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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

when I worked at Edix ... (now spheris) (sm)

Posted By: dandeion on 2009-07-20
In Reply to: Something is going on. - Very strange.

when they were trying to get more hospital accounts within a system, they would promise them the moon and assign an absurd number of MT's to my accounts ... so that I got virtually NO work on my regular accounts and had to ask for more accounts -- which became time consuming and more importantly NERVE WRACKING to work on so many relatively new accounts all at once -- again -- some of which I got very little work on .... (very different from really learning one or two accts, adding another -- learning that -- then adding another -- truly I was a wreck -- oh and my line count truly sucked -- so when I saw there was an opening at a local MTSO, I lept ... I was stressed out and making no money ... and I had been on these teaching hospital accounts (my favorite) for over 5 years ... sad)

That's what the message above about accounts up for renewal (as in contracts) meant ... in my case, Edix hoped to get more hospitals in this national chain (most national hospital chains, I think, use more than one service so that if something happens they aren't completely left in a lurch) -- at the time I left probably almost 10 years ago, Edix also had a VERY unstable platform that was down a great deal ... trust me -- it was hell

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I have worked for MQ, Spheris back when it was Edix, Transcend and OSI. TransTech is by far the bes
The pay is decent, probably not the highest in the business but not the lowest either. The benefits are good. Pay is always on time. Great bonuses. Great communication and most of all I really like the people and it makes me enjoy being an MT again.
Spheris, did it used to be EDIX
Spheris/Edix, sm
After working for this company for 6 months and not being able to achieve my normal line count, I started snooping if you will into their computer system and found MT line count and line count (not verbatim but like that). The mt line count was lower than the line count. Sure enough, every report was about 35% lower in that regard. Even a friend of mine saw the same decrease in her line count and we both could not figure it out. I asked my supe about and she said someone would get back to me. Guess what, no one ever did. We both quit.

You are just another victim of that company. Sorry!!!
Spheris Edix side
Notice how you didn't get any responses? That's because there aren't any good things to say about Spheris.
Used to work for Edix - how is Spheris?


Used to work for Edix.  How is Spheris?  Have been out of the field for a few years due to health issues.  Want to hear it all - good and bad.  Thanks,

Hopeful MT

Edix versus Spheris
I worked for Edix a number of years ago, but I never worked for Spheris after Spheris bought out Edix.  Is there anyone who worked for Edix and did not leave when Edix was sold who could tell me what changes were made and if they are worth working for.  I saw some posts below about not being able to make the line count for the day.  Is this a sign that things are not good with Spheris?
I can certainly remember Edix and the change to Spheris....
Hi Miss Willy..I certainly remember the Edix days. I LOVED Edix and haven't found a company that truly yet matches what they were and how much they appreciated their MTs. I stayed through the switch, unfortunately, and then left just a little bit later. Spherix really was not the best place to be. Maybe it was because of the changes, but I really disliked it and had to get away. Probably should be grateful that we are both out of there, because they are a global company now.
I worked for them when they were Edix and
they were terrible to work for.  You couldn't even scratch your arse without them calling and asking why you weren't typing and I have heard that it has gotten worse since they became Spheris.
I left EDiX/Spheris after 8 years there to come to Webmedx. SM
I moved over here in 2003 because I knew the recruiter and she told me it was a great place to work. She was right. The benefits are fair, the work plentiful, the bosses fantastic, and the QA staff wonderful. Good luck!
That might have worked when co was still Edix, things are different
I also know Spheris would fire you if they knew you worked for MQ. That is a BIG NO with Spheris!
I worked for Spheris...
It was a positive experience for me. I never had a problem with being called if I stepped away from my desk, guess it just depends on which supervisor you get? I only quit because working a FT job in addition to Spheris as PT became too much.
I have not worked for Spheris
Just by reading the archives, it doesn't seem that Spheris is any better than Q.  I would have to say that Transcend is better than the Q in my experience.  There were times we ran out of work but not as bad as Q. 
when I worked for Spheris
Went through this with Spheris, and sooner rather than later we had to punch a virtual timeclock, then it seemed that suddenly there weren't enough lines to fulfill our line count and requests to work overtime to make up for lost lines were denied, so there went all incentives/benefits. 
i worked for spheris 4 years sm
i worked in radiology part of spheris.  i had a great supervisor.  the pay is ok.  my problem was no raises, or if they don't want to give raises, at least acknowledge people some how.  there were a lot of times when we had to help cover while people were out sick or hurricane katrina stuff.  i had been there 4 years and never a raise.  (no one got raises).  another big issue for me was they send work to india.  i don't like that at all. that's one reason why i quit.  i now work for a company as an IC and they don't send their work overseas.  they are much more personable.  i worked for Spheris when it was edix, and i liked it much better when it was edix. 
I worked for Spheris for 4 years
They expect you to keep your required linecount weekly, pay on time, pay is on low side, they offshore, insurance is not good, supervisors and QA are good. Overall they are decent.
Well, I worked for Spheris for three years ...
Speaking of Spheris from the perspective of a past employee, I wasn't impressed at all with the company in its role as my employer. The best that I can describe their corporate mentality is that of a sweatshop -- low wages; poor, disorganized, unresponsive, and often inexperienced management; woefully inadequate benefits; and only minimally helpful QA.

However, if you're asking about the quality of transcription, I found that for the most part my colleagues were very quality oriented, most very experienced. Despite a lack of validation on all fronts, i.e. pay, appreciation, etc., they took pride in their work and put out quality documents.

I hope this helps.
Spheris - worked there recently
I worked there for 3 years, left in July. I made good money there, but I've heard that they are starting people out at a lower cpl now than they did 3 years ago. I thought they were basically fine to work for until they started switching all their accounts to ASR. When my account was getting ready to switch, I gave my notice,as I don't think you can make any money doing ASR. Insurance expensive,schedules vary, icentive pay was decent, but think that is being eliminated with new platform/ASR. In my opinion they are not such a good place to work anymore, unless you don't mind doing ASR for a pittance. Overall they were fair to me, but not very much communication with employees.
DUH, I worked for Healthscribe before it became part of Spheris.nm

Then why leave? I've worked for Spheris
I would let them keep their $500!
If you ever worked for Spheris, you are classified as insane.
Having worked for Spheris before, I'd vote for Webmedx.
I tried to get on with them, but I was working three part-time IC jobs at the time so I couldn't get their test files completed on time.  I got maybe two hours of sleep three nights in a row because I had so much work dumped on me.  Blown chance!  I wish I'd blown off the IC jobs and finished the test instead.  The test reports were easy enough for me to do.  I asked for an extension on the test due date, but never heard back from them.  I understand their need for TAT, but they have to realize that it's tough to squeeze testing into an already overloaded schedule.  I'd much rather work one steady job than three IC contracts.
Worked for Spheris a couple of years ago
I worked for Spheris and would not recommend it to anyone who wants the least bit of flexibility in their schedule. You are expected to punch in and out to the minute on an online timeclock according to a very strict preset schedule. You aren't allowed to deviate from it without jumping through hoops and getting time off approved or adjusting your schedule, and you can't ask earlier than 2 weeks before the date you want changed. Kinda puts a damper on making vacation plans that may never be approved. I prefer a more open 12-hour window to work my 8 hours in, with no one keeping electronic tabs on my 24/7. I'll bet the FBI knows less about what their employees are doing on a minute-by-minute basis. I do have to say that their platform is pretty awesome, though. Wish the company I'm at now had it.
A friend of mine worked for Spheris
and she said they really sc***ed her.
I worked for Spheris for quite a while. Honest answers inside. sm

Their rate of pay is pretty average, compared to other companies. They way they count their lines is fair and honest, no matter what you might hear from others. Depending on who your supervisor is, the schedules are somewhat flexible. Some supervisors are pretty lenient with the schedule, and others are very rigid. Overall, the people there are pretty nice. If you're just basically looking for a company where you can go in, get your lines done, and walk away, they're probably a good fit for you.

But there are definitely bad points, also. There's not much in the way of feeling like part of a team. You pretty much feel like just another number to them. If don't give them what they want in terms of lines or overtime or whatever, you'll definitely hear about it. They love to ask for you to work extra or switch your shift to accommodate them, but they don't generally feel like paying back the favor. They're famous for turning down PTO requests for no particular reason, no matter the reason for the request.  The recruiter will promise you there's plenty of opportunities for advancement, but really there aren't. I've known gals who have worked their butts off for them for years and still haven't gotten anywhere. The only way to get a raise is to move up in levels of difficulty, and the levels that pay the most per line are the accounts that have tons of ESL's and lots of very difficult report types, with sometimes pages of really crazy account instructions that have to be followed.

In  my opinion, if you go with Spheris, you'll make the most money if you take on a medium-level account, probably with more clinic work, where there aren't so many ESL's and not so many crazy instructions, because if you can crank out the reports at 6 or 7 cents a line, you'll make more money than struggling thru accounts that pay 9 cents a line but are terrible to type.

Yes, it is about the almightly dollar. I worked for a hospital who outsourced to Spheris
and the only reason was NOT because they could not find available MTs but it was because it saved them money from having to pay benefits etc..
Yep, I liked it better when it was Edix too.
Transcend will go the way of Edix
when they pulled the huge pay cut on their platform and struggled until the company was sold, MQ who had very innovative ways to cheat their employees and their customers and is in trouble. This is all about $$$ in their pocket - make a big profit early and then leave the company and let it fall apart.
That was me and Edix fired me due to chemo
The old Edix, before they put in the new platform, and before they were sold.
Team leaders were professional, they kept the team members informed of what was going on within the company, made sure the full time employees had enough work, and went the extra mile to provide samples for difficult dictators. It was as close to working in an office as you could get without actually being in an office. If they called you, there were no interruptions or background noise from family/animals, etc. Business was business. They were flexible. We got feedback monthly on our performance. After they changed platforms, everything changed and information was top secret so we were treated like mushrooms. I think most of the good team leaders left at that time, too.
Is Edix former management at Transcend?
Oh, yeah, I still do have the Edix cookbook...
and yeah, I do remember a cookie jar; I believe that went to the local thrift store. Yep, former Edix employee.
Can someone offer anything good to say about EDIX side
of Spheris.  I really need this job, but I have heard some not so good things about EDIX side of Spheris.  Also, there are no recent posts regarding EDIX, so can someone offer up their good experience with them.  The last I read, they do not pay for spaces and dock for errors.  I am not looking for a fight on this board.  I just want someone's elses opininion on EDIX side of Spheris.  I really appreciate this and I thank you and god bless.
Sounds like they haven't changed much since they were Edix.
That was the biggest waste of time for me. I literally would be at my desk on and off for 12 hours to try to get 8 hours of work. We got the same excuse, holiday slowdown. BS is right! Hello! Halloween is not a holiday that people take off and vacation for. They were sending as much of that work to India as they could. Of course they asked us for a list of the worst dictators on our account, which we foolishly provided. A few weeks later, that is all I would get, the worst of the worst. They sent the best dictators to India, and we had to fight for the scraps of crap that was left. Get out, get out now, don't wait. Best thing I did was quit that job. It will suck you dry, monetarily and emotionally.
reCan someone offer anything good to say about EDIX side
There is not an EDIX side. It is one company Spheris.
EDiX ...hated the platform, absent mgmt, no support.
EDiX--hand's down. A 4-letter, totally dysfunctional outfit. nm
If you made a graph of all the things taken away by Edix/Speris in the last 5 years.....
You would be shocked, although it has been 6 years since it started.....

first charging for errors, about 6 years ago (they stopped that), then insurance changed for the worst, regrading hospitals to their advantage so you would make at least 200. to 300 less a pay period, the list is long, long, long. I can go back 6 years up to 2 years ago when I finally left.
System great, pay good, everything great, but most managers from old Edix, problems, poor people ski
when you are out of work, you are out of luck. If you are good at brown-nosing, are tough enough to be without any self-esteem, and have maybe money coming into the household on the side in case you tick someone off, then you may succeed, for a little while.

Don't ever ask questions or have problems with anything. Don't ever have a problem. Don't think you will have any control over anything you do, either.

A few 'good' managers remained when I left, but the new ones were all from the old Edix, and were completely into numbers, cared nothing for individual MTs...if there is work, you BETTER be working. If there no work, you will hear nothing, no one will help you.
I still feel like a team player of Spheris, as the shackle scars are still on my legs! Spheris was

Micromanaged to the microsecond, or ms!  Horrible. And part of a team?  Total opposite - part of a team as in prison.

Don't imply you're worried at all. Just stating fact that Spheris does NOT allow a Spheris MT
work concurrently for MQ - no exceptions.  MQ, on the other hand, does not have the same feelings as Spheris.  Just all I had to say so that MTs aren't misled into thinking they can do the same "legally". Even went to the ropes on this issue with Spheris, as I was professional as well, and wouldn't share info, etc. The point they raised was that MQ is their direct #1 competition, and if I was typing for MQ and doing great work, that was in direct conflict of interest with Spheris' best interests.  Guess which one I obviously stuck with!!
Thank you, Spheris recruiter! Anybody wanna place a bet that there are lots of Spheris
HELP WANTED ads on the job board?? So funny!! Out of the blue, Spheris, we love you!! Lets all run and apply NOW!!
Spheris - any spheris employees out there care to s/m
comment on the new Cornerstone platform, good, bad? Will we all be going to SR on this? Thanks.
I worked for a temp agency for 3 years..LOVED it. Just worked. No counts, no hassels, GREAT pay..
No benefits at the time.  I even learned pathology while temping (8 months on that assigment).  I loved the variety, the ability to say I'm not available such and such time.  I'd do it again in a heartbeat if I didn't need benefits.
A company is ONLY supposed to verify that someone worked there, what dates they worked, whether PT o
and last date worked. It opens everyone up to a lawsuit if more is given, so most companies are told by their attorneys and business advisors to verify only.

No one has a right to a reference, only verification of employment.
It worked! Latest suggestion from DJ's email worked. nm
If I worked a longer day, I just put my regular shift, 3p-11p, or whatever. If I worked sm
an extra day, then I was told to fudge the hours around on the other days so it all came out to 40.  I didn't really mind -- have learned not to expect overtime in this profession -- and I was happy to be able to work whenever I needed to get the lines I needed.  However, them telling me directly to fudge on my time sheet would seem to be a violation of the wage and hour laws.  I suppose it doesn't matter now if they do not even have enough work to make the minimum line count necessary.  Several of the companies I thought were golden seem to have gotten a bit tarnished lately � sad. 
My experience with Spheris isn't bad at all. I have been with Spheris sm
6 months and already have 40 hours PTO. I was shocked.  Spheris is a  great company.  After 90 days I did get my sign on bonus and didn't even have to ask.  There is soooooooooooooooo much that Spheris offer I wasn't even aware of.  I am so glad that I didn't listen to the negative posts on this board in regards to Spheris because I am a happy camper.
Glad it worked for you. I have worked for companies
that were more reliable and paid without the delay I had. Maybe you started before they started doing that but it makes no difference. I TOO am a single parent.

You are not trying to argue? Sounds like you not only are trying to argue but you are just waiting for anyone to post anything about the co on here so you can just get out there and respond, which seems to be the way I have always noticed it. It's like all the MTs or whoever that work there are just waiting to respond.

This board is about the good points and bad points about companies. I am telling my experience.

The people were nice people though, but my experience was not a good one and I will not say it was.

I can go a week after the end of payday and even 10days later but that's it. Kids would starve.
Best company I have ever worked for, and I have worked for a lot!
I can't believe some of the things these people say here, and have to wonder if it just the same person or two bashing. I have been at MDI for four years and I do not have a low workload and I get treated very, very well.
They one I am not sure of. I have always worked FT for them. I have worked both IC and employee
and I always did way over 12,000 a pay peroid. I am sure they are pretty comparative to other companies. You definitely could contact a recruiter by applying if they would answer all of your questions up front. Good luck.