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yea right....

Posted By: MT20+ on 2006-07-07
In Reply to: Outsourcing - Cymed

I don't know about how much Cymed outsources to the Philippines, but there are companies in the US that are actually starting up with no intentions of hiring MT's from the US. The companies themselves are teaching English in the Philippines and working closely with their own set up down there to train MT's to do the work, because their phonetics supposedly are closer than others. So in short order, I would think there will be more and more work going there.

There is one company inparticular that started up last year and was doing just this, had no intentions of using U.S. MT's, just wanted to hire us to get work lined up for them to send there.

So, next time, don't ask if the company you work for is sending work to India, think Philippines.

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