bright side. But, like he said tonight, he's leery of the car even though everything looks great. We're the kind of people who buy something after thinking it over for a long time, and even when we do that, it turns out to be a dud. This time, he bought it after crawling underneath, checking the engine, taking it for a ride, and even checking the trunk out, yet he's afraid, as I am, it will turn out to be a dud again.
We just have no luck. For instance, he plays a daily number every day. It's always off 1 digit, yet if he doesn't play, that very number he might have played would come up straight. See what I mean?
I've been with him since 1965 with a break of 2 years in between, so I know about being alone and single. You will find your Prince Charming (if there is such a thing anymore) someday. Just have to keep looking in the right places. I wish you luck and happiness.
I guess I'm just asking everyone to keep your fingers crossed for us that something will turn out right for a change.
The three Barnes children learn a great deal about birds and the neighborhood bully learns about friendship when they join forces to care for some orphaned bluejays. see all copies from $1.99! first editions
Red, white and blue . .
Found them on Netflix and added them to my que - can't wait.
I also have a blue heeler mix. sm
Actually two (I think) the younger one is a bit of a hound dog. Both of mine are spoiled beyond belief. But, aren't pets to be spoiled? I have no children so my dogs are my babies. Dog spelled backward is God. Wonder why? Cute baby you have there. What is his/her name?
Look at those BLUE eyes!
Oh wow! I don't think I've ever met a dog with blue eyes before! They are beautiful!
Giants' blue
You know what confused me? I have always, always seen the Giants in blue, and to see them in a different color just rocked me! And then, of course, the coach was wearing the regular blue jacket, which was even more confusing! We were halfway through the first quarter before I stopped automatically looking at the blue jerseys to be the Giants!
Maybe not out of the blue. Maybe just finally had
My jeans are never blue and
I only wear black Gloria Vanderbilt, wonderful bit and look, have to look hard to even associate with real jeans.
You're being kinda mean
Funny because I am close to getting a divorce and was just thinking about this type of thing all day myself.
My son is 9-1/2 and he got an Easter basket from me and from his grandma today. My daughter is 7 - she turned 7 yesterday - had a big party and still got an Easter basket from me and her grandma today. They both had toys and candy in them - and muscial toothbrushes and new toothpaste ;-) from me. It doesn't matter at all if her birthday is near Easter - has nothing to do with it. And she is not too old!!!
Eating candy around holidays will not cause cavities - they come from poor dental hygiene and eating bad foods regularly. So, can't blame that on the Easter basket.
You are creating a feeling of competition that doesn't have to be there. If you love her, be glad for her that so many people love her. When I finally go through with my divorce, I want as many loving relationships as possible in my children's lives, whether I am comfortable with it or not, because I love them and I want them to be happy. Shouldn't you feel the same for your granddaughter?
Dog the Bounty Hunter, with less cursing and more humor! No joke, first few times I watched Dog I was going "oh my gosh, Stephanie Plum!!" Books are getting so expensive these days I hesitate to buy anything new anymore, but by golly, I'll buy ANYTHING by Janet Evanovich, especially the Stephanie Plum series. I recommend them to anyone I meet who likes to read.
So...who is pulling for Ranger and who is pulling for Morelli? Joe's cool and all but I tell ya - Ranger has it going on! I really, really, really wanna see Stephanie hook up with him. I just have the feeling that Morelli is gonna cheat on her...just a matter of time. What do you all think?
my kinda desserts too...
Have to add...kinda funny to me (sm)
She also frequently calls and asks ME to come spend the weekend there too. They live an hour away. Whenever my husband(her son) is out of town she will call and say "I know you will be all alone over there and I thought you might like to come spend the weekend while he's gone." When I go, she wants to dictate everything we do, and a good portion of the time I end up sitting on the couch reading magazines. What I have recently started doing was saying, "No but you are welcome to come stay here." and she always says no, she has way too much to do!! Well,I do too! LOL!
that's kinda crazy.
she has been gone for a long time. I wonder if she's going to come back to help Jack with this mess he has created. She really is good for his character when he goes into bad things. Wonder how old Abby will be.
I'm kinda in the same boat
My 30+ year old stepson is supposed to be moving out today. Believe me, it won't last. He is the filthist person I have ever met and for his age is VERY naive and gullable. Won't be long before others see what I have been trying to tell them for years. He's lazy, selfish and totally irresponsible. It's just a matter of time before he gets a DUI. He totally disregards any advice or help my husband gives him and listens to his loser friends. If my husband lets him move back in.........that's the day I move out! I've got news for my husband....HE WILL BE PAYING MY RENT --- since he has the money to keep supporting his ADULT (and I say that loosely) children! Good riddins' to him! I need help --- kinda long ---
I am seriously in need of some help and I know it. I am so depressed that I cannot function anymore. My income is down so much that I am getting ready to be evicted from my rental (after losing my home earlier in the year), I am by myself all the time because I have to stay chained to this computer to try to get work as it comes in. I took an inhouse job, but figured out tonight that after gas money and buying clothes to wear to work that I am only making about $60 in 6 hours and I can do that in 2 if I am at home in front of this darn computer. However, my expenses are based on $200 a day!
I am crying all the time about everything. I can't help it. I have cried my way through 2 hours of typing tonight.. I am short tempered, the littlest things set me off.
I don't want to kill myself, but I don't think it would be a big loss "waking up dead".
I have no insurance so I cannot go to the doctor...
I have no relationship with my parents or my sisters anymore (have not spoken to any of them since Thanksgiving day). My children are driving me crazy. My son is irresponsible and out in the streets (he's 19) and I worry about what is going to happen to him and feel responsible for providing him a place to live even though he is not working.
My daughter works and has 2 kids and I feel bad because right now I cannot mentally, physically, or financially be a good "nana" to my grandbabies. Then, my daughter just called me tonight and told me that she is having a LEAP emergently and that the doctor said he is going to have to take so much it would be dangerous for her to ever have children so he is going to do a tubal while he is there... this just serves to remind me that I was supposed to be having paps every 3 months for precancer and so far it has been over 3 years because I lost my insurance and cannot afford to go to the doctor - or pay for the treatments required if I do go - and now if I got insurance, it would all be preexisting anyway...
My checking account is overdrawn by $600 because Dish network put a hold on $500 while waiting on their equipment to be returned and I did not know they were going to do that, so now the stuff that was already outstanding is bouncing and I will be probably be $1000 in the hole before it is all over...
I don't know if too much else can go wrong, but I can't handle too much more and I need some calgon or something -
sorry to unload, but ya'll are all I have right now...
What is going on with me? kinda long - sm
I feel anxious all the time about the most mundane things. This started about 8 months ago in earnest, but I have never been an easgoing person. I feel as though I am off the charts now, however. Example: Car renewal tags normally arrive in about 2 days from the time I send the check in. Four days have now passed. I am worried sick something is wrong and I will not get them back and the tags will expire. Hubby just rolled his eyes when I told him about this, and I do know that nothing is probably wrong and they are just behind this year, but I am dwelling on it and about another hundred totally mundane things right now and imaging the worst possible outcomes. It is like somebody turned on a switch 8 months ago and I cannot turn it off. Not been able to sleep without taking Ambien CR since this all began 8 months ago because I will wake up every 2 hours, be awake for 2 hours, etc., and I do not do well without my sleep. Started back on BCPs after 20 years because I thought it was perhaps hormone issues, but they have not helped much at all after 5 months. I have also had a complete physical with all kinds of biophysical testing and blood work and am in excellent health in every way. Not sure what else to do here and am really frustrated by the constant anxious state that is making me (and my poor husband!) miserable. Should I go see my PCP , a shrink, what? You're kinda mean.
Maybe she has a speech impediment or something. Maybe she's just not as intelligent as you are. Either way, correcting people and treating others like they're stupid isn't a good way to jack yourself up. Nice superiority complex you've got there, sweetie.
This one's kinda long
My cousin is a retired nurse. When she was old enough looking to be considered mature (ahem), there was a particular male patient on the floor who kept yanking IT out every time a female nurse came into his room. Nothing the nurses said to him seemed to matter - he just wouldn't stop. Finally they sent my cousin in to straight him out.
Nurse: You know, Mr. Overexposed, I hear you've been exposing yourself to the nurses. Just between me and you, you really ought not to do that. You know they're feeling so sorry for you.
Mr. Overexposed: They feel sorry for me? Why?
Nurse: Well, Mr. Overexposed, I wasn't going to say anything, but apparently they think it's so sad that you're so small down there...
Mr. Overexposed turned over a new fig-leaf instantaneously!
Kinda funny, I used to
I used to be horrible at spelling. I mean it was BAD! My mom actually considered getting me some special help becuase I couldn't spell quite simple words up through middle school. After that it started to get a little bit better (becuase we had Word with spellcheck lol). However, after I became an MT...that all went away. I'm still not the BEST speller in the world (use my spellcheck frequently, but that might just be from typing too fast), but I'm about 1000 times better!!! Well thats one good thing that came out of this job. looking for a recipe for Blue crabs sm
and tomatoe sauce for spagetti and crabs for Xmas eve. Could not find the recipe board that use to be here. THANKS
Black and blue toe - broken??
Ok, so I was walking from my daughter's room to my room last night and had this sharp pain in my 2nd toe on my left foot. I just shook it off as it didn't hurt that bad, but I woke up this morning and my toe is all bruised up with dark purple and redish shades on the bottom half. It doesn't really hurt unless I put direct pressure on it, but do you think this could be broken? Obviously, I would need an x-ray to know for sure, but does anyone have another explanation for why this would happen. I went ahead and buddy-taped it just in case and will continue to monitor for any changes, and will probably go to the dr on Monday if it gets worse, but this is just weird as it doesn't really feel broken??
Blue Ridge, Texas
School is out this Friday and my 2 kids will be home and I have to start getting up earlier and working in the early, early morning and late evenings!
3/4 Red Australian Cattle dog, 1/4 Blue
3 years old. His name is Eddie
Try Selsun-Blue or get a rx for Exalon (sp?) Mickey Blue Eyes
and Lil Miss Sunshine are two of my faves.
know what they call blue herons in KY?
shite pokes - ex born and raised there - could not figure out what he was seeing until I saw them too. Quite common even in city.
Have a bad experience today? Why this out of the blue?
Guess what.. when all of our ancestors came here (except for Native American and British countries) they all spoke other languages and then learned English. So big deal. Who are "they" and why are you appearing so racist here? IMHO we should all be bilingual. In Europe the schools require children in school to learn English as well as their language, and many people speak multiple language. Some of our own children in the US can't even speak English and they come from English speaking homes. So, what's with the comment here? What are you really trying to start some kind of bigoted conversation? Yes, this is America. Learn English. But nothing wrong with speaking Spanish too. Or Indian. Or Chinese or anything!
I had blue screen errors sm
Turns out my memory in my computer was corrupted, then I took it out and they sent new memory and turns out the motherboard went bad, so it had to be replaced. Might be your motherboard, hope its under warranty! But try removing the memory from under your computer.
Blue Screen for Vista
1 - First Check for the Vista updates.
2 - See your power settings, like auto turn off hard drives, monitor, hibernate, sleep etc.
The blue ear syringe shoots the saltwater up into your sinuses better. You have to have your face facing down in the sink and just do one side, then another, etc. I add goldenseal to my water and occasionally some colloidal silver. Never breathed better. I was hospitalied 3 times in 2 years with asthma exacerbation caused by sinusitis, following sinus surgery which I am so sorry that I had. I didn't know how horrible and worthless sinus surgery was. Never ever ever let anybody have that surgery.. it is awful and pointless. Love the sinus irrigation though. It really works.
Okay, we have had a problem with mice. H set some traps and we caught some but everytime I cooked something in the oven it stunk. So, I have not used the oven. H finally had time to remove the top part of the stove and found the problem. On top of the oven, underneath where the burners are, (that part) there were dead mice. He said babies. The insulation on top of the oven is gone. He doesn't know really what to do. He tried to get insulation from the hardware store, but was told that insulation that you use in houses won't do. He went to a place where they fix stoves and sell used ones and they say that if it smells like mice, they chunk them. I asked H if they were just saying that to sell us one of theirs. He said he did not know and he did not want think he can eat another meal cooked on that stove. We cannot really afford payments on a new one and he said not one of theirs is below $200 used. I told him well, maybe we should just rely on the crock pot and the microwave for a while. I can also can fry eggs on my waffle iron.Man, I have got cakes, bread, cookies that I so wanted to bake. H wanted to make a pizza but when I reminded him we did not have an oven, his face fell. It is missed terribly.
He did find some holes in the wall behind the stove where they (Mice) gnawed through the wall and is getting some foam as we speak, write...
What would you do? Right now, I am trying to think of things I can sell.
I really began to resent having 6 or 8 hours of him on a daily basis because it took a great deal of brain cells to decipher what he was saying and turn it into a clean report. It's not like the lead MT or I had some magical ability to translate him; it took work, and LOTS of it.
I often sat there with my burgeoning migraine from listening to him if the other MTs had even really TRIED to understand this guy at all, or if they gave it a half-hearted attempt and bailed. I found myself starting to really resent being stuck with this guy while the other MTs breezed through with the easy-to-understand dictators.
We were paid hourly as it was in-house, not on production, but seriously...If I could batter my brain with him for 6 to 8 hours a day, surely anyone else could have figured him out if they'd have put some effort into it.
If you can't handle the ESLs, many times I feel it's just better to find another field because they aren't going away anytime soon and those of us who can pretty much figure them out really don't want to do them for an entire shift. We like our share of brain relief, too.
Know the southern mansion Blue Willow
and we have been there before. Lovely, all you can eat place, reasonable but their food still is not as good as what I can get here at my home. To pay and still have substandard food is not acceptable to me. I do not know how places stay in business. I can count on 1 hand the places where food is tasty and ? good for you also.
I was in a wedding with deep blue dresses.
We had the shoes dyed to match the dress from David's Bridal. They have a big selection of styles to pick from and then you dye them, relatively cheap too.
If not, then I would go with silver, just something simple though. JMO, but I don't think black would look great.
Zone 7 blue hummingbird favorite
is this black and blue salvia. It is gorgeous and hummingbirds love it, so it's really great if red doesn't work with your colors but you want hummingbirds. Bumblebees love it too. I have it in part shade between the house and my winter daphne bush. No other support needed, but it's about 30 inches tall its second year in this raised garden facing south.
Definitely modern, kitchen has dark blue
walls and cabinets, all built in white. Have dark brown slate on floor, so those are the colors and just drawing a blank about the counters.
I know one thing - a BLUE screen is NOT good
Second vote for Ball Blue Book
My mom used it and now I use it. I buy a new one every time time they come out with a new edition. Haven't killed anyone yet and those beans taste awfully good this time of year!
need help with puppy - Kinda gross post
I just got a 4 month old min-pin about 2 or 3 weeks ago. She was eating Iams puppy food from the person I got her from. I don't like Iams foods, so I switched her over to Royal Canin puppy (dry stuff). Well somewhere along the lines she got the runs and at first I thought it was from switching food, but it has continued and started to have blood and mucus in it. So I called the vet thinking it may be worms or something wrong. Well I took in a "specimen" and they said there was nothing wrong. They told me to do the hamburger and rice and give pepto. Well I tried that, and it cleared up at first, but now it is back even on the hamburger and rice. I don't know what to do now. Any suggestions? A peck on the cheek is kinda intimate.
Unless he's family, European, or flaming gay (can I say that or is that not PC?) it's a total no-no. Especially for coworkers. A handshake or a wave should have sufficed. If not any of the above reasons, you can be rest assured it was his goal to leave you with a certain feeling. Be wary.
Yeah! Kinda like I was "fixin to slap Lil Ole Me" the other day?
Yeah! Kinda like I was "fixin to slap Lil Ole Me" the other day?
You know, it's kinda quiet on this side so would appreciate you staying with whatever
cat fight you might be in on the other pages.
using echo location, kinda like bats
I happened to catch that piece last night....What an inspiration his mother has been and what a bright, joyful, optimistic young man....He'll do well out there in the world. Cat
Just a few tips/suggestions (kinda long)
Don't think about how long it is going to take you to lose X amount of pounds. As long as you are going in the right direction, you're on the right track. Be patient. Think of it as 1/2 pound lost instead of 1 pound gained. Take one minute at a time because that's all the time it takes to consume something evil!
Try to establish some sort of eating schedule. I know things can get hectic, but if you can get in some kind of rhythm and structure, it's easier to stay on track.
Take fruit and vegies out of the hydrator and put them where you can see them when you open the fridge. If you have the time when you get home from the store immediately cut your snack veggies so they're ready to grab when you need them.
If you drink whole milk, wean yourself down to at least 1%. Obviously, no-fat dairy products, etc. are best.
Same with sodas. When I first started WW, I just couldn't do diet drinks. I just drank water for the first 4 months, but then I started out with Diet Sierra Mist or Diet Sprite. I think they have less aftertaste and eventually I was able to tolerate all diet drinks. Eliminating as much sugar as possible makes a big difference.
A couple things I really like that are pretty low-cal/fat/points are sandwiches of lettuce, tomato, sprouts, cucumbers, and dill pickles (the sandwich stuffer kind) on whole-wheat bread. Really fills me up and is tasty.
I also make taco salads with the normal taco veggies, but with fat-free sour cream and fat-free refried beans with either no meat or lean meat and lotsa salsa!
Eat high fiber-content foods. Another one of my favs is kidney beans (light and dark), garbanzo beans, green onions and vinegar. Filling, tasty, and pretty.
Also, Progresso now has 0-point soups. Whether or not you do WW, these are really low in calories and fat with a really good fiber content.
Of course, drink your water :-) and avoid alchol (a contributing factor to my recent gain -- kicked back with a couple cold ones on my only day off 'to relieve stress' -- that is coming to a screeching halt).
Plan meals as much as possible, but have some frozen dinners on hand just in case.
Oh and vegie burgers!! They aren't the greatest in the world but if you fry them in some spray rather than microwaving them and add losts of vegies, pickles, etc., they aren't too bad.
Read labels before you consume. Wake up call there :-)
And if you can, exercise. I didn't when I lost my 70 pounds, but no doubt things would have toned up a lot nicer if I had.
And don't be afraid of the people in your house (if you have them). When I started bringing in healthy food and started cooking more healthy, the only complaints were from me because they ate all my stuff!! ;-) I eventually stopped buying the previous evil food. I have to start working on that one again too...
Sorry this is so long, but you asked for tips and I didn't give you any in my other post LOL.
I'm very happy you posted. It helped me to remember and reinforce the things I need to practice again starting now.