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Posted By: new home typer on 2008-03-08
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What is the difference between subcontractor and IC? Any?

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I am having a hard time finding employment. I have over 23 years experience and cannot pass a test on-line!
They are a subcontractor for MS in Jacksonville FL
Employee vs. Subcontractor
Does anyone know the standard for our industry if it is subcontracting or employees?
Charge double what you would pay a subcontractor.

Well, someone has to do the work. You should have found a subcontractor yourself (sm)
and had them sign a non-compete agreement. Maybe even stay involved with check-ins by phone or email to both the office and your sub if/when you are able to. But bottom line, your health comes first, so maybe this is a blessing in disguise and you will be able to focus 100% on recovery. Anyway, just giving you some thoughts for time off as an IC. Best wishes for a speedy & full recovery.