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Funny, threatened daughter with same!

Posted By: Jane on 2007-12-09
In Reply to: I'm giving mine COAL. LOL. nm - HolidayMT


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Threatened by daughter if she were born in a place with snow
like you are talking about, as soon as she grew up she would have been out of there. We live in the sunny south (well today about 40 something) and have not seen 1 snowflake this year, hmm, not the last year either and the year before and so on and so forth. I would not even have the clothes necessary to live in a place like you do. Keep warm!
Funny you would say that, if I was asked 1 time if my daughter only
child, I was asked 50 times and my answer was, no she just acts like that. She has always just been into herself, now over 30 and still is just a me type person, wont change ever. The man I am married to speaks volumes against the all about me type thing. If I speak proudly of him to someone else he always tells me lets talk about something else, ok. I just don�t have the kind of guys around me like you have I guess.
Unlike other females that feel threatened and you know who you are
I do not worry about him cheating at all. Probably half of females on here cannot say that but I can. I never check his phones, his emails, bills for his cell phone, nothing. He knows which side his bread is buttered on. He says I am high upkeep but then I do my own.
My 14-year-old is going to be a mother-in-law (so funny) if you google it and 11-year-old daughter
You're so funny!!! That's what I wanted - funny redneck stories
Just kinda tired of my house looking like Sanford and Son - LOL!
Daughter's phone is daughter's responsibility. Valuable lesson learned.
It should be between the daughter and the friend if the friend is going to pay any of the fees. They are teenagers, not preschoolers.
That is too funny... I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time.
Funny looking Bob with the funny looking wife

I agree - a mother is a mother and a daughter is a daughter for life sm
despite the problems they had, which i truly believe stem for anna's drug problems. obviously her mom wasn't too bad or she would not have raised daniel for a while. i think the mother wants her buried in Texas so the grave will be close enough that she can go visit it without having to come up with expenses of going to the bahamas to get there. although i contradict that too in poor anna needs to be buried with her son.
Thats funny!! Thanx
too funny !!!

It's funny that you say this...
about "sounding rude". I wonder how much time your in laws and family members actually put into their decision before asking you to care for their mother? I wonder if it has even occurred to them that they are being rude to even consider asking this of you when there are professionals who can do this and should do this for their mother?

Believe me, you have no idea how much of yourself you actually lose when thrown into a situation that's convenient for everyone else. Believe me, everyone else has figured out how to say "no" by passing the responsibility on to you so that they can continue their lives without being inconvenienced.

However, you're right in being polite; however, you can still say "no" and not be rude. Don't feel guilty either for not playing the martyr.

This is so funny!!! LOL!!

I have an 18-year-old son who LOVES to be on the computer doing the instant message thing.  He knows all the lingo, codes, blah blah blah.  Well, he is not used to the Short Hand being on on my computer, but sometimes he uses my computer when I am not working.  Can you see where I am going with this?

Anyway, he (and probably a dozen other of his buddies) were instant messaging each other on line.  So my son needs to go do something and he just typed BRB for "be right back."  He jumped up and did not see this expand to BRIGHT RED BLOOD.

LOLOL.  Frantically, word travelled through cyberspace that something must have happened because he just typed in bright red blood and left.  When he finally went back to his screen he had all these worried messages...are you all right?  what happened???  are you alive???

I got the best laugh out of that!  He had to explain to everyone who had "heard" just  what had happened and now he is much more careful.


How funny - if he
had put that in on my computer it would be "bright red blood per rectum"  Not a great idea!  
Oh, that's funny!

That must be the game system that I have heard talked about and someone laughingly said that this game would actually give you carpal tunnel, pulled muscles, etc. 



How funny!
Gave me a good laugh, which I needed! Thanks.
Funny too how you can think that you like
they have made here, and then all of the sudden realize they are not as nice as they seem by other posts that they make.

Born and bred Texas, but never heard that before - i'm trying to figure out if it could be a compliment ???

This is funny because.....
I grew up with these sayings and use these all the time in my everyday talking without thinking about it. Hubby comes to me all the time when things he hears at work asking me what does this mean, such as "buying a pig in a poke", "don�t look a gift horse in the mouth", "leaving someone high and dry", so many, so little time.....I throw these around because where I came from everyone knows what they mean and we think nothing about using them. Bless his little short self he doesn�t know and I laugh when he tells me to speak "English."
LOL! Too funny . . .
When I told my son (after a couple of years of him questioning it because peers had already told him), he said, "The thing that made it most believable is that we never have a lot of money, but there is always so much cool stuff on Christmas morning!"
Too funny! >^..^<

My funny
One of my ESL doctors said the patient's lower extremities have disappeared. LOL.
That is too funny!

that was funny!...nm



and that would be me...*how funny*....s/m

  And I'm a woman of my word - I never steer people wrong, rarely give unsolicited advice, and let me state it was fun emailing with you today!!  *giggling*......Nice to put the people with their posts...*lol*  I never put a name in but you know my name as I do yours now. 

*too funny*   

Have a GREAT evening :) 


OMG! That's too funny!
She's so adorable though I think I can overlook it!
Funny you should say that (sm)
We were watching the news while eating breakfast this morning and they had bad reviews of Premonition, and I told DH, "Well if they don't like it, I'll probably love it".  That's what usually happens.
That is too funny, and just to think my
hubby told me just today he had to give colas up, hmmm..
Funny, my mom too!
And I have used everything else you can think of, now 40-something, and my skin looks like crap :( Gonna get me some of that miracle potion too!
That's so funny! sm

The strange thing is, I've seen adult birds (I don't know what kind, but they aren't very big - not crows or anything) harrass the cats far more than the other way around.  The birds will dive-bomb the cats if they dare to walk out in the open, and the cats just duck their head down and run to get away. 

I've always wondered why the cats put up with it, why they don't just stand their ground and swat at the bird.  I think the birds must be protecting a nest to be this bold.  I've seen them dive-bomb our dogs too.  It seems there is always one bird who will "stand watch" and become very vocal if anyone (us, dogs, cats) go into the yard.  I halfway expect them to dive-bomb me one of these days.  They aren't foolin' around! 

that's really FUNNY!!! ..........s/m

I don't know how that would happen...unless Diana is *padding* her age. 

All I can say is I was at the Brooklyn Fox Theater with my older sister MANY times standing outside waiting to see shows with Little Anthony and the Imperials, Otis Redding, Martha and the Vandellas, Smoky Robinson and the Miracles, the Shirelles, and many many other groups when I was 12.  I also saw similar groups at the Apollo Theater in Harlem when my school took us all there when I was 16, was the last time I/we ever saw Otis Redding unfortunately.  The Tymes and the Shirelles came to my high school for the graduation/prom events to perform.

Diana Ross and the Supremes...I cannot remember if they were there at the Brooklyn Fox theater....they were not at the Apollo when I was there, but I loved the Supremes songs...I was such a Motown person, still  love that era of music/songs.

fun reminiscing.....

lol, funny!
seems funny to me....
Jay Leno is one to make fun.  He looks like the moon face on the old Mac tonight McDonald commercials. 
LOL that is so funny- I used to think
that all cats were girls and all dogs were boys and that they would get married (yes, married) and have mixed litters of both. I can't remember where I got that idea, though.
You funny.
Not freaky.
How funny!
I found him creepy when he was younger and grinned too much, but now I find him cute.

But Brad Pitt annoys me because of the characters he's played (so immature). And for the longest time I saw him as a Robert Redford clone, physically. How is it they never played father and son?
How funny
I don't purposely watch cooking shows, but some channel has a cooking guy that comes on and annoys me to death. His voice is higher than mine; he sounds like Mickey Mouse.

Oh, how funny!
I may have a warped sense of humor, but this thread on Alli is making me laugh! Thanks for sharing this, Apple Scruff - got a great visual!
LOL! That was funny.
hah! thats funny!!
(the icon)

i was beginning to feel all alone out here, so am glad to see at least a couple of you wouldn't waste their time watching something created by the sicko MM.
Too funny - sm
I am usually the quiet one too. Other peoples kids are in and out of my house all the time but the difference is, these kids actually respect our household rules.

Sure, sometimes the kids get a little loud but they are kids. If I have to warn anyone it's usually with the "mama eye." They get it and pipe down afterwards.

This kid and her mother are truly something of an entirely different beast. Neither one has any manners and act as if everyone around them should be their personal servant.

Good luck with yours. I guess I reached my boiling point today. I have let things slide with them for a long time and today was the last straw.
That's funny,
I live in PA also. You would just go and pay at the door, I am not sure what they charge since I exhibit and never paid as a spectator. The one next weekend is in Somerset NJ, at the Garden State Exhibit Center. I am looking forward to it.
Too Funny! nm
U R 2 funny!

lol, funny.
That's funny because we were saying
last week how it was the first time we had seen so many out of state cars all summer! It looks like everyone picked the same week to come here.
Too funny! sm
Need to remember that for when my mother-in-law dies. She swears she states in her will to bury her money with her. LOL! Monopoly money maybe?
OMG, that is too funny!!
Talk about creative writing.  Too cute.
You know what would be really funny ...
would be to bring a handsome older single (or willing to pretend to be) man along with you, saying it was your dad, a widower.

Just watch how nice the mean biddies would be to you in front of him, and then probably continue to be, never knowing when you might bring him again!

That's funny
I was going to say either salpingo-oophorectomy or bezoar.  One can be a little
"hairy" though.  I love how salpingo-oophorectomy rolls off the tongue.