her to forget it and move on or would you be like her and hate back?
On the subject of fault. Dont read if easily
If my opinion upsets someone, I think it is their "fault" (for lack of a better word) if they get upset. Everyone owns their own feelings and should not let someone else's opinion have so much power over how they feel. As far as lemmings and masses, those are generalities, a comment on society as a whole, not aimed at any one person.
I am sorry if my opinions have so much influence over others. I will try to keep my thoughts in check.
Call the corporate office, can be found easily enough on internet....
I've done it a few times with McDonalds. Got tired of getting halfway home and realizing something I paid for was missing, again!
Find a lawyer, find out where you would stand - sm
in the event of a divorce/separation, regarding custody, house, etc. Custody was my main concern as well since I lied on numerous occasions about the finances. Where I am I was told that would not factor in to the custody at all. I can prove that I am my kids caregiver 90% of the time, I ferry they around everywhere, help with homework, get ready for school, meet at busstop, etc. I could also point out my husband is an alcoholic, self treats his depression with alcohol instead of getting proper medical treatment, has threatend to kill himself (or me) numerous times (though he always says he was joking and did not mean it.....that is his standard answer to everything, or that he never said that). Now I do love him enough to deal with all that because deep down inside my DH is full of it, luckily for me, he has never followed through on anything he says he is going to do. But I thought my confession would be the straw that broke it all and send him over the edge. He still is angry with me, I am sure he will be for a long time, but is keeping it together pretty well, though he has said the stress was going to kill him, now he know how I felt I guess. I am sorry your husband is such a smuck. I feel like a dog sometimes with the sex demands, have to do it the night before he goes out of town....he will be traveling a lot for work for the next 3-4 months, which I am more than glad about, much calmer here then, though it gets tiring for me but as he is not really helping much right now it really won't be much of a change. As for yours going on 5 day weekends.....have you considered having him followed, sounds like there may be some infidelity afoot, and if so that would strengthen your case in the event of a divorce and custody I would think. Sounds a bit fishy going out until 1 a.m. and his frequent trips. My DH fishes too, but he goes 2 miles from here with one of our male neighbors, they shoot the breeze and he gets to unwind some which I encourage. Very rare weekends with a buddy of his, I am talking once every 2 years, which again is fine with me. Start keeping track of all you do, when he is home, where he supposedly goes, with whom, etc. He cannot show he will be a responsible dad if he is never there or never interacts with his own kids. My DH would probably suggest I take our older daughter and he the younger, spliting them up, he has the same perception, the oldest is mine, the youngest is his. Our younger daughter is much easier to deal with, our older daughter drives him nuts and she is only 10. My younger one (8) knows something has been going one though, and worries we will divorce, which she does not want. She is very perceptive for her years. I hope that if you do go the divorce route, which would actually probably be best in your situation, that it all works out for you and you get your fair share of assets, etc. Make sure before you do anything like that you have all your ducks in a row, so talk to divorce lawyer. I talked to one for 45 minutes, cost me $160 but was worth it to set my mind at ease. Good luck.
Try google...sm
When I was looking to go short, I typed in short hair style or short hair cut or similar wording. A lot of the sites have the same pictures (but so do the magazines, which bugs me) but once you get there, some have all different lengths and not just short styles.
I would google for
small business startups for your individual state. Seems like there would be the possibility of health codes to follow, health department inspections, but no experience with this.
You are brave!
I am sure you could google
pool maintenance for free articles?
Use Google....see msg
Go to Google home page, and at the top click on "Products." Click on that, type in the name of the toy, and search. You can click on "lowest to highest price" to refine your search better. It showed some at Target for $39. Good luck.
google this...
I thought this was cute and I am thinking you might too. My husband and son are hot dog freaks so I was planning on making this next week for them. Google search "hot dog cake"
google it
Google it.
google "fired up pottery"
every town has a paint your own pottery place, or maybe you could start one.
Google them.
Thank you all for your responses. I did Google this sm
and didn't find too much. I did find some support on holistic sites, though, about Hartz products and other people saying their dogs have become sick on other once-a-month flea meds. It might be too early for people to make the connection.
Thank you all for your responses. Healthy pets for all!
Check out Google
Today (Valentine's Day) Google's home page has a special way of spelling "Google". The second "g" is in the form of a chocolate-covered strawberry with chocoloate dripping down to form the bottom of the "g" but there is no "l" so that "Google" appears to be spelled "Googe".
I google whatever ? comes to mind...sm
Funny you said that, Google him.
He has been wanting his own show. Sorta explains the playing up to the cameras and the unprofessional behavior, doesn't it. It is just too bad everyone is forgetting the sad story and the woman behind all of this, huh?
did ya google your question?
I had to google, too. I had no idea.
Started to google but when I saw going here and going there
just decided not gonna read all that. First of all I think you and only you make your life happy or sad, good or bad. I do good for others and it comes back to me, always but I do because I want to, not have to. Life is in our hands and ours alone, not our husband, children, other family members.
Did you try asking Google for the info? sm
I do that often when I have questions like that because more than likely others have the same question. Put in your type of satellite and something like "set timer to record" and you may find an answer out there. Good luck!
creature from the 70s....google it
I bet you could google this and get an accurate
Google not working
I tried to Google this but I am not coming up with anything. Maybe I am not using the right words?
When you get a chance, google the
Alday family in Georgia, rural, mostly farming family, all killed in the 60s by intruders- I think there were about 5-7 family members they killed that day plus raping the woman before slaying her also. Sometimes people have false sense of security.
I have found that on Google.
But not the kid Shampoo.
Google is your friend. :) nm
google free e-cards
Hallmark and American Greetings I know for sure have free ones that you don't have to sign up for...just google! Good luck...
google 7 layer salad. This is one we like--sm
1 cucumber
1 head lettuce, broken in pieces
1 white or yellow or bunch green onions, sliced
1 sliced green bell pepper
1 cup Celery, sliced (cover layers)
1 (10 oz.) pkg. frozen green garden peas, uncooked
1 c. Hellmann's mayonnaise, � c. sugar put on the top of the mayo more if you want sweeter
Enough mayonnaise to cover top (1 quart or 32 oz on bigger salad bowls)
Spread four cheese Mexican cheese or cheddar on top
Fried bacon or bacon, sprinkled on top about 2 lbs. crumbled
In bowl or large cake pan, layer lettuce, celery, green pepper, onion, cucumber, and peas on top of each other. Add Hellmann's mayonnaise over ingredients to seal adding sugar next. Spread four cheese Mexican cheese or cheddar on top and Fried crumbled bacon on very top. Do not toss. Cover and chill up to 24 hours.
Optional - Sprinkle on 1/4 tsp. garlic powder.
LEEP procedure, google it
Google DermaSmooth Scalp Oil
I complained to my dermatologist about itchy scalp and he recommended this. It is peanut oil based I must note to those with peanut allergy. He also recommend Triamcinolone Cream for itching skin.
Google it....lots of contraversy (nm)
google sleep paralysis
I think it's because google reads key words
from the board and puts ads up that it THINKS fits in the conversation. That's just a guess though.
I think that means we should all start talking about nude Brad Pitt and see if a link goes up there where we can see it:-)
I just did a very quick google search and...sm
several people said scrubbing nail polish remover worked for them (not for others). Unfortunately, you seem to have quite a mess to deal with. IF it does work, maybe you could get the girl to come back and help clean it up? A good chance to teach the girl that inappropriate behaviors bring consequences, a lesson she does not seem to be learning from her parents. Good luck with that carpet.
can someone tell me what google's picture is today?
is it raining men? what is that? and then that big green thing in the center? i know they always have it match the season or event, but i don't get this one --- can some one smarter than me tell me what this is?