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yada yada

Posted By: Amphion on 2007-09-20
In Reply to: That's because nobody wants to work there. - ex-Amphioner

Enough already, I get it ok...you're bitter because you couldn't cut it...it's ok, not everyone is made to work at a company like Amphion. I wish you well...

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yada, yada
You're wasting your time.  The OP is right, if they cannot return a phone call, what good are they?  They can have all of the work in the world and have all of the HR staffing issues or excuses they want, but if they cannot return a phone call that was promised, how then do you expect them to be there when you have a question or concern.  Furthermore, to state they are the best by far and all of that is hogwash.  There is not one larger MTSO out here that doesn't get their bang for the buck!  So, please let's not go there, with fluff about how they are loyal to their MTs and all of this crapola...........  I'm older and much, much wiser for that line of stink!  If they are so ever growing, then they need to get with the times and start offering up these MTs wanting a job some phone calls in return stating whether they have a position or not.