I'm sorry I misunderstood. I thought you were
Posted By: Laurie on 2006-12-30
In Reply to: He did see my dog and work him up sm - mlstoo
saying that over and over the vet didn't see him or work it up. Sorry - guess its late. Yes, one of my dogs went thru seizures, though the grand mal-type, and it was so horrible. I just absolutely went nuts with fear and horror when she would have them, but would just hold her and try to reassure her. I am with you - I would still be very worried and probably want a second look. I am not overly familiar with cocker spaniels, but seem to remember something dimly that maybe they are rather prone to seizures? My father-in-law had a tiny breed - can't remember either, but he had several thru his life, and nearly all had seizures. -- They -- say that the dogs aren't really in distress, so maybe that makes it better for us humans to think, right? Good luck and keep us posted.
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I think you misunderstood
I am not saying SSRIs are not appropriate for some people, but they are over-prescribed and being used as a "catch-all" and there are more and more psychiatrists who are concerned about this. Family docs are also being pushed to prescribe them by insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies and honest ones will tell you that. If prescribed to bipolar people (30% of all people who see their family doctor for depression) they often will trigger hypomania and family doctors are not trained to identify it. They only help anxiety disorders 50% of the time, which leaves half of those who go for treatment without relief. Of course, SSRIs have their place, but too many diagnoses are getting glumped as anxiety/depression with SSRIs the fix-all.
In no way was I judging your condition or anyone's need for SSRIs, when appropriate.
I speak from not my opinion, but from an extensive psych background.
no, you misunderstood..I DO run my air...sm
but I turn it off to open up windows daily.....and when I turn the a/c back on....I still leave a window open in the bedrooms about 6-8 inches - so the stale air gets sucked out....*laughs*
Oh, I have to live with A/C but not 24/7/365.........and I prefer to open a window and *listen*.......it's a learning experience unto itself and one can *hear* things indicative of what I think are global warming changes.
I love South Florida mornings, always have....before the people hit the streets and before the traffic commences....before the world wakes up and becomes self-consumed in this big city.....
That's just me.......
Sorry if I misunderstood...sm
Okay, we're back to what I mentioned in my first couple of responses, except for one "physical" aspect re lubrication. This probably sounds perfectly idiotic, but a lot of people don't think about it, which is to make sure you're well hydrated. A good test is if your mouth frequently seems dry. Incidentally, dehydration is solved with water, not soft drinks, etc.
Also, douching can wreak havoc with vaginal moisture because the vagina "thinks" it's moist enough and stops producing its own.
Stress can also play a factor, and of course hormonal imbalances. Breast-feeding can also be involved, although it doesn't sound like a factor here.
Hope these might give you some ideas in that department, anyway.
PitBull's are misunderstood...
Instead of focusing narrowly on only your dislike of PitBulls, why don't you look at the bigger picture as a whole...
First of all, the statistics on "fatal attacks"...well it doesn't take a genius to realize that a big strong dog like a PitBull or a Rottweiler is going to do a heck of a lot more damage if it bites you then, for example, a Beagle or Chihuahua would. But that still doesn't mean PitBulls are more likely to bite...
The statistics that I have read regarding breed specific likelyhood of biting have shown that small dogs (and mixbreeds) are way more likely to be aggressive towards humans and other dogs. Specifically Dachshunds, Chihuahuas, and Jack Russell Terriers to name a few. PitBulls were more likely to show aggression to unfamiliar dogs. I've seen this info a few times, but the most recent website I found it on was here: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T48-4SNGRDR-2&_user=10&_coverDate=06%2F03%2F2008&_alid=765300851&_rdoc=2&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_cdi=4968&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_ct=27&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=a9e7d67a2a45dc01019b232cbbfa3bf5
Here are some other good points from websites that are unbiased:
To reduce the number of dog bite-related injuries, adults and children should be educated about bite prevention, and persons with canine pets should practice responsible pet ownership. (CDC website)
“While at times informative, statistics on fatal dog attacks can also be misleading. For example, a number of cases where a Pit Bull, Rottweiler or German Shepherd Dog were counted as causing a human fatality, in reality the direct result was from gross human negligence or criminal intent”. (http://www.thedogpress.com/Columns/Jade/07_Dog.Bite.Stats_09.htm)
"A fatal dog attack is not just a dog bite by a big or aggressive dog. It is usually a perfect storm of bad human-canine interactions -- the wrong dog, the wrong background, the wrong history in the hands of the wrong person in the wrong environmental situation." (Malcolm Gladwell, "Troublemakers - What pit bulls can teach us about profiling," The New Yorker, Feb. 6, 2006.) www.dogbitelaw.com/PAGES/breedlaws.html
Our Country was not founded on the restriction and punishment of the masses based on the actions of a few. Focusing legislation on dogs that are "vicious" distracts attention from the real problem, which is irresponsible owners. These very breeds as a whole have proven their stability and good canine citizenry by becoming 'Search & Rescue' dogs, Therapy dogs working inside hospitals, professional Herding dogs and family companions for years. Banning the so-called dangerous breed will merely hasten the upswing in popularity of some other breed that will be used for vicious attacks on people and other animals. There is no valid reason to deprive animal lovers of their well behaved pets. The reports and statistics are flawed. Among other things, a dog bite victim is usually unable to identify the breed of dog that bit him or her. Therefore, victims will name the type of dog that currently is on people's minds as being the dangerous dog. (From the Animal Farm Foundation.)
One more thing, the best K-9 drug searching dog in America is a PitBull...his name is "Popsicle" because he was rescued from a man who tried to kill him by putting him in a freezer.
-Cindy, owner of 1 PitBull (Zeus) and 2 Beagles (Max & Osiris)...and yes they do get along! 
You misunderstood my post...
If it were me, I'd explain to my son that we/he should return the prize to the office and give another kid a chance to win it. Making a profit, be it you or your son, is in my opinion, just wrong. This is an excellent opportunity to teach your son to share his good fortune...of course, this is how I'd handle the situation...to each her own I guess.
I think you misunderstood her post
She said have you ever done without AS a child? not done without a child. I think the point she's trying to make is that these children need to be taken care of regardless of the mother's actions that brought them into this world. I'm sure you would agree that no child should ever do without the basic necessities of life.
Now how you go about obtaining these necessities is where some might disagree. Should the state step in and abort the mother's custodial rights, placing these children into the foster care system? Or should the mother be given ample means to provide for the children? This is where the disagreement is. No one is arguing that these children shouldn't be taken care of. Unfortunately, I don't think the mother is going to lose her parental rights, and I do think that she will gain monetarily from these babies and not use it for their well-being, but rather her own selfish needs. She has already proven how selfish she is.
I guess I misunderstood the first post..sm
wow. this does not sound good. If sounds like they are looking to liquidate what ever assets you do have then, which would really suck. this part, I know nothing about, so I cannot really comment. I know that when I filed bankruptcy against an old student loan I had outstanding for 10 years, it did go on my husband's credit, as well, simply because we were married. It was one of the worst moves we ever made, even though it was against me personally, it affected both of our credit when it came to wanting to purchase a house, a vehicle, or anything on credit. It lasted for over 10 years, and I had to have it removed from all three credit reporting agencies, as removing it from only one does not remove it from all. I understand the interest rates though, which was the reason why I stopped trying to pay back my student loan. It was 98 percent interest on a 5000.00 loan. They were trying to force me to get the money from some other lending institution, parents, friends, anything, just so they got their money and I had a somewhat lower interest rate. It did not work that way though, because with the bankruptcy against me, I could not get a loan anywhere else either. It was a vicious circle. I got rid of my husband, who was draining every last cent we had on useless stuff he wanted, and I am financially solvent again, making a good annual income and debt free! It is a great feeling, and I no longer have any credit cards. I still wish you luck, but it sure does not sound good.
Oops think you misunderstood my post
Im actually talking bout the owner of the company that sends the contractors, not the landlords husband and wife. The landlords are very upset as well. The pool is an above ground that we purchased, so yes it is our property, so is the water they use out of the faucets because we pay the water bill and we also pay to have our landscaping done, so we have to pick up the trash and the cig butts. Hopefully this will be over soon. I think I really just have to clean up their mess and just not stress! Recently, we had some people over a few times that let their children have the run of our home. I went to the store to get some more hamburg for the grill and came back to find their children 5, 7 had been in our bedroom when our door was closed. The husbands were outside of course! LOL They also broke things in our yard, our other children's toys, smashed jellybeans into our carpets, snuck drinks upstairs spilling on our white carpets and not telling...so basically, my husband said last night that I should relate this situation to that one and realize these people have no manners or class, clean up after them and let it go. I think this was well said! Thanks for listening to me vent again!!!
I dont think I misunderstood your post at all??
I have been to both black and white funerals- my husband is black- I know what I observe in both sides-I know playing music, dancing, card playing, etc. is not what I have seen on my side. I never misunderstood your post- I could have never celebrated the death of my grandmother, never. Different people do things differently.
Oh, sorry, misunderstood. Listed under social hx, no mention of a health concern. (NM)
wish I'd thought of that...
EXCELLENT POST! By far the most intelligent one of the whole thread... to you and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Just a thought sm
www.tasteofhome.com has recipes for the category "cooking for a crowd". There are some wonderful recipes there. They are tested by these wonderful cooks before printed in their magazine. Their site is pretty user friendly, colorful, and fun. I love to cook (as well as type) lol!
That is what I thought
also but some people throw things out, like I just saw this on a television show as the truth and I am saying, hold on.... This is something I have heard for years and I mean years, much longer than most efflux of drug users around now days. Thanks for the information.
Just a thought..............sm
A vet of ours down in Florida suggested this to anyone having this problem. She said to wipe the dog OR cat down with a damp cloth.....now there are wipes in the pet section for this. She said the dander on their hair is causing the reaction and if this is done daily, it will keep them from shedding dander that is causing the allergy. There was a spray you could buy in the pet section to damper their coat and then wipe it down, but the wipes have the lanolin stuff on them now. I buy those and wipe down our cat of 18 years, who my daughter said was NOT causing her stuffy nose......he slept on her bed every night. I didn't find the wipes until a few years ago, but she had moved away to college by then....all stuffiness disappeared.
I thought about that too, but
family court records are sealed and it is in another city with the plantiff listed as the State. Hey, if they want to come get me, it would be another interesting war story and another reason to ask for back child support from the dud to help me get out of jail. huh! Gotta find something to laugh about :)
another thought
Babies for adoption instead.. great but remember there are millions of children in the world who need a family Maybe not a baby but a child nonetheless.
Could you look one of these children in the eye and tell them you don't want them, you want a baby?
Here's a thought for you ....sm
make a donation to a charity in their honor. Most charities will not reveal the amount you donated but will send them a card stating a donation was made. You can give what you're comfortable with... $5, $10, whatever.
When we got married last summer we elected to not receive gifts as we were giving away and selling items that were surplus from merging our 2 separate homes. We did advise that family and friends who desired to do something for us could make a donation to a local children's home and many of them did. We talked to the children's home ahead of time so they'd know what we were doing and they were very appreciative of the generosity that people extended. They sent us a list of who contributed money so we would know who to send thank you cards to (they did this also) but never divulged the amounts given which we didn't want to know anyway. This allowed people who desired to give something to do this and we weren't stuck with extra stuff we didn't need around the house.
LOL - another thought.
All my animal children understand "HEY" and "uh oh" and my favorite "Ok now you're in trouble."
Of course they don't understand English, but they sure remember TONE.
My cats destroyed my leather sofa, too - and yes those late night attacks are hard to prevent. Suggestion: If you can afford it, get an inexsensive couch cover that you can cover the couch with whenever... if anything gets destroyed it will be the cheap cover
Oh, thought you mean like I have done now
with my maiden name and the married ones that is a total of 5 now. Last one, I promise.
lol thought for a sec you were my ex! That's
I thought...
It was overall good, made me tear up some when Victor spoke. Didn't really expect any excitement, think it's too early for Nick to return. I feel for Phyllis (I know... )...but I can't help it...can't wait til next week.....
Another thought!
Back in high school girls like here were likely to get a "swirly." There was one friend (right) who decided that my boyfriend (now my husband for a very long time) was just what she needed - he was older, had a new car, money, took me on nice dates. She did the same stuff and he "fell for it" and we argued and broke up for a couple of days or so over her. She made a bad mistake and taunted me with it at school. She didn't realize that his brother (she didn't know him) and his other brother's girlfriend were listening. They ratted her out. She got mad and tried to intimidate me. She even slapped me! That did it, faster than I could think, I grabbed her hair, dragged her into the girl's bathroom, stuck her head in and FLUSHED. She never bothered anyone else with her boyfriend stealing ways for the rest of high school, although I don't know if that continued on. So, if you have to, go ahead and FLUSH! My grown up daughter is sitting here laughing because she can't believe I would do such a thing. I have become more human to her! I have fond memories of the look on that girl's overly made up Barbie-face with melting mascara and her overly sprayed hairdo clumped up on her head!!
I thought that too but.....
I also thought with this house the city would be more forgiving of Dh farm stuff parked around then they would in the nicer neighborhoods.
Another question is, in my neighborhood there have been some nice new brick homes pop up during the 8 years we have lived here. Directly behind us someone is building a huge Victorian. It is going to be beautiful. Would that make our property value go up as well?
That is exactly what I thought of. Sorry.
Just a thought
Adorable boy he is!
Before you invest in the rug, if it is not necessary, you might consider puppy shoes or boots. They do make some with rubber bottoms if you are creative you might try making some out of the rubber matting, spongey stuff they line cabinet and drawers with, almost like the rubber matting to keep rubs from sliding. Or you could even get a pair of booties with the anti-skid stuff like they issue at hospitals and make them. The attached URL has fleece in this but you can get them without.
My friend...mommy of my grandpuppies...had this same issue with thier dogs. She put little booties on hers and it worked for them.
I thought so too, but
last time I posted the site it must have looked like an ad or something, because it was removed. But it's not my site and I'm not advertising for them; I just think it's really cool that they have a thing where you click boxes with the conditions of your site and it will suggest groundcovers that might work! And then just all the pictures can give you great ideas. My MIL is near the beach, so her soil is sandy and it's very expensive to try to keep grass going. Ones like thyme and some others use almost no water and abolutely no chemicals. Cheap to keep!
Another thought on IBS sm
Do you take a lot of ibuprofen? My IBS was pinpointed to ibuprofen intake for arthritis. Took about 7 years and 2 colonoscopies to figure that out. I have other medical issues as well, so they didn't really look into ibuprofen at first. Finally, after I had changed jobs, going from inhouse to home transcription due to the stress inhouse, I kept a log of everything I took in for 3 weeks, including meds. I found I had the severe diarrhea bouts (up to 10+ times per day) on the days I took the ibuprofen. My doctor switched me to Relafen for inflammation and darvocet for pain and I probably only have 4 bouts of IBS a year now.
Just a thought...
but if you have been fortunate enough to strike up a more personal relationship with another poster, why not take it to e-mail or phone calls, which would be infinitely more personal and, I would think, much less of a hassle, for both of you. I think it's great that you've found a lot in common, like your animals, but why set yourselves up for harrassment if you don't have to?
I thought I was the only one......!
This happened to me a few years ago, I would just nod out while driving. Fortunately a slight bump in the road or going up a curb :( would wake me. I had to stop driving for a while of course. It turned out it was a side effect from Prozac I was tried on for situational anxiety/depression. Hope your daughter's friend gets to the bottom of it. It's a very scary feeling.
I always thought...
It wasn't proper to take gifts to the wedding, think I read this in Ms. Manners or something like that. It's a wedding, not a shower or a party, so no gifts...I think anyway! I'm in the same boat though, having missed the shower and invited to the wedding too. Also have another wedding a week later, then yet another at the end of September...which I am sure all will have some sort of shower.
Just a thought
If you have not found a solution, please consider going to the link below, pet peoples place and go to the community tab at top or the dog forum. It may open to the forum, if so to the left under Browe Forums click start a new discussion.
I'm not sure what state you are in, but there are some great folks on there that will let you know what the laws are in your area and will let you know pretty quick. Usually you can call anonimously but in some states you can get in trouble for actually going and stepping in. As an animal lover I commend you, some people just don't care.
that's a thought but
i don't want to be worrying about head lice. that would be a horrible mess.
I thought about doing it that way too (sm)
Do you keep a chore chart to keep track of payments?
i always thought
that i felt that way because of my catholic upbringing. i always feel that way. guess i'm not alone. right there with you.
Thanks - I thought so too and
how true it is! Life is soooo short in the scheme of things.
Yes but never thought that way, did she have
any symptoms such as mine- the intense rib cage pain? Have never considered it being gallbladder, what are symptoms- oh I have heard some, problems after fatty foods which I do not eat and forgotten other symptoms.
That was my first thought but
afraid I would get bar-b-qued for it. LOL
You know, I thought about that
I was wondering if I could rig something up so that he was suspended from a sling and put wheels on it so that he would just have to move his legs a little bit to move around.
So far things are okay. We got one of those doggie "playpens" that is made of wire and open on the top and put his bed in it. It's roughly about 4' square, roomy for a small dog but he can't move around too much. It was hard tonight hearing him whimper because he could smell what my husband was cooking for dinner and he wanted to be in there where the good smells were.
But I'm trying to remind myself - if we keep him quiet and his ligaments and tendons have a chance to heal a bit, he will be able to move around better. Sometimes it's a choice - healthy or happy? And I need to choose "healthy" for him right now.
That is exactly what I thought also!
Lets see, Dan ??? How soon we forget.
What a sad thought. nm
that is a thought
that's a thought. . though daughter had not liked that idea earlier - she just seems content with me having the ashes in my house! I suppose I just need to force her to make some kind of decision. . of course, it is a touchy subject, especially around the holidays... Actually, the ashes in the house do not bother me at all but it makes my fiance uneasy. . .
Oh okay. Thanks-thought
I had heard it was vitamin D. So, zinc will help your hair grow? Nails are no problem for me. They grow fine, just not the hair! It is probably about 2-3 inches below shoulders and won't go any farther
Here's a thought.
Do you think that in school, your daughter may be asking for help a lot? Sometimes if children are nervous or are having a bit of difficulty adjusting to a new situation, they may be a bit more needy in that situation than they are at home. Maybe she's asking the teacher for help when papers have to be put in a folder, or at other times throughout the day. The teacher may be reading that as if she is a child who is not used to doing things for herself, but it could just be her way of adjusting to a new situation and trying to connect with her teacher.
Rather than going in ready to argue, just call the teacher and ask to have a conversation with her to find out how your daughter is doing in school generally.
I can tell you lots of stories about good and bad teachers I've had to deal with over the years. I have to be honest, however. Most of the times when I my first reaction was anger and defensiveness, there was something that I didn't know AND something that the teacher had assumed. It's best to sort that out before getting too ruffled.
On second thought, maybe I see why your
You are argumentive. I do not treat my cousins the same way I treat my son.
Thought I was going to have to but
they caved during the meeting and wrote up a new one. Mine was on an M-team. If you've got an S-team it could be harder, but mostly it would depend on what you're actually challenging on it.
I thought I had the one and only and SM
later found out that he was constantly looking and cheating. I finally got to the point where instead of crying and pleading with him and trying to out-do the other gals I simply told him I had neither the time nor the desire to police him anymore and that he was not worth it.
I hope in your case things work out. I feel for you.
Let me know what you thought
I didn't really like the episode although "Christian" is always great for me to look at. LOL. Next week looks really good.
My first thought! :))))
She might have thought (sm)
people wouldn't understand the difference, which is possible. It happens all the time to Muslims. One person does something bad, then next thing you know the entire religion is bad. I think it's a good reminder.
I thought I was the only one who did that!..
I can't watch it either, makes me tear up!
just a thought
maybe you could get them one of those books that end in "for dummies" and let them become more self-reliant in this regard. my mom got her first computer in her 60s, and i never thought she would grasp any of this technology, but she went and got herself a couple of those books, windows xp for dummies, internet for dummies, e-mail for dummies - and she has really come very far! it might give them the hint that your hubby's helpfulness will not be able to last forever!