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But how did she lose all that weight?

Posted By: Wondering on 2007-05-03
In Reply to: He sort of reminded me of Courtney Love. - They would make great couple.

She was really heavy and saw her lately in my weekly rags and so thin now.

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well, i try to eat right. i need to lose some weight sm

so i do buy whole wheat stuff, bread, wraps, spaghetti. i buy low fat/fat free lunchmeats, 2% cheese.  i don't buy cupcakes and cookies (or else i'd eat them!)  i don't drink much milk, not that i don't like it, just don't drink it much.  i drink more water than anything.  i'll have about one diet dr. pepper a day.  i love food, it's just trying to stay on a healthy track.  my problem is i don't get enough exercise.  i have a 5 y/o and an 8 y/o that keep me busy.  but i do like to exercise. 


Trying to lose weight

Has anyone tried Hoodia and does it work?

has anyone done nutrisystem to lose weight sm.....
and was able to keep the weight off after you stopped eating their food?  i'm tired of being stuck at the same weight.  i was thinking of joining weight watchers.  i've done that before and lost, but i had a 6 mos old baby dragging him along.  now he's 5 and i'm ready to try again. but just wondered if anyone had success with nutrisystem.  thanks
you will not lose weight without exercise.
I'm trying to lose weight through the WW program
I started during the summer and kind of fell off of it. I'm trying to lose between 30-40 pounds. My daughter became a vegetarian about 4 months ago and she already lost 23 pounds. I like my meat so I won't go that route, but I'm trying to exercise a little bit every day and eat healthier. Good luck to you and everyone else trying to lose.
Not a good way to lose weight
I'm hungry! I want to eat! I'm trying to lose weight and I've been
doing pretty well, but now I'm getting at that poing where I just want to eat anything and everything. Any ideas on what I can do to curb my voracious appetite?
Lose weight and learn to socialize. I
You'll lose weight & firm up doing ANYthing that you aren't currently doing
Unless you stay on it forever, you will regain any weight you lose.
People I used to work with went on that diet once. Weight loss varied (nobody lost a lot, just a couple of pounds) and nobody kept it off.
my neck was my motivator to lose weight this year
I had already had a tummy tuck with lip and did not want to go through surgery again so I got down to 104 and finally lost the double chin. Yes I said 104 but i am also 4' 11"
Older folks sometimes lose it before they really lose it sm
It sounds like she having some issues with money and thought processes. Four potatoes and three sweet potatoes? She has lost touch with reality. I don't mean this in an unkind way. I think she didn't stop the think or plan the budget around this. Perhaps she has lost the ability to properly plan on some level. This makes no sense.

In my family, food at gramma's was always abundant. The woman always thought we were foot soldiers readying for a cold march across two states. The place she got miserly was with almost everything else. She'd have everyone over for a huge supper and have 2 rolls of TP in the house, one nearly gone, and there would be 10 of us. She stopped buying laundry detergent because it was "too expensive" and started using shavings of naphtha soap. She started saving little soap slivers and making "new" bars of soap with them. She stopped buying shampoo unless it was in the markdowns at the grocery store. She started using a baggie for her vacuum cleaner bag. You get the picture here.

The interesting thing is that truly, that gramma never fully lost it. We considered this idiosyncratic and went on. She kept the rest of her faculties, but had these odd ways of "saving money." My other gramma who never did any of these things did, in fact, suffer from profound dementia the last 10 years of her life. Of course, that set of grandparents had the issue the other way. Toilet paper: Bought in bulk 6 cases at a time. Find a salad dressing you like, buy a couple of cases. You never did want to tell them you liked a certain food, paper product or soap something because if you did, along would come a few cases of it!

We all do something when we get older. Help her out so she isn't embarrassed by this!
I am only 5Ƈ". When I weight my desired weight (sm)
my face looks bad - drawn.  I like myself best when I weigh about 140-150. 
Yes, I lose
money if I don�t work so very simple for me. I just have good work ethics.
I'm sorry. It is so sad when we lose a pet.
I'm trying to lose too sm

I've tried all diets, have been successful, but once i stop doing the diet, then i gain back.  Atkins, WW, Jenny Craig.  Last year I did Nutrisystem, but food got expensive.  Now I'm just trying to eat healthy.  I can tell you that Nutrisystem food had fiber and protein in it.  It's tough.  I'm an emotional eater.  I would love to be a part of a losing weight forum.  there is a website www. weightlossbuddy.com.  It's free and you can find other people that live close to you and support each other.  I'd like to lose about 20 or 25. Hey monitor, didn't there used to be a diet board?  If not, that'd be a good board to have.


use it or lose it
They can keep you alive a very long time these days. I would try to die with my boots on. Have you walked through a nursing home lately? Just keep shuffling along and do not stop until you keel over, or you could have a manny nurse changing your Depends.
Oh yes people will tell you you need to lose
weight. My own father was a good example of that. He tried to cut me down and made nasty remarks about my weight. Never mind the fact I saw pictures of his mother who was extremely obese. I guess he forgot about her weight. Anyone who is overweight knows that- does not have to be told- there are mirrors everywhere.
Well, I DID lose 10 lbs. this summer without even trying-
That's about the only good thing that's come of all this. The rest sucks.
Sometimes you won't lose much 1 week but BAM sm
you lose a bunch the next week; sometimes it is water-weight related, other times related to your period or hormones. Some weeks I didn't lose anything, only to have a 4 lb loss the next time! Just be sure to start being active (even if it is only walking to the end of your block) and drink your water!
With depression you lose either way -- sm
depression pretty much kills sex drive, but so do antidepressants. Still, I prefer to be on the meds.
You're gonna lose your man if you don't at least

Men may act macho, but they have feeling, too and like to feel attractive and loved.

I lose focus after a few hours : (
Maybe didnt lose it. It just went south.
If he is otherwise healthy, I'd lose the tail.
He'll have to adjust how he balances but otherwise I think he'd be fine.
Me too, it is so very hard to lose a pet. What a beauty.
so sorry, it sure hurts when you lose your babies.. nm
I really lose a lot of respect for the candidates
that talk back to the judges. I know that Simon can be very mean, but it is not like these kids don't know this. I think the singers should bite their tongue and just try to take the comments and try to improve their singing next week.
Not sure what your question is? But my 401K did lose value sm
and it bothers me very much; I lost maybe 25K so it could have been worse. It forced me to diversify and take a closer look at bonds vs stocks, and other investments. Of course I would like to have more than 50K as liquidity and emergency funds, but at one time I was more than 20K in debt. This is a huge improvement in my life and a total change in mindset. It truly has created peace in my heart, to have control over what I spend and not be a tool of the consumer society that says "You are not happy unless you have the biggest, newest, brightest" thinga-mabob that we are selling this week / year / month.

You don't need to buy stuff for self-esteem. Being self sufficient lets me sleep at night.
People who type loose when they mean lose. (nm)
yeah well it's only wasting money when you lose
a deal when you could win millions. I can give up a few cups of coffee or something else rather than my lottery tickets!!
We did lose some money, but not a huge amount
We have three different ones that we've been keeping an eye on.
new baby is making me lose my sanity

I just need a place to let out my stress. I just had my first baby May 5, and she is just beautiful. But I am about to lose my mind. I have chosen to breastfeed her, and everything takes so much longer than I thought it would. Thankfully she has switched to a "normal" day and night schedule so I can catch a few precious hours of sleep at night in between feedings.

Did anyone else find motherhood as hard as I think it is? I don't hate it or anything but it sort of makes me not want to have any more kids if just one is this stressful. Oh, and I have already returned to my IC job (part time) so that adds to my day. I also have become extremely bipolar in my moods. Yes, it is probably postpartum depression. I am happy one minute and bursting into tears over nothing the next. Did anyone take antidepressants for postpartum depression and how did that work out? I have never had depression issues until now, so I don't have any experience with that. Any kind words or insight would be helpful.  Thanks.

OK, first lose the WalMart shoes. Kids are brutal. sm

Being completely honest, you definitely need to not buy the shoes at Walmart. Kids are very, very cruel about that. You can sometimes get away with a couple pairs of pants from walmart, like the carpenter-type pants, etc., and maybe a T-shirt or 2. My son is only 10, but he's already really picky about what he will or won't wear.


Try shopping at JCPenney, BonTon, the Gap, Kohls, Macy's. Their clothes can be a bit pricey sometimes but just watch for sales now and start slowly collecting stuff. They have awesome sales, especially president's day, Memorial day weekend, thanksgiving (black friday), and awesome labor day sales which are usually just in time for back to school.

As far as the haircut, I would take him to a salon and let them offer some suggestions on what is popular and what would work good for your son's hair type and face shape. Maybe even try one of the hair places in the mall because they usually have younger, more modern people there.  Good luck! Hope it all goes well!

Does anyone else notice when you work too many days in a row you lose your focus or something. nm
A dentist who does breast exams should lose his licence. Besides...
I categorily refuse manual breast exams. If I want to check fir cancer, I go for a mommogram.
Does anyone notice you seem to lose more hair with washing and blowing dry than just brushing other
I agree. I have to lose 80 pounds. Changed lifestyle, exercising now, sm
drinking more water instead of diet soda, life is good. I feel better now than ever before. Oh yea, I just quit smoking too... last cigarette was June 12th, the same diet I started my healthy way of living and lost 10 pounds so far.

Buy less and tell him "this has to last until next Wednesday" or whatever. A calorie is a calorie, so eating "too much" is a habit you need to help him break.
Her weight has really come down
from around 13 or so to now 5 and I started her myself on kittie food (read it has more calories than cat food) and also an extra calorie boost that I got at Petsmart. The cat is feeding and drinking well but she is so skinny. The vet put her on additional med Friday saying possibly she was having organ failure- of course I know what that meant- hate to hear but my posting is I wondered if the sounding off just attention getting. I do not want in pain (I have enough of that for the both of us, ha!) but wondered if just wanting me to pick her up. Hard to do and type with just 1 hand!
You GO Girl.....keep up the good work!! Don't let me catch you with a chocolate bar or something that is not on diet plan.......LOL....LOL....LOL...
You might try Weight Watchers sm
I know that it is an expense, but so worth it.  You can eat regular food, but most importantly, there are group meetings with lots of support.  You'll meet nice people of all ages with the same struggles, and the goals are not set too high at first.  It sounds like you feel alone, and you're not.  I found Weight Watchers to be helpful in that you can eat regular food and the instructors were really supportive.  We'd laugh and then get serious about our quests.  You may want to consider a counselor (not being mean here), but I hear your cry for help.  Why not make an appoint with your primary care doctor just to express your concerns.   You have the power (you are special ya' know)! 
My weight, unlike yours, has nothing to do with
the amount of attention I get from my husband, loads of that and I am overweight. He treats me like the love of his life. I would say to you maybe the body habitus you have really is not playing a part in the attention seeking you want. If I were thin, I really do not think my husband would be around. He told me no one wants a bone except a dog and they even try to hide theirs.....
Try Weight Watchers instead.

My furries weight
I was just at the vets office this morning with my big boy and took him for something else and the physician thought they would take the time to admonish me about his weight, telling me to change his diet, no wet food, only dry, smaller bit 2x a day. I tried to explain in a nice way I did not mind cutting back now but definitely did not want to change brands at this time because of the food recall. As she persisted, I got more hot under the collar, finally telling her it would be much easier for me to cut back on his food than to give him the wrong kind (mine is 1 that has never had a recall and feel safe with it right now) than it would for my cat to go into renal failure - you cannot put a cat on dialysis. I think she sorta got the point and lightened up. Ridiculous for her to suggest such a thing at this time with my explanation of why not wanting to change foods.
weight loss
The only tried and true method for weight loss is to burn more calories than you take in. For me, that means eating healthy (no junk) and lots of exercise. I jog every morning and work out at the gym 3-4 times a week with weights. If you build muscle, your metabolism increases even at rest. It gets so hard as we age and harder after each baby so consistency is really important. Good luck!
weight loss
I am doing a diet called the Abs Diet.  There is a book available for it.  You eat 6 small meals per day, lots of fiber and wheat, turkey, almonds.  It has toning exercises targeted mostly for your stomach demonstrated in the book.  You weigh at the beginning, middle, and end of the plan - a 6 week plan.  In the first 2 weeks I lost 4 inches off my waist and dropped almost a point off my BMI.  I'm never hungry and because of the protein and healthy things I eat I don't crave junk food.  Of course, you have to drink 8 glasses of water per day, and they recommend if you must drink sodas to only have 2 per day, that is diet soda.  Go to www.absdiet.com to learn more about the plan.  Good luck!!
so, how much weight have you lost? nm
I have had some weight loss
It hasn't been like a big dramatic thing, but I'm down about 5-6 pounds. I'm sure part of that is that I have been watching my fat and calories, but I actually feel like I'm eating pretty well. I have been more active, too, getting out and walking every night, working in the yard, and it's been hot and humid here in Wisconsin so I'm sure I've sweated some off. You know, I don't know if it works, but I do know I would pay more than $50 every 4-6 weeks for a personal trainer or motivator, and I kind of use this as my personal trainer. I know that I should watch my fat, and I don't try to have a big cheesy pepperoni pizza and take Alli to make it all go away, because I know then I might have those nasty treatment effects. But for the last week and a half, it has kept me honest in my eating for the most part, and for me that's worth it. I need to drop about 40 pounds to get to my goal, and I'm shooting for February to do that by, so I'm going for the slow steady loss, hopefully Alli will help me get there.
weight problem
My son, who is now 27, has always had a weight problem. I tried absolutely everything and nothing worked. I tried Weight Watchers, which has children's meetings and this worked the best. Also contact local hospital, sometimes they have children weight loss programs.
Your weight problem may be due to your
I hope you feel better soon.  Usually weight problems are psychological, and it sounds like you are under a lot of stress.