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Be careful what you wish for.

Posted By: no msg on 2007-03-08
In Reply to: I wish I had an eating disorder - I know some of you won't agree


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Be careful...
My hubby had one, we had one boy, then got a suprise of twins, neither of us ever wants more kids. My hubby is terrified of needles, doc, etc. also. I thought it was a mutual decision, but found out two years later that he feels like I forced him into it and I hate to say it was such an issue with him that we almost split up. So be careful about making the appointment for him. He needs to be fully on board for it!
On a better note, my hubby had no problems, or complications. I was in the office with him for the whole thing, that made him relax more I think.
You have to be very careful with
the bamboo. Obviously this person found some good stuff, but if you Google bamboo flooring, most people find it is ruined with scratches the first day. So if you want bamboo, I'd find out this brand and check it out in person too. The bad stuff is so soft you can scratch it with your fingernail! It is kind of logical that it would be soft since it grows so fast.

Good luck!
Please be careful

Our local news did a special report on the damage those kinds of flea control products can do to the nervous system of cats in particular. A young, healthy cat can probably handle it, but older cat or those with health problems are at risk.

I used to use Advantage on my dog but since he is mostly an inside dog I hadn't had to use it for a while. About a year ago he had some fleas so I used it on him and he was sick for three days (he was 9 years old then). The vet checked him out thoroughly, blood work, urinalysis, fecal tests, everything normal. The only thing that was different was that I had used the Advantage on him about 24 hours before he got sick.

There is a link below to an article which discusses this issue.

be careful...
Avoid the Humane Society.  If you are afraid of the neighbors now, you have no idea what you are in for if you involve the HS.  They will go after them for leaving the dog out to be in the street and then all you know what breaks loose.  Leave a note that their dog was struck but don't sign it.  The dog needs to be checked out for internal injuries.  Don't implicate yourself.  It was an accident.  Go easy on yourself but protect yourself too.   
Please be careful
I know unfortunately from experience this is a very difficult situation to be in as I have been in similar relationships in the past. While it is hard enough to get away from situations like this when alone, I know having children involved makes this even more difficult. What your husband is doing is definitely abusive to you and your children. In my opinion, he does not deserve you and your children. My heart goes out to you.

I hope you can find the courage to safely and secretly talk to someone at a domestic violence shelter. If you do decide to seek help from someone there, please be sure there are no traces of you contacting them either on the computer or otherwise. I wish the best for you and your children. I'll be praying for you to make it through everything okay. Speaking from my past experience, there is hope for a much brighter future without him in your lives. Also, hopefully if it goes to court and you explain your side, he will have no chance for unsupervised visitation with the children. If you do go through with leaving him, it may be necessary to move to keep you and the children safe. When you decide to, I think the safest way would be through a domestic violence shelter. Keep your head up. I hope everything works out for you.
Be very careful.....sm
I live about a little over an hour from New Orleans. That is a crazy place, especially at Mardi Gras. The crowds will get so bad you can get stuck in the crowd and cannot move. Just be careful.
Be very careful what you say sm
They will record you and play it back. I emphatically stated I did not want the service, could not afford it, my records would show I did not need it. I offered to keep my own number, pay as I went, bought $100 worth of minutes good for one year and I am into it 6 mos. at more than half left. I was paying $60 per month. They balked at first and they threatened to play back my agreement, I told them to go ahead as I had not agreed to anything but canceling. They sent me a new phone, said I needed updating,which would have automatically bound me into another year. I sent the phone right back, called them, told them I would keep my old phone, my old # and would do the $100 for a year or I was done with them. I am very happy with my old phone, my same # and the hundred dollar plan for a whole year.
Be careful...
IF you have to file they will ask about change in names on anything you own. It will throw up a red flag. It might be best to leave your name on the land/car, etc than make them think you are trying to hide something. I am so sorry you're dealing with this. If you have to file, the world doesn't end, I know from experience.
Be careful
Don't overdo the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K.

The amount over what your body can use does not just 'pass thru' - it gets stored in fat and can potentially cause toxicity. You'd be better off taking a calcium supplement and doing some light weight lifting or weightbearing exercise.

Happy MT is correct, vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium -- with one minor correction - sunlight doesn't help your body metabolize vitamin D, it actually is how the body produces it, but we all know you can go overboard with sunlight, too. There's a thread about this from the last week or so, someone asked a question about whether you can get the UV that produces vitamin D thru a window -- the answer is NO. I posted another link about vitamin D there, but in the meantime, here's a good one:


oh well, then I have to be careful, thanks!...nm
Be careful when responding!
I'm not saying that the OP is anything more than someone trying to make interesting conversation, but there are lots of little innocent looking surveys on the 'net that Phish for your passwords. Since our emails don't show up here, I'm not really concerned, but I've seen this on MySpace, and I know phishing happens a lot on MySpace. Lots of folks use pet names or former pet names as passwords. The same goes for name surveys that have you do "fun" things like surveys asking you to find your porn name by putting your street name with your mother's maiden name, etc.

By the way, my pet's name isn't on the list!

Yep, be careful, dear...
I had a similar experience with a dentist when I was in my mid-20's.  He wasn't that good-looking, I was married, and not therefore not tempted, but he did make personal, complimentary remarks when I went into the office for a check-up on a Saturday when his staff wasn't in.  My first impression (even back then as a naive and young 22-year-old) is that probably he just wanted to see how many of his female patients would "bite."  (No pun intended.)  But...if he is not married, and you're able to go into this with a skeptical eye, see where it may lead...expressing wanting to get to know you better is pretty flirty, to my thinking!
Be careful having it dyed
We had our family room rug dyed, and instead of a light rose color, we ended up with a hot pink capet. This was supposed to be a reputable company.
Careful, Misha. sm
He seems laid back now because you're in the 'honeymoon' phase. He's a husky, he's lulling you into a false sense of security! LOL Just kidding. He is a handsome boy and looks very sweet.

I might have missed it - you said you're fostering him, right? Is it really just fostering, or will you be adopting him (whether you intended to or not - that's called failing fostering 101, and I have done it *twice* myself! LOL)

Big brother needs to be careful
I sincerely hope your son didn't run wants/warrants, DL, car registration, LEADS or anything else on sis's boyfriend.  My sister is a deputy sheriff, and if she did anything like that for a personal reason, the sheriff would have her badge in about 2 seconds flat.  That is a major no-no and one of the first things they learn if they work in the radio room.
Be careful of the color of the tea...
my dad drank about 1/2 cup of diet coke and he had to go back the next day for the test....they said it had to be the coke causing it to be too dark inside...but that was for a colonoscopy.
I think people do need to be careful with that
I think there are a mixture of factors contributing to addiction. Yes, I have seen studies that relate addiction with genetics or slight chemical differences in the brain (took a class on addiction). However, having grown up with addictions in almost every member of my family, I think it can SOMETIMES (IMO) be dangerous to tell someone who is an alcoholic that alcoholism is a disease. In may case, may family members said "see, I can't help it! It's a disease" - ignoring the fact that they have at least some control in the matter, unlike someone who has cancer. I guess the best way to describe it is a mixture of both, sort of like the nature v. nurture argument. The reality is probably that it is both - related to biology AND choice.
If you have kids you have to be careful sm
This is an issue they will never forget, not ever, so be careful you don't accuse him in front of them. Make sure you do it in private. I would copy the note and show him the original (just in case he rips it up). Work it out without getting anyone else involved. If you don't have kids and it's not true, you will laugh at it for years. There are lots of nuts out there and you never know. I would have to show it to him. My thoughts and prayers are with you, as I have had friends who have had this happen, either by phone or in person and everyone loses, everyone. Don't make yourself sick over it, dig for the truth, perhaps it's just a jealous coworker rearing his/her ugly head. Don't wait for it to go away by itself, it will only fester and make you sick. Good luck with everything, come back and let us know how you do.
Be careful of what type of massage too!

I got my husband a massage for a gift once...what a disaster!  We knew nothing about them...I thought it would be relaxing.  NOT!  Apparently it was for something called a "deep tissue massage."  What the heck did we know--a massage is a massage.  We almost had to call the ambulance to get him off the table because the lady just totally messed up his back, even though on the "getting to know you sheet" I had specifically wrote down that he had degenerative disk disease.  So here was this poor grown man, in tears, extreme pain, and completely embarassed that he couldn't move.  The massage lady was freaking out saying she had never had anything like that happen to her.  The total kicker was no money was ever refunded to us, and we never even got a call at home to check on him.  I was just so preoccupied with getting him safely into our pickup truck with minimal embarassment to him and getting him home. 

Thinking back, he says he wouldn't have minded the whole ordeal at all if there was a "happy ending" to his massage, but alas, this was a "legit" place  


Careful not to generalize "too" much
I am dying to get OUT of a 'fancy-pants' area and back into the country, but there are tons of stuff not so much fun in the country, too, like being ostracized (Sp?) for being different. I'd give my eye-teeth (where did THAT saying come from?!) to find a middle ground: Progressive rural.
Be very careful - two people from this area
have been murdered there.  Apparently not too far off the beaten path, if at all. 
Careful with the Campho-Phenique (sm)
sent you an e-mail about it -not supposed to swallow it - no spray, just the gel and just a tiny bit - we use it but I pulled it up online and it says external use only
Be careful if you decide to wean
and hand feed with formula and syringe.  Don't know about your type of birds, but I have a parrot that I hand fed with a syringe and the breeders instructed me and watched me do it myself to be sure I was doing it correctly before they let me take him home.  Apparently you can kill them if it goes down the wrong way, but it was really easy feeding him.  Maybe there's somebody in your area who is a bird expert you could talk to?
Be careful while visiting Switzerland

Swiss restaurant to serve meals cooked with human breast milk

A Swiss gastronomist has stirred a controversy in the tranquil Alpine republic after announcing that he will serve meals cooked with human breast milk.

Women will receive just over �3 (US$5.4) for 14 ounces of their milk Photo: GETTY The owner of the Storchen restaurant in the exclusive Winterthur resort will improve his menu with local specialities such as meat stew and various soups and sauces containing at least 75 per cent of mother's milk.

"We have all been raised on it. Why should we not include it into our diet?" Hans Locher, who has become Switzerland most controversial restaurant owner, said.

Mr Locher attracted the attention of the leading media of the German-speaking world this week after he posted ads looking for women donors, who will receive just over three pounds for 14 ounces of their milk.

He said: "I first experimented with breast milk when my daughter was born.

"One can cook really delicious things with it. However, it always needs to be mixed with a bit of whipped cream, in order to keep the consistency."

The food control authority in Switzerland was initially confused by the apparent loophole in local legislation regulating the use of human milk and it was not clear whether Mr Locher could actually be banned from serving his specialities.

"Humans as producers of milk are simply not envisaged in the legislation.

"They are not on the list of approved species such as cows and sheep, but they are also not on the list of the banned species such as apes and primates," Rolf Etter of the Zurich food control laboratory said.

be careful if you have environmental allergies
my son has severe environmental allergies and we were told to never hang out his laundry as pollen can attach itself to the clothing and make his symptoms worse. We are also to run an air conditoner, not use fans and never open the windows to help cut down on allergens. So much for frugality in our home!!! :(
oh but yes, they were very careful with screening all the applicants for the puppies. nm
Be very careful about credit card payments
I just paid off my Visa to the tune of over 7,000.00. This was what was posted but did not take into consideration the interest charges put on- I got a bill for $1.50 so I thought ok will send that in, I was a day late- (no excuse, just overlooked) and they had put my interest- get this from a low 10 to 117.16 for that month- now what would happen if I owed a REALLY BIG amount- I would never get that paid- how it worked out was I owe them now $15.59 which I think will pay before time. Just be aware, folks! These folks are ruthless....
I occasionally have those too - sort of warnings to be careful and such (nm)
Be careful of the cycle. He is in the gift mode.
I think if you go on the net to Harbor House Orange County, Florida you will see the cycle. Please go there and read up. But do erase the history and cookies that go there. So he does not find out. I believe the cycle of abuse chart is there as well. Be careful...
Be careful using it with a frozen casserole. I bought
the casserole. It said to bake it on a cookie sheet, so I pulled out my stone. The stone broke into 3 pieces during cooking, so I learned never to do that again. I have 2, one is black because it has been used so much, but I love them. I just don't put anything frozen solid on them anymore, including biscuits. I am probably paranoid, but after the first one I have broke like that, I feel it is just better safe than sorry.
Be careful if you have a tendency to anxiety/panic. Wellbutrin
people who suffer with anxiety/panic.