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Guess it was not committed on his part

Posted By: Ahh on 2007-11-29
In Reply to: I disagree - just because you aren't married doesn't mean you can kiss whoever you want (sm) - NCMT


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part of the uniform I guess . .
I saw them on Larry King and I really feel sorry for them.
I think my dad needs to be committed..sm
for psychiatric help.  I have posted about him before on here.  He is in a depression and won't work.  He says he isn't able to work because his mind won't let him.  As a result of not working he is broke.  Duh!  See until they divorced this hear my mom was the breadwinner and he never HAD to work.  Well I have told him over and over daddy you need to go to work.  He won't.  Instead he calls my mom constantly, crying and begging for money (they are divorced).  He wants her to pay his bills for him.  If she comes to my house he will call over to my house every 10 minutes.  If she hangs up on him he keeps calling and we just have to not answer it.  He calls her all day everyday on her cell and at home.  I mean every 15 minutes to an hour.  She has to turn off her phone.  When she does talk to him like at my house she talked to him the first time he called he cries and says that he is going to go to the funeral home and pay to have himself cremated and kill himself after the holidays.  He has threatened suicide before.  When he said those things mama said look he is donig this for attention to scare me into giving in to him.  I said mama you need to tell him that if he is that bad off you are going to have to commit him.  He needs help.  So she told him she said if you tell me you are going to kill yourself I am going to have you commited for psychiatric help.  He said oh no you're not.  I just won't tell you anymore.  He comes to my house today crying and saying he is broke.  I said daddy go to work.  He has a dump truck and people have been calling trying to get him to come haul some dirt and he won't go do it.  I said the only way to not be broke is to work and make some money.  Everybody can't give it to you.  Then he says I don't want to be here anymore.  I don't want to live.  I am at a loss.  He won't go to the doctor.  What do you do with someone in this shape?  I don't know what to do.  This is putting a very big stress on me and I don't know what I can do.  I can't afford to help him financially, and I feel like he won't help himself.  Someone please tell me, what do I do?   
depends on the crime committed . . .NM
The family of this young man who committed this act should also be....
included in the thoughts and prayers along with those lost yesterday. Imagine the grief and sorrow they must be feeling. They too are the innocent in this.
Anyone with a printer deskjet know why it prints a page with part of it dark and part of it light.

It is not printing uniformly.

It's not the dancing part, it's the people part that I don't like. K? We clear now?
I keep it in the office part time and on the patio part time
I've got the self-cleaning electric litter box (and boy is it worth the $100), and have a huge throw rug under it with a smaller rug by the litter pan that has a bumpy mat on top of it to catch the excess. I keep it in the office from April to October but on the patio from October to March as it is too hot in FL to leave the patio door open for them during the summer months. I also put out a spare box when we go out of town for the weekend.

Try a box that has deeper sides maybe, or not as much litter in it?
No part here either.

I cut color and style my own so I do it all different ways, but everytime I have ever had it done at a beauty shop they always parted it on the left.  If I wear mine with apart it is on the right.  They told me I do it backwards!  I think they did it because I have a huge scar on the front right of my forehead and they try to cover it up.  It is recommended to rotate it or do it zig zag so you won't have a trained part.

the part I wonder about:
what if that company goes out of business and you have a warranty?
I was part of the
When bad things happen, everybody goes "frugal," but a few things we have kept doing:

Frozen sandwhiches and frozen cupcakes. They thaw in time to be eaten, don't need refrigeration and can hold their own in a back pack!
maybe that was part of the problem...sm
I am not a huge fan of IE7 either, but I do not have any problems with it either, but this is just a thought...you are supposed to *remove* IE6 from your system entirely *before* putting IE7 on. Sam mfg or not, they have too many conflicts when on your system at the same time. My son is 'puter expert and he did mine and I specifically remember him taking IE6 off first. When you said your computer reverted to IE6 *automatically* then I knew what happened. It would not just revert *automatically* if you had taken it off in the first place. No wonder so many people are having problems with this!!! But I do have to admit that the downloading instructions are not clear on that point either...guess they just figure everyone is supposed to *know* this. You don't put two browzers over one another. good luck to you.
and you had better read that part again..sm
and obviously you always have to have the last word which again shows your ego. I asked you politely to drop it, but you just could not leave it alone. NOW it is the end of the debate, for the third and final time!
That's the part that would scare me (sm)
My daughter is grown, thank goodness.  I don't have to deal with this decision.  If I did have a daughter school age, I would be more concerned with the consequences years down the road from this vaccination.  It is just too new, in my opinion, and Gov. Perry is trying to shove it down our throats.  I would strongly object.
I don't think it's random, it might be part of the flu!
At least the same thing happened to my niece 2 weeks ago as she was coming down with the flu. She was in the bathroom, apparently just stood up and fell at the sink. My sister was blow drying her hair and didn't hear her go down, and just found her unconscious!
That part did not need to be stated at all--sm
as it surely led some to think that it was because he was Korean that he did this. He spent most of his school years in America, so he would not have had that particular culture that you brought up, in his head. He was a troubled young man and I surely don't think it was because he was Korean. JMO
What part of the south are you in?
Where I live, deep south, women certainly go that. Do not put an overall blanket on each statement, especially about the south because we already have to live down what others think of the south.
By the way, that's the plan..just have to get through this part first (nm)
Usually it would go on the painted part, but
type so that you can place it however you want.   Have fun at the dinner party.
It is not "Innocent" on her part!!!
"She also tells him that several men, married men, have been out there coming to call. She turned them all down because all she wants to do is raise her kids and ride horses." Did you hear yourself? She wants him to think she does not consider him in the same category as "the others." He is "different". Honestly, he sounds like a nice guy, loyal (so far), works hard, likes the kind of living that she does (horses, etc.) Just stay away from her and her land. Find some other land to lease. Go to the games with dh yourself. She is out to get a man and thinks YOUR MAN is THE ONE. They pick "nice ones" all the time because they think they can manipulate them. Of course, you could always let her know that you know what she is up to, but if you do she will probably whine to your dh and he will feel sorry for her for being "misjudged." If you stop it now, you won't have to deal with the mess that probably will come later! Good luck and I'm thinking about you.
Sorry about that "work on them" part - should have been
Do you part your hair?? (sm)
I don't part mine or my kids - I brush it and it has sort of a natural part, but I never do the old comb-parting thing. Just wondering if I am the odd one out? Hey - it says GAB board :-)
We all seem to have a natural part here. But I keep my
That works during the day for the most part, but...
at night I give him a set amount before I go to bed. If he eats it all, I get woken up at 4 in the morning! He'll pull on the blinds, knock over my lamp, and if I shut the door he starts digging at the carpet (and I'm renting!). I tried making him exercise more, but he usually just stares while I play with the toy!
I don't know about the supplying part
I think it is probably very easy to come by in LA, but investigated, definitely. She has 2 younger children. I realize that even parents that care about their children and try to raise them right still have problems, but this woman is as well known for her partying as for the fact that she is LL's mom.
I agree with the gym part
Ten years ago I was 60 pounds overweight at 28 years old.  I was very depressed and taking an antidepressant.  I lost about 40 pounds by changing my eating habits, then my stepfather got me going to his gym on a two-week free trial period.  I LOVED it!  I got addicted to working out, lots the last 20 pounds, had more energy throughout the day, and yes, I did feel better about myself with more confidence and was able to throw out the Paxil.  I can say I'm definitely happier being thinner because I have more confidence and am not afraid to ask for things I want, where before I would rather sit in a corner and not have attention brought to me. 
I liked the part where the guy had to run in front - sm
of his truck and put a rock under the tire to try to stop it, and it kept rolling over the rock. I had a truck like that once.....
I tell you what they do in this part of the country
I never liked stuffing - but here they make stuffing and make it like little balls (like a good handful) and bake it on a cookie sheet. 
I do get the part about the fights sometimes
guess it just doesn't get that out of hand in our house, and I guess in your mind it is not out of hand so I glad that works for you. I just have a hard time imagining my SIL and niece acting the way she describes. We do joke that they have been fighting since she was born and will fight till death. We joke that my SIL will be 95 and in a nursing home and when her DD comes to visit it will be like "Good God Lauren, is that the only dress you could find to wear? LOL
part-time job
When my now adult daughter was a senior in high school, she was president of two clubs, ran indoor and outdoor track and cross country, went to almost all basketball and football games, had senior trip, numerous other trips . . just seemed like it was money for something all the time. . She got a job - it did interfere with track practice but the coach let her slide on it and practice on her own. . . She worked every summer starting when she was 15. . Went to in-state college .. applied for every scholarship available and most of her 1st year was paid for. . During her sophomore year she worked 40 hours/week at Macy's and went to college full-time.. cut back her hours at Macy's junior and senior year but worked full-time in the summer. . With the cost of everything now... lots of parents just can't pay for everything.. and if you try, you are really hurting your kids because they need to learn that most people don't get a free ride. .
the lying is only part of it
Obviously there is more going on than just the fact that he is lying.. Why is he lying - what is he doing with the money?
I did not see the part you are talking about
and I don't have rewind here but she could really hurt herself with trying the high kicks at 68.
PS. I'm in SW part of Virginia. (NM)
Second part of answer
He can take depreciation, but not truck payments. Don't ask me why. Some day I'll find out when I have time to play around with the IRS site.
Actually, that is only part of the equation.
Food prices world wide have risen because of energy costs, climate/weather conditions, and increased demand in developing nations. Commodities are also a swiftly growing investment vehicle, which can also result in price increases. Global unrest is just beginning. The rioting will become even more widespread. The overthrow in Haiti is probably just the first of many. It is going to get worse before it gets better.
Yes he is a good man - not 100% but for the most part
Just felt I need to do another post to let you know a little more info. Our days consist of talking over current events, watching movies and laughing. We joke around a lot (maybe 30-40% of our day). We talk of things that interest us, what we want, where we want to be. Things we have done over our years together. Our days are probably pretty typical of anyone's life.

Maybe I shouldn't have even wrote anything in the first place. Sure we have our differences of opinions. Sure what he did was pretty crappy - actually way beyond crappy. No he is not trying to keep me from my family. I think what he is most afraid of is something will happen to the plane and I will be gone. He is not like me (independent). He depends on me for a lot. We do have our differences of opinions as I'm sure other couples do. I'm not making excuses for him, but no, I'm not going to take 25 years and just divorce him. Yes I do have a problem with confrontation (it literally makes me ill and I end up sick to my stomach). In my younger years I had no problems with telling someone exactly what I wanted to, but as I get older I find it not worth the headache and getting sick. I just cannot stand it so avoid it at all cost. Of course there have been times where I have gotten so totally p.o.'d at him that I stand with my fists clenched screeming GD it and so forth because just felt like my head would blow. That has happened 4 times in 25 years that I can remember and all 4 times he realized I was serious. We do argue, he listens and most of the time turns around the situation to benefit him (at least that is how I perceive it), but this is not every day of our lives. I would say we have "differences in opinions" maybe once every 3 or 4 months. So maybe I mistated myself in my original post, maybe my PMS was setting in. Maybe I'm overreacting and have absolutely nothing to worry about.
On a different note, my DH does tell me often that I am a very intelligent person, I am strong, I know what I want and that keeps him grounded. He tells me to keep him in line if I feel he's getting way out there. I understand the struggles he is facing in his life (used to be in some pretty high positions (military officer, manager positions, etc), however we do not live in an area or time where any of that is of interest to him. He is struggling with the "what do I want to be when I grow up", but I often hear a lot of people going through the same things. I listen to him, sympathize with him and then I tell him what I think. He listens. Of course it may not "stick" but he listens and a few days later he will tell me "you know you were right". That's why I wonder if he is going through a mid-life crisis at times. He has never ever once been violent or shown any tendencies towards violence. He hates violence and when he hears about it on TV he gets so angry and tells me what he thinks should happen to guys who are violent towards their spouses, children, animals or whatever. He's never raised a hand (I'd beat him to a pulp first). He has never even gotten so upset that he hits an object or kicks a box or anything. In fact, if anyone has a temper out of us it's me (inhereted that little bad puppy from my mom), but I've never done anything more than clench my fists and yell at the top of my lungs (which i'm sure my christian aunt who lived across the road from us got an ear full when I was yelling at the top of my lungs G*d F*ng D*mn it. HA HA Anyway...we do have things at times we should work out. I will read more self help books but no I won't go to a counseler (no money for it) and no I'm not going to divorce him. Yes sometimes I do feel like I'm living in hell, but for the most part I have a good life. At times I feel like maybe I'm the one going through a midlife crisis (no kids, belong to no groups, have no friends here - just me and the PC). DH says I should get back involved in a quilt guild here so am looking around the area (we just moved here a year ago).

Thanks for all the input I've received. I have freinds back east who are just like all of you... "you tell him this or you demand that or you threaten that you will leave him". I'm like...yeah, right, all I need is another argument.

Anyway...thanks all, just felt I had to post again to let you know a little more about what I'm going through. Like I say, maybe I shouldn't have posted anything. Just felt a bit down at that time. I can keep you posted as to what happens. Will be telling him later she's coming out.
I only saw the last part of this movie
Maybe that's why I couldn't remember. Thanks
I would email him, as this seems to be part of (sm)
his modus operandi stating: "I cannot afford to go out with you anymore, so, it is OVER! OH...I forgot the "You're a liar and a cheapskate!!!!

I am dead serious. Get out of that....whatever kind of ????ship you call it.
I get the low energy part too... sm
I use several things ...ginsana helps and I also use Emergen-C packets that you mix with water are helpful. Those things help with that part, but not 100% cure. I feel like half the month I am taking something to help me stay awake during the day, something to help me sleep at night, and something to calm me down during PMS. I never imagined perimenopause would include all of these symptoms! I am going to do some research and see if I can find any answers!
Not part of your world and never will be
Tried to offer a legitimate suggestion and got negative feedback which is so typical of you types. BTW this thread should be on the main board.
I think that if you want to be an included part of
since you already know they text so much, you should be checking your text messages. Did you have it on mute so you wouldn't hear a message coming in?

Look, I hate how so many people seem to have a cell phone as an anatomical physical part of themselves today. But, if you want to be included in with this group, you already know that is how they communicate. You'll need to suck it up and be a little more dedicated to the cell communication.

I would not be upset at them.

Yes. Took up a part-time job and having
100% of the income put into savings. Paying off my debt.

Not going to live in fear.

Not going to live with anyone else, either.

Maybe you could downsize on house and cars. ?

I saw part of the ads and thought about like
the others you see all the time on television- was not any worse than the hamburger ad with Paris Hilton. Now really!
Did you see the part about how she was going to raise them?
She was bragging that she does not receive welfare, but then they have admitted that she receives food stamps and two of the older children get SSI for disabilities. But, she said her source of income to raise them would be her student loans!
of course disrepectful; so, part of what she is.
That's not the worst part. nm
Probably the ebonics part.- NM
Yep, missed that part. Thanks!
I'd like to add it to part of my diet
I have one of those nasty yeast infections. I was reading that adding coconut oil to your diet will help clear it up and also will help hair, nails and other things (still reading more about it and learning more from all the websites). So basically I wanted to add 3 tablespoons to my diet each day and also use it to help my skin and hair. I don't want to cook with it though.
This is the part Mr. TechSupport
added on his own:

Yes, we praise women over 40 for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately, it's not reciprocal. For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed, hot woman over 40, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 22-year old waitress. Ladies, I apologize.

For all those men who say, 'Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage. Why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage!

Mr. TechSupport:
How old are you?
And did you find somebody who bought you entirely?
I assume you are single.

What part of Europe are you from?...nm
First of a two part question
There is more coming to this question, but first I would like to know, Who do you look up to as heros in the US?  By that I mean more job/profession specific vs. your father, grandfather, etc.  Who are the people in this country you would trust above others as being honest, trustworthy, honorable?