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Has anyone been able to transfer their normals/standards from - Posted By: WP5.1 to Windows? Need instructions badly! nm


What does FTP site mean? - Posted By: me


Instant Text question - Posted By: jmr

I just started using Instant Text and need some help. Is there any way to customize the order of the singles abbreviations in the word list? For instance, when I type the letter B, I would like the word BUT to be the first choice in the word list. Right now it is BEEN and I cannot figure out how or if I can even change it. I know how to reorder the phrases in a glossary, but this has me stumped. Thanks.

New Ativa keyboard not being read by puter...anyone know why? - Posted By: New keyboard won't work :(

Or is a return trip to Office Depot in my near future...


ASR production increase?!?! - Posted By: mc5

Anyone want to know how MQ came up with the figures to say we have a PRODUCTION increase because of ASR?  It will surprise you!

MPWord ??????? see msg - Posted By: Mis

MPWord - helpful or not.  I am currently set up in Word with Instant Text.  Would MPWord help me any?  Can you use or import your glossaries from Instant Text into MPWord?  What about making your own templates and default settings such as font, tabs and format?

Does anyone know exactly how the fax options works?

Thanks, Mis

Kodak Easyshare - Posted By: D

WalMart has a good deal on a Kodak Easyshare 6 megapixel camera.  I was wondering if anyone has used this camera?  Is it any good?

Amphion in Wisconsin - Posted By: workaholic

Has anyone else got any feedback about Amphion out of Wisconsin? I was given this name by someone in response to my post and they spoke highly of this company. I just wondered what others have heard. Any info would be appreciated.

Are there any good MTs left?? - Posted By: Frustrated

What has happened to the MT who is committed to working hard?  My experience with hiring in this field has left me very frustrated.  Yes, an MT will test well, and their resume brags of experience, and they blah-blah-blah with all that you want to hear about hours and availability and knowledge, but once hired, that all goes "poof!"  You find that they don't have the knowlege they boasted of, they only want to work a few hours a day, if that, (after promising full-time hours), and they don't answer your e-mails and calls after a while.  Please tell me there are still people who want to work, who want to work hard, who take pride in their work, and who actually stick around for more than 2 weeks!  Be honest on your resume, be honest during the hiring process, and please don't waste everyone's time.  Let's keep MT jobs in the US by practicing what we preach -  Quality, hard work, dependability, and love of the job! 

I wouldn't worry about that ..sm - Posted By: HeidiHo

We'll be getting the ESLs to take their place.

Does anyone on here think... - Posted By: Just Me

that anyone makes up numbers about their wages/cpl/lines per day, etc?  It seems like every once in a while I come across a posting that makes me feel like I wonder if I am doing as well as I think I am.  I think I do okay and if I had a constant supply of work I would do pretty well, but then I come across people saying they are making $60,000+, or whatever, and I feel small and slow again.  I guess I should feel happy for those people and assume they are telling the truth, but, to be honest, I feel a little jealous and I want that kind of money for my family, too.  Sorry to be so selfish, but just wanted to know what others thought/felt when they read posts like these (assuming you are not already one of those with the $60,000/year jobs). 

What do you think about those... - Posted By: Eric

ergonomic keyboards? The ones with split keys like Microsoft's Natural 4000. I am considering buying one but have only ever used a standard keyboard all my life. Is it difficult to get used to it, or are they actually easier to use? Thanks.

TrimSpa Questions..... - Posted By: Tami

Previously there was a post regarding someone losing 55 pounds on TrimSpa.  I am wanting to know what your regimen was (how did you take the pills, how you ate and exercised).  I am wanting to start this, but want to do the most beneficial way.  By the way, how long did it take to lose that much also?  Thanks for the answers.

Any one have a DVI-115... I need instructions on the keys...ahhh - Posted By: Rebecca

This sucks... I have one and was going to start part time with a company to use it but when we moved the little sheet on it must have came out, and now I have no directions, and you cannot by parts for them... any help.?

I've been wondering, if you have Vonage - Posted By: chvygrltn

Does your computer have to be on 24/7?  I unplug mine at night and in stormy weather.  My cable stays plugged in because it is wired into the back of the cpu; when I had a cable modem, I unhooked that too, and preferred it that way.

Pay by report? - Posted By: Resalyn

Hi, all:  I've been getting my own small clients here and there, and I've had a request for a proposal to radiology reports for a small radiology group.  Their current vendor is charging them by report, not line.  Anyone have any idea what to charge by report?  I've done some calculating with regard to average lines per report, and I'm thinking of offering to do it for $3 per report.  Any idea if this is too high or too low???  Any input is appreciated........


burnout/changing companies - Posted By: tiredMT

Hi everyone - I post here frequently but I need to remain anonymous for this one; hope you understand.

I'm looking for thoughts from MTs about whether switching to a different company alleviated burnout. I am trying to figure out if it's MT itself, or just the service I work for, that is causing my severe burnout.

I'm on the verge of hauling myself to a doctor for antidepressants (paying out of pocket, of course... no psych insurance coverage as an IC!) and my line counts have dropped drastically. I have bilateral CTS to boot. I'm struggling pretty badly with all the "classic" burnout signs.

Thanks all!

Disability, Sickness, & Hospital Insurance - Posted By: Getting depressed but fighting it.

Warning to everyone if you have separate health disability and or sickness policies bought through insurance companies.  Please read your policies carefully and check with your insurance company BEFORE you need to submit any claims and especially find out how long it takes for the money to be sent to you.

Our disability insurance will pay a maximum of $900 a month. No problem even though it's only 1/3 of what he earns but it's better than nothing.  NO WHERE in the policy does it state we need to send tax returns in for the last year....yet yesterday received a letter that we must do that...plus they DO NOT PAY the first 30 days of disability. 

My husband was disabled from the beginning of June until 2 weeks ago, and really shouldn't be back to work yet, but it was necessary. The disability policy will pay a whole month, not 2. Over the years, I paid over $7,000 to this company for this coverage for a lousy $900? So now that we waited over a month for a check, we get this letter, and now it will be another month until he receives anything...again. And, to make matters worse, they do NOT pay the full amount if you have other coverage.  I just don't need to wait 3 months for one lousy sentence they could have put in their policy in the very beginning.

I called them and of course got a less-than-perfect English customer service rep (of course!)and told her I wanted to talk to someone higher up after I asked why for some of these requirements and she gave me the same canned answers as in the beginning of the conversation.  Do you think I'll get the call back? I doubt it. I will be calling again today.

Hubby was right. Insurance is a rip-off. You better believe I will be dropping quite a few policies after this is all over and may take a health savings plan instead if we survive this go-round. They just get you coming and going. Is there any company you can count on being above board, safe and reliable these days?

Anyone have Direcway/Hughes.net satellite? Have a problem with VPN....sm - Posted By: Melanie

I have been connecting through a VPN with my FP office as they have EMR.  Suddenly on Monday morning I wasn't able to connect.  I was able to Sunday night.  I had an engineer come by and check everything out.  He was able to connect with my password at his house but not via my satellite.  Has this ever happened to any of you?  I will lose this account if I can't get it working.  I am out in the country and can't get an other fast Internet provider.  Hughes.net does say on their website that VPNs don't always work.  It is just weird that it worked one day and not the next.  I called Hughes and they said they didn't do any updates or anything.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!

Contacting KathyZ - Posted By: getting_fed_up

Kathy, thank your for e-mailing me.  I am unable to respond to you through the e-mail though.   Could you please contact me again with your e-mail address? 

HELP! cardiology question - Posted By: Margaret

when dictating...He has a dominant _______ (circ) which is 100% occluded....colaterals for a AV ______ (circ)

what is circ? circumflex artery?

EditScript loading difficulties - Posted By: MT cowgirl

I am supposed to be starting on the EditScript software today, but I can't seem to get a report loaded. I installed it using the password I was given by my vendor, but I seem to be stuck on the 'Initializing Your Dictation List.." window. I can't seem to access anything from the blue open folder. I have never used this software before, and this is the second time I have had problems getting in. Any idea what I did wrong? I get a "Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime error '424': Object Required" message every time I load it. What does that mean? I have tried to reboot, but I get a red box that warns me that if I exit the system this way, I will either not get paid or other people won't be able to access the queque. My vender is unavailable for comment. 

P.S. This is my first job!

inhouse work - Posted By: ae

I am thinking about going inhouse to work for a family practice group.  What is the going rate per hour or per line?  I have 10+ years experience.  It would be working for 2 family practice physicians 25 or so hours per week.  Because I have only done IC the last few years, I don't know what to charge when taxes are taken out. 

Please advise what a reasonable hourly/line rate is .  I am not sure at this point.



Turbo Tax - Posted By: ER MT

Has anyone used Turbo Tax if  you are an IC?  If so, is it easy?  I'm sick of paying my account a ton of money to do my taxes when it takes them about 15 minutes to plug info into the computer and spit the forms back out.  Seems like it could be something I could do myself. 

Okay, I cry uncle! - Posted By: LB

I posted last week about how much help a company should give as far as samples and feedback while they are pushing you to do acute care.

I have spent all day struggling with consults for some of the worst authors I have ever had.  I finally asked my supervisor to send me some samples of this author stat because I won't even make my minimum line count.

She sent me 1 copy of his pacemaker implantation report and I couldn't even open it.

Now we have hit totally ridiculous!!

Anyone seeing the Rolling Stones on tour? - Posted By: KYradMT

I've always wanted to see 'em in concert - can't believe they are all in their 60s....but Mick Jagger still knows how to shake it!

Did the west coast get to see Big Brother yet? nm - Posted By: East coaster


Head set covers - Posted By: justcurious

Just wondering, anyone know where to get the little ear muff covers for headsets?

Radiation Oncology - Posted By: Shasta

Does anyone do radiation oncology dictation, and if so, what sites do you use for help.  I am a very experienced oncology Transcriptionist having to face doing radiation oncology (which I have never done before) and I am having so much trouble finding the words I need.  Help would certainly be appreciated.  TIA

Tired old subject, but could someone please explain to me(sm) - Posted By: txmt

I have read on these boards that most companies do not allow transcribing via satellite because of security issues.  Is this a HIPAA issue, and if it is, then why do some companies allow it?  I'm confused.

american transcription solutions in Clearwater FL - Posted By: barb

Does anyone know anything about American Transcription Solutions in Clearwater FL? Is this a good place to work for???

Big Brother 6 is OVER! - Posted By: kyradmt

And Maggie the nurse won the $500,000. I shall miss those peeps...

Need help with Shorthand and Shortcut - Posted By: bgirl

Can someone tell me how to convert my ShortHand File to my Shortcut for windows. Thanks!!

Just catching up ... Pls read if you're concerned about off-shore outsourcing... - Posted By: Dinosaur

I'm gratified that the people on this board are brainstorming with each other.  I've been "lurking" and reading what's been happening. I have a few comments and thoughts. 

Some of the participants here say to send to NBC News, FOX news, etc.  Others say to send to Oprah and yet others say their congressman or senator. 

I say we should each individually write a letter and copy same to each and every outlet we can think of!  All of the above, senators, newscasters, Oprah, whatever and whomever.  Until all of these sources are utterly swamped with letters regarding our plight (as well as the plight of radiologists, accountants, billers and coders, etc. all of whom are losing work to off shore outsourcing) we will be ignored.  Thousands upon thousands of letters need to be sent out either by snail mail or e-mail.  We cannot rely on anyone else to do it for us.  Each one of us has to take the responsibility to make it known that we don't like it and we will vote in the next election for only those politicians that take a stand against off-shore outsourcing.  Can we all take ten minutes to write a letter and another ten minutes each and every day to send out said letter?  We can send duplicates to the same place.  Lord knows that they don't pay attention until thousands of letters come in with the same message.  Ten minutes a day - each of us - just think how many letters to our congress and to the press could be sent out if we all took the time to do so! 

I, for one, will post here a list of places that I have sent a letter to in the hopes that it will inspire you to do the same. 

escription - Posted By: sami

I am looking for escription.  Can anyone help me out?  Tried www.escription.com, sent mails but no reply.

Leave your Link for Best Drug Ref site - Posted By: just me


 Thanks!  Lost my favorites

Corporate Lessons - Posted By: continued...

Sorry forgot this one!!!

A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold; the bird froze and fell to the ground in a large field. While it was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on it.
As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, it began to realize how warm it was.
The dung was actually thawing him out! He lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy.
A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate. Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung, and promptly dug him out and ate him!

The morals of this story are:
1) Not everyone who drops shit on you is your enemy.
2) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend.
3) And when you're in deep shit, keep your mouth shut

Searching in WP 5.1 documents through Windows XP - Posted By: Troy

 I have changed word processing programs from DOS-based to Windows-based programs, but still need to access the old WP 5.1 documents. I am having trouble searching the documents through Windows, i.e., searching for a person's name, etc. inside the document.  Do you have any suggestions? 

Satellite Question (sm) - Posted By: Dixiegirl

I thought I was set up to get satellite internet but the Wildblue office called back an hour after I had talked with them and said they were sorry but the satellite I would be using will be "down" until November and they could not provide service to me. 

Do all satellite internet companies use the same satellites?  In other words if  Wildblue in a town 35 miles from me cannot provide me service, can Hughesnet in a town 10 miles from me give me service or do they both use the same satellites?  Would appreciate any info.  I don't know too much about satellite internet or how it works!

on the topic of looking/feeling younger - Posted By: sm

I dont really know how to say this, so here it goes...sometimes older women in denim shorts and tank tops look...like older women trying to look young. I am not trying to disrespect anyone, but come on ladies, we've all seen them.  The person in the skimpy shorts and low cut top and bleached blonde hair, she turns around and lo and behold, she's your grandmother! That is not attractive! Women can dress and feel sexy without having to borrow our daughter's clothes! Just IMHO!

crockpot turkey breast question - Posted By: sandy54

I just got a crockpot, have not really used one much.  I want to cook a boneless turkey breast.  Have looked at recipes online, most have no liquid added.  The idea of leaving it on low at home, while I'm a work, (with no liquid) makes me a little nervous.  Comments?  TIA

Autotext not working properly - Posted By: WORD

Does anyone know whay might be wrong with my autotext?  I have several set up in WORD.  I have it setup so when you start entering the text, it will show a balloon popup and you can hit enter or F3 and the entire autotext will populate.  However, this will only work if at the beginning of a new paragraph.  I can't seem to get it to work in the middle of a paragraph after a sentence.????  Any thoughts?  Would appreciate emensely!

Meditec question - Posted By: Sadie

Well, I can't seem to find my post so I'll try it again.  I was wondering if anyone has done an internship at Meditec?  If so, what did you think of it?


Rerecording - Posted By: carneyl

I have a client who often challenges accuracy of my transcription.  I would like to rerecord his tapes to digital format for my own backup documentation.  I have tried rerecording directly from transcriber to hand-held digital recorder, but the sound quality is horrible.  I assume I can rerecord directly to computer, but I would appreciate any input as to method, software, etc.  Thanks to all!

Powerscribe editors, can you help? (sm) - Posted By: grnilady

I've been offered a job editing via Powerscribe reports. Whatever you can tell me about this platform, etc. would be greatly appreciated. Also, is a per report rate normal for this type of editing? If so, what is a good or standard rate?

Thanks again!

PLATFORM QUESTIONS... - Posted By: kath

Does anyone else have constant problems with the platform they use such as word program stopping/crashing,  platform not working, foot pedal problems, etc.?  The only time I have problems with my computer is when I'm using the platform.  

I need a free FTP client - any recommendations? - Posted By: thank you

Regarding Word 2003 post from way below--sm - Posted By: None

To the person who posted a suggestion for correcting the non capitalization problem of Word 2003 from far down the list of posts, the suggestion you gave was SOOO correct!!!!  Thank you so much!  You have no idea how aggravating that was.  I did what you suggested and the first thing I did was to uncheck the "automatically add words" to the exception list box.  Then I started typing and waited for it to not capitalize a word.  I went back into the exceptions list and sure enough!  The word had been added!  I deleted it and went to type the sentence again.  It worked this time!!!  I am SOOOOO happy.  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!  YIPPEEE!!!  How can I ever repay you??     

long distacnce providers for working from home - Posted By: Valerie H

I was hoping someone could help me a little. I have been an at  home MT for the last six months and loving it. Yesterday my phone company calls and informs me that the "unlimited" long distance plan that I have been using ever since I started working, that I am now in violation because of my long distance number I have to dial into for my work. I use so many minutes a month that they consider me a businesss and the plan does not allow for business use. (they just want more money for the minutes I use- so much for unlimited). They suggested switching to a different plan and paying per minute for long distance or switching  my line to a business line and still paying per minute.. which would cost over $200-$300 a month just for long distance..... any one have any suggestions. I figured I couldn't be the only one dialing in long distance to do work?

Thanks for any help you have.


Does anyone use SmarType with XP?? Thanks so much. nm - Posted By: AzMT
