Call a minister or hospital social service department - nm
Posted By: lastmohican on 2007-11-19
In Reply to: Do you know any organizations that help families in need (one-time need) (sm) - NC MT
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Ask for first/last name and then call local police department
to see if they will do a check on these people to see if there are any reports of misconduct. This sounds too good to be true, actually. Light housing for free rent may lead to cleaning the pool and pressure washing the house.
I have been trying to find a room mate off Craig's List. There are many legitimate but why take a chance of ending up profiled on Nancy Grace, is my thought. Another woman I know who has done this successfully takes their name and birth date and calls the local police dept. She said when she tells them she is a single woman and about to interview a stranger for a roommate, they oblige.
I'd also say, take a gun if you have one.
Robbery is going to skyrocket in this economy. That is another concern.
The local police department told me to call them so
I called the department back (not 911) and advised them to please not tell anyone else that. I also had the email address for this person at Paws and sent her an email telling her sorry I got her at a bad time, did not mean to interrupt her day and to have a nice day. I went back within the next week to check again on this doggie, no other reason. Hubby did not particularly like when I told him (later after the deal done) but fed her again and then followed her to see where she was going. She went to some homes close around and I figured maybe that was where she lived. No one that I called there seemed to have wanted to give assistance. I could not bring her home when I first saw her because noticed she had droppy boobies and need puppies close around, but ?? I never expected a reply like that from someone who supposedly helps animals. Makes you kinda cynical, doesn�t it?
Use a play on the hospital name. The one at Keystrokes is KeyNotes. The one at a hospital I worked
named Great Valley Hospital was In The Valley. Take a main word in the name and just write down anything that comes to mind. Put a main word here and let us all give some play on words to it.
And if poster was a minister, name could be
Have you spoken with a counselor, therapist, or your minister?
It would probably help if you could express your feelings out loud and get some feedback from someone who is trained to deal with emotional dilemmas like you are experiencing. I would strongly encourage it, especially since you have had thoughts of suicide.
Sometimes it takes a little while to find the right "fit" in a therapist or counselor. If the first one doesn't seem to be helping, try someone else.
I had similar feelings when my son was finishing up high school and getting ready to go on to college. The so-called "empty nest syndrome," I guess. But there are a lot of components to it. It's like redefining yourself as a person, because for so long you have been meeting everyone else's needs, and now you are starting to realize that you have needs of your own.
So what you need to figure out is what fulfills you as a person. What do you want to do with the rest of your life? Literally. Five years from now, what would you like to be doing? When you figure that out, start figuring out how to make it happen.
The best of luck to you, and please feel free to email me if you like. I'm still working on some aspects of my "mid-life crisis," but I have worked through a lot of it. I would be happy to provide a sympathetic ear.
Sounds great but what department
do you find this in? Never have seen in my Publix but certainly don't mind asking. I will get and try, anything to keep those babies off the new stuff.
Go to a department store and have it professionaly done. sm
You don't have to buy all the expensive products that were used on you unless you want to. Just pay attention to what is used and then go to a discount store and use cheaper products.
I agree. The health department
needs to go in and take over. The poor little girl is probably dealing with an alcoholic or drugged-up mother or maybe she's mentally ill. The little girl shouldn't be living with such an irresponsible mother. At the very least the health dept needs to go in and fumigate and clean them up and monitor the house and family members. Better that than having 30 families trying to contend with this problem.
Check with your local department of the aging, too. nm
I guess I lucked out in the stepmother department
Because I honestly love her as much as my biological mother. I was 8 when my dad remarried, and to be honest, my sister and I were pretty much brats. It wasn't instant family love, but she and my dad worked together to make sure that none of us were treated any differently just because of who had which parent. She did look at it as an adoptive type situation and even gave me a cross stitch poem about how I didn't grow under her heart but in it. It has been 27 years since they married, I never call her my "step"mom except when I'm trying to clarify things for people, and I always tell people that I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters, not steps, halfs, full, whatever, because that is how we were taught. I know not every situation turns out like this, probably only a minority, but it does happen. I'm sorry if I offended anyone because that was not my intent.
I would check with your parks and wildlife department. sm
I believe in Texas it is against the law. It used to be and I think still is.
Deer are beautiful animals, but they are very destructive. They are best admired in the wild.
I did contact the State Department. Sorry I asked....
I had no idea there was a website I could go to in order to get information, but I did find it after I posted my question. The travel advisory is largely for border towns. As far as Cancun, they just ask you use common sense in travel i.e. do not go alone after dark or to "bad" parts of the city, careful with money etc. The same advice you would give someone visiting L.A., Detroit, or New York for the first time.
I'd check with your state's unemployment department.
Likely they have better information than your co-worker. ;) They probably have a website with all the information about who is eligible, how to apply, etc.
Of course, if you don't like the job, there's really no reason to fight to stay on, if you can't meet their goals and expectations. And be sure to make a note of what you just said, about the working conditions, and the fact that the people aren't friendly certainly contributes to a hostile work environment.
Meanwhile... start perusing the "companies" section of this board (and the MT Companies section of MT Chat as well) to find names of companies that people like working for, hunt down their websites, and start applying online. And keep a list of the ones you apply to, when you applied, and what happened. You'll need that information if you are approved for unemployment, to prove you are job-searching.
I did what I just talked about above, and that was how I found my new job, after nearly 28 years working for a doc who closed his practice....
Best of luck, and keep us posted!
Ask the Department Stores that sell them. They often have travel sizes. NM
Thanks TravelinMT. Point well taken. I did check out the State Department's advisory
and they do have one, but they break it down into areas of Mexicos. Obviously, it is the border towns that are dealing with high crimes and they warn about going there. As far as the "tourist" cities such as Mazatlan, Cancun, Puerto Vallarta etc.. they ask you to use just common sense, as you have stated, not walking alone at dark, down alleys, and just caution with money etc.. I also travel to Mexico every year (love, love PV by the way) but this is the first time we've been to Cancun and everyone just freaked me out. I have always felt safe there. The people really do encourage tourism but that is how they survive in most cases. I definitely would feeling safer walking around Mexico than some places in large US cities like in Chicago etc. Crime is everywhere. You just have to protect yourself and use common sense.
The department you deal with in Michigan for things like this is called "Friend of the Court".
You need to get in touch with your version of this in your state and tell them what is going on and file a form for re-do the visitation agreement. You may even have to see your original divorce attorney. We went through this with my husband's ex-wife and he filed papers to amend the visitation and what they call an "in pro per" form. Which basically is a DIY form. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but you need to get started now to get your ducks in a row.
Have you thought about talking to somebody at the local VA office in your state or city? Those guys are a wealth of information.
Good luck to you.
Social security
She will receive social security at a rate of 50% of what he receives as long as they have been married for 10 years. Am not sure if you can begin to collect this at age 6 or have to wait until 65 or 66. As far as medicare goes though, she is not eligible for this until she reaches 65/66 unless she is deemed disabled and not able to work and then she goes on SSI. Up to 3 wives-ex-wives can receive 50% of what the husband's social security allotment is without reduction but it never reduces the husband's amount. (as long as they have been married for 10 years). They did this so that all of the older ladies that never worked in the 40's 50's etc. could receive something when they retired as long as their husband was eligible. Now if he should die, she will receive more and that will stay in effect until she dies. With as expensive as Medicare and supplements are becoming it is no longer a deal to get Medicare and hardly any docs will take Medicare "only".
I know I'm a bit of a social oddball, but
I like to be upfront and lay things out on the table, so I would talk to her and let her know how I was feeling. This approach does not work well with everyone, surprisingly to me . . . LOL. Most people say they want that, but it does not seem to hold true. Personally, I do not see how relationships work without complete honesty.
I think that you would at least feel better if you talked to her. Good luck whatever you decide!
Do you get social security now and if so
how old when you started? I am past the age of starting but want to reach full retirement age for me so I can double dip.
Social Security
There is some reason that you should take Soc. Security when you are eligible. You can still work--I think up to a certain amount if you are younger than 65. At 65 you can make as much as you want. They say this is some kind of window--working right before or at the point of getting SS ultimately raises the amount. There is a five-year window that is important. I suggest you get some info from the SS office or a local AARP office or Senior info. I have come back from "retirement" so I am facing these same things. Oh, and by the way. You--my sister (and occasionally brother) MTs--My People--you are all just as crazy as you always were. And thankfully! This message board did not exist the last time I did MT. Cool!
social animals
Rodents, rats especially, are very very social animals and are intelligent and desire human contact. I've had 6 diff rats, all are passed away now cause they only last a few years, but they are very playful and will play with you and like to be held, petted and carried around. The more you do that the more friendly they get!
Have fun!
The slain social worker one? nm
social services should be contacted
to look at this family. It might be futile, but good grief, something needs to happen. That is unreal, beyond bizarre.
My daughter was a very social butterfly
Do they by any chance have a social worker you...
could contact? That way, if the social worker stepped in no one in the family would really be so "involved" and it might save hard feelings further down the road but might have the same results.
What woman? What social worker?
We need a little more info to go on if anyone's going to try to help you out on this! You've got me intrigued, though! Lee
Check social services
your local salvation army, cancer center, and local hospitals. THERE IS HELP for you without insurance. Please don't give up. There are options. It just takes a little research and if you are working from home you must have the internet. I know things seem bad, but they could always get worse. Sometimes I need to remind myself of that to get out of bed in the morning.
I have 5. All MTs. I would like a broader social circle
Social Services Visiting
The main thing I'd say is to remain calm and explain to the investigator like you did here. Their job is to sort out the truth from the fiction. I was investigated once because my MTSO made false accusations about me to the police.
I had to answer questions I didn't enjoy but when the interview was over the investigator was done she told me she believed me and I had nothing to worry about, but if the accuser made another call they'd file harassment charges against me.
The truth is the truth and they'll sort it out. Patience will serve you well.
Why was the post on social isolation deleted??
I was going to post a response to this and see the thread is gone! It was just posted a few minutes ago and I'm wondering what happened here.
Update on social worker from my post the other day (sm)
I posted the other day about where I had seen that social worker before, and couldn't find her on the cast list - wouldn't have helped if I had. I was watching Sally Field on the Boniva commercial and it popped into my head. Social worker was on that Boniva commercial where those 4 women were supposed to be being quiet in a museum. Isn't it funny how the brain works? - haha - especially mine.
I think that constitute abuse! Dogs are very social - sm
animals, and their human families are their *pack*. That poor dog is bored and lonely. It's crying proves that food and water alone are not enough to nourish an intelligent, social animal like a little Sheltie. I would tip off animal control. I'm sure it can be done annonymously. If the dog is confiscated, you can help it out by looking for a Sheltie-rescue in your area, and if not, possibly a regular animal rescue group. If she's healthy & has a good temperament, they may pull her from the shelter and foster her 'til someone can adopt her.
Or -- if that sounds too drastic, if you know the other people are gone, why not climb the fence into her backyard, and befriend & play with the dog? That would be better than nothing, although it sounds like the best option would be to find that dog a new family.
Can anyone tell me that is on social security how they figure how much to deduct if you go over what
you are allowed to make per month. I did speak to them but I just wondered if someone on here has done this at all.
retired homemaker for social history -
most of us know that would mean dead!!! Like Social Security comes in and does the dishes for us?
no but usually irresponsible people in poor social
yes I had one and i was all of the above!! Now i'm on Depo and don't have that problem anymore
I stay home!!! (I think I have social anxiety). nm
People on social security who pay no taxes
got back as individual $600 each last time and I know for a fact as my 85 year old aunt was one of those.
When amount of this for social security people and when?
Do you have a link for this info, pls.
Just an update on my Social Worker visit.
No one has come by yet, but it's only Monday, but I did get the house cleaned with the help of my son, his girlfriend, and two of his friends. I took the advice below about shuffling all my ex-husband's junk to the garage. He has a fixer upper car in the garage anyway, so I just piled stuff around it, on top of it, and in it. The garage is a complete mess, but we don't live in there, so whatever. My son and his buddies cleaned up outside the house too. We had about 10 bags of trash for the trash truck this morning, but they took every one of them. Thank goodness!!
I'm way more calmer now than I was on Friday when all this crap broke loose. Thanks to everyone for calming me down. I'm ready now for when the social worker stops by. I saw another officer over the weekend at the gas station and he asked me about my situation, asked me if my ex was ever served and then told me that he was proud of me for finally getting rid of him and that he would talk to his boss about this whole "social services thing." He said his boss (who was the officer at my house on Friday) doesn't really know the ins and outs of the community like the officers do and he'd make sure he let him know that my ex is the one causing all the trouble.
So that made me feel better too. I just can't believe how ugly this is getting. I guess I'd better prepare myself because it will probably get worse before it gets better. The divorce is just beginning.
thank YOU for your service!
No matter what branch, age, sex, etc., the entire military has my utmost respect. I only hope they know how many of us get a lump in our throats whenever we thank them on the street OR watching something as moving as this. I know I'll never forget!
met in the service
Met in the service overseas. Dated a short while then went to Denmark to get married. Lots of soldiers were getting married this way. In Denmark there were 8 other military couples with us getting married. DH and I knew each other not very long. It's been 32 years this year.
I do not tip if it is self-service.
You mean own your own MT service?
If so, yes, there is a book. My friend has it. I will have to get the name of it from her.
I've gained a lot too but I have worked on having a social life (sm)
There is a website called Exercisefriends dot com where you can post for people in your area to walk with or whatever sport you like. I found a walking buddy like that and we are now best friends for the past few years now(she works at home too). But the part-time job is a good idea too - those jobs are fun even though you don't make much money.
Found it on Social Security website $250 by May 2009 nm
I just found out that social services will be paying me a visit and I am
freaking out! My estranged husband, on whom I have a restraining order, showed up at my house today, obviously he had been drinking. Long story short, one of my son's friends shows up, one that is not allowed at the house. I immediately sent the teenager away, but my husband proceeds to start raging about how he would run things if he were still living here. I then told him he could leave as well. That I kicked the teenager and I expected him to leave too. He refused and said he would leave if I gave him money because he needs to contribute groceries to his buddy with whom he is staying. He doesn't work and hasn't worked for much of our marriage. I told him if he wanted to help out his buddy, he should get a job. He came into the house, sat down on my couch and refused to leave until I gave him money.
My son called the police to enforce the restraining order. The police show up and while he is in their custody, he tells them that I have 10 to 14 teenagers in my house every day and that he doesn't feel that it is a good environment for our 8yo daughter. He tells there was marijuana in my house.
So now the police are telling me they have to file a report with family services because my house could be a hostile environment and they have to follow up on every complaint. The marijuana episode did happen; however, my daughter and I were not at home. My husband was still living at home at the time and caught my son and a couple of friends smoking it and instead of stopping them immediately and kicking everybody out, I was told that he took a hit off the joint. I was told that by all three kids whom I questioned separately. When I confronted my soon to be ex about this, his explanation was that he didn't take a hit, he put it up to his mouth and nose to smell to see if it really was pot. Still he did not put up fuss, punish our son, or kick anybody. Instead I find out about the pot from the sister of one of my son's girlfriend who told me because she was worried about her sister and she was the one who originally told me my husband took a hit.
Now, because my husband is angry that I have kicked him out and am filing for divorce, he is telling these lies and half truths to the cops and now I have to worry about getting visited from social services. I've been crying all evening and I'm wondering what I should expect. I have to clean my house from top to bottom, make sure this sucker shines and I guess not let my son have any friends over ever again!
I am so upset! I absolutely hate my ex-husband. I live in a rat hole as it because he has refused to work and he has junked up with all the crap he refuses to throw away. The man won't even through away magazines. I have stacks and stacks of magazines and newspapers that every time I've tried to throw out or recycle, he picked them out of the bins and brought them back into the house. Now I'm faced with this mountain of crap that I have deal with immediately before I get visited by the social worker.
I'm sorry to go on and on. I'm just so overwhelmed and stressed and I just want to curl up in a little ball and die. My kids are my life. I don't beat them, I feed them, I clothe them, I play with them, and have fun with them. They are the reason I work, the reason I breathe. The idea of having someone come into my home and question my fitness as a mother makes my physically ill.
You guys, thank you for continually listening to my saga. You guys gave me the strength to kick him out to begin with.
They can refuse service to anyone at will.
Even Wal-Mart can throw you out for any reason they want.
I'm glad he did it. I went to Jeff Ruby's Louisville website and sent him a support e-mail!
Thank goodness business owners can still decide WHO they want to serve and do business with!!!!
My vet has a service that provided sm
the transportation to the cremation facility, which is about 2 hours away and the remains were mailed back to the office and I picked up the pretty little tin when my 14-year-old Cocker died 2 years ago. She is now in my curio cabinet with her picture so I don't forget her. She had to be put down as well, very, very severe stroke and was not coming out of the seizure she has having. I didn't have any problem making the decision. I couldn't stand watching her suffer so. It cost about 200.00 to have her cremated but I didn't want to bury her in my yard. Too many wild critters running around that like to dig.
We met in the service in Germany
I was stationed in Germany and about a year later he was assigned to my unit. He was very very handsome and very mysterious. We didn't date (or even really speak much of maybe 5 words to each other) until end of June of 82 and July 15 we took a train to Denmark and got married. Shocked the you know what out of our families. This July is our 26th Anniversary.
Believe it or not a Dating Service
I was sick of meeting losers so I decided to take the chance. We were engaged after three months and married nine months later and will be married for 17 years in September. The first time he introduced me to his friends a week or so later, they told him we were going to get married.
our service is almost never interrupted