Any ideas on potty training a 2-year-old boy? sm
Posted By: Question on 2007-09-25
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I have 2 girls and they were so easy to train (no joke, one day tops). My son on the other hand, well, I'm afraid I will have to go to school to change him We bought him a potty chair and he is terrified of it. He just turned two, but when my girls were his age they were already trained. I've always heard boys were harder to train....any help would be appreciated!!
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That could have been me re: potty training
My daughter is almost 3-1/2 and she's doing everything your daughter is doing and I'm at my wits end. She can't get into preschool until she's potty trained (I wanted her to go a couple hours a day for two day). I've tried absolutely everything. Taking things away, bribes, offering her incentives (if you use the potty like a big girl we'll redo your room), and on and on, and nothing. I felt like I was the only one who was having these issues. I've tried no pullups also. Nothing works. She'll sit on the potty and as soon as she gets off she'll pee on the floor. She's just very stubborn. You can tell she knows what she's supposed to do, she just doesn't "want to" (her words). (Sorry so long).
potty training
With both my children, 1 boy and 1 girl, we used stickes and once they had an entire line full they got a small prize. With my son he still slept in pull-ups and he always woke up wet and I figured out it was becuase he knew it was okay. Put him in underware and that stopped almost immediately. I was determined to train my daughter before we went to Disney World....big mistake. she was trained but when she had to go there was no waiting, even if we had stood in line for a ride for 45 minutes we had skip the ride and go straight to the restroom. Plus, didn't want her sitting on the potty...boy did I learn my lesson.
Potty training
I have a boy and a girl, I bribed them both! It works. My daughter loves jelly beans so we got a small gumball machine and filled it with jelly beans. When she would go in the toilet, she got to turn the handle and get her treat. My son did not care about candy, so we used matchbox cars with him (for #2). I guess bribe her with something she REALLY likes. Dollar store toys work well too! Good luck.
potty training puppy
Please do not and I will repeat that DO NOT potty train your puppy using the crate method unless you do not work at home and will not be home for 8-10 hours every single day. I have had many dogs in my life and crate training is crate training and potty training is potty training. Yes, you want the pup to know that the crate is his safe place and yes if you cannot keep an eye on him you will want to put him there but first think about these questions....after he goes outside and pees do you let him have a drink? Do you play with him thereby making hime excited? Either of these things will cause a pup to go pee again even though they just went. It could also be submissive peeing and if you dont make a big deal about it, he should out grow it; however, if you check for drinking and playing and this does not seem to be submissive then the next time you go to the vet mention it to them. My friend's pup did this until she was fixed and the vet had a reason why it happened(even did it in her sleep) and she did out grow it and is much better.
And there is no real time table for saying a pup should be totally housebroken and accident free. I always say within the first six months, it is your fault and up until a year, an accident can happen. Yes, btw, I have had pups that were trained within 6 weeks or less of coming home; however, I did have a boxer that honestly took six months before she really got the idea. Also I suggest bells on a string/yarn etc and hung from the door knob and when we ask them if they have to go potty or you are taking them out, stop and jingle the bells and say something about going potty. I and my friends have used this method and it seems to help them get the hint too about the door being the way to get to go potty.
Best of luck 
Potty training question. SM
I'm a grandma. My daughter toilet trained herself at 18 months. Now her daughter is 3 and is potty trained as far as #1, but will only go #2 in a diaper. She will cry until daughter puts diaper on her and then she goes to the bathroom in diaper. I suggested she not change diaper immediatly, since she is very tidy and maybe will not like wearing dirty diaper. That is the only time she wears one.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
potty training puppy
Of course not. I guess I should have been more blunt about saying that you should not confine a pup to a crate and call it potty training or be foolish enough to say that by locking it in a crate that it is potty trained.
Potty training puppy
I just got a new puppy yesterday. It was a stray that someone put up on craig's list. It looks as though she was abused by her previous owner because she is so shy and scared around my husband (she does not like men), but is not that way with me. In fact, she follows me around all day long. I can't even go to the bathroom! lol She is peeing everywhere. What are your tips on potty training a dog. I do not want to scold her because she is already very shy and afraid. And what about tips on when I am trying to work. If I do not give her attention for a short while, she starts to whine. It is like having a baby here. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
Question about potty training puppies...
Please no one poke fun at my question... I have never potty trained a puppy before and have a few questions. I have a 12 week old Corgi boy named Cody.
How long does it take to potty train a dog. Is it 6 months or longer or should he have the idea down for the most part by age 3 months?
The one thing that I do not understand is why after I take him outside, he will go pee (it seems like he is completely emptying his bladder), I will praise right away, then we go back inside and 5 minutes later he dribbles on the carpet. I'm sure this is normal, but I am not sure what to do about it. Should I put him back in his pet crate immediately?
I know there are a lot of dog experts on this board... I appreciate any advice you can give.
Thanks! Melissa (and Cody)
My 2-year-old twins are potty trained. (1 wears pull-ups at night).
potty trouble
Just like when a pacifier mysteriously disappears, you can hide the pullups and act like you ran out. She may suggest buying more, but conveniently, the store will be out of her size. She won't tolerate going in panties nearly as well as the pullups at her age. You may have more laundry, but if you stick to it, she'll come around. To avoid the pullups at night (so she doesn't catch on), use rubber sheets and avoid late drinking. Continue with the praise, rewards, and all the other methods simultaneously. If she's able to hold her poop that long, with the right foods, she'll be less able to put it off (of course, I don't mean give the poor thing diarrhea). It's just that children tend to be on the constipated side according to my pediatrician, so that might be partly why she can go so long. Make sure she eats plenty of veggies and put her on the potty at the same time daily, preferably in the morning after breakfast or warm milk, cocoa, etc.
Potty Trouble
Was reading the board tonight and just wanted to share my experience with you about my son (who is now 18). He was also a very independent, smart, could do anything kid, but refused to potty train. However, he really wanted to go to "school". After explaining that they did not let kids into school who still went to the bathroom in their pants, he informed me that he would starting wearing his big boy pants and going to the big boy potty once he started school and by gosh that is what he did. Stubborn as all get out! Your daughter sounds a lot like him...used to hide to have his bm and could have cared less about wearing dirty diapers or pull-ups (I cannot remember, but I don't think they were available yet). Anyway, I got a lot a grief from many friends and especially family about this. He was my first child and it really stressed me out, but he took care of it on his own in good time. I am not sure whether you can try something like this with your daughter such as a special place that she might like to go or the all time favorite...a bribe. Whatever happens, it will work itself out in the long run. Just remember not to get too stressed about it and take it all in stride and do not worry about what other people say. My son is now a terrific young adult who has been wearing his big boy pants for a long time and has suffered no severe mental setbacks that I can tell ( ) from all the pleading and begging his father and I did. Sorry so long, but I worried so much about this and frankly I could kick myself now since there were so many other huge issues that we would be facing later on. She will get it....hang in there.
potty train
My older son, we let him in the house all day naked. He hated to be naked and that did the trick. Now, i am try to train my almost 3 year old. He uses the potty alot but it not consistent. We put on big boy underwear and he seems more aware not to go in his pants but we still have accidents. We set the timer every hour and have him go. If he is outside playing though an accident. We got him one of those little seats to put on the big potty. I never used a potty chair (as i wasn't going to clean it LOL). My daughter was alot eaiser, actually i had her doing #2 on the potty before #1, very strange I know. I also use bribery. Candy is a good thing when potty training. I know my almost 3 year old does not seem all that ready and more immature than my older boy was at this age but still have to try. He will go when he wants to and hops on the potty himself at times during the day its just the consistency that gets me. Good LUck to both of us, LOL! Please feel free to email me directly if you wish.
Well, maybe they are terrified of the potty chair because we
missed the window of opportunity to teach them when they are younger. Here's just one of many articles on the topic:
And a Google search with words like "disposable diapers" "American" "late potty training" will turn up lots more information along this vein.
People seem to think that training children early is cruel. But there are gentle techniques for teaching continence, and we need only be in tune with the signals children give. The later age of toilet training indisputably correlates to the introduction and widespread use of disposables in this country. Did you know that Dr. T. Berry Brazelton signed on as a spokesman with Proctor and Gamble back in the 1960's? He was paid a lot of money to promote disposables.
Disposables are a big business in this country. Advertising and time have erased the memory of a time when most American children were trained by age 2. It can be done. It takes a little patience, knowledge of gentle techniques, and lots of praise. Children do tell you when they are ready to train, but these days people don't know the the nonverbal cues that children give us. Instead, we wait for children to stand up, walk over and say, "I'm quite finished with using diapers from this point forward."
The tide is slowly turning again, however. Perhaps your grandchildren will be toilet trained at 18 months as more and more people discover that it's far easier to train a younger child than it is an older one. The older child has basically unlearned an unconscious thing. Most people will accept that it's easier to learn a new language when we're younger rather than older. It's exactly the same for toileting.
It is Lent so I am being honest - potty mouth without the
in private, I let RIP at times, it just feels good and releases a lot of tension, and of course right after I say a "forgive me god," which is so hypocritical, but he made me Latin and with a simmering temper, so what else can I say. Never in front of kids, my elders, mainly alone.
dog training
If someone does not want to do something blaming the dog or you, the giver of the dog, is ridiculous. I am thinking she need to hire some help. Hire a dog walker for every single day twice daily walks. Lots of people need jobs. Obedience boarding for a month. Truthfully, she should probably turn the dog back in and get a ferret, they sleep 22 hours a day are playfully entertaining two hours a day and use a cat box. Perfect pet for the lazy.
training the bad dog
I did this, but it did not work, I did that, but it did not work. The reason it did not work is because your dad has no where else to go, has no way of supporting himself, has no money, has no emotional skills whatsoever, needs your mother to help him survive for better or for worse. You will not be able to train him to leave you alone, because he cannot take care of himself and seems very unwilling to learn how. He already has been trained by your mother to behave this way, you can't fix it.
While I was still training, I had some expansions set up
in Word. One was BE for barium enema. At that time, the whole family used the same computer and my son had a report to type. I never thought to turn off the auto correct for him and as I was reading over his paper, the words barium enema jumped out at me. What was funny was it was a report on torture in the middle ages and I remember thinking, well that would be torture. He never retyped the paper! He turned it in with barium enema and never told me what grade he got!
How about crate training?
I have 3 dobies that I crate when they can't be trusted to obey the rules.
Sounds like he's training you, though, LOL
Are you cage training her?
If so, put her in her cage when she gets too rambunctious (sp?). Our new puppy is also about 8 or 9 months old, and she knows the meaning of "NO" and "STOP BITING".
Also, have you tried spraying her with water? it works on most dogs and cats.
training cats
My cat used to have a thing with begging at the fridge. It got so bad she would jump in there. Once she got trapped in there for quite awhile and I did not realize it. We cured her by dribbling a couple of water drops on her head whenever she begged.
puppy training
Start inching the pads closer and closer to the door, and eventually place the pads outside so she figures out that outside is where she really needs to be.
The piddling all the time when walking is marking territory - even in girl dogs. She's finding other scents and peeing over them to leave her own scent on it. If you have her spayed I think you'll find that happens less often.
When she has accidents in the house, is there a pattern to the timing of it? Her bladder is small enough that she needs to be either by a pad or taken outside every couple of hours. Do you have an area in the house that you can sort of confine her with baby gates or some such so the carpets are not an issue? Maybe keep her in the kitchen with lots of beds and cushions that are washable until she is old enough to have a little bit better control.
Good luck. I know all about animals doing things where they're not supposed to do them. Clorox Cleanup is my friend!
This is what I learned in
If you do not believe in rewarding good behavior with a tiny treat, then stop reading here. We started on very short walks first. When Shadow would pull on the leash, I would say no, stopped abruptly at the same time, then made him sit before starting again. If he walked without pulling, I would give praise and slip him a treat while walking--do not stop walking. It took a lot of patience, but he now stays close by without a leash (well, most of the time). Good luck.
lol, if not about the receiving, then why the *list* and the *training*?
Crate training is great when done
I had my dog completely potty trained before she was 12 weeks ago by using a crate and have known others to have the same success. The secret is this. Keep the puppy in the crate except for the times you take him outside to pee or to play with him. He'll learn that the crate is home and he'll not want to pee/dribble/poop etc. in it. Be sure you're taking him out every 2-3 hours during the day so he builds confidence that you'll take him out to go do his "business" then start weaning him back from there. Be sure to praise him each time he does his "business" outside and when you bring him back in, put him in his crate.
If the problem continues then have the vet check him to make sure there's not a problem with his system. More than likely it's just puppy excitedness!
Good luck with your new puppy. Also when he gets to the stage that he wants to eat your house up buy some bitter apple and spray it on your furniture. It has a scent in it that dogs don't like but you don't smell it. It also works in the yard if he starts digging.
So, it takes 32 years of training?
Which training method yielded results so quickly? (I'm nearing 16 years, I might need to refine my technique)
Does he get a diploma, or a certificate? Or a ribbon?
Originally it was for crate-training - (sm)
one of my cats who is averse to using her litterbox. In the meantime, my other cat decided this would do very nicely as her own, personal little 'condo', so she took it over. She likes it because everything is right there: Food, bed, water, & litterbox. Not to mention a great view of my birdbath outside! ;)
It's 30 minute circuit training SM
on very easy machines. It's actually fun and everyone is friendly.
Only problem is, you don't really lose a lot of weight, if that's your goal, and, at least where I live, it costs $40 a month. What with rate of pay dropping, I had to quit.
If you don't need to lose a great deal of weight and just want to stay in shape, it really is good.
Lady here at my home now training to become
a nurse and she says no discrimination in becoming a nurse, nothing supposedly plays into your training.
I need advice for crate training 10 week old puppy. Help!
Repeat after me ... Crate training is a GOOD thing!
Invest in a good crate and use it.
The crate will cost you less than the destruction in the long run. It takes a while for the dogs to get use to it but once they are they are much happier for it.
My Rotts each have their own crates and when we have company or if they just want their own space they will go to their crate and chew on their KONG or a pigear.
Whenever I am going to be gone for any length of time I put up my Rotts and when people come to visit and ESPECIALLY when I have other folks children in my house. Mine dont see it as punishment at all and have gotten to where at night they sleep in their crates with the doors open. Although I do have to say they prefer to have Animal planet showing on their TV in their room when I am gone for any length of time.
Good Luck!!!
Yes - 7 day crate training - works perfectly in one week (sm)
google it - it works great and you dont have to swat them or scold them - they learn in one week and we never had another accident after that!
Lots of teething toys and crate training - sm
Get her a good book or a video on raising a puppy. They chew a lot with puppy teeth. Some breeds chew more than others, I had a husky that chewed a table leg, I have had a lab/shepard mix that basically ate a couch....which we ended up putting the dog in the powder room with a muzzle on during the day. Eventually we were able to unmuzzle the dog, after 2 years or so, as she got older and less destructive. Felt bad doing it but it was the only way not to have her eat the plumbing, baseboards, etc. They are also destructive when they are bored. If she leaves the dog alone constantly it is going to get into mischief. A dog is a bit respponsibility, I hope she is up for it, and if she bails I hope you can take it in.
book or CD on training... maybe some info on local classes? nm
Bigger issue - a 16 year old living withi a 29 year old and liability
Are you still not responsible for him until he is 18, how can he tell you where he will live? Unless he emancipates himself and he does something wrong, can they go against you since you are his mother and legally responsible for him? I worry more about him living with a 29 year old sister rather than returning a house key to me that is a bigger issue.
My 14-year-old is going to be a mother-in-law (so funny) if you google it and 11-year-old daughter
Won $2,000 on slot machine on New Year's Eve. What a way to start the year. nm
Set my budget a year in advance, save all year and
What a difference a year makes! Last year, sm
we had the same problem. Fines everywhere for watering.
Paid $60,000 on principal last year and this year
planning on another $30,000 after my taxes paid for the year. We are getting our house paid down very quickly.
55-year old woman has birthday sex with 12-year old
DAYTON - Gloria Murphy gave children celebrating her 55th birthday alcohol and then had sex with a 12-year-old boy at the party on Thursday, Jan. 29, according to police.
The boy got into Murphy’s bed at 5440 Rawlings Drive, where the married woman had sex with her adolescent neighbor, according to police and Montgomery County prosecutors.
Two of the children at the party ran home at about 6 a.m. Jan. 30 and told a parent they saw the boy and woman having sex, according to 911 audio.
The parent then called police at about 6:15 a.m., according to a police report and 911 audio.
Murphy did not force the boy to have sex, but since he is younger than 13, it is considered rape, Lt. Patrick Welsh said. No other children were involved in the sexual encounter, but some other children at the party consumed alcohol, according to police.
A 17-year-old would have the same goals as a 20 year old (sm)
Only the 20 year old is hopefully more responsible and based on what you say about his character, would be a better choice than someone her own age.
I have a 9-year-old son that sounds just like your 10 year old...
Lately he has been so negative about everything...trying to make him have a good summer and whenever I take him somewhere, he is just a brat when we get home...I think they are called tweens at this age...not quite teenagers but have the attitude like one---LOL
We skipped it entirely last year, and THIS year?
This 40-year-old got dumped for a 30-year-old
This year will be our 35th year
The first couple years it was literally 5 or 6 times a day every day (more on the weekends). Over time it gradually slowed down (once a day) and over the past few years its been 2 or 3 times a week. Not sure that is average or not. There were times were I felt it was too much and him not enough, then there were times where I wanted it more and he didn't. Guess everyone goes through a phase. I guess because of how long we've been together, now it's just comfortable - nothing exciting about it. Just a routine. I have to make it exciting in my mind and pretend I'm someone else.
I don't know what it is, but you are correct...after awhile the lust and infatuation wears off and you get in a routine. I guess for us it was that we really didn't know each other when we married (we dated for 3 weeks then eloped). Once I got to know him it was too late. Now 35 years later it is just comfort (and amazingly we never once used birth control and never had any kids). My mom still tells me she's amazed at the frequency of our encounters that not even once did I even have a "close call" with getting pregnant.
But 35 years once or twice a week and 3 or 4 times on weekends. Not sure if that is normal.
A few ideas
Shed not for her the bitter tear,
Nor give the heart to vain regret;
Tis but the casket that lies her,
The gem that filled it sparkles yet.
Her children rise up and call her blessed.
Amiable, she won all; intelligent, she charmed all; fervent, she loved all; and dead, she saddened all.
How about the pastry puff (hot dog, potato, beef) hors doeuvres by Cohen. Frozen aisle, just thaw and bake. They are delicious! Spinach dip in a bread bowl. Chicken fingers. Shrimp cocktail. Stuffed mushrooms. Prosciutto and melon, fresh mozzarella. Deviled eggs. Enjoy the party!
Any ideas???
You all are always so creative and imaginative - please help. I need to buy gifts for my BIL's girlfriend and SIL's boyfriend, somewhere in the $25 range. I have no clue what they like, and asking BIL and SIL is like asking my keyboard - they are no help at all. Thanks in advance!
some ideas...
Although this is from a nominated student themselves you might pull some info from it. Had the pleaure of being a memory and it was indeed an honor. - 35k -
Give applicant name and school name, your relation to applicant, how long you have known them. Some of the criteria it is based would be maturity, dependability, motivation, compatibility, integrity, compassion, particpation and attitude.
here are a few ideas
There is a web site that is legit that can help with small amounts. It may not give you money in a short time, but it can help within 30 days.
They even help show you how to write a request that will get approved.
For help with food, try . For $25/month, you get almost $75 worth of food.
For help with any medications, try . The drug manufacturers help people who fall between the cracks and cannot afford medicine by providing it for free or for a minimal fee.
Also contact your state's Vocational Services Department. If you have ADHD in my state, they will pay for your schooling and medication and doctor bills and you don't pay it back after school is done.
Don't be afraid to contact your local resources - churches, food banks, Salvation Army - for whatever help you can get. Some of these will provide one-time assistance or every-other-month help.
I wish you well. I only know about these because of I have needed to use each of them at one time or another, and continue to need them.