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Check if your state has a "Lemon Law" like ours does (nm)

Posted By: Backwards typist on 2008-12-05
In Reply to: Brand New Lemon - car


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Check state laws . . .
In my state your divorce is not finalized until you have been living apart for six months. You file the papers, and have to live separately for six months for it to even be final or legal.
truancy law -- check out your state's

Check with your state attorney general's
Check if you have a computer lemon law in your state.nm
I'd check with your state's unemployment department.
Likely they have better information than your co-worker. ;) They probably have a website with all the information about who is eligible, how to apply, etc.

Of course, if you don't like the job, there's really no reason to fight to stay on, if you can't meet their goals and expectations. And be sure to make a note of what you just said, about the working conditions, and the fact that the people aren't friendly certainly contributes to a hostile work environment.

Meanwhile... start perusing the "companies" section of this board (and the MT Companies section of MT Chat as well) to find names of companies that people like working for, hunt down their websites, and start applying online. And keep a list of the ones you apply to, when you applied, and what happened. You'll need that information if you are approved for unemployment, to prove you are job-searching.

I did what I just talked about above, and that was how I found my new job, after nearly 28 years working for a doc who closed his practice....

Best of luck, and keep us posted!
Check with your state's Attorney General's office.
Thanks TravelinMT. Point well taken. I did check out the State Department's advisory
and they do have one, but they break it down into areas of Mexicos. Obviously, it is the border towns that are dealing with high crimes and they warn about going there. As far as the "tourist" cities such as Mazatlan, Cancun, Puerto Vallarta etc.. they ask you to use just common sense, as you have stated, not walking alone at dark, down alleys, and just caution with money etc.. I also travel to Mexico every year (love, love PV by the way) but this is the first time we've been to Cancun and everyone just freaked me out. I have always felt safe there. The people really do encourage tourism but that is how they survive in most cases.  I definitely would feeling safer walking around Mexico than some places in large US cities like in Chicago etc. Crime is everywhere. You just have to protect yourself and use common sense.
Precious! Many places will have state-to-state drivers form a chain
Think you can go to dot.state to get h'way conditions, but here in lower NY state, we've been
Good advice was given here. Suggest vet check-up for kitty needs vet check. sm
I've had 2 females over the years who developed stones/crystals in urine or UTIs.  Both of them started spraying inappropriately.  Never had a female spray inappropriately other than in these instances.  They go into spasm and can't help themselves.  If it is a urinary problem, eventually you may see slight pink-tinged spray if it gets that far untreated due to the irritation from constantly trying to pee.  One more thought is if the kitty is not sick, maybe the other cat won't let her use the litter box for some reason.  Maybe set up another box for her.
The State of Arizona is opting out. Anyone else's state opting out? NM
Must be that state of the art leg
she just has to program it and it does the cha cha, disco and rumba all by itself. The other contestants don't have a chance this year.
In my state . . .
Not sure about this, but I think the doctors in my state do an ultrasound before any abortion procedure anyway just to see how far along the mother is. I guess the mother is not required to look at the monitor? I don't believe in abortion for myself, but at the same time I do not thing anyone has the right to tell you what you must and must not do. It is a woman's body and she must live with her decision. I will say this-both times I was pregnant seeing the babies made it all seem real. I knew it was real, but seeing it really hit home that I was about to be blessed with a small wonderful new life.
LOL. Well, he was at our state
fair and we were going anyway, so we figured we would just go the night that he was going to be there. I was absolutely crazy about him when he first came out, then it faded! It was really good last night, though
#1 what state are you in....

I'm curious as to what state you're in and if this is public or private school (I didn't read the entire thread).  I want to add that writing something 100-200 times was outlawed in many states years ago - this just makes kids STOOPID (more stoopid).  As I know it, also paddling was outlawed DECADES ago in many states........so I'm curious if you're talking about public vs. private school.  PADDLING FOR BEING LATE?????????  OMG......they better find another way (the schools)........

gee, the censor here said I had to change the spelling of stoopid (bad word apparently)..... 

What state are you in and
what's growing in your vegetable garden right now?

Broccoli (ending), snow peas, onions, garlic, spinach, red lettuce, dill.

Just planted yesterday: tomatoes, sunburst squash, bush beans, with much more to come . . .
Well I do know that our state is 50-50 (sm)
so 50% of the house is mine but so is 50% of all debt. Regardless of whose name it is in. I have talked to mine about it in the past but not recently. He told me not to ever mention it again unless I was ready to go. As far as family, mine lives 8 hours away and is in no position to help anyway. All I have is God, my kids and my friends. But you know I am very grateful for all of them.
What state are you in?
Oh, I would be road-kill if I brought home another kitty though.... *whine whine whine* :)
in my state...
I can call my contact person at the child support agency and they can draw up the papers to have the child support increased. No cost to me. Or, call the legal aid in your town and see what they suggest.
Please use state boards. NM
I do not think underpaid here in my state
nice that the person won, however as far as putting up with the children, most teachers would never have to do that if the PARENTS did their job now days and taught the kids to respect, mind their elders, share, get along, in other words prepare them for life once they get through school. I think the parents are failing, not the schools.
Once again, depends on the state.....
Sad state of affairs when he is in the top 2
because if people are really thinking they are voiting for talent, far from it. I think the vote is the cutesy vote, not anything close to anyone with staying power nor star power the likes of Carrie. Oh, could be a shooting star, flash across the night and then gone. He is really 1 of the weaker singers I have ever seen on this show and watched it each and every year. Malinda will do very well. She is strong and will probably outshine most on there this year. I hope people will come to their senses and at least vote Jordin in.
ummmm, D, it looks like CNG is a no-go in my state. SM
Sounds like some fraud and duress has been going on.

Here's a report I found: http://dfi.wa.gov/consumers/news/2006/check_n_go.htm

Wow that's great, what state?
I don't, but there are individual state
boards too, see State Boards right under Word Help.
Sad state of children

Good for the boys who have been guided under your scout leadership.  They will truly have a gift to pass on to their children some day.  My boys are 8 and 10, both cub scouts, the oldest crossing over at the end of this year.  Most of the boys at school feel that scouting is just for those who are not popular and laugh at it.  Fortunately, my oldest son is assertive enough to smile and let them know that he is proud and feels fortunate to belong to scouts, even stating that some day he hopes to be an Eagle Scout who will become President.  He has learned so much from scouting--including the true meaning of RESPECT and practices it on those who do not even deserve it.  We have to keep plugging away to keep these values in our children, so many kids are lost with parents who are lost.  Thank you for your years of dedication and teaching....maybe with one child at a time we can turn this sad trend around. 

You state below that you done know if you can make it - sm
or let him go, etc. You never "had" him in the first place. He responds by saying, "you are strong...you will make it." From that response I deduce he does not care, as long as you go away quietly and don't cause him any trouble. I cannot relate unfortunately as I have never gotten involved with anyone over the internet and don't ever intend to. You have made your "relationship" with him into much more than it really is. He says his wife is a "good woman" , that alone speaks volumes and the fact that he is sweeping you under the rug and you can only contact him at work, which is conveniently ending soon and he is cutting you off so his wife doesn't get PO'd. Email and speaking on the phone does not totally tell the whole picture about someone. You have never met him, you have no clue his idiosyncrasies, habits, etc. All you know about him is what he has told you, which is not much from the looks of it. If you cannot handle your "breakup" on your own, then go to a therapist, cleryman, trusted friend, or someone who is close to you and can help you through this. You vested way to much in an unattainable man, which as pointed out below is a definite issue and you need to find out why you did that. Concentrate on the positives, you say he has helped you become a better person, well w/o him try to continue to be that better person and go out and do things, get involved with and organization and keep busy and try not to dwell on this "wonderful guy" who lied to you about being married, and tosses you aside when he deems it unacceptable to continue being your "friend".
I DID state my opinion. Where do you see a
You can state yours w/o criticizing someone else's though (nm)
me too (lower NY state)
had to go out for son's teacher conference
Gas prices here in NY State
It's anywhere from $3.19-$3.25 a gallon. We're going away for a few days next weekend and I can only imagine how much it'll cost to fill up (Usually around $60.00).
I think I would tell here you just could not afford it, and state what
you can do, i.e., the week after. He is not obligated to go, especially if it is a $2000 trip with all things considered. If she cannot accept that, that is her problem. Be gracious, but just tell here there is no way to afford the trip. Or, why not just move your trip up a week, go for the entire week, and if there are not enough tickets for everyone, then your DH can go to the ceremony and the rest of you meet them afterwards.
That's the thing - they don't take out for my state.
just one of them things i guess!
Find out what state he is in as he
may not be from your state.  Refer him to the suicide hotline of his state.  Please be careful, Craigslist has had a lot of problems with stalkers, a woman was killed answering an ad, pedophiles, etc.  You sound like a very caring person but please realize he may be lying.  Think with your brain and not your heart in this type of situation.  It can be very, very dangerous!!
Are you WA state? I am and you just described our weather!
My kids keep asking me to put on the heater but I don't want to because this is when I'm supposed to be SAVING money on electricity. I wonder if the mountain snow is a record of latest lower-land snow? This year has been CRAZY weather!
Look into the state where you live.
Most now have online FAQ sections. Look for child custody or friend of the court with your state. I know in my state they mandate court appointed psychological evaluations. They do them as a mix of the family. (i.e. father-son, son only, mother-son, and so on.) I think this format would definitely be in your favor.
in state of stupidity nm
State jobs.......
Problem is with state jobs the application process lasts for a good period of time, so he needs to review the cut off date for applications. It could possibly be another couple of weeks before the cut off. But, state jobs are horribly slow in replying to the applicants. I would give it this week, check the cut off date for applicants, and then call them and inquire if the position has been filled. At least he will know then.
I don't know what state you're in or if that

makes a different but when my husband was hired by the state, he interviewed in July and didn't start until September.  First off, as someone else mentioned below, it depends on what the closing date is.  Whether they have 3 applicants or not to interview doesn't really matter; it goes by the closing date.  They legally cannot make their choice until the position is closed.  After the closing date, they will do an extensive background check before notifying the chosen applicant.  My husband's references called to tell him they had gotten a call.  They only check the top choice's references.  If his/her background check, doesn't pan out, then they move on to their second choice.  After the chosen one's background passes, they notify the applicant via written letter that they have been selected for the position, but it is pending medical approval.  You go through a bunch of blood work and a physical exam and a TB test.  Then finally, you get a start date.  Depending on the type of facility, he may need to go for training.  My husband works for the state pen and had to go for 6 weeks of defensive training. 

All in all, it's a very long process.  The waiting is agony, but if he gets the job, it's definitely worth it.  The benefits are unbeatable.  Good luck -- hope your hubs gets it!!!

In my state you yield to the car on your right. - nm
moving out of state
Check your divorce laws in your states. Many states will not let you or your (ex) spouse move out of state without permission of the other. Some even have a mileage radius. I think it's to keep both parents close to the kids and not having one parent run far away so the other can't ever see the kids again. My kids were 5 and 1 when I was in the process of getting divorced, and I moved out of state before I realized this. Fortunately my ex realized and understood the need for me and the kids to be close to my family for support, so it was written in the papers that it was okay for me to move out of state and he signed it.
in my state, pa, there was some controversy about this
and whether people would also need an auctioneer's license to do this. i'm not sure what became of it.
Really? I wonder if it varies by state
Not that I'd want one.
Heirs and the State............sm
This varies according to different situations and from state to state. In my state and in the situation of the poster's father being in a care facility and receiving Medicare/Medicaid, his part of the CDs, etc., that he is named on could very well be seized by Medicaid to cover the cost of his care to the point of exhausting those funds before Medicaid would begin to pay again. In my state, this can be avoided by placing CDs, etc., in a child's name 5 years prior to entering a nursing home or care facility and recieving Medicaid. This does require a lot of forethought and is often overlooked until it becomes apparent that a loved one with CDs, etc., is going to need Medicaid to pay for long-term care. I would suggest the OP retain a good attorney or, at the very least, speak with the attorney handling the grandfather's estate.
Here in New York State
My youngest in Kindergarten gets picked up at 9:00 and starts school at 9:30. My oldest in 9th grade gets picked up at 7:00 for school at 7:30. We have a lot of elementary schools. In our district it's one school for K-3, one school for 4-6, one for 7-9 and one 10-12. Also, we get two weeks for Christmas, one week for spring break in April (this week), plus they had Good Friday off, and one week in February (mid-winter break). I think we get out of school the latest of any State. The kids go to school until the end of June. I think they get way too much time off from school. We also have snow days together with 1-2 hour delays through the winter months in case of bad weather.
What state do you live in?....sm
I had no idea you could make up to that much. That must be just in the state where you live. I haven't seen anything around here like that, but I will keep my eyes open.
My state it's to 22 if in college (nm)
the law on this varies by state
Disclosure law varies by state. This is called material disclosure, which basically is anything that may influence a buyer's decision on the home. You would need to check the laws specifically for the state you are in. In California, it is if the death has occurred in the prior 3 years it has to be disclosed.
It varies by state
some require, some don't, goes by whatever department regulates the real estate business. In my state they don't have to and the seller's agent is prohibited from disclosing 'intangible' property stigmatization issues' like murder, sex offenders, suicide, etc. We were referred to an agent when we were looking for a house who grew up here and been in the business for 20 years so knew the area well, so went ahead and signed up with her as 'buyer's' agent, and she said she would let us know anything at all that she knew about an area or a house, told us how to look up sex offenders in the area, etc. Was for 6 month contract but was worth it, she worked like a dog, didn't cost any extra other than what we would have paid to a seller's agent (they split the commission), and didn't feel like pushed to buy any particular place. I would think that it would be hard to not have something like that known to a local buyer anyway, but someone moving in from somewhere probably wouldn't know unless they researched on their own. You can Google the info for your state on disclosure. Sorry for your neighbor's troubles, must really be an awful thing to deal with!!
As already said it depends on the state,
although it strikes me as odd that Louisiana does not have a disclosure law regarding this.