Are you hoping to milk a sexual harrassment lawsuit out of this?
Posted By: What exactly do you want? on 2006-12-02
In Reply to: Looking for inappropriate comments? I don't think so! (sm) - OP
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Maybe not sexual harrassment, but certainly
inappropriate. I would never ask a man if he found a jock strap that fit.
Now that most of us have given you the opinion that it was not harrassment, assuming we are all female, why don't you run it by your husband for a male opinion? I'd be curious to hear what he says although personally I think you are blowing this way out of proportion.
I wouldn't report him just yet if I were your sister. I would wait it out and see if it happens again. If he never tries it again, then that's good. But should he get fired over this one phone call, she could have a psycho stalker on her hands and that's not worth it. Just my opinion.
What would you do? Sexual Harassment?-
I need opinions on an extremely akward thing that just happened to me while at the store.......I think a store employee made a comment to me that is classified as sexual harassment. I feel sick over the whole thing. Please help me figure this out as I need some good advice right now.
To make a very long, ackward story short.......My 2 children finally went to sleep this evening and hubby was watching football. I needed a few things at the store so I decided to run out. (Hubby is never happy about late night shopping adventures because of the crazy world we live in, but he knows that I enjoy the quiet time so he tries to not worry much.) Anyways, I went to a very popular department store (open 24-hours and is still very busy no matter what hour) and I returned a bra that did not fit me at the service desk. The mid-twenties young man seemed normal and returned my money to me without any problems. I then shopped and decided I was ready to go, so I took my purchases to the regular check-out counter where a young lady checked me out. Then this young man (an employee) walked over to me and said "hey, did you find one that fits?" I was a little confused at first and I looked at him like I didn't know what he was talking about. He then proceded to say "the service desk, your return..." OH- This guy was the one who was behind the service desk when I made the bra return. Why in the world is this weirdo worried about whether or not I was able to find a bra that fits. (I am probably close to the same age as this guy, I am well-endowed, yet I do not flaunt it. Even if I was wearing a low-cut shirt (which I was not) I feel very strongly about the fact that it was inappropriate for him to be asking a question pertaining to my breasts! Please correct me if I am wrong for thinking this way!!!!????)
I walked out of there feeling pretty sick about that comment. I sat down in my car for a second and decided that I should probably report it. I called and asked to speak to the manager on duty and this guy said that he was an assistant manager. I explained the situation to him and explained to him that I did not have the name of the guy but I could semi-describe him and this guy started sounding very shakey and said "I am very sorry ma'am, I am the one who said that. I think you are pretty and maybe I was being over friendly to you. I can take care of this issue for you. I am very sorry I said that. I don't want to get in trouble. I will take down your information." I said "No, that is okay. I would prefer to give that infomation to the Store Manager tomorrow when I call back to discuss this incident with her/him." I cannot believe this guy actually thought I would leave further details with him! Like he would really forward them to the appropriate person and get himself in trouble!
So, I need advice about this. Hubby was sound asleep when I got home and I'm going to wait til tomorrow to tell him as I am sure that he would go out there tonight to "talk" to the guy! I will try to wait to tell him anyways, it is really kinda bothering me and I feel like I need his comfort.
My hope is that someone on here might have some advice. Hopefully your advice and understanding will give me the answers and comfort that I need tonight so that I can get over this ackward feeling until I can atleast talk to hubby about it and contact the store manager about it.
Thanks so much. :)
May be the sexual degenerates are the ones who never had anyone (sm)
show them true parental love - they never learned to express their emotions in healthy non-sexual ways. My children are so well adjusted and do great in school, have many friends and are happy, normal kids who never get into any trouble other than the occasional talking too much. Sleeping/laying in bed with a parent or grandparent is not sexual in any way whatsoesver. Unless the adult is a molester, sexual thoughts will not even cross the child's mind.
The only time I get a hug that isn't sexual is if someone dies.
Humping in dogs is more a sign of dominance than sexual
This major lawsuit had to do with--sm
the insurance company (SF) stating that they would cover and *wind damage* done by hurricane Katrina, but not flooding, as they had no flooding insurance on their policies, but the lawsuit contended that the flooding was still due to hurricane Katrina and should be covered. they won that case, but there is still some hassle over it because a judge did not like the way the wording read concerning some people who filed claims, but did not sue the insurance company. In my opinion, these insurance companies take peoples monies for years and do who knows what with it, and then when something major happens and people need help, they find all kinds of loopholes to not do anything. That is what insurance policies are FOR! but as far as bleach on a, if I were the insurance company involved in that, I would not pay either. jmo.
I think you are setting yourself up for a lawsuit
What gives your son the authority to check on someones records and then to tell someone else? That sounds like a lawsuit just waiting to happen. I think you probably are very na�ve also if you expect your daughter to follow through on what she has said. I would really watch my steps if I were you. It happens all the time. I do not see where you should have any access to medical, jail, and so on records.
Talk about a lawsuit!!
We had a family file a lawsuit here because a teacher told another parent that a student in her class was on a certain ADD medication.
This parent was asking the teacher about ADD medications, she was reluctant to put her son on any, and the teacher was telling her of the success of one little boy in her classroom who was on the same medication. He was doing so much better with his grades, no behavior problems, etc.
Long story short, the parents of the boy the teacher named somehow found out that the teacher told another parent about their son's medical condition, and sued the school board. The teacher almost lost her job, but thankfully so much of our community supported her and the school, the other family was finally able to work something out and dropped the lawsuit.
Bottom line, the teacher or school cannot and should not tell other parents who the child is that started it or can't get rid of it. In today's society of suing for anything and everything, they are just asking for trouble if they share that information with anyone.
Yes, I think it is okay to send home a generic note..."Dear parents, a child in the third grade has lice, here is what the Health Department says to do about it. The school nurse/teacher/secretary/somebody will be checking EVERY CHILD IN THE WHOLE SCHOOL tomorrow". How hard is that. That doesn't identify anyone. Oh, I forgot. I'm just a mom with common sense, not a school administration. BTW, our school administration is a man, and doesn't even have kids!
just had a major lawsuit ruling
but these are mainly people down in the coastal areas whose homes were completely leveled or not habitable. Insurance companies should be ashamed of themselves...some of these folks have been paying the same company for 40 to 50 years and when they need them, they get screwed. I hope the homeowners actually get the monies so they can get what should have been theirs in the first place.
We lived further inland, so the winds were strong enough to blow off a roof, or blow rain under a roof, or turn trees over on houses and crush them, but not level a home....but every time a wind comes up or it rains heavy, everyone holds their breath because trees now have weak roots and are easily toppled over, even 2 years later.
For those who said "you might be in for a lawsuit" doesn't know what they sm
are talking about. My dad retired from law enforcement and they checked up on ALL of my boyfriends! LOL It is PUBLIC RECORD if they have done something illegally. The public has A RIGHT TO KNOW about a person's past history.
If your son doesn't dig up this info for you, just log onto or something like that, and get all of the criminal records and past of any one who has a social security # or DOB. You're doing a good thing for her. I'm early 30s and I wish my mom and dad did more to protect me.
Lawsuit! How to find a company's bank?
Ok, this is it and hope you can help me. I purchased a dinette suit 04/01/2006. The company said 4-6 weeks before delivery. Paid $640.93. I never got my furniture. I called, got very few calls back from them and finally decided last July after asking for my money back to file a lawsuit. The company did not answer the first filing in 45 days and then had to put in for a default. Just went to court today finally and got a default. By the way, the company did not appear in court!! Now I can go for a garnishment of the company with this documentation but do not have a clue as to where I would find out which bank this company does business with. If anyone able to give me any insight on this, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
credit card debt lawsuit question
If there is anyone out there who has been sued and had a judgment placed for credit card debt....
What happens when you go to court?? I don't own a house and live week to week (part-time IC, not very supportive husband) so they can't get blood from a stone so to speak. But I was wondering if anyone has gone to court and what actually happens.
credit card debt lawsuit question
Anyway you can declare bankruptcy, chpt 7? I am going that route. :(
Do you have a lot of monies owed where bankruptcy is a real possibility?
I'm going through a similar about stress!!!!!!!
What's the basis of their civil lawsuit if they got their stuff back?
It's not like he's a habitual criminal. Tell the court you'll just add it to your bankruptcy because that's where they're pushing you. Or see if you can make $5 a month payments. The kid is crying out for help here. How is it going to help him if you guys have more bills?
Well, isn't that what she was hoping ; ) lol
I'm hoping for the best here . . .
also agree about the lay-out, I like this board.
I am hoping you get the help you seem like you need
You have yelped and yelped about something you know nothing about. It sounds as if you were missing some money. My brother's wife remarried 1 YEAR after brother's death in 1973 which was 31 years PRIOR TO my father's death. His wife WOULD NOT HAVE ANYTHING for her. SHE WAS NOT AN HEIR. Last known living in Knoxville in 1973 - has someone wronged you on inheritance that you are so absorbed in what has gone on here. Please try to relax and get the help you need. Take a chill pill.
Don't have whole story...was hoping
some of you guys did!
Most are just hoping to have some joy for their kids sm
We're all in a hurry trying to get our work done so the kids can have a nice holiday. Perhaps we are hasty and hurried, as well as tired. Look at what we're going through. Some little kids only have the Santa thing to look forward to, even though the rest of us know it's all fantasy. They do put it together at a certain age and it's all a personal family decision what to do regarding Jolly Old St. Nick. We had an older kid who spoiled our Christmas party because he thought it his business to "out" the Santa thing to the younger ones as he was, bless him, highly intelligent and was told the truth from birth. Had some kids crying at one point. I think the point is, do what's right for your own family and try to have something for the kids to look forward to in these hard times especially. There is no right or wrong, just all interpret things differently and we're all very tired of all this bad news going on in the world. Have to look forward to something! Happy Holidays, no matter how you celebrate! We adults know the reason for the season. Bottom line - be happy! Life is temporary, imagination is wonderful, it takes us away from the bad news for awhile. Joy to the world and to each his own. As long as the older kids keep the secret to themselves, they also should enjoy the excitement of watching the little ones have fun with it. It's all good.
Hoping they all get arrested
Easter Sunday here in major city 5 people killed in an accident, 3 children and 2 adults with the person causing the accident leaving. There has been an intense manhunt since that time with a tip coming in yesterday about the vehicle involved. The vehicle had been hid in a home gargage since the accident. A 22-year-old lady now arrested but 5 counts of homicide by vehicle but get this- her mother and grandmother were advised what had happened 2 days after the accident and they did nothing about calling the police. I hope now they have to pay the piper because they were involved in a coverup.
Hey, all of our central FL MTs out there! Prayers for you and hoping sm
ya'll are doing fine! I just heard that some twisters produced winds of more than 300 mph. Unbelievable. Even stronger winds than a cat 5 hurricane.
Lots of people out there need our prayers and supupport. Let us remember them today at all of their devastating loss. May God give them rest and peace today........
The part about you hoping never have same feelings about your son
I would have never thought in a million years I would ever be alienated from my son but am and it has been at least 3-4 years since I saw or talked with him. He tried and I say tried, to say things that he should have never said against me. I wish him the best but I would never stand by and hear what came out of his mouth to come out again. I cut any and all ties with him and his family.
We were hoping she would've moved them by now
Because I was in and out of the car last night counting little furry heads but I guess it didn't bother her. Guess I'll go find a box. Thanks!
I am so hoping something finally brings this
case to an end, and those who loved her can somehow go on. I cannot believe that Casey Anthony continues to rant on and on with the same stores and act so concerned, saying all she cares about is Caylee. Dear God, help the parents when they get the final news if this is Caylee. I believe to her dying day Casey will never admit any wrong doing. Everything she has said from the beginning has been a lie. If my dog, literally, were missing I would be a mess and unable to work. Her child was supposedly taken from her and she is out shopping and partying and draping her naked body in the American flag. She makes me ill.
I am hoping to find out the answer to this soon - sm
Now that we are not using the heat much, and it is getting warmer outside I will be hanging out the clothes. Electric $150 a month November thru April, but jumps up to $250 when using the AC, which I suspect we will keep rather high this year in order to save some money. So my hanging the clothes out will help offset the AC as well. If I can keep it at about $150 a month with the AC on I will be quite happy.
Hoping you had a great 1st date and wondering if you are still on it???
Details! lol
Thanks for the update! Hoping the meds work
for your pooch!
Apparently, producers are hoping Sanjaya
Mazel tov! Hoping it really is a dream come true for you! :)
I think she is hoping to help save his political career so (sm)
she tries to appear supportive - for future money for herself probably. To keep him from going completely down the tubes so he can support his children. Won't work in this case I'm sure though. But it also could be that they feel sorry for the guy...I mean not only does he have to deal with his betrayed wife, he has to face the entire country and lose his career. He's probably near suicidal. I would probably have to feel sorry for my husband if he were in those circumstances, just a a basic human compassion.
Hoping for some words of encouragement on 16 YO daughter. sm
Hello everyone. The saga continues. We have had her grounded since Friday and I saw her Psy.D. yesterday who gave me some advice. She said the best thing to do is to try to be nice and try to work with her in a positive manner, but in small steps. She said that if she decides to leave, there's nothing we can do about it, which I already knew. She said to voice that to her and let her be the one to make that decision, but supposedly that would take the power away from her. She also said that it was useless to try to keep her away from her friends, as she would do whatever it took to be with them. So I came home and told her that I loved her, did not want her to go, but the ultimate decision was hers. I gave her the cell phone back and told her that for her to be able to keep it, she needed to be civil so we can keep a civil atmosphere in the home and no more call me names and cursing at me. She agreed. That was yesterday. I told her that we would take things slow and she would have to earn back her privileges. Well, that's just not good enough for her. She wants it all right away, her way and when she wants. Wants to go out as many nights as she chooses and since it is summertime it is not fair that we don't let her go out. Unbelievable. I told her that we were unwilling to do that and the grounding stood through to the end. After that we would see how it went and start with one night out a week. She can't seem to grasp the concept that at 16 she cannot make these decisions.
Bottom line, I think it will be inevitible that she will at some point leave. I made her an appointment to see this Psy.D. on Friday, but we'll see if I can keep her here long enough for that and whether she will be willing to go.
I am at my wits end. The counselor said I needed to be patient and to continue to be nice. I think that would be easy to do if I saw that my daughter was willing to do her part, which she is obviously not keen on. I almost feel like I am wasting my time and I am so discouraged by her lack of wanting to participate in this.
I guess I have to prepare myself for the worst. This is so hard.
Thanks for listening.
I'm starting my own line of kid's soaps, hoping it will take off
I was hoping I heard wrong this morning.
I was watching The View where they were showing some previews of the interview with Ryan that is going to air tomorrow night and near the end of the show, Barbara W. stated it would be a tribute to her.
It was the same at our school with the boys and the pictures and girls with the hairdo. Nothing like being an individual back then.
What's even sadder is that she finally said yes to getting married.
Hoping his spirit continues to run free. Amen. nm
Milk around here has been
perhaps it is residual milk, since she was still--sm
lactating when the kittens were taken away. Perhaps call the vet to see if and what can be done to relieve this.
Maybe I should send milk
I can't believe the milk prices elsewhere. Anyone want NY milk. LOL.
Why are we okay with animal milk?
Funny how we think it is "normal" to drink the milk of an animal, don't you think?
Honestly, I would much rather find an animal hair in my food than a human hair though. :) I even get grossed out when it is my own hair!!
can milk be frozen?
and still be good to drink?
Milk around here is $2.50 a gallon
and it takes 1 gallon to make a nice chunk of mozzarella. It takes 3 gallons to make the harder cheeses like cheddar and Monterey Jack. I want a good "biting" sharp cheese.
I'm sure if I look around here, I could find cheaper milk. I just haven't tried yet. Years ago, I could buy raw milk from a local farmer, but I don't think there are any dairy farmers around here anymore. I know of 1 in another county but he's 20 miles away "over the mountain". It's too dangerous to go there in the winter.
cats and milk
Have had cats for over 40 years. Was told they are lactose intolerant and cannot digest milk properly and not to give them any.
We used to use the wax milk cartons for candles sm
when I was a kid. We used to put some ice in the carton and then add the wax. It always made different looking candles. Also, if you have an old electric mixer, you can make the wax foamy while it is still liquid and look like suds or piles of snow.
I have bought this milk for years
and I have not had any problems like that, I have had menstrual problems but that is due to my thyroid. My hubbie and I both have drank it for that long. I hope that is not true but you never know.
Mother's Milk in Food
What nutritional value does this serve for an adult? I don't think he is going to ramp up his business by publicly announcing that he is putting breast milk in his food. Most would probably find that rather weird not to mention gross. What women would allow this man to use their breast milk for such a purpose? Breastfeeding is supposed to be not only a nutritional gain for a child but a bonding experience for mother and child. I don't see many women going for this either.
Well, if these cows are suppling milk
they are hamburger. What does PETA have to say about that?
saw Milk this weekend and everyone was bawling.
everyone in the theater was crying.
I've always given my cats milk.
Never had a problem and have always had cats. Half and half is good too.
I give my cat milk about once a month but
it's "cereal" milk and he'll only have a few swallows and then be done. He drinks with his paws which I think is a hoot!!