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A drug bust! Well there is no telling

Posted By: Forever Pitbull Owner on 2009-01-11
In Reply to: Whether full pit or mixed pit, loads of shelters will NOT - Questions

what kind of life that dog had. That is very sad. You know, I had to admit but I use to be one of those people that said oh no a pitbull! They are mean, they will turn on you, but that all changed when I got a little pitbull puppy years ago that changed me. My pitbull taught me the true meaning of Don't believe everything that you hear, and only believe half of what you see.

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I saw that too. He had that look like when he's about ready to BUST
No culture, only it it does bust then we are to
take her to the hospital to get a culture. The thing is, this is the third time, each time a different diagnosis, and each time antibiotics took care of it. I honestly don't remember what the other antibiotics were.
I hate to bust your bubble, but
I called before about welfare and tax fraud. I do not make false charges and know what I need in order to provide people with information. I had all the children's SS numbers, the mother's, etc. I was providing for the children, they were living with me, everything and yet the mother's "man" had put them down on his income tax to get refund from the gov. No one has to explain about the fraud lines. I had all the information, knew their address, everything. I talked with income tax people as well as welfare fraud. I would turn my own kids in for fraud much less someone else. I despise it and have seen so much. Welfare contacted the mother and she sent her man packing for awhile and then moved him right back in. Years ago in my state welfare came out with the gotta work program and this woman stated to me "I aint going in for training" and she never held a job to my knowledge anytime after that. Oh, if you were married you do not fit into the category of "single" mother. You could be separated, divorced, widowed if you had been married. That is a term unmarried mothers with children seem to want to take especially when trying to, I think, have people feel sorry for them. I have my facts all straight, thanks.
You know, when you have anything achieved, someone just likes to try and bust your bubble here
I went on originally saying about what my home owner's association does not accept, including clothes lines, animals roaming loose, vegetable gardens, etc. and I said I love it here. Immediately what returned was a statement about people looking down their nose at you implying that is what I do. Someone else making statement about rural living-my present home is very much that with woods close by and deer roam through my yard sometimes. I, like loads of other transcriptionists, work as loners and tend to be that way. I am no different and love my privacy here and that is what is afforded me. One of the homes I sold was in a big city and the other was lake front which was an inheritance. People seem to like to run down what others are able to achieve. I worked hard, very hard for most that I have had and it has taken years for me to be able to get to a point where I basically do not have to worry about every cent that I spend. I have always been free with my money trying to help out others and it has come back tenfold to me. I now rescue animals because of my love for them. I never was one to be jealous of others but apparently lots I run into on this forum don�t feel the same. Hope you can enjoy the rest of your coffee.
Glad Ryan didn't bust his bootie on that remote control (nm)
Drug Problem--sm

>Different kind of "Drugging" - by Marsha Kelly


>The other day, someone at the store in our town read that a


>lab had been found in an old farmhouse in the adjoining county and he


>me a rhetorical question.


>"Why didn't we have a drug problem when you and I were growing up?"


>I replied, "I had a drug problem when I was young. I was drug to church


>Sunday morning. I was drug to church for weddings and funerals. I was


>to family reunions and community socials, no matter the weather.


>I was drug by my ears when I was disrespectful to adults. I was also


>to the woodshed when I disobeyed my parents, told a lie, brought home a


>report card, did not speak with respect, spoke ill of the teacher or


>preacher, or if I didn't put forth my best effort in everything that


>asked of me.


>I was drug to the kitchen sink to have my mouth washed out the soap if


>uttered a profanity. I was drug out to pull weeds in mom's garden and

>flower beds and cockleburs out of dad's fields.


>I was drug to the homes of family, friends, and neighbors to help out


>poor soul who had no one to mow the yard, repair the clothesline or


>some firewood; and, if my mother had ever known that I took a single


>as a tip for this kindness, she would have drug me back to the



>Those drugs are still in my veins and they affect my behavior in


>I do, say or think. They are stronger than cocaine, crack, or heroin;


>if today's children had this kind of drug problem, America would be a

>better place.


>God bless the parents who drugged us.


He has been drug tested....
for his job. I don't think that drugs or alcohol are involved.  We have considered it, but I just don't think that it the problem.  I certainly would never let him drive with my son if I was unsure.  I just don't know what it could be.  It would take a book to write down all of his issues.  The sad part is that his father dismisses it all because he does well in school and he is premed, but he just lacks any sort of personal character.  Being smart does not make you a good person and he is just not a good person.  I am still so sick to my stomach about this.  I feel like I am a bad person, having mothered this kid for 13 years and now I am just ready to wash my hands of him.  I am dead serious about that and it makes me ill.  I pray to God that I don't ever have these feelings about my son. 
drug store
loved the fountain drinks, miss the five and dimes like Woolworth's.
With their drug war going on & innocent
tourists getting caught up in the middle, not to mention how dangerous it can be even without a drug war going on... is it REALLY worth the risk? We have plenty of beautiful beaches right here in the U.S., and why not spend your tourism money to help out our own ailing economy. It is much better to be safe than sorry. JMO...
This drug testing is going too far - sm
I don't do drugs and I do know that there is a huge drug problem in America but turning around and testing for drugs for every single thing is going a bit far. Not everyone who is unemployed does drugs. In fact I can bet the people who are unemployed are probably using the money for basic necessities of daily living (food, shelter, electricity).

My dad (72 years old) is collecting unemployment and if he had to take a drug test to get his check that would be horrible. He's the most honest decent human being I know of.

A lot of people who collect unemployment don't do it because they want to, they do it because they have to. A lot of them are going through depression and then to turn around and have to take a drug test like they are criminals?...well why not treat them like crap more and add to the depression they are already going through.

Think this is just another way for government to take control and it is not a good idea. Usually the people who are for others being tested are church goers who think they are "holier than thou".

Bad idea.
This drug testing is going too far - sm
Why in the world would you think this is a good idea? I don't do drugs and I do know that there is a huge drug problem in America but turning around and testing for drugs for every single thing is going a bit far. Not everyone who is unemployed does drugs. In fact I can bet the people who are unemployed are probably using the money for basic necessities of daily living (food, shelter, electricity).

My dad (72 years old) is collecting unemployment and if he had to take a drug test to get his check that would be horrible. He's the most honest decent human being I know of.

A lot of people who collect unemployment don't do it because they want to, they do it because they have to. A lot of them are going through depression and then to turn around and have to take a drug test like they are criminals?...well why not treat them like crap more and add to the depression they are already going through.

Think this is just another way for government to take control and it is not a good idea. Usually the people who are for others being tested are church goers who think they are "holier than thou".

Bad idea.
I had to go get drug tested today for my - sm
bus substitute driver job; they provided the car for us to go the clinic. Apparently they normally take the white car, but today we took the red car because the white one was being held as they found drugs in it last week. Kind of funny as it is a county car used only by the school employees; and mainly to go to drug tests. How un-smart is that? They still don't know who is the guilty party as the car had more than normal traffic in it last week. Guess they will figure it out though, I bet everyone that has been in that car for the last 2 weeks is getting drug tested; if you test positive you are immediately fired.
Try the company that makes the drug.
We got on a plan for my son through the company and he gets his meds free (Concerta) for at least the next year.
The 100K came way after the drug charges
The arrest came say 15 or 20 years before the 100K and the way they spend their money that $100K probably not around too long.
Has anyone ever been on Clomid - or any other fertility drug? sm
DH and I are having fertility issues and the doc has put me on Clomid but I have yet to get a positive ovulation stick (the kind you pee on), and I am getting frustrated.  Has anyone ever been on this?
Help on upgrading drug reference

Hi all,

I am seriously in need of upgrading my drug reference. I am still using Quick Look electronic 2004 and so many new drugs have been introduced in the past 4 years.  What would you recommend??  I just checked the Stedman's site and really cannot afford that kind of money right now.  Do any of you recommend a hard copy book that would keep me updated???  Thank you for any suggestions.

Can we drug-test the Senators too?
I don't think connecting unemployment benefits to drug-testing is a good idea. In fact, I don't think drug testing should be random at all. I think it should be reserved for cases that are on a need-to-know basis. And no, I have never used drugs, never tried them. It's a matter of civil liberties and constitutional rights against invasions of our privacy. Next thing you know, they'll be testing us for lipid levels after we're seen frequenting a house of trans-fats.

And while we're on the topic, decriminalizing drugs would go a long way toward reducing drug-related crimes. Nothing is perfect in this discussion though because drugs really are evil. It just becomes a matter of damage control.
I have taken many drug tests for many jobs...
and never felt like a criminal. It is just the way things are. I would far rather have drug users weeded out of medical positions,welfare and unemployment than to not take the test. I don't know why anyone who does not use drugs would feel humiliated by taking a test. Just my opinion.
That is what drug addicts and gold diggers do, unfortunately :(
I think you do have to go all out. A therapist and drug screen would be first priority nm
Talk to the maker of the drug in question. sm
Many drug companies have what they call "Indigent Programs". Don't let the name put you off. It is for people who cannot afford their medications and need them to live.

I worked in a urology office and the cheme seeds for prostate cancer cost approx. $1700.00 a month. The company had a program for the guys who couldn't afford it, the guys who had insurance that would only pay a miniscule amount, etc.

I had that problem when I was unemployed and my anti-depressants cost over $500 a month. The company that made them had a program such as that and it saved my sanity.

Look into it. You are only out the time it takes to fill out a form. Some of these are also income based, but please, don't let the name put you off. It is well worth the time you invest.

Good luck.
Checking for drug usage in unemployed
Just seeing where a senator from Florida wanting to have mandatory drug tests for people who want to apply for unemployment money. I think this is a great idea, what about you?
Just saw a report on news where they listed it as a dangerous drug
apparently caused something that looked like malignant polyps in the colon but other than that, people told not to take it on a first date, not good idea and you should maybe, starting to take for first time, wear dark pants. I guess that is so the orange diarrhea won't show through so much.
See, that's was exactly my initial response to the negative drug test. SM

I felt like relief that my son, even when faced with the temptation, resisted the urge to smoke pot with his friends.  I actually congratulated my son and told him how proud I was that he hadn't been taking any drugs or smoking pot.  But then I wondered if he should be punished for having a bong in his pack.  He obviously didn't use it, but why did he have it?

Now I think I may lift the grounding, but set some rules about him avoiding being around the 23-year-old guy and basically having him check in with me routinely when he is out and as long as he follows the rules, then I'll trust him.

Geez, I don't think I'm going to survive the teenage years and they've only just begun!  I can only hope that when my 7yo daughter reaches her teens, she will go a little easier on me!

Thanks everyone for listening and offering your advice.

she is on a multiple-times-per-week drug testing

Too bad - but If you always do what you've always done....you'll always get what you've always gotten.....if her kids are less important to her than her partying, druggin' ways...well, how one makes their bed is how they get to sleep in it.....no sympathy here....

K-Fed, in particular, stays clean FOR his kids....and I don't like or even know the guy, but I do know he IS the better parent from all that is shoved at us about these 2 and not just these 2 but all these rehab'd at-risk younger people....

oh and please don't think I don't have a heart - no flames - got my own family history of substance abuse that goes decades back...some even died....

But having kids is like G_d giving ya a second chance to GET IT RIGHT!!  Some people just don't get it....

JMHO (just my HUMBLE opinion)


Jails are overflowing because of insane drug laws.
Anything Billy Mays, any "male enhancement" drug,....
Geico with the cavemen, any "are you behind in taxes" commercial.
My husband is drug tested on a regular basis
for his job, just took 1 yesterday. It can be at any time, when he is arriving or leaving work and being as he has a responsible job, I am totally all for it as he is.
by telling someone --sm
they are not going to heaven, you are judging that person. It is not up to you to decide whether they are or are not and it is surely not your place to say that to them. How hurtful. sorry. JMO.
telling my age!
I was at work, a good friend came running into my office crying "he's dead, he's dead" and I thought it was a coworker!   I STILL love E.P. and watched a 2 hour special on t.v. about him a couple of nights ago.  What a guy!
Yes, and I'm telling my mom on you nm
That's what I keep telling myself.
They must be good for me, right? LOL!!!
I'm telling you
It's one of the few things that's as good as I remembered it to be. Maybe the only thing. ; )

Klonopin is a wonderful drug but a benzodiazepam. Be aware of withdrawal.
I was placed on Klonopin during a stressful year when sleep was elusive, leaving me dragging all day.

It worked amazingly. But, there came a time I had to get off of it. I thought I could just stop taking it. Not so. The drug leaving my system placed me in a state that was far worse than the anxiety I took it for. For three months, I had ringing in my ears, was in an agitated state that I likened to listening to fingernails being scraped across a chaulkboard and then having that sound magnified a thousand times.

I watched a show that featured drug addicts in a methadone clinic and one person interviewed said that the worst drug to get off of was "bennies." Worse than heroin and methadone, and I believe him. I also came to realize there are many people hooked on these powerful drugs simply because the withdrawal is so very unpleasant to go through.

I suggest taking it periodically, never more than two weeks in a row. I only wish my doctor would have said that I would become physically addicted to it to the point that medical supervision would be required to stop taking it. Instead, they appeared to think I had developed "drug-seeking behavior" because of my anxious calls to the office when I was experiencing the symptoms.
Sure she is mentally ill and I am sure all the drugs and the drug-laced lollipops didn't help!
Everybody is making it out like she's the first rock star to have a drug problem and win an award
Beatles, Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, Metallica, Smashing Pumpkins, Eagles, INXS, Fleetwood Mac, Eric Clapton, The Doors, and on and on and on. If we only listened to, or gave awards to, the clean and sober musicians, our musical legends would be a completely different list.
I agree. My mother is a drug addict and lost custody of me
and I went to live with my grandmother so both of them have less than stellar parenting skills. You can't choose your family but you can choose who you let into your life.
I keep telling this knucklehead,
my husband that I could foster some more animals. I have 3 furkids now but I have a really big house and bigger heart. He seems to think I have my hands full. I do not agree with him. There have been some animals rescued a few counties over and they were asking for adoptives plus fosters and saying if no one comes forward, well you get the idea, overcrowding. Just really gets next to me. Hubs says I can't rescue all. I wish I could.
re: telling kids
In our school system in 5th grade they show the boys and girls (separately) a course on maturation. We sat both of my boys down at that time when my oldest was in 5th grade and his brother was 2 years younger. We sat down with the bible, an anatomy book with pictures and we told them everything about boys and girls. Then we told them how God feels about sex using the bible. We feel we gave them balanced answers and they asked questions and we answered them in truth and honesty. They have no doubts or ideas about it now and have been taught to save themselves for marriage and that sex is a gift from God that you don't want to give anyone other than your spouse. Thats how we did it.
And you think by telling him or your daughter
not to see one another they will listen? She has not been listening to you so far. It will not stop there. There will be sneaking around, making up lies, anything for them to engage in further escapades. I laugh to myself when I see someone exposed and immediately goes to the doctor with my knowing full well how the virus works and usually at first does not even show. If people get a negative then they think, thank goodness, out of the woods so to speak- not true! You see with kids they do not think this will happen- having a blood test is really only for you- negative gives her the idea that she has missed the bullet so to speak and they, it is guaranteed, will continue on their way with sexual encounters, whether you like or not. What would you do if she defies you and absolutely refuses to stop being with him?
I had been telling MDs I thought
my husband had sleep apnea for 5 years. Finally his insurance got good enough that they would send him for a study. Sure enough, he stopped breathing 57 times an hour during testing. He tried the machine, but it caused terrible pain the first night. He showed me where it was hurting his nose, and I commented that with the shape of his short nose, it should not be hurting him there. So the second night he put it on for me and I grabbed the booklet to see if everything was in the right place, and I immediately pointed out it didn't look like the picture. Being a man, he had not read the book or even looked at the picture and a himself in a mirror. When I pointed out what I was seeing different from the picture, he realized he had it on upside down! Much more comfy now. Plus he refrigerates his distilled water to keep himself cooler. He has been using it about 2 months, and his body aches and pains are much better, especially his plantar fasciitis and his knee pain. Still some hip tenderness, but he is definitely sleeping better and now I don't get in trouble for coming to bed later than he goes to bed and waking him up.
Thanks for not telling me I'm a bad person!! (sm)
I so much wish that my kids would want to go - I would love to have her have them over as much as she wants if they were happy about it. That would be wonderful! I am kind of afraid to mention it to her because I am pretty sure she will accuse me of spoiling them or that I just don't want to share them but that is far from the truth. I want them to go - if they will go happily - but it is really hard to have them crying and begging and make them go anyway. I will try to talk to her though...we'll see what happens!
Your telling my story now..
I'm so frigging bored of this job I could scream. My former life was a medical biller/coder and at least that challenged my mind. The longer I sit here I swear my mind is become dead and I'm getting so fruity I can hardly stand myself. When I do leave the house, I feel socially retarded.  Now, I can see why prisoners have such a hard time "adjusting to the outside world." I feel isolated and depressed. I've gotten a secretary's bottom and 30 pounds heavier. I am waiting any day now to hear if I got a billing job I am applied for and I'm outta this prison. I'm get PAROLED..
I agree with telling dad...
Think about if it was on the flip side, you would certainly want him to tell you. You know she is using your weak points to get to you, sounds like she won't be able to do that with him. Tough love may be called for here. Sixteen is a tough age, but one day she will thank you! Now that I am older, my sister and I both than our parents for the difficult decisions they made for us even though at the time we couldn't have hated them more. Go with your gut. Don't wait for something bad to happen. Hang in there!
Just a rumor and no telling where she may end up. nm


maybe she is telling the truth
would you scare kids with that???? There are certain things that should not be discussed with children.
The techie not telling it all because
nearly everyone today is checking a person's credit be it for a job, a place to live, and of course to get a credit card or the like. This is old hat really and something that has been going on for quite sometime now. Next question.
Your gut is telling you something - Listen!
how about being honest and telling him the truth..sm
imagine how he will react when (and he will) he finds out you have been lying to him. Just tell him. His reaction may be less than when he finds out about a total lie!
My mother-in-law is always telling me I'm anemic
because I like to chew ice. I don't crave ice, mind you, but I do like to chomp on it. I don't know why. It's something that I've done since I was a kid. In fact, I went to a high school reunion once, and everyone at my table started to laugh when I began to chew my ice. Apparently, it was something I was remembered for, and I had no idea!
Regarding anemia: Well, I've never been anemic, and so I always crow that to my mother-in-law when she starts up on her anemia rant.
These days I don't chew ice anymore (except to irritate my MIL), because my son's orthodontist talked to me about the damage it does to tooth enamel over time -- causing cracks and splits.
But, I've heard the anemia accusation so many times, that I guess it would be worth checking
I was telling my hubby about these posts sm
and he said we have to take a taxi, I want to get in the cash cab. So funny!