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Posted By: nana on 2007-10-05
In Reply to: As I posted in another thread, - Old car fan

I am really a sad case and actually have saved all the cars (almost) that I have ever bought. My car insurance man loves me because some of them are actually insured in case I drive them. Three of them are in the back of the house and are awaiting restoration whenever we "get around to intermediate telephone consultation" and one is actually ready to be painted and have the seats redone. I do care about engines and it has a huge one. We could use it to race for pinkslip (if we were so inclined). I like to start the engine and listen to it. I know that sounds crazy. One of my favorites is a volkswagon I got in my 20s and it now is an antique. I just bought another new car that I love and I am trying to force myself to sell the almost new one I was driving before I bought the brand new one, but when I start to sell it I feel like I am losing a "friend." Soon, I will need to rent a building to keep them in and get another extra job to pay all the expenses. I envy you the ability to keep your collection down to model cars. I like those too, but I can't drive them so that wrecks it for me. I want a vintage Jag and I know someday I will get one even if they do have bummer electrical systems. Glad to know I am not the only female who loves cars!

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I totally agree.  We were thinking about buying another car.  Both of our cars have around 97,000.  One is a van and needs a new sliding door and we have a smaller car that needs a left fender, but you're right no payments, which I totally adore, so I guess we'll fix both.  The van needs a major tuneup, but still cheaper than buying a new car.
we got old cars too...sm

and both boys learned to do just about everything including pulling out a tranny and engine and going to the junkyard to find parts... 

My fave was a ོ Pontiac Tempest...Way back when the boys were little I was pulled over by a young police officer who asked why the kids weren't in seatbelts...I said, "Well, they didn't become standard installation until 1967"...She didn't believe me, had to call in to verify the fact and just gave me a courtesy ticket.  Of course, I had them custom installed so I didn't get stopped in that small burg in upstate NY. 

Love the old cars....No computer brain pieces that take out the entire electrical system....a coupla bolts to take out an alternator, couple to take out a starter...and they're made of real metal and don't crush like the plastic juice box cars they make nowadays. 

Too bad the car companies haven't gotten around to installing rollbars in cars...But, then they're in the business of selling more cars, not saving lives.   Cat   

Old cars

My 20-year-old nephew and I still talk about the times we spent going to the junk yard to find the fender, headlight, etc. for his Plymouth Horizon -- I think.   We had a great time and really bonded.  It just impressed me that they were not interested in muscle cars, or trucks or a Mustang and just happy and content that they had a car that ran and took them where they were going.  In fact, he was picked for graduate of the year with the most unusual car, also got picked for best looking, most likely to suceed and another one but could keep only one and he kept the one about the car because he said it meant a lot to him as we worked on getting the parts and then he and his step grandfather worked on putting it together.  Cost me all of $150 to help him replace the parts and gave me so much more in return. 


P.S. I'm not into gas guzzing cars either.
$20,000 is less than most cars cost

You should have no problem getting a home loan for that amount ANYWHERE. They will probably try to jack up the interest rate because of your bad credit score, but don't let them. Bargain with them and if they won't deal, tell them you'll go to the bank next door. Get them down to 6.5% or less if you can.

Good luck!

I used to own only foreign cars
I had Mazdas when I was younger. Then I married my husband, and he works for a Chrysler/Jeep dealship so no more foreign cars for me, but I do love my Jeep.
Do teens still get cars of their own
Do people still buy cars for their teens or do they share cars?  Do you pay for insurance or do they have to get a job and pay for it?  My parents gave me nada, but that seems extreme, so I would like to know what other people consider normal.
AMEN! We had old cars that we put sm
in their names (they didn't drive them, they had their own cars) so that they could have an insurance policiy in their names. If we had put them on our insurance policy we wouldn't be able to afford insurance to this day because of the driving record! I laugh because the youngest is a firefighter now and drives the truck all the time! I guess all that "fast driving" prepared him for something! haha
This is an invitation to get crushed between cars when
natural bug cleaner for cars...anybody got one?
Does anybody know of a natural solution to remove bugs from your car without ruining the paint job?  thanks
Cars that drive on the ground.
I was sure everybody would be having cars that fly by now.
Also, I thought that sidewalks would move and we would not have to walk at all.
I never thought we'd still be cooking on top the stove, I thought there would be replicators (little machines we hit a button and comes out our supper or drinks).

For some reason, the Walt Disney version of the future, a ride which no longer exists in Orlando, BTW was my idea of the 21st century. Turns out that it is much different.
Yet, what do we have that we would have never thought about?
The Internet. 30 years ago such an idea would seem impossible.

I have two teens of driving age who both have their own cars. sm
My older teen is 19. She pays for her own insurance, but is on my policy. I will pay for my 17 year old until he is 19. I got them both used cars, and now if they want to sell them and get another one, that's up to them.
I agree with this. I drive all my cars to death.
I've been married 23 years, and between the hubby and I, we've had four new cars in all that time, five if you want to count the car he brought into the marriage with him, which was a couple of years old at the time. For me, I had a 1986 Aerostar van which I bought new and drove to death, and now have a 1998 Windstar van with 110,000 miles on it, plus a really cool custom Yakima rack for my kayaks! We do buy all of our cars new, and it's lovely to have long stretches without any car payments, like right now. DH is driving a 2001 Taurus. But he's got lots of miles on that due to long commute to work and traveling to clients. Bought that one with no money down at 0% because my hubby, a CPA, loved the idea of free money. So that was the biggest car loan we ever had, but the loan cost us nothing. The Taurus has about 160,000 on it, and DH is starting to warm to the idea of replacing it. We're considering either a camry hybrid to save on gas, or a nice sturdy Volvo, because statistics show that Volvos average almost 20 years on the road.
Pfaltzgraff, books, cars, shoes
When I was a rich yuppie I collected a ton of Pfaltzgraff (tea rose), then I decided I had way more than I'll ever use so I quit.  I'll never have enough books though.  I also have some cars waiting to be restored and my guy is into that.  We also have some toy vehicles that keep accumulating.  I need to get rid of some of the shoes though, its just so hard to throw them away!
That sounds strange, cars in with property but
now much do you have to pay?
I had a home when we married, stability yes and the cars
I had 2, a van and a bigger vehicle, both on their last tires. He first bought me a green Toyota, glad to get that and then went and traded for a silver BMW. I did not have a clue as to what he had bought me. That was 9 years ago and since that time he has bought me 2 more brand new BMWs. I am not looking that gift horse in the mouth! He is a jewel who had been my friend before marriage and I was not looking for anyone to marry when he happened along. Best move I ever made when I suggested marriage. Married in Las Vegas and happy ever since. I am finally spoiled and loving it.
Like Oprah giving poor people new cars

It never occurred to her that they couldn't afford to pay the income tax on them.

Anyone know organizations where people can apply for donated cars? (sm)
I am trying to help a family that is in desperate need of a vehicle so that the dad can keep his job and take care of his family.  They live far enough out that there are no buses and no one to carpool with.  I know there are organizations who can help. Can anyone direct me?  Thank you so much in advance.
After years of owning only American cars, I now own a Prius.
I'm getting 50 mpg even on the PA turnpike. I'm extremely happy with it and would buy another in a heartbeat. Earlier in the year, Toyota announced that they will be building Prius in the U.S., too.
Carfax relies on owners of the cars to report problems

We bought a "perfect" car, ྙ Olds (in 2000) that only had 45,000 miles on it. Loved that car but it was a flood car.The engine was still good but everything power plus the frame gave out in 5 years. Wouldn't pass inspection and had to junk it.

Nothing on Carfax had any of this info. So I'll never pay for a Carfax report again.

Also blessed w/a great hubs, partner, and father to the kids. Fixes our cars, scrubs the carpets,
When 2 cars ride side by side on the interstate...sm
and block traffic so nobody can pass. I will get irate over this. I don't know where people's brains are.