Gosh, I did that for years, can't do it anymore nm
Posted By: Justamom on 2008-09-12
In Reply to: I think 90% of women... - Observer
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Gosh, I just wonder what women did years ago
when they had no such information to go by? Do you mean pregnant people really read this and what do they get from it? Their waistline expands- they could have morning sickness- they find it hard to sleep at night- I must have missed something- had 2 children and never had to read a book on what to.
It used to be that way, but not anymore. sm
In order to maintain a roof over our head and food on the table, etc., I finally put my foot down with my "spender" of a husband. His check (around half as much as mine) is now directly deposited into the checking account that he has no access to period.
If there is money left over after bills are paid and he sees something he absolutely has to have then I buy it.
I know it sounds like I "wear the pants" in the family, but we wouldn't have any pants if I left finances up to him. This man could spend his whole paycheck in a half an hour and just bring home "stuff" because it was "cool." We have been able to buy a house and we haven't had the power or phone shut off in over 5 years.
If I hadn't done this, we'd have been living in a shack with no running water, but you can bet your paycheck that we'd have a big screen TV.
The book is also cancelled!
That is great and I am glad. Judith Regan decided not to publish it! Hooray for her!
I won't say anymore...
Didn't mean to almost spoil it for you. I wasn't thinking.
Don't use it anymore, but when I did...
cleaned the thing each and every time. I won't even use a frying pan for making grilled cheese or something without cleaning it out each time. My MIL does that stuff and it grosses me out. :/
She may not want to do IT anymore, but you can
I can't get into it anymore...has it changed?..
I just get "picture of the day" and not the live cam I used to see. ???
she's not a girl anymore though
She's 21 and sadly makes her own decisions. She's too addled to know enough to hire someone to watch over her. Coke gives you a feeling of invincibility. Mom's a mess and so is Dad. She was so darn cute in the Parent Trap too.
What is a holiday? I don't know anymore. NM
Not anymore than a ESL dictation does.
They're not RNs anymore, so it's more
than just the appearance that's changed.
I only go when I can't see out of my glasses anymore.
Or when I accidentally sit on them and break them.
Actually, Jon said last season he did not want to do it anymore -
Jon clearly said this year that the stay at home dad thing was not for him, that he wanted and needed to go to work, and that he was tired of this life and the show -- but Kate is not and insists "the show must go on"...
there is really no bed rest anymore -
I went home from the hospital 12 hours after my son was born and had no problems whatsoever. I was at Wal-Mart shopping that night because the doctor told me it was good to start walking and just not to overdo it.
I don't remember there being any pain after he was born, just soreness all over really.
If he wins, definitely not watching anymore!
There is no way he even compares to Melinda or Jordin. I was not too happy with Taylor Hicks last year. So if it happens again, I'm done. : )
I think you're right - I did tell them not to play that way anymore (sm)
I told them they could hurt her and that they can't play rough with her like they do with me. I do wish she would understand that they are kids though. They haven't intentionally been mean and if they were, they would be in trouble!
But now doesn�t happen anymore
because I have no further contact with them- this is part of my past life. I wish them well.
I'm not even motivated by the lines anymore! (sm)
I have done this work for about 11 years. At first I loved it. I still do love it in a way...I mean I would not mind doing it every once in a while LOL! But I just can't stay focused on it anymore. And I have been having anxiety and panic too and trouble sleeping. I think it is because we don't use our bodies or brains in a normal way and things start malfunctioning. LOL! I don't know! I just know it's making me nuts to keep sitting here all day every day! I got a chance to go with a friend today to walk, have lunch and go shopping. The pure ecstatic feeling I got just at the thought of taking a walk in the daylight and eating lunch out was amazing. That's kind of a problem....it's not that exciting!
okay. Willl not respond anymore. Thanks. Nm
actually changed to satelite and don't get FX anymore
so i will have to wait until it comes out on DVT. I'm going to start a new thread about N/T...you inspired me!
Anyone know why I can't get those little emoticons on my posts anymore?
I am with ya. Having a hard time doing t his anymore.
I could not put a word to it but "fruity" describes it perfectly. My brain is just fried after 26 years. I cannot see myself doing this until I am 65, 14 more years. Holy Cow. No way. Gotta look into something else. Have to wake up my brain. Good luck with the billing job.
I am watching right now so I won't share anymore
but she is drinking this in front of the whole room. I think this is just a mistake with the props department.
nobody plays anything anymore, apparently
Wow, it was like you were reciting a chapter from our life. We've had the hardest time around other parents and their kids. You should have seen the confused look we got the other day when someone asked us if our kids liked Diego, and we said that ours don't really watch TV. It was the politest thing to say, because there was the show up on their enormous expensive flat-screen TV, and the animation was so awful, and nothing at all was happening, and the kids were just itching to *do* something instead of being sung at by dead-eyed drawings, but how do you tell people that? ''I might let her watch TV if there were anything on that wasn't a hypnotic half-hour commercial for some crappy toy.'' If you say that, people think *you're* judgmental and weird, no matter how much they look down on you for not having the Latest and Greatest.
What can you do? Here's all I can do: Trust myself, trust my instincts that there's a mistake those people are making. My goal is to raise morally good kids. Make them good, make them smart. Rich, snobbish and overstimulated aren't virtues.
how to handle a pet you do not care for anymore
In October we got a 7-week old cat from a local vet. We loved her, she was a sweet ball of fluff. She is mainly an indoor cat but does like to go out a few times a day. A few weeks back she started eliminating (both) on my down comfortor, which is a PITA to wash!!! I thought it was just the comfortor so I would just put it away every day after i woke up. I thought maybe it was the litter so I have changed the type of litter I used and that seemed to help. But last night she peed on the bed itself, not the comfortor. The mattress is only about 6 months old, i'm very upset about this!!
Consequently to me disciplining her for this, the cat does not like me anymore. She does not allow me to pet her, she will no longer sit in my lap. The only time she is friendly with me is when I am making food in the kitchen and she comes and rubs on my legs because she wants food. The only thing I did was take her and put her outside when she eliminated on the bed. I use a spray bottle to keep her off of the table and now to completely keep her out of my room. She does not eliminate anywhere else in the house but my bed and the litter pan.
Besides this she plays rough. She is always biting and scratching. Maybe it has just been too long since I had a kitten and forgot but do they normally do that? she is not very loving. This makes me sad as I wanted a lazy Garfield type cat LOL. I know it's not fair for me to expect her to act a certain way but I can't help being dissapointed. She is ruining my bed. I have started putting her outside more but my youngest gets sad when I do as he thinks she won't come back and that is a battle.
Anybody had problems like this? I know there is a spray you can buy so they will not eliminate on certain places but won't she just find somewhere else to do it?
who really cares anymore? My SO and I will never get married
marriage is a dying tradition
I used to be afraid of spiders, but not anymore.
When you fight for space in a home, you get over the fear. If they aren't too "fast", I catch them and put them outside. Not afraid of anything else except heights. Can't even get on a step stool.
I was a tomboy growing up and played with all kinds of insects and bugs except spiders. Even brought home a garter snake, bat, and mouse as a house pets. Can't imagine why my mom was so upset.
There is no more home ec in schools anymore,
None anymore. No wait. Let me count!
I was so busy working that most of my friends gave up and I can't blame them. My closest dearest friend of 30-some years died 2 years ago. We only kept in touch by phone in the past 5 years prior to her death.
I have 2 internet friends, one the wife of my boy friend (not boyfriend) from elementary school and one who shares genealogy family with me. He was the brother I never had.
Oh, and my husband. We've been best friends for 40 some years.
I would not call her anymore until she called...sm
me. When she called me then I would call her. If she didn't call me then I wouldn't call her unless I needed something.
No worry here - all I ever do anymore is work.
I don't think he lives at home anymore.
I usually take the woman's side with this kind of stuff, but can't do it with Kate. She has changed big time. Jon said a long time ago he didn't want to do the show anymore but she's really into it. I think she is only doing the show for herself, not her kids (as she says), and she is willing to put her marriage on the line. In my opinion, she has never treated Jon very well. She's very overbearing. It's her way or the highway and he chose the latter.
I hope they take the show off the air.
oh my gosh!
I have a friend whose daughter got pregnant by her boyfriend. He wanted nothing to do with the baby or her. Guess who got stuck paying child support?? Yep, you got it. The parents of the boy. I have to say, I can kind of understand that.
I worry to death about that with my son and my daughter. They are both preteen and I try so hard to instill good moral values in them. I'm not naive enough to not realize that no matter how devout of a Christian you are, no matter how well you bring up your children, no matter how good the communication is between you and your children, that they won't make mistakes. MY OH MY! One little mistake like that can change your life forever.
I'm going to my doctor here in a few years and tell him I want an endless supply of Xanax or Valium. hahaha. Seriously, that is going to STRESS ME OUT.
Oh my gosh!
Were you married to my ex also? hahaha, just kidding. I totally agree. After 18 years of "staying together for the kids," we called it quits. Things had been really bad for a really long time. I've been divorced for three years now and not only are my children much happier and more well adjusted now, they also have much better parents now that we aren't together. Best of luck to you. By the way, it was 21 years ago today that I married the devil and I just remembered. Talk about irony........
Oh my gosh
I was a huge fan as well, but I was only like 10 or 11 when they were so big. My favorite was Jordan, oh my goodness I just loved him. My room was plastered with posters, I had buttons, had his doll, etc. By the time I turned 13 though I was over it. Puppy love ;-) It was fun while it lasted though. That is a great story.
Oh my gosh, I'm the same way!!
OH, my GOSH!
You sure CAN relate! No, my baby was not here. I will see her tonight! She would have shivered her timbers over that one! WOW! When she growls it is just a tiny ERRRR . . When she barks sometimes it sounds like she is coughing! She is ADORABLE! Help me, ME2, I am kinda scared to go downstairs now. What did you think about Rick. AKA Herman Munster!
We will have Tyne's party tonight. I sure wish you and Cupid could join us!!!!!!!!!
I always repeat to her three times . . Love ya, love ya, love ya!
It's a good thing I'm not transcribing this morning. Far less painful. I'm done now.
Oh my gosh - I want him.
What a handsome dog. Great haircut on him. He's dapper, yet rugged.
oh my gosh!!!!
what do you say to that one! not right!
gosh no, i think its better than ever!!
Oh my gosh. You did
not just say that! My son has no sexual feelings for his mother. What world do you live in. I am not a sicko. I just happen to love my children. It's not like I'm lying there naked beside him or like my husband and I are doing anything in front of him. Please!
Oh my gosh!
I forgot about all that stuff. I guess I was fixated on when he said he wanted to marry her and have babies with her and that he'd wait until she was ready. That was the part I liked.
Mine does the exact same thing and he doesn't understand why I don't enjoy it. Thinks I'm rejecting him.
Oh my gosh....sm
That is terrible. Unspeakable what that dog did. I cannot believe it. You know I wonder what in the world made that dog snap like that. I wonder if he was being disciplined and got ticked or what. I mean what would set a dog off like that. I mean was it unstable before this happened or what. I would really like to hear more about this. For a dog to attack its own owner something is not right. Usually they are so protective of owners. I wonder if he was being bad and was being disciplined and just snapped. Whatever the case the dog needed to die. He obviously wasn't stable.
Oh my gosh!
She is SO cute!! I could just squeeze her and hug her!
Oh my Gosh!!...sm
I don't know what to say. I mean I knew people had it bad but my gosh you live in utter torment. The first thing that comes to mind is..Where are your parents? Are they willing to help in any way? Could you stay with them a while? Do you have anyone? I don't know how you have lived 14 years with this. I would think on how much I make and see if what I could afford to rent and live on public assistance if I had to because I would not live with that man. Things can't be much worse off than they are now. Try to get a MT job that has insurance and benefits. If not don't they have the CHIPS program where you live where if you make under a certain amount you can get free insurance for your kids? I don't know what to say but leave.
Oh my gosh!!...sm
I am at a loss for words. I have never! And the parents just give in and make her happy! I would pull my hair out! I mean she gets the light and TV on all night and that is not good enough. That is more than a lot of kids get. Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled!
I my gosh, how sad!...sm
That is such a young age to die for a dog. I can relate. I had a dog that was half Yorkie and half chihuahua that died at the age of 3, and we don't know for sure what was wrong with him. He got sick. We took him to the vet multiple times and never could get an answer and he just died. We think it had something to do with the fact at the age of 1-1/2 he accidentally got in some antifreeze. It was on the ground at my dad's shop and I didn't know it was there. I saw him drinking something and said what is he drinking and my husband said that is antifreeze. I grabbed him up and went straight to the vet, and they saved him miraculously. But I believe it damaged his organs and that is what eventually killed him. We even had blood sent to a university to be studied. No answers. I am so sorry about LouLou. I know it is devastating to lose your pet when they are like a member of your family.
Oh my gosh!...sm
He just looks like he is smiling all the time. He looks like he would be laid back too. He doesn't look like a hyper dog. I bet he's a sweetie.
Do the English Bulldogs show protectiveness like Pitbulls do? Or are they pretty much mild mannered? I think English Bulldogs are adoreable but I have never known anyone who owned one. My Pit isn't mean but he is protective if he doesn't know someone, mostly men. He doesn't like strange men to come around. But women he is fine with.