Good morning ya'll! I have a story to share and need your help!! sm
Posted By: Friend on 2007-11-16 In Reply to:
A good friend of mine, Kathryn Bryant, from Columbus, GA, entered a “wish” contest sponsored by Pantene. She has been chosen as a runner up and was flown to California for a personal interview. Her wish is to create a program for disabled children that helps them feel accepted. Whether she wins or not is up to us because it’s based on the people’s choice. Pantene is one of the sponsors of the People’s Choice Awards and has posted Kathryn’s and two other ladies wishes on the website. Please use this link to go to the home page to view her video and watch her "Wish." And then VOTE FOR HER,PLEASE!
You will see the Pantene banner ad at the top of the page. Click on “pick the winning wish” and you will see her there.
As a friend of Kathryn, I felt compelled to get the word out on this. If you could help in any way,I would greatly appreciate it. She needs our votes. The kids need our votes!
OOh I hope she wins!
Complete Discussion Below: marks the location of current message within thread
She went out on one date with him - went back to his place where he got nasty, grabbed her arm and threw her across a room and she ended up with a fractured wrist.
My experience with online dating is it doesn't work 95% of the time - a bunch of men online who seemingly cannot *cut the mustard* in real time are not going to change just because they are online.
Yes, I have seen folks meet up online and marry and I have seen twice as many marriages/relationships break up because of people meeting others online.
Have to share a funny story about my parents sm
My parents are vacationing in Florida right now and yesterday while laying by the pool the saw a duck swimming in the pool. The pool area had a fence around it and they didn't want the duck to get stuck in the area. My mom described how ridiculous they must have looked chasing this duck around the area and trying to shoo it out the gate. Finally a man on an upper balcony said "Sir, you realize that duck can fly don't you?". I swear my parents are a hoot! Chop this one up for dumb and dumber. You'll wake up one morning....
skinny, wrinkled and old and think "where did the time go"? I thought the same when I was young and here I am! LOL
Heard the most fascinating story today at lunch. gottah share. sm
My best friend just returned from a trip back home by herself. There, she met up with her high school sweetheart - 20 years later. His mom and her mom are best friends and they were both there for a funeral. She cried her eyes out at lunch today. She learned while on her trip back home that the love of her life was divorced, has 3 kids - his wife left him for another man. My friend is married with 2 children. To make a long story short, my friend is a true lady. She told him all about her life here and he just listened. They were near water (a gorgeous beach) on the docks and it was just the 2 of them and he began saying things to her that made her so sad. He went on and on about how he never stopped loving her and would look at her and say, "you are just as gorgeous as you were back in high school." She said she would just laugh and tell him he was crazy. She said she saw him on and off during the trip because she "had" to. They have families that are very close. Every time he would see her he would give her a big hug and call her gorgeous. She said the night before she left they were on his mother's porch swinging, eating ice cream and he cried like a baby. She cried. Nothing inappropriate happened between them. She said it was a connection none like she had ever, ever experienced before. She said that he made her promise that if anything were to ever happen between she and her husband that she would come back and be with him. He promised that he would wait for her, even if she were 80 years old. My friend cried and cried. He cried and cried.
I cried and cried. I know this lady's husband. The have a good relationship. But she and I both know that we did not marry our soul mates. I don't even know where mine is (we broke up many moons ago), but I know he was the one for me. There was no infedelity to this story at all. I believe her. They lost contact when she went away to college, moved on, and that was it. She would talk about him periodically with me, but nothing real serious.
I don't know how many women (I sure haven't) met up with old flames or lost soul mates and have the experience she has. She is a Christian and says that if she didn't love Jesus, something would have happened between them. She was able to use her love of God to witness to this man (who isn't a Christian). She said that she wouldn't be able to live with herself if something happened between them and that his soul was more important to her than her selfish desires.
I commended her for that. I don't know how many women in her position would have been as strong. She cried so hard when she was telling me this story. Lunch lasted 4 hours!! I'm glad I was off today. Anyway, it just has me thinking about my ilfe, too, as a married mom and wife. My husband is the most unemotional, unaffectionate, doesn't-believe-in-soul mates-kind-of-guy. I can't talk with him about these kinds of things. I just wish he were mine OR I was with mine.......
In a press release this morning Santa Claus announced the layoff of nearly 800,000 elf employees. The announcement was completely unexpected despite the current economic situation.
Due to the failing economy, and many companies cutting costs wherever they can, including advertising, Mr. Claus has lost several endorsement jobs.
Mr. Claus is seeking government aid, requesting his own bailout package from several different governments. However, he is meeting a great deal of resistance. Many toymakers and distributors, namely Walmart, Playskool, and the Chinese government, are lobbying against the bailout. They say Santa's "Free Toy for Every Child" program is a seasonal monopoly, and it generally takes four months to recover the losses sustained from his "good deeds."
Children across the globe will feel the impact this Christmas, particularly the naughty ones. Traditionally, naughty children receive lumps of coal from Santa on Christmas. Mr. Claus has no coal to give, though, as it was part of the elves' severance packages. It is Santa's hope that it will at least be enough to keep his former employees warm through the winter.
When asked if there was any hope of the elves returning to work next year, Santa replied, "It doesn't look very promising. The elves are like family to me; I love them all very dearly. Unfortunately, illegal immigrants work for a lot less, and I don't have to provide benefits, so that's probably what I'll have to do. It was a difficult decision to make, but it's necessary if I want to keep the business in operation."
The elves aren't the only ones hurting. The reindeer are suffering a great deal more. Mr. Claus has had to auction off much of his breeding stock just to stay operational until Christmas Eve. (See related story on page 5, "McDonald's Debuts new Christmas Menu.) It is questionable at this point how much longer Santa will be able to make his annual flight.
Could this be the beginning of the end of Santa Claus? Only time will tell for sure.
I'll tell you my story sm
My mom had polio in the great epidemic of the summer of 1952. She is still living, very ill with post polio syndrome and has been in a wheelchair for over 50 years. When she had polio, her parents were told she would never be able to conceive a child...
When she was 16, she and my dad got into the backseat of his Chevy and made me with "Ally OOP" playing on the turn table He kept on the passenger side floor. He was only 18 and not really very responsible, but then no one believed my mom could have kids. Sure enough, she turned up pregnant. This was 1959, and she was a freshman in high school, having missed a year while having polio.
Her mom was scared and had somehow tricked my mother into a specimen for the rabbit test, and my mother didn't understand she was pregnant. She had merely mentioned to her mom that her period sure was late. She was very innocent and not well informed, but then again no one felt they needed to inform of these things! The doctor told my grandmother that he would give my mom an abortion because of the polio and not being able to walk, and that it would not be a problem.
Gramma went to my dad and told him he had gotten my mother pregnant and that my gramma was going to schedule an abortion for my mother. Know what my dad said? NO WAY you are going to go and murder MY child!!! Gramma asked him what he intended to do and he said he wanted to marry my mother and raise their baby. Mom's mom called dad's mom who were best friends in those days and told her what was going on. Between the 2 of them, they came up with gas money and a car to send my parents to Iowa to get married with my great-grandparents for witnesses.
I was raised by children, one of them handicapped and not terribly able in some ways. Dad never could behave himself and keep a job more than a year at a time. Mom didn't even have a diploma, so she ironed by the hour in the humid heat of Kansas City for money to be sure we had shoes and coats, things she could not sew at home. One way and another, these two people kept a roof over our heads and food in front of me, and later my younger brother too.
Our family didn't have the fun in dysFUNctional. We are 4 very different people. My parents were married for 30 years before they divorced and they have issues with each other even now, 20 years after they split. It is ugly...but it doesn't diminish the fact that they got 2 of us raised. My brother and I are accomplished, talented and responsible people. We are successes and part of that is back to our parents.
My mom, it has to be said, went and got her GED when I was 8. She went on to junior college to learn a career a handicapped woman could do, like be a secretary. She ended up with an AA in chemistry, then a BA in Human Resources and an MA in Management of Human Resources and worked for the state in education administration. She had been kicked out of high school for being PG and married...told her she was a bad influence on the other girls. She went from a teen mom to having a Master's degree.
Perfection? Not by a long shot and you know, it didn't have to be perfect. Good enough? You betcha and then some. I am proud of my parents.
It is a lot of work - my story (I'll try and make it short)
First let me say I'm happy that you have a marriage that you don't feel you need to work at it. Wish I could say the same. Been married 26 years and it has been work on my part this whole time. We knew each other 2 weeks before marrying (yes one of those crazy and spontaneous moments I didn't think ahead as to how it would affect my life), but "for better or worse" I made it 26 years with him. I have had to work at this the whole time. Learn to say I'm sorry when I don't do anything wrong, learn to accept him never saying I'm sorry because "I'm a man and it's hard for us to say we're sorry", work at keeping my mouth shut when he is going off about something, work at juggling work, paying bills, doing laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, and doing it all. This has been a lot of work and I wish I could have had someone tell me how much work it was going to be - I would have thought twice. I can't see where any marriage is never work. I've given up a lot and kept my mouth shut, and worked at keeping my feelings to myself on a lot of issues (avoids the two hour arguments because I don't feel the same exact way as he does on certain issues). I've worked at not getting angry at him, and I'm still working at it.
So I am happy for you, but there are us out there that do have to work a lot in our marriages (or at least at keeping our sanity).
Dont forget "A Christmas Story" ("You'll shoot your
My dad said he actually did that frozen-tongue thing, too, on an axe, when he was a very young boy. He'd have LOVED this movie.
Good Monday Morning
Good morning all.
Haven't looked at our weather yet, so I don't know what we will have today.
I just cuoldn't sleep, so up I am and just put the coffee on. Come on over and have a fresh cup of coffee and I'll make us some breakfast.
Just turned T.V. on and so now I can watch it an hour longer. I'm going to have a problem with this time change.
I should be working on our income tax, and it's a little overwhelming even thinking about it.
I wanted to share a feel good story with you from our local paper. Have a great Monday and Wonderful Week
OMAHA, Neb. -- Drivers who saw $2,500 in cash blow from a motorcyclist's open pocket Thursday pulled over, collected 24 of the hundred-dollar bills and waited for his return as others tracked him down.
The unlikely payback had the motorcyclist feeling "blessed," and, perhaps more importantly, able to pay his bills.
Anthony Burres was headed south on 132nd Street between Dodge and Pacific streets when the bills began to fly.
"I didn't have my side hip-pocket zipped up and my wallet fell out, and it's like $2,500 in cash just flying all over the street," Burres said.
Burres got to Center Street before realizing he was being chased.
His headphones made him oblivious to his expensive mile.
A witness finally got his attention at the intersection of 132 and Center streets. They headed back to the scene.
"I finally get back here and it's like four lanes of traffic of cars stopped just dead in the street, picking up money, and I'm like, 'Aw man, no way,'" Burres said.
But it was real. Burres got $2,400 back.
Eight to 10 people handed him the money.
He was down one bill.
He's not missing the pocketed $100.
"I can still pay my bills. That's real good for me," Burres said.
He said the first person to stop probably pocketed the cash. But he said that's OK -- that person probably needed the cash.
Omaha Hearld
What a good story! You must be very proud.
He's a good writer for so young. Hope he keeps it up!
I got a good learning to cook
When my DD was I think 11, she and my niece (12) were babysitting for me for a few hours. I was on my way home and told her to get the frozen lasagna out of the freezer and put it in the oven. I said it is very simple, directions are on the box. I get home and open the oven to check on the lasagna and there is the lasagna cooking in the BOX AND ALL!! Directions said to "poke holes in the top" which she did in the top of the box that is and never removed it from the BOX! So here was my lasagna baking in the oven still in the cardboard box container covered in holes! I literally wet my pants laughing so hard. She has NEVER lived that one down as we love to tell that story. She said well it never said to take it out of the box, lol.
Good point...I'll pay $10 only. :D :D nm
bitter sweet; good story, thanks for sharing.
more advice - you'll be no good to those kids if
I was there - for 12 years - and my sanity was going - married to a passive-aggressive (oh and there are female passive-aggressives out there too *hint hint - his MIL*).....and I couldn't take it - when my child was 7.....and by 9, I cared more at that moment about what I was feeling (brink of possible loss of sanity/stability in myself) - and I chose to save myself - I, once again in life, became my own hero (I did the same at 17-18 when I chose to leave a shaky home)....I knew that I'd be an even BETTER mom if I didn't have him draining on me - and so it became!! My offspring is nearly 27 and turned out great (no thanks to the DH and my D there isn't for DEAR but lots of other D's).....
Save yourself or your children will NOT be getting your absolute BEST.....
best of luck to you sincerely!!!
Signed: Better to raise kids in a happy divorced family/house than a miserably married one......
My sister passed away in Nov. She loved the beach so we waited until this summer to spread her ashes there. My sister and I dug a heart in the sand and filled that empty void with her ashes and covered it with green colored popouri, her favorite color and put down candles and then the waves came up and washed the ashes back out to sea. In this picture, hope it shows, (if it does not someone tell me how to get it to show) my sister was taking picture and I leaned down to pick up a trash tie that had washed up there and the shadow looked like the hand was reaching out of the ashes to touch my hand. Freaked my little sister out. Was like a sign but it brought some humor to the situation.