Not entirely clear on that....but I think stainless steel would look good. They are also doing amazing things with concrete countertops. Check out the link.
Has anyone ever re-did old veneer kitchen cabinets? If so, what did you use to "spruce" them up? My cabinets themselves are in decent shape, but some of the veneer is starting to peel off. My husband and I are putting our house up for sale and I want something inexpensive that looks good. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
refacing kitchen cabinets
I am buying a home with a kitchen that needs re-doing but can't afford to have all new cabinets installed. Has anyone had their cabinets re-faced and if so, how did it come out? Is the cost really a lot less than buying new cabinets? My kitchen isn't really all that big either.
There are companies that specialize in refacing cabinets
Veneer is tricky stuff to work with. If none of it is chipped off, you might be able to glue it back down. But if it's chipped, there's not a whole lot you can do except use wood filler to fill in the gap and paint all the cabinets. Go to They always strip and paint cabinets on
I do think dark furniture would be most
dramatic. Plus, dark furniture with simple lines is very in right now if you watch the decorating shows. It is a nice-sized room, similar to mine.
I can suggest staying away from furniture with oversized posts. My parents got a bedroom suit a few years ago with posts that were of a large diameter, around 5 or 6 inches, and it looks heavy and odd in their room IMO.
notice it in pictures and just hate it. I know there are products over the counter that specifically say they work with the dark circles, but to date have not tried any of them. The Preparation H is only supposed to help with the puffiness.
The three Barnes children learn a great deal about birds and the neighborhood bully learns about friendship when they join forces to care for some orphaned bluejays. see all copies from $1.99! first editions
I also have a blue heeler mix. sm
Actually two (I think) the younger one is a bit of a hound dog. Both of mine are spoiled beyond belief. But, aren't pets to be spoiled? I have no children so my dogs are my babies. Dog spelled backward is God. Wonder why? Cute baby you have there. What is his/her name?
Look at those BLUE eyes!
Oh wow! I don't think I've ever met a dog with blue eyes before! They are beautiful!
Giants' blue
You know what confused me? I have always, always seen the Giants in blue, and to see them in a different color just rocked me! And then, of course, the coach was wearing the regular blue jacket, which was even more confusing! We were halfway through the first quarter before I stopped automatically looking at the blue jerseys to be the Giants!
Maybe not out of the blue. Maybe just finally had
My jeans are never blue and
I only wear black Gloria Vanderbilt, wonderful bit and look, have to look hard to even associate with real jeans.
The strong, silent type...tall, dark and
I've read all the posts and was gettin' very hot with the ignorant ones...I didn't know what to say bkz I had too much to say and I could write an epistle.
My husband of 25 years is very similar...keen observer, listens and gleans information from all the chatty folks before he makes a statement. Ya gotta be wary of people and their intentions. I was naive and didn't learn that till we moved to the south.
We've got 2 sons, one is very outspoken and the other is very reserved, (both musical and visual artists in all different mediums and genres). When asked in a humanities class "What's the name of BB King's guitar?" my son said "Well, which one, Lucille 1 or Lucille 2?"
Having oreo and zebra scratched into their artwork in woodshop by mean-spirited kids was rotten....But, when one brought a noose on the bus and said "I'm gonna hang all ya'll" we went to address it at school...The only thing we got from central office and the principal was "He was only a-kiddin'". My husband nearly went of few words but about to strangle someone (school district was 99.5% ivory white) .
So, does your hubby play an accoustic or electric? Cat
looking for a recipe for Blue crabs sm
and tomatoe sauce for spagetti and crabs for Xmas eve. Could not find the recipe board that use to be here. THANKS
Black and blue toe - broken??
Ok, so I was walking from my daughter's room to my room last night and had this sharp pain in my 2nd toe on my left foot. I just shook it off as it didn't hurt that bad, but I woke up this morning and my toe is all bruised up with dark purple and redish shades on the bottom half. It doesn't really hurt unless I put direct pressure on it, but do you think this could be broken? Obviously, I would need an x-ray to know for sure, but does anyone have another explanation for why this would happen. I went ahead and buddy-taped it just in case and will continue to monitor for any changes, and will probably go to the dr on Monday if it gets worse, but this is just weird as it doesn't really feel broken??
Blue Ridge, Texas
School is out this Friday and my 2 kids will be home and I have to start getting up earlier and working in the early, early morning and late evenings!
3/4 Red Australian Cattle dog, 1/4 Blue
3 years old. His name is Eddie
Try Selsun-Blue or get a rx for Exalon (sp?) Mickey Blue Eyes
and Lil Miss Sunshine are two of my faves.
know what they call blue herons in KY?
shite pokes - ex born and raised there - could not figure out what he was seeing until I saw them too. Quite common even in city.
Feeling kinda blue . . .
I want to rent some funny movies to have a good laugh and try to cheer myself up - any recommendations greatly appreciated. TIA.
Have a bad experience today? Why this out of the blue?
Guess what.. when all of our ancestors came here (except for Native American and British countries) they all spoke other languages and then learned English. So big deal. Who are "they" and why are you appearing so racist here? IMHO we should all be bilingual. In Europe the schools require children in school to learn English as well as their language, and many people speak multiple language. Some of our own children in the US can't even speak English and they come from English speaking homes. So, what's with the comment here? What are you really trying to start some kind of bigoted conversation? Yes, this is America. Learn English. But nothing wrong with speaking Spanish too. Or Indian. Or Chinese or anything!
I had blue screen errors sm
Turns out my memory in my computer was corrupted, then I took it out and they sent new memory and turns out the motherboard went bad, so it had to be replaced. Might be your motherboard, hope its under warranty! But try removing the memory from under your computer.
Blue Screen for Vista
1 - First Check for the Vista updates.
2 - See your power settings, like auto turn off hard drives, monitor, hibernate, sleep etc.
The blue ear syringe shoots the saltwater up into your sinuses better. You have to have your face facing down in the sink and just do one side, then another, etc. I add goldenseal to my water and occasionally some colloidal silver. Never breathed better. I was hospitalied 3 times in 2 years with asthma exacerbation caused by sinusitis, following sinus surgery which I am so sorry that I had. I didn't know how horrible and worthless sinus surgery was. Never ever ever let anybody have that surgery.. it is awful and pointless. Love the sinus irrigation though. It really works.