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Hard to do but it's working is eat only when hungry & stop when the sensation is gone. Really

Posted By: listen for your hunger/satisfaction signals. nm on 2007-01-15
In Reply to: Okay. I'm starvin! Started on Jan 1 to not diet, but to cut my portions in HALF and sm - Starvin


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Working hard here
I have been on a couple times to see what is going on but it is quiet. I've been working nonstop though. In fact so much I stepped away from the computer for the first time in 4 hours.
hard working marriage
I wish I could say I never had to work at my marriage also but fact is it has been the most difficult thing I have ever done. No, I would NOT go back and do it all again. However, I made a committment and I am going to stick with my vow as long as I possibly can. It has been 17 years now. I am not totally miserable, we have joy and happiness and three beautiful children. My husband just has a TON of baggage and has not dealt with it and logical decisions do not come easy to him. He's not as giving as I thought he was, but then I have my parents' marriage, that's what I saw growing up and that's what I got.
I missed but said wrong in working so hard
abd much when children growing up- that did not stop me from being involved but had to work a lot to make ends meet. I probably should have gotten on welfare and then more time to spend with the kids.
Don't think I could stand the water-up-the-nose sensation like
Stop! Stop! Memories

Keypunch machines. That's why my hearing is a bit off now. LOL

First personal computer and printer: An Epson and continuous paper printer with DOS operating system. Cost: $3500.

I still have my mood rings and my torquoise jewelry but lost my class ring in the grocery store.It was expensive, $50, black onxy stone and gold band.

Snowstorms that shut the towns down for days on end. Couldn't get out to go to work unless you worked close to home and could walk. Schools never shut down. Five of us walked a mile a day to school with snow up to our hips. Our lessons for the day? Study hall.

My first car was a ི Chevy coupe. Gas was $.27 a gallon and I chauffered 5 friends to and from school for $.25 a week. On Friday and Sat. nights there was a dance with a group that became 'almost famous.' They got as far as the Steel Pier in Atlantic City dance club. It was a big deal to be on TV in those days. On those nights, I would go to the next town and pick up anybody hitch hiking to the dance. (I wasn't allowed to go to the dances). I wired the car with an older portable record player that only played 45s and kept my records under the seat.Worked great except when I would hit a bump. LOL

Bandstand every day from 3:30 to 5:00 EST.

Sleigh riding in the winter on our Flexible Flyer. We did it on steep coal banks. Much better thrill. Then we found out cardboard worked even better. No getting stuck halfway down the bank because the sleigh rails would hit a larger piece of coal sticking up.

Hide-and-seek when it got dark. I missed the pole and hit face first. What a bloody mess, but you didn't run to the ER for it.

Throwing corn at the nasty neighbor's house at Halloween. He called the cops. We ran and hid. I was caught. Where was I hiding? In the neighbor's garbage pile. Today garbage piles are called compost piles.



I'm hungry!


 I totally agree.  It is easy to be on the outside looking in, but when those babies are hungry, cold, dirty, ignored and the DCFS won't do anything because they are already short on foster homes, someone has to help.  My husband's niece absoltely drives me nuts - lives with deadbeats who always beat her, get her pregnant, don't work, etc.  She gets SSI and only gets enough to pay the rent. Gets Food Stamps and Medicaid.  Can't get into government housing because she has been in prison herself for a felony.  Baby #4 is coming by C-section on 12/18.  Mimi here is taking a week's PTO to watch the others then.  I can't stand to see them suffer because of parental ignorance.  Sorry about the soapbox, but sometimes need to vent. 

P.S.  I signed Sarah, age 2-1/2, up for Mommy and Me tumbling classes.  She and I went last night for the first time.  She loved it - I nearly died from over exertion!  Wouldn't trade them for the world, just wish they had better parents.

What is or was for dinner? I'm hungry & want to fix something

3 p.m. I am so Hungry! 3 more hours
and I start the prep...Rite Aid Oral Saline AKA Fleets PhosphO-Soda AT 6 p.m. Ugghh.  My DH's time is near as well.  Just as well, I  am throwing up everything I try to eat as my GERD symptoms and esophageal stricture is acting up.  Think I will just get in my jammies and jump in bed. 
That's right!! When children are hungry (sm)
It doesn't matter who is right or wrong - it's not their fault. You can't just leave them like that. Believe me, I grew up starving. We did not get a lot of help because people were trying to teach my parents a lesson--guess what? They didn't learn and we suffered.
I like the way it feels when i'm hungry
Got that right..AND not eating when you're NOT hungry! nm
Now you're making me hungry and I have not even

It's not being money hungry or crazy (sm)
Please realize that some people in this world are just plain mean. and sometimes we end up married to them! Believe me I have spoken up. I am not money hungry, but I also don't think it's fair to put my children in a position of being destitute and hungry. That makes for angry teenagers and problematic adults.
Well, he finally stopped when he became hungry enough. sm
But I read all of your responses and I thank you. Of course, now he's coming up to me all kinds of sweet and asking me for bananas, cookies, Goldfish crackers (his favorite).
Hey, at least he isn't eating pancakes...
I too refuse to go hungry or eat what I don't wnat...
Started exercising around Sept. Didn't see any measurable weight loss for about a month. I am so grossly overweight, though, that I can't exercise long. Used to be skinny. Wore a size 1 to 3 until developed thyroid condition, then packed on 50 lbs in just over a month that I never lost, but gradually added to over the years.

It does work, but it's much slower that if you diet, too. My measurable loss was 1/2 lb. I'm down about 1, but I feel much better, which is what counts.
I like to eat--doesn't matter if I'm hungry or not.

During high school, I lost about 30 pounds eating only 1 salad a day and Special K cereal for breakfast.  I ran about 5 miles a day and was able to lose 30 pounds in 30 days.  It was a complete turnaround for me.  I gained self-esteem.  I kept the weight off until I went to college.

Of course, in college, I started to revert to my old eating habits and didn't exercise much.  I had settled to a comfortable 180 pounds (which wasn't bad for my height/build) when I got married.  After the birth of my first child, I weighed in at about 220.  When he turned 1, I tried some sort of diet pill (probably had ephedra in it) and lost down to 170.  I felt wonderful.  I kept that off until 3 years later when I had my second child.  I lost some of the baby weight, but not all of it.  Two years later, I had my third child.  I weighed about 230 pounds and really wanted to lose.  I tried Stacker with ephedra and lost like 40 pounds in 6 weeks.  I felt wonderful.  I kept that off for 2 years. 

At that point, I started Effexor and the weight just slowly crept up on me.  I won't blame it entirely on Effexor, but that seemed to be the start of it.  Now, I'm up to 250 pounds - the most I think I've ever weighed and I would kill to see 200 pounds again.  I've been contemplating a few weight loss options and can't seem to decide on one.  I've tried most of the ephedra products, phenteramine prescribed by my doc, Nutri-System (but only for 2 weeks - the food was yuck!).

I'm seriously considering WW but would like to have an appetite suppressant to help me out initially.  I know from past experience that diet pills only work for so long, but I really think that if I could just get in the groove, I'd be okay.  I like to exercise.  I only work about 4 hours a day, so I have the time.  I just can't seem to control what I eat.  I especially love to eat late at night when watching TV.  I can do so good all day long and then 10 o'clock comes and I ruin it. 

My other problem is that I'm not much of a veggie eater.  The only veggies I really like are corn, potatoes, and green beans.  The starchy ones.  I like fruit, but it's not very filling.  I get tired of eating chicken and I'm not much of a fish eater.  I'd really rather eat a cheesesteak most of the time or pizza.  I love junk food - chips, candy bars, nachos, cookies.  I eat when I'm not hungry just for the sheer taste. 

Okay, I know I'm nuts and I probably have some sort of eating disorder, so what I'm really wondering is:  Is there a good appetite suppressant?  I've been checking a few on-line and I can't seem to find a bona fide review by someone who's used the product.  These are the ones I'm considering:  Leptovox, Fenphedra, Proactol.

Anyone try any of these and did you see results?  I know I have to eat healthier and exercise.  I'm okay with that if I could just get my cravings under control. 

You're making me hungry! nm
me hungry... me eat meat....arghhh
One time I ate a beef rib and got an artery. That made me so sick. Yet, I did not stop eating meat. I have seen a deer gutted in my front yard and it did make me sick, but I ate him. I saw how they treat chickens and blah blah blah, but I still eat MEAT. I must be some kind of psycho! Nope, just human. We need protein. I just have to lay off the cow. Although I will say that I am picky and will not eat fat, arteries, skin, or anything else that just isnt pure meat.
I'm hungry! I want to eat! I'm trying to lose weight and I've been
doing pretty well, but now I'm getting at that poing where I just want to eat anything and everything. Any ideas on what I can do to curb my voracious appetite?
Yeah, if they are old enough to tell you to open your blouse because they are hungry
they are DONE with breastfeeding. Really odd.
I'm hungry and that sounds pretty good right now...
Bunch of money-hungry people
I think this is so ridiculous. Like these artists don't make millions of dollars already.

I think the artists should be fined for not giving a kick back to all the teachers who taught them and police officers who protected them as they were growing up and becoming the stars they are today.

I'm sorry, I just think our society is so twisted. Sports stars and hoochies who sing terribly but shake their breasts at you make millions, but the ones responsible for our safety and the education of our society make crap.

And people wonder why our society is in the crapper!

Okay, off my soapbox now :)
I don't think she was being curt. We've all eaten when we weren't hungry. SM

I don't think diet pills are the way to go.  And I could never understand paying big bucks to Jenny Craig or NutriSystem for food when you can learn to eat healthy all on your own.  I agree exercising and portion control are the way to go.  I also don't think cutting carbs entirely out is the answer either.  Carbs are brain food and energy food.  Sure, you don't need go overboard on carbs, but your body does need them.

I used to do diet pills and stuff like that, but I had trouble with my heart racing (as high as 130 bpm!) and my BP skyrocketed and then I had a full blown panic attack because I freaked that something was wrong with my heart.  After I finally got my panic attack under control, I realized that I was just poisoning myself with diet pills and diet soda.  Even though I had lost weight on them, I cut it all out of my diet.  I will not ingest artificial sweeteners at all.  I do have an occasional Coke - Regular Not Diet, but mostly water and juices.  I've lost about 30 pounds in the last year.

I need to exercise more, though and I just bought the Core Rhythms DVD.  I haven't gotten it yet, but it's on the way and I can't wait.  I love to dance and I think this might be a good way to get into exercise.  I've got about 40 more pounds to lose, but I'm getting there.  The big battle for me is fast food.  It's so convenient and easy and when I'm getting the kids something, it's easy to just order me a little something, just this once...

I used to be slim and trim too, back in the day.  You know, before the kids and 17 years of marriage.  In the 80s, I was an aerobics queen!  Remember when it was really popular?  I had leotards with matching leg warmers and sweat bands, and had my ponytail on the side of my head!  I look back now and it was hilarious!

Catlady is right. I notice that even with food my cat LOVES, and even when she is hungry, (sm)
she will often look at a bowl of freshly-put-out food, and then walk away from it. This happens more often if the canned food has been in the fridge & is a little cold. I think the main reason she does it, though, is because if I'm up and walking around, then she thinks there is a possibility I might want to play. Play is more important to her than food! If she sees that I'm occupied with something else, (like working...) then she eventually saunters over to her bowl & starts to eat. Also, cats usually won't eat it all at once. They tend to keep going back to "nibble" for hours. So don't remove it if she doesn't dive into it right away. As Catlady said, let it sit, and eventually she WILL eat.
Help feed hungry dogs! I saw this young girl SM

last weekend on the Today Show.  SInce she was tiny she has loved animals.  Just click and answer the question and each time someone visits this site a donation of 20 pieces of Kibble is made.  Doesn't matter if your answer to the question is correct or not.  I do it every day. They allow one hit a day per person. Just takes a few seconds and does so much. 




freerice.com tests your vocabulary and helps feed the hungry sm
if you are a mom there is cafemom.com with a huge variety, if you are diet-conscious there is threefatchicks.com. You can advertise on craigslist for a platonic e-pal or chat buddy.
yep, so will probably have to stop
reading the posts and get some work done. LOL.
stop it
Stop sitting back waiting for him to do something - it seems like you have to have his approval for everything - even to be upset - Stop waiting for him to change because he probably won't. Some people have suggested that he is abusive - I'm not sure about that because it seems like you ASK for something, he says no and that is the end of it. . STOP ASKING. She's your sister - for most people, this would not be a big deal. . For once, just tell him she is coming and you will be spending time with her. . Maybe his reaction won't be that bad, and if it is, so what?? Are you afraid of him?
quit putting yourself down - Your child will never hate you - your husband will not hate you - You have done nothing wrong.. SOME people today do put too much emphasis on material things -but you know as well as I do that material things are not that important. . Your heart is what is important. . Love your child and husband and continue being the good person you are - Do you think those people are better than you because they have a lot of land? No - they may have more money but they are no better - and from the way they treat other people - it sounds like they are not as good as you. . And the gifts you gave the child were fine - people would be a lot better off playing board games with their kids than letting them play video games all the time.
Stop yelling.
Just because your dog is your best friends, doesn't mean you should bring it everywhere you go. Wow. Try breathing deep and relaxing. I said I don't normally care, but if I had a slipper dog, I wouldn't bring it where it doesn't belong personally.
LOL, me too, also that gum would all congeal and stop you up.
tell her if she does not stop running she will not sm
get to go with you anymore. Find someone to watch her and stick to your guns. kids need and want consistency. Make it stick.
Trying to stop smoking
I haven't smoked today! I am trying to quit. Have tried several times before, but this time I have to do it!
Stop beating yourself up....
I have been following since your first post. You asked for opinions, which you got, and you also got a lot more. I wish mothers were more supportive of each other. We truely have the hardest job in the world and I think we have all made choices that we have second guessed or I know other mothers would not have made.

When I was 13 (I am now 40) and in junior high I was "paddeled" while wearing a cheerleading skirt. I was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time and was gathered up with several other students (who really weren't doing anything wrong) and we were all paddeled. I said something to my parents about the fact that I had a couple of welts on my thighs and they told me that was my fault since I obviously did something wrong in order to get paddeled. I got an apology from the vice principal so evidentally my parents realized they needed to stand up for me. My parents now sing a totally different tune. I have wonderful parents (father and step-moter)now, they just made some, in my opinion, wrong decisions when I was younger. They now talk about how they wish they had parented me differently. I am not saying you made the wrong decision...we don't have paddeling in our school system so I don't know whatI would do. Now just move on, it is over with, can't change it, and I can honestly say the paddeling had no lasting affect on me.
Then she should stop going out if she knows the commotion she causes
I realize that the press and photographers should leave her alone. God only knows I'd have a nervous breakdown if I ever had to endure her life, but under the circumstances, if I was just released from the hospital and had psychiatric problems, I would go home and try to keep a low profile for a while to try to heal and try to put her life back in order. It seems like the minute she got out of the hospital, there was was driving all over LA going here and there (or wherever she is in CA with yet another man). Stay home and you won't be followed. Some one on one of the talk shows said she brings a lot of this on herself, and I agree. Someone also said she should just get away out of the country to some little part of the world where she can be secluded and where not many people know her (although I think it would be hard to find a place like that).
No they don't and you somehow need to make it stop
because this is very degrading to you? Has he always been like this? There have to be some 'safe' things he does to show his love/affection, etc., that don't make you feel like the next step is directly to the bedroom....!!!
If you don't stop crying, I am just going to
This is what I found when researching this:

Just Wondering asked the question; Do the Heat Surge Fireless Flame heaters that the Amish sell really work?
It is being advertised in the local paper (The Herald-Dispatch,Huntingto n , WV ). That it is a Miracle Heater. Saves Money: uses less energy than a coffee maker. Stay really warm and slash your heating bill all at the same time. It uses 1500 watts. It is 5119 btu. My question is. Is this really a Miracle Heater? Should I buy one for every room in my house and turn off the heat pump?
10 months ago
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by John R Member since:
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
The ads (which are all over the country) are very misleading.

1. A coffee maker uses a large amount of electricity for about a minute. It's true that the so-called "miracle" heater uses less electricity than a coffee maker DURING THAT ONE MINUTE. But you're going to have the heater running for a lot longer than one minute a day. So it's going to cost you a lot more to operate than a coffee maker does.

The heater will cost you around 12 cents per hour to operate. The average cost of electricity in the U.S. is 8 cents per 1,000 watts per hour, so 1,500 watts costs 12 cents per hour on average. This is true for ANY 1,500 watt electric heater.

2. The ads say that the heater produces an "amazing" 5,119 BTU (a measure of heat energy), but ALL 1,500 watt electric heaters produce 5,119 BTU. If an electric heater was 100% efficient, it would convert 1,500 watts of electricity into 5,120 BTU of heat. All electric heaters are nearly 100% efficient, and this has been true for decades. The "miracle" heater is no more efficient than any other electric heater.

3. The website of the heater's manufacturer (Heat Surge, a company in Ohio that has nothing to do with the Amish) is much more honest than the ads. It states clearly that the way the heater saves you money is if you turn off your central heat, buy one heater, use it to heat one room at a time, and move the heater from room to room as you move around. This is called "zone heating." See the Saves Money section of the website (www.heatsurge.com).

This is true, but it's also true for ANY electric heater. The problem is that a lot of people don't like to have just one room of their house warm while all the others are cold.

You DON'T want to heat your entire house by putting an electric heater in each room. That would cost you far more than central heat. Gas central heat, for example, would cost around half as much as having an electric heater in each room. (The exact amount varies depending on what part of the country you live in.)

If you want to get one heater and move it around with you, that would be cheaper than central heat, but you can get a lightweight 1,500 watt / 5,119 BTU electric heater with a fan for under $100 at your local hardware store, while the "miracle" heater costs $350 including shipping. The heater at your local hardware store won't have the Amish-made mantle and the fake flames, but it will work just as well. Make sure to get one with a fan, since it will warm up the room faster, although fans can be noisy.
10 months ago

I just wish they would stop saying a "man" sm
was pregnant. I mean, come on, the person was born a woman and female internal organs or else this wouldn't be possible. If they did a DNA test, it would show XX not XY. To me, this is no different than lesbian couples doing artificial insemination or IVF. It's only getting publicity because one of them has had surgery to appear male and lives as a male.
Got hit from behind at a stop sign
Got out of the car and went back to see that the car that hit me had lo more damage than mine.  Went up to the car and nobody would roll down a window, three guys all on their cellphones (at that time anyway) so I stood there, got out my cellphone and called the police. Tapped on the window then and found out none of them spoke English.  Told them in English not to move.  The police came and went back to them, came to my car and said they were all illegal immigrants, was not their car, driver didn't even have a license and was driving a "friend's car."  AND of course, no insurance.  His pen was flying as he was writing up those tickets in his car and as I pulled out I saw squad cars surrounding the car and I bet INH was on their way too.  Didn't feel one bit bad but sure would have if I had damage to my car. 
may stop a slimeball
When I was single (before the invention of the cell phone) someone followed me home to my apartment. I stayed in my locked car. He pulled up next to me and started honking like he was waiting on someone to come out. Well, I knew for a fact, none of my neighbors would tolerate being "fetched" by a honking horn, so I stayed put.....for about a half hour. He never got out and drove off. I went into my apartment safe and sound.

I love locked cars.
I can't stop laughing....
Do you have any idea how much you will be paying in taxes if tobacco and alcohol are made illegal? Who do you think pays for the sin tax - the users of alcohol and tobacco. If they want to abuse it, fine by me as it does not affect me. Once it is made illegal, it affects me big time with taxes.
Sorry, but I think I am going to stop watching this
Okay, you guys have got to stop - sm
Posting these delicious-sounding recipes!  I want to try them all, but I also want to be able to fit into my chair.            
As soon as you stop enabling them - sm
They will figure out they need to do things on their own like the rest of society does.  You are NOT helping them by giving in.  What you are teaching them is if they press somebody hard enough and wear them down, they will eventually roll over.
When did you stop believing is Santa?
When did you stop believing is Santa?

If you have kids old enough, when did they stop believing?

How did you/your kids find out?

How did you/they react to the truth?

If kids don't find out on their own, what age do you think they should be told?

vaccine doesn't stop one from getting pox.......sm

as I know it, vaccines don't stop you from getting a disease - vaccines help in that you get a milder case of it, and in this case, chickenpox......


I would stop sleeping in the same bed/room as him
Tell him that you can't stand the stench because it can't be good. Not taking care of/repairing your teeth is as bad as not taking a shower/practicing basic good hygeine. It's pretty gross.
Somehow you have to make him stop, for your daughter
My stepdad used to pull the same stunts when I had friends over (he was an alcoholic). It got to the point where my friends' parents would no longer allow them to come to my house. I also got teased at school something fierce because of his behavior. It got to the point where I would not allow anyone to come to the house - still don't take boyfriends home to meet the family! -which meant I was constantly out of the house and spent less time at home with my mother. I'm sure you don't want that to happen with your daughter, so somehow this behavior has to stop.