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Good place to shop is Salvation Army Superstore. sm

Posted By: PM on 2008-10-21
In Reply to: I also stopped some luxuries....sm - MeMT

Don't dump on me please. The store gets extra clothes from big department stores. It's better if you're a small size, but they have stuff for larger sizes too.

I got INC Incorporated embroidered tunic and Eileen Fisher sweater for $10 each, plus 2 pairs of "work" pants at $4 each.

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Salvation Army.......
If they go to just one agency, such as St. Vincent DE Paul or Salvation Army, sometimes they can refer them to other agencies that provide help. In the area I live in, the churches have funds available to help people pay utility bills and such. We also have a Catholic college that assists people with food, clothing and toys for the kids. There also is Catholic Social Services, not sure if they have them in FL or not. Hope that helps. Prayers to the family that they find the assistance they need.
Salvation Army, etc.

I give to Salvation Army every time I walk in a store.  In fact, I quit shopping at Target years ago because they wouldn't let the Salvation Army bell ringers on their property (and also are into that so-called pro-choice" crap--well not for the unborn baby!)  Anyway, I make a point to go where the good people who give back are ringing those bells.  All growing up we gave to SA, too.

I know Catholic Charities is a biggie, too.  My ma-in-law is big into that one.

Hopefully you've got some good ideas now.  Good luck to you, my dear.

PS:  This is what I prefer to see on these boards instead of the bickering and picking over silly stuff.  This is what we should all be concentrating on--those who really need us to be "here" for them.  This msg and the one from the lady who found out her husband has been cheating on her speaks volumes as to the kind of humans who are really behing these messages.  We have a wonderful, caring group of people here!

Salvation Army?
I'm not certain on this so you may want to do a little more investigating but I think the Salvation Army is sponsored by or maybe just has a large volunteer population from the military. if i remember correctly they are the ones who do the Toys for Tots too.
Salvation Army, Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity
All have trucks that will pick up household items, at least in our area. They should be listed in the phone book. You can call them and see when they will be in your area.
Have you tried your local Salvation Army, United Way, or places like that? sm
The town where I live has a place called Mell Trotter Ministries. You can donate your vehicles and then the people to live and work at Mel Trotter fix up the cars and are learining a trade at the same time. They then sell the cars to the public. The money they make on the cars goes back into the organization.

Also our United Way has something called 2-1-1. You just call 211 and tell the person you talk to what you are looking for or need and they can steer you in the right direction.

Good luck to the family you are trying to help.
Anyone know of a good place
to go on the web when lonely and/or bored (of course I come here, but we all need a variety).  I sometimes surf single sites and read profiles (both sexes just for fun), but I am wondering if you know of something fun to do. ? 
Me too. I think they were established in the first place for good reason.
good grief! If living in a place sm
with an HOA means living next to snooty people like you, I would rather live next to the renters! You act like a person can just up and sell their house like you would sell a car.

Think I will stay where normal people are and not the hoity-toity snot faces like yourself!
Good Advice (new to board, so hope this is the right place)
Read this and  make a copy for your files in case you need to refer to it  someday.  

A corporate  attorney sent the following out to the employees in his  company.   Maybe we should all take some of his advice!  

 1. Do not sign  the back of your credit cards.  Instead, put "PHOTO ID REQUIRED".  

2. When you  are writing checks to pay on your credit card accounts, DO NOT put the  complete account number on the "For" line.  Instead, just put the last  four numbers.  The credit card company knows the rest of the number,  and anyone who might be handling your check as it passes through all the  check processing channels won't have access to it.

 3. Put your  work phone # on your checks instead of your home phone.  If you have a  
PO Box use that instead of your home address.  If you do not have a PO  Box, use your work address.  Never have your SS# printed on your checks  (DUH!).  You can add it if it is necessary but, if you have it printed,  anyone can get it.

 4. Place the  contents of your wallet on a photocopy machine.  Do both sides of each  license, credit card, etc.  You will know what you had in your wallet  and all of the account numbers and phone numbers to call and cancel.   Keep the photocopy in a safe place.  I also carry a photocopy of my  passport when I travel either here or abroad.  We've all heard horror  stories about fraud that's committed on us in stealing a name, address,  Social Security number, credit cards, etc..

 Unfortunately,  I, an attorney, have firsthand knowledge because my wallet was stolen last  month. Within a week, the thieves ordered an expensive monthly cell phone  package, applied for a VISA credit card, had a credit line approved to buy a  Gateway computer, received a PIN number from DMV to change my driving record  information online, and more.  But here's some critical information to  limit the damage in case this happens to you or someone you know.  

 5. We have  been told we should cancel our credit cards immediately.  But the key  is having the toll-free numbers and your card numbers handy so you know whom  to call.  Keep those where you can find them.

 6. File a  police report immediately in the jurisdiction where your credit cards, etc.  were stolen.   This proves to credit providers you were diligent,  and this is a first step toward an investigation (if there ever is one).  
But here's  what is perhaps most important of all (I never even thought to do this.).  

7. Call the 3  national credit reporting organizations immediately to place a fraud alert  on your name and also call the Social Security fraud line number.  I  had never heard of doing that until advised by a bank that called to tell me  an application for credit was made over the Internet in my name. The alert  means any company that checks your credit knows your information was stolen,  and they have to contact you by phone to authorize new credit.   
By the time I  was advised to do this, almost two weeks after the theft, all the damage had  been done. There are records of all the credit checks initiated by the  thieves' purchases, none of which I knew about before placing the  alert.  Since then, no additional damage has been done, and the thieves  threw my wallet away this weekend (someone turned it in).  It seems to  have stopped them dead in their tracks.

Now, here are  the numbers you always need to contact about your wallet, etc., has been  stolen:
1.) Equifax:  1-800-525-6285

2.) Experian  (formerly TRW): 1-888-397-3742

3.) Trans  
Union : 1-800-680-7289

4.) Social  Security Administration (fraud line): 1-800-269-0271

We pass along  jokes on the Internet; we pass along just about everything.  

If you are  willing to pass this information along, it could really help someone.


International Drive is a good place to hang your hat
and close by the park. Lots offer free rides to the park but I just drove when staying there. Lots of buffets there for the family and easy on the pocketbook. Unlike the post above where she was saying the kids needed rest-- don't know so much about that. When I took my family we would start out at the earliest, getting some breakfast and being at the part as soon as opening. I was in my 50s and I spent all day long at the park and into the night. My family never ran out of steam. We went for a full solid week like that, got the hopper passes and would hit at least 2 parks in a day plus the water parks. My sleep of a night was enough for me for the entire next day. We ate all meals out, sometimes in the park for lunch, breakfast the other members loved the buffets and dinner was anywhere they wanted. I had no budget but do know you spend more inside the park than out, naturally. My hubby and I still have tickets to return and we might go back this year. I bought a forever pass a few years back- think we had a total of 4-5x?? to return w/o the cost of getting back in. I love Mickey.
Go trafficland.com, click on the US, and then find your state. Good place
Concerning her salvation..sm

Think about the occasions in her life when she undoubtedly was influenced by other Christians.  She may have made that decision late in her life and that is what you need to focus on. 

If her salvation is in question...

...then that would be because of a capricious, arbitrary and cruel God that only a human could dream up.  That God would possess no true God-like qualities if a person is condemned eternally because of not following some rules that are human interpretations of the word of God.  Sigh.

I believe goodness in this life will be rewarded if there is an afterlife, whether Buddhist, agnostic, Christian whatever.  Different religions suit different cultures....but it's all one God. 

We always clean out our closets for Salvation
Army, and donate to the Toys for Tots. We also just gave a bunch of good furniture to hospice, and I always do their tree ornament angel thing as I've had hospice for my mom and dad and am ever so grateful for that help.
x-army here
She could take leave, usually they earn up to 30 days.  she could take a hardship reassignment.  She doesnt have to go with her baby sick like this.  There are ways to get around that.  Maybe she wants to go. 
I don't know about the marines.  I was in the army and given the circumstances, a soldier would have a say so.  There ARE options in cases such as this one. 
I know about the Army also, as I worked on an Army base and their rules are much more lax.  I also know that it depends on where you are stationed, who you work for, etc. etc. As I have said, IT IS ALL UP TO YOUR SUPERIORS! They have the option of denying your request, just because it looks like the sun isn't shining today, if they want to! And I have seen people get burned and turned down for things that most of us (people with feelings!) would seem a no-brainer! So no, it is NOT the soldier's option! They can request anything they like, doesn't mean it will automatically be approved!
When I was in the Army
I signed a contract stating I had arrangements for my children if I was deployed. The attitude was if the Army wanted me to have a baby they would issue me a baby. Rules have changed since Iraq. Mom should speak to the 1st Sgt and find out what options she has.
Army does not always equal
Though I completely understand where you're coming from.  Hear her out about the complete plan of what she wants to do.  She could go as non-combat, right? Be proud of her for making such a mature decision.
Why the Army? She'd be much safer in Navy
My husband just completed his tour of duty in May with the Navy and never went anywhere near Iraq. The only places he went where Key West, Guam, Hawaii, and Nevada. My sister was also in the Navy and got out almost 2 years ago. She never went to the Middle East or anywhere dangerous either. I know the Navy has been overstaffed recently though, but they can always use people in healthcare and may let her join that way.
My 19-year-old daughter wants to join the Army. I'm very scared at the thought. Any advice out th
Before the Iraq war, I would have been more excited that she wanted to do something positive with her life for a change, but this thought is scary as we know people that have lost their children in the war. I know in some ways this could turn her life around and be what she needs as she is very immature and is going down the wrong road, but are there other alternatives.  A lot of people tell us it's still a good time for kids. Any thoughts out there?
Burn Notice, Army Wives, Closer, Saving Grace
is there a store you will not shop

I know for some here they've said it's Walmart.

There's a chain of stores here in NJ, not sure if they're anywhere else though. It's calles SixthAvenue Electronics. We had a bad experience with them many years ago (they sold us a reconditioned piece of electronics without telling us it wasn't new) and to this day I won't even look at their flyers. I just throw them away.

Where won't you shop?

Women who shop with their
What is the deal with st**pid women who think they are special enough to take their dogs to the malls, grocery stores and other places these dogs shouldn't be? I was at Macy's today and a little dog in a woman's purse barked at people passing by. I made some rude comments to the woman but why do stores allow these people to continue to shop?


I am one of those st**pid women with little dogs and they are better company than someone like you, I am sure. They go where we go including nice hotels where they are welcome.  No one has ever complained.  They are clean and groomed, don't bark, and are gentle and loving.  Stores cater to me because I spend money there.  Are you?  Or, are you just walking around looking?  Maybe they don't cater to you because of your not so nice comments to their good customers.

Edited by Moderator for content. 

I would rather shop with dogs
than screaming kids!
I don't know where you shop, but Target has them for under 100
Target has 500-count king size (up to 18" deep) for $70 on their website. If you're thrifty, you should have no problem finding them elsewhere for under 100 dollars.
You shop at Walmart too?
Does anyone here shop at Fashion Bug? sm
My brothers GF is a manger at our local Fashion Bug and tomorrow only the entire store is 50% off.  This is nationwide.  They are not doing any advertising, just word of mouth. 
why I shop at Walmart
to save money. I have a bottom line too, and I go where I can get the best price.

I have a neighbor who thinks Walmart is Satan too, and guess what? we caught her shopping there last week.

The medical industry should boycott companies that send our work to India, then maybe I could afford to shop at Target. :)

I never shop before December 10th....sm
to me shopping for Christmas way ahead of time takes the fun out of getting out at holiday season.  I always take a day off of work and knock out all of my  Christmas shopping on one week day. 
I do not shop at Wally World...
Besides some company policies, which go against my personal morals, I do not like crowds. However, have you wondered where all the mom and pop stores have gone. If you live in a small community like I do, you will find that your choice of shopping is very limited...Wally bought out the market. Many MT's cry about their jobs going overseas, you should cry about products being produced overseas, being imported back into the U.S., and unskilled labor force having no choice but being employed by Wally. There are very few companies that are left that can train people, let alone invest in them, when all the jobs are going off shore. If you support Wally, you support Americas expansion into the Chinese and foreign markets.
And that is why I don't shop at those store, but there are many stores that I do
items.  I'm not holding any anger from this end, I am just going to continue to stick to my convictions. 
Sheesh, no I don't shop on either on those sites. They
If you like equines, here's a one-stop shop!

Mare stare has a whole boatload of farms that offer live cams in easy to navigate list format.  Usually in the spring these cams are trained in on mares who are about to give birth--which is incredibly cool (and sometimes scary!) to watch. 


I got one to the local kitchen shop.
My mom knew I needed new pots and pans, but as I am so picky, she just got me a gift card so I could go pick my own. 
shop till you drop
you couldn't pay me to shop on a tax holiday
that's like shopping on the day after thanksgiving. No thanks!!
We were at a the thrift shop for the mission in
our town the other day and there was a used toilet seat for sale.  I think they were asking 10 dollars for it.  I could understand if it was unused, still in a box, but come on....
One of many reasons I don't shop at Wal-Mart

Against the Wal
A class-action lawsuit in Dakota County could strike a costly blow to the world�s largest private employer

In July 2001, Nancy Braun was watching television with a friend when a commercial caught her attention. The ad was soliciting litigants for a potential lawsuit against Wal-Mart, the Arkansas-based retailing giant, for allegedly cheating employees out of wages they were rightfully owed.

A single mother of two�and grandmother of four�Braun had started working for Wal-Mart in 1997. At the time, she lived in Slidell, Louisiana, where she had previously worked for a grocery store. She considered Wal-Mart a step-up. �I liked shopping there,� she says. �I thought I�d like working there too.�

And she did enjoy it, at least for a while. She liked the people, the work, the sense of solidarity among employees. But in 2000, homesick for her family, she moved back to Minnesota and transferred to the Wal-Mart in Apple Valley, where she was assigned to run the Radio Grill, the outlet�s now-defunct in-store restaurant. There, Braun quickly became disenchanted with the company, especially after a supervisor repeatedly prohibited her from taking breaks�even after she had surgery that required frequent trips to the bathroom. She soon quit.

Braun�s friend encouraged her to call the number mentioned in the advertisement to see if she qualified for the suit, but Braun was hesitant. She didn�t relish the prospect of reliving that period in her life. Yet she remembered how her mother, a longtime switchboard operator at Carleton College, had always encouraged her to speak up, to do the right thing when confronted with an injustice, big or small. �You can�t allow yourself to be treated like an animal,� she says. �I�m sure Mr. Walton would agree with me on that.�

One morning this past October, six years after she first saw that television ad, Braun sat inside a Dakota County courtroom in Hastings, her striped shirt and beige pants�bought from Wal-Mart�in marked contrast to dark suits, leather briefcases, BlackBerrys, and laptops sported by the army of attorneys in the room. �I�m a Plain Jane kind of gal, nothing fancy,� she said. �But I know what�s right. What Wal-Mart did to me wasn�t right.�

That sense of determination is one of the reasons why Braun found herself in Hastings, taking on the country�s largest corporation. She�s one of four lead plaintiffs in a massive, class-action lawsuit filed against Wal-Mart, a case that could affect 56,000 people who worked at Wal-Mart in Minnesota between 1998 and 2004. The suit alleges that over that period, the discount retailer systematically avoided paying wages earned by employees for overtime work and missed or shortened meal and break periods. And though the case is not the first of its kind�workers have won victories in similar cases in California and Pennsylvania�it may end up being one of the most significant. If Judge Robert King Jr. rules against Wal-Mart in this phase of the trial, the company would likely have to pay up to $500 for each employee, which could mean a payout in the tens of millions. More significantly, a ruling against Wal-Mart in this first part of the trial would also mean that the case would move to a jury to assess whether punitive damages are in order. If that happens, Wal-Mart could be on the hook for not only millions, but billions.

Braun�s troubles began after she returned to Minnesota. At the Apple Valley Wal-Mart, she worked in several different departments before running the Radio Grill. At first, she enjoyed the work. �I treated that place like my own kitchen,� she says. �I did it all willingly. I�m not afraid of work�never have been.� Not long after she started in Apple Valley, Braun had learned she needed to have gallbladder surgery. After the procedure, Braun suffered some relatively common side effects that required her to take frequent bathroom breaks. Braun�s supervisors initially said they would accommodate her needs, but that�s not what happened. �I�d get in a pinch, be there all alone, and soil myself, ruin my clothes,� Braun recalled. �I�d feel so degraded. Sometimes I wouldn�t have clothes with me, and the manager would say �We have clothes here for sale. Get your purse and go buy yourself some.� They didn�t care.�

Putting up with an insufferable boss is, of course, an unavoidable part of a job for many people. Yet Braun�s treatment, argue the plaintiffs� attorneys, wasn�t unique among Wal-Mart employees. Another lead plaintiff, Debbie Simonson, 59, started working as a cashier at the Wal-Mart in Brooklyn Park in April 2000. As a single mother of two children, she needed the money. And, like Braun, Simonson was often told by her supervisor not to take bathroom breaks. �He�d say �Skip the bathroom and get your butt out here,� and I�d do it,� she explained in court. �It was an order. Your boss tells you to do something, you do it.� She quit after 13 months.

According to Justin Perl, the plaintiffs� lead attorney, the denial of breaks was standard operating procedure at Wal-Mart. As part of the case, he and his colleagues combed through Wal-Mart�s own records to find workplace violations. They identified millions of missed bathroom and rest breaks, as well as millions of shortened rest breaks, along with thousands of missed meal breaks. �It�s the Wal-Mart way,� says Perl. �They nickel-and-dime the lowest- paid workers so they can improve their own bottom line.�

Wal-Mart sees it differently. A spokesman, John Simley, says the company doesn�t comment on pending litigation, but in other cases the company has denied it encourages employees to miss breaks or work off the clock. Wal-Mart, company officials maintain, tries to ensure compliance with company policies and state laws, but has no control over individual choices workers make.

Yet those individual choices are often informed by pressure from the company, argues Perl. According to testimony in other wage cases, Wal-Mart compensates its managers largely via bonuses that are tied to profits�and the easiest way to increase profits is by cutting expenses. �They do it by erasing everyone else�s salary,� says Perl. �It�s not a hard job. They cut staffing. They shave breaks. They make their profit goals. It�s the only basis for how they compensate their managers.�

Pamela Reinert, 54, saw for herself how that pressure was brought to bear. A petite, soft-spoken mother of seven from Maplewood who has a PhD in psychology, she joined Sam�s Club�a Wal-Mart subsidiary�in 1997, after she was laid off from another job. Like Braun and Simonson, Reinert liked the work, and was good at it. She made it into the management-training program shortly after joining the company. As a manager, she would sometimes try to intercede on behalf of workers who weren�t getting their breaks. Eventually, though, she was told to stop making trouble. She eventually quit after a supervisor threatened to write her up for insubordination�for trying to take her complaints up the chain of command.

A ruling on the case is expected sometime this month. But no matter how it turns out, Nancy Braun says she will always miss Wal-Mart. �I wish I could have stayed working there,� she says. She enjoyed the other employees, the customers, and the idea �that there was always something to do, always a way to keep busy. I worked my way up�that was a big deal for me. When I quit, I felt defeated.�

Now living in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, and selling insurance at a cell phone company, she tries to attend the trial whenever possible. When she�s in Hastings, she occasionally makes a stop across the street from the courthouse to do some shopping�at Wal-Mart.

Margaret Nelson Brinkhaus is a Minnesota-based writer.

One of many reasons I don't shop at Wal-Mart

Against the Wal
A class-action lawsuit in Dakota County could strike a costly blow to the world�s largest private employer

In July 2001, Nancy Braun was watching television with a friend when a commercial caught her attention. The ad was soliciting litigants for a potential lawsuit against Wal-Mart, the Arkansas-based retailing giant, for allegedly cheating employees out of wages they were rightfully owed.

A single mother of two�and grandmother of four�Braun had started working for Wal-Mart in 1997. At the time, she lived in Slidell, Louisiana, where she had previously worked for a grocery store. She considered Wal-Mart a step-up. �I liked shopping there,� she says. �I thought I�d like working there too.�

And she did enjoy it, at least for a while. She liked the people, the work, the sense of solidarity among employees. But in 2000, homesick for her family, she moved back to Minnesota and transferred to the Wal-Mart in Apple Valley, where she was assigned to run the Radio Grill, the outlet�s now-defunct in-store restaurant. There, Braun quickly became disenchanted with the company, especially after a supervisor repeatedly prohibited her from taking breaks�even after she had surgery that required frequent trips to the bathroom. She soon quit.

Braun�s friend encouraged her to call the number mentioned in the advertisement to see if she qualified for the suit, but Braun was hesitant. She didn�t relish the prospect of reliving that period in her life. Yet she remembered how her mother, a longtime switchboard operator at Carleton College, had always encouraged her to speak up, to do the right thing when confronted with an injustice, big or small. �You can�t allow yourself to be treated like an animal,� she says. �I�m sure Mr. Walton would agree with me on that.�

One morning this past October, six years after she first saw that television ad, Braun sat inside a Dakota County courtroom in Hastings, her striped shirt and beige pants�bought from Wal-Mart�in marked contrast to dark suits, leather briefcases, BlackBerrys, and laptops sported by the army of attorneys in the room. �I�m a Plain Jane kind of gal, nothing fancy,� she said. �But I know what�s right. What Wal-Mart did to me wasn�t right.�

That sense of determination is one of the reasons why Braun found herself in Hastings, taking on the country�s largest corporation. She�s one of four lead plaintiffs in a massive, class-action lawsuit filed against Wal-Mart, a case that could affect 56,000 people who worked at Wal-Mart in Minnesota between 1998 and 2004. The suit alleges that over that period, the discount retailer systematically avoided paying wages earned by employees for overtime work and missed or shortened meal and break periods. And though the case is not the first of its kind�workers have won victories in similar cases in California and Pennsylvania�it may end up being one of the most significant. If Judge Robert King Jr. rules against Wal-Mart in this phase of the trial, the company would likely have to pay up to $500 for each employee, which could mean a payout in the tens of millions. More significantly, a ruling against Wal-Mart in this first part of the trial would also mean that the case would move to a jury to assess whether punitive damages are in order. If that happens, Wal-Mart could be on the hook for not only millions, but billions.

Braun�s troubles began after she returned to Minnesota. At the Apple Valley Wal-Mart, she worked in several different departments before running the Radio Grill. At first, she enjoyed the work. �I treated that place like my own kitchen,� she says. �I did it all willingly. I�m not afraid of work�never have been.� Not long after she started in Apple Valley, Braun had learned she needed to have gallbladder surgery. After the procedure, Braun suffered some relatively common side effects that required her to take frequent bathroom breaks. Braun�s supervisors initially said they would accommodate her needs, but that�s not what happened. �I�d get in a pinch, be there all alone, and soil myself, ruin my clothes,� Braun recalled. �I�d feel so degraded. Sometimes I wouldn�t have clothes with me, and the manager would say �We have clothes here for sale. Get your purse and go buy yourself some.� They didn�t care.�

Putting up with an insufferable boss is, of course, an unavoidable part of a job for many people. Yet Braun�s treatment, argue the plaintiffs� attorneys, wasn�t unique among Wal-Mart employees. Another lead plaintiff, Debbie Simonson, 59, started working as a cashier at the Wal-Mart in Brooklyn Park in April 2000. As a single mother of two children, she needed the money. And, like Braun, Simonson was often told by her supervisor not to take bathroom breaks. �He�d say �Skip the bathroom and get your butt out here,� and I�d do it,� she explained in court. �It was an order. Your boss tells you to do something, you do it.� She quit after 13 months.

According to Justin Perl, the plaintiffs� lead attorney, the denial of breaks was standard operating procedure at Wal-Mart. As part of the case, he and his colleagues combed through Wal-Mart�s own records to find workplace violations. They identified millions of missed bathroom and rest breaks, as well as millions of shortened rest breaks, along with thousands of missed meal breaks. �It�s the Wal-Mart way,� says Perl. �They nickel-and-dime the lowest- paid workers so they can improve their own bottom line.�

Wal-Mart sees it differently. A spokesman, John Simley, says the company doesn�t comment on pending litigation, but in other cases the company has denied it encourages employees to miss breaks or work off the clock. Wal-Mart, company officials maintain, tries to ensure compliance with company policies and state laws, but has no control over individual choices workers make.

Yet those individual choices are often informed by pressure from the company, argues Perl. According to testimony in other wage cases, Wal-Mart compensates its managers largely via bonuses that are tied to profits�and the easiest way to increase profits is by cutting expenses. �They do it by erasing everyone else�s salary,� says Perl. �It�s not a hard job. They cut staffing. They shave breaks. They make their profit goals. It�s the only basis for how they compensate their managers.�

Pamela Reinert, 54, saw for herself how that pressure was brought to bear. A petite, soft-spoken mother of seven from Maplewood who has a PhD in psychology, she joined Sam�s Club�a Wal-Mart subsidiary�in 1997, after she was laid off from another job. Like Braun and Simonson, Reinert liked the work, and was good at it. She made it into the management-training program shortly after joining the company. As a manager, she would sometimes try to intercede on behalf of workers who weren�t getting their breaks. Eventually, though, she was told to stop making trouble. She eventually quit after a supervisor threatened to write her up for insubordination�for trying to take her complaints up the chain of command.

A ruling on the case is expected sometime this month. But no matter how it turns out, Nancy Braun says she will always miss Wal-Mart. �I wish I could have stayed working there,� she says. She enjoyed the other employees, the customers, and the idea �that there was always something to do, always a way to keep busy. I worked my way up�that was a big deal for me. When I quit, I felt defeated.�

Now living in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, and selling insurance at a cell phone company, she tries to attend the trial whenever possible. When she�s in Hastings, she occasionally makes a stop across the street from the courthouse to do some shopping�at Wal-Mart.

Margaret Nelson Brinkhaus is a Minnesota-based writer.

Any decent camera shop
that has any kind of processing service should be able to handle the conversion. You might want to call around and get prices. They probably will charge per slide. Nowadays, they'll probably also put digital versions of the pictures onto a CD for you. They can even create a DVD slideshow with background music. My mother had a bunch of old family slides converted some years ago, onto a VHS tape.

Of course, if you want to do it the REALLY old-fashioned way, and you don't care too much how good the prints are... I once set up the projector and screen, and actually photographed the screen, and thus got prints. At the time, I was on such a tight budget, and the cost of making a print from a slide was something ridiculous, and I only wanted the photos for a reference point, so I could see them without having to set up the equipment every time I needed to refer to one.... I'm sure there are much better options out there nowadays. In fact, I should look into it myself....
SHOP -- I'm doing my part to boost the

I also like to watch my kids play ball or take them swimming.  Sometimes, I get with my friend and her kids and we take them to the movies.  We love to cook out on the weekends and invite friends over. 

I also like just cleaning my house, believe it or not, and rearranging the furniture, etc.  Last summer, I painted and stenciled a lot and I'm thinking about doing a few pieces this summer.  I also like to take care of my flower beds.  Lots to do.  Summer is my favorite time of year. 

Used to own a coffee shop. Have had lots of those chocolate
covered beans - they can be nasty even if done professionally.  If I were to do at home - would buy a mild bean - or even a decaf bean and think I would cover with the Hershey's chocolate mixture I bought to make chocolate covered bananas - which I purchased at Cash N Carry. I think it had something special in it to stick to the bananas.  It only came in a huge can though so would be quite an investment to see if it worked.
You couldn't even PAY me to shop on Black Friday.
We owned a coffee shop 5 years ago and here is my recipe (sm)
I have an espresso maker and a hot chocolate maker.  I buy white chocolate and dark chocolate at Cash N Carry.  I buy cups and lids at Costco.  I buy sleeves at Cash and Carry.  My daughters and friends say it is better than Starbucks!!  The hot cocoa maker froths the chocolate up just as well as our $1000 machine did at our original shop!! :))
Local fabric shop has a lady who gives classes. (sm)
She has been quilting for what she says is "100 years" and was an invaluable teacher. The hands-on experience on hand quilting was great. I don't think I could have picked it up from a book at all. Watching her rock the needle was just like a feathery quiver, gentle and efficient. I hope when I retire I can perfect this myself.
Owned a coffee shop and told by experts not to sm
freeze or refrigerate beans as it takes moisture out and does something to the oils. Only buy what you need and only grind what you need right before you use it. I was surprised too!
Peronsally, I would rather pay full price than shop on Black Friday.
Bass Pro Shop! :) ha What region in Arkansas? What area do you type for MQ?
WalMart sell homosexual books & videos. I won't shop at any store

and it's not because I'm judgemental of anyone. God will judge in the end. But, I have a right to shop at stores that do not sell such items.  And, for the poster who said homosexuals buy condoms...heterosexuals buy condoms, too!  For example, my brother and his wife use condoms because they don't want to have anymore children but also don't want to have surgery.  For the person who posted that the Bible was written by man, let me enlighten you.  The Bible was written by man through God. That means that, while man wrote the text, God was who gave man the words to write it.  This issue for me is not JUST about WalMart, it is about all businesses who sell homosexual material.