request to fingers
Posted By: frustrated on 2006-06-21
In Reply to: question about EMTS - fingers
Hi fingers. If you dont mind, I am out of work since April and trying to find somewhere paying okay. I left Medquist and they called me asking to come back. I am desparate at this point and am thinking about it. How do I contact e-MTS. HEEEELLLLLP. Here is my email address:
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Hey Fingers! That is what I was sm
thinking so seems like it use to be 25 years ago and I haven't started.
I ready and willing to bust my hind-end for this company because they have been so very kind to me so far. When people treat you right, it makes you want to work. you are right, you don't find this kind of stuff anymore. Too many new companies out there that don't have a clue and just want to treat MTs like factory line workers. The companies that have been here awhile (not the Q), you know what I mean, know that if they want experience and quality, they gotta treat you right!
Congrats on your job too!
To Fingers
I am sooo happy you found an old-time MT company!! Been doing this for 22 years and am very discouraged and depressed. Didn't think there were any left like it used to be. That was when transcription was fun!! I would love to find a small company where I could just work the same 2 or 3 docs for a decent wage. Congratulations!
You have said it well. I could have written your post. (We likely worked for the same big nasty MTSO.) I found myself getting migraine headaches and I actually broke teeth from grinding so hard at night due to the stress. I decided I could either continue to take the BS or I could put myself on the market. At the time I was pushing 60 and like you, I was scared, but I did it. I am now with a company where I am treated with kindness and respect, you know, like HUMANS are supposed to treat each other? And I am never out of work. Yes, my new company is demanding but at the kind of dough they pay, they have the right to be. My age and experience seemed to be a plus for me. I truly thought I would never get a job I liked as much as UCal (where I worked before the big nasty MTSO--UCal went to India one day). But I did. So I got stuck in the big, nasty MTSO and was mistreated and I just one day got mad as h*** and decided I wasn't going to take it anymore, not the demeaning conference calls, the clock in, clock out, be told I was spending too much time on a break. Uh-uh. There ARE good jobs out there. It might take a little trial and error, but if you are really good at what you do, you will find the right one. Good luck to all who are looking. I have been there and I know how hard it is. But I also know you CAN do it! Don't accept anything less than respect.
What you say is true, and their silliness really does affect the outcome of their business. Methinks they are forgetting one of the cardinal rules of the marketplace: PAY PEANUTS, GET MONKEYS. If they get these 6 cpl newbies, they will get 6 cpl quality. the effects will be harmful and by then it will be too late. Accounts will be lost and their quality MTs will be long gone.
There is simply no work on my accounts. I am getting 300 lines a day (and I usually do 300 lines per hour). I agree about low work being more stressful than no work. My great fear is this: What if the work does not pick up after Labor Day? I really want to stay with MDI but this is getting to be a bit much (or perhaps I should rather say a bit too LITTLE.....)
Thanks. That is why I am waiting, but I have to be honest and say that I am investigating other opportunities outside of MTing. I think the whole industry is about to go belly-up. I do hope that you are right and that things will pick up. If I am not back to my full lines by the end of September, I will have to look at other opportunities and take the best one that presents itself. I have set that as my deadline. My income has dropped by 50% and we cannot survive on that. Thanks for your support and good luck to you, too! Good luck to all of us!
Tell that to my dying fingers.
To fast fingers ....
Your post on Unlimited LD was way at the bottom so I figured I would post a new thread ...
I am unsure on who else there is that has Unlimited LD services that are indeed unlimited. With AT&T and MCI, they have a hidden clause that states it is NOT unlimited and that you have to get a biz line, yada yada yada, which costs hundreds of dollars.
So my suggestion is if you dont feel comfortable with going through Vonage, then maybe check with your cable/dsl companies that offer VOIP ( voice over IP) that gives you LD services .... OH wait, Go to best buy, they have VOIP adapters through diff companies! I totally forgot about that
fingers; question for you
May I email you privately about e-MTS? I work for MQ, too. Thanks.
Will keep my fingers crossed
Thank you for your response. It makes me optimistic to know that you are getting contacted...will keep my fingers crossed that I'll start hearing from some of them soon. Hopefully they are all just really busy and working through all the resumes they get. Good luck with your job hunt!
I'm with you Cranky/Fingers
Too many MTs only worry about themselves and running up their line count, they don't stop to think that this type of behavior leads to the company losing the account, because the client is seeing this and come time for contract renewal and out the company goes. Then who loses? All the good MTs on the account and the company.
What I suggest is that you get those fingers
working to make money before that rate changes. Don't waste time on here. This does not pay you a thing, just gets your blood pressure up.
FINGERS - response
To clarify once again. ANYBODY- anybody who works like the sentence below, IS ENTITLED TO A RAISE period.
There is some wrong attitude inside -- if one feels a raise is not deserved then society as a whole and/or some other person instilled this and it is wrong wrong wrong. Women are in general put down, men do it and even women do it to other women (I suspect to curry favor with men)
I could work 16 hours a day 7 days a week and then some, but I am told that does not entitle me to a pay increase
let's see..10 fingers...10
and maybe even my backside..I was speaking for myself as well as the others who have thought your posts single-sighted, single minded, and rather on the sour grape side. I also did not see any name calling, though, so you were wrong about that part.
Hey Fingers! I start next week. sm
Had to decide to put in cable internet instead of what I had. It is installed Monday. I have everything I need, people have been wonderful and I haven't even started yet. Even got a nice gift for MT week and haven't typed a line yet!
I sure feel like a valued employee before I even start!
Thanks for asking! How you doing?
VR... no coffee for me... bleeding fingers
I have been reading a lot of the posts to get the gist of VR and the line rate and the different programs. I just started a new job about 2-3 weeks ago and as of today I am finally getting up my speed on the VR... takes a while to learn those short cuts!. However, the pay is very low and I am evaluating whether I will stay or not. I am readlly between a rock and a hard place and SO need to supplement my income from my SS widow benefits.
The company that hired me has 2 programs, one of them being EScript that you are all talking about that the words are just flying by while you drink coffee. I'm lucky if I can get up to get a cup!! I am using Enterprise Express Editor for mostly speech and very little text (which pays better by the way). Has anybody heard of this VR that I just mentioned? I would love to just put my feet up and relax a bit while the words are flying by.
who is it you are trying to locate at medquist, i am an MT there presently, perhaps i can help
You should not point fingers at what you don't know. I have worked for Lee and KS for 4 years an
if anything, she treats us BETTER than any other company, which is why the changes. They are not 2-week changes. They are not unprofessional. They are changes that happen in every company in every industry unless they are stagnant. Growth brings change. There is no damage control to be done. Just stating facts and sharing information so that MTs looking for a position have the correct information. Good company, good pay, good benefits, good account, stability. They aren't going anywhere, their accounts are happy and the MTs on staff are happy except for those that cannot be happy anywhere.
Fingers not working. I meant between companies. sm
On rereading my post, I should have said often times the negative posts and great posts. Not all.
There are some bad companies out there. There are some great companies out there. It is hard to sort through the trolls and cheerleaders.
Thanks heard back and crossing my fingers
meant *work for* sorry..tired fingers..nm:)
Wow...congratulatins, Fingers! Sounds wonderful :0
You can explain to 'this one' until your fingers cramp
She's apparently ESL and will NEVER understand the point you are making. I don't even think she's an MT, just someone here killing time and sorely lacking in comprehension.
Save yourself the frustration. I think the rest of us understand exactly what you're trying to convey.
Sorry, that should be thinks�fingers too fast today
They will pry my expander out of my cold dead fingers.
And THEN they'll find out what Cranky REALLY means......
I have had accounts request a certain MT
off because of quality issues, although why they made it to the client I'm not sure as they should have been caught in QA.
There are two TN MTSOs who seem to have a problem with their 401K. Help if you have any problems or know of them.
I would definitely request a max. of 5 specialties. SM
I have no idea who you work for, however I do not think it is unrealistic to request a reduction in the number of specialties that you work on. Any intelligent MTSO would certainly want to accommodate an MT in this regard. After all, it only increases your production, thus increasing the TAT to the client. Unless you work for a big national (won't mention names) and working in a cesspool mess, then there is just poor business sense. What can it hurt to ask, and if they don't accommodate you, look elsewhere. I have been in a situation similar to yours (15 specialties), but no matter how proficient I became with each specialty, I was never able to make good money. I was constantly transitioning back and forth from different templates for different specialties, in addition to different templates for different doctors (even if working on the same specialty), looking up doctors addresses, etc. I moved on, and luckily with the number of years experience that I have, I specified my need for a few steady accounts before I signed on the dotted line. Good luck, but don't settle for less than you are worth.
I sent a request for their website and
this is what he gave me -
Is is ever appropriate for an MT to request a raise?
Would anyone who has requested a raise be willing to share their experience with me? How long were you with the company before you asked for a raise? Were you an IC or an employee? What was your company's response in general? If you were granted a raise, what was considered before it was given to you? Time in? Quality of work? Production? Attitude/flexibility? Coming up on my 1 year anniversary an IC and would like to ask for 0.05 cent/line raise, but don't know if I should even consider doing so. Would not want the company to lower their opinion of me/punish me for asking. Your kind, and most importantly, nonsarcastic responses are greatly appreciated. This is a sincere post.
Exactly! And I did request results...
of my testing or a more definitive answer and received no reply. I learn new things every day--sometimes things that I have been doing incorrectly. If it was, indeed, a timed test...I was screwed because I checked EVERYTHING. I have even submitted a copy of what I typed (Yes, I copied and pasted to a Word document) to my current supervisor and asked her to point out my errors. She found none and I feel better:)
Just like I had a client request
each day. I said absolutely not as I am an IC and I am not available sometimes before 4 p.m. and also may not have the work complete. Once the doctor found out, he was definitely agreeable to my take on this situation as opposed to his office staff. You see, sometimes, the office staff whether it be for your own private client or for a company will try to get over. I also informed this office staff that I would have to be an employee for that as well as paid an hourly rate in order to be on call. I work by production at my own leisure. I give them the turnaround they would like, but that includes delivery. The physician has not and will never have a problem with that; it's the office staff that wants to see me sweat because remember they think we have it made. Without benefits, I call my own shots. Like or not, the client/MTSO contracting with you must give you that right OR make you an employee if they'd like to demand things. All in a day's work!
Does an MTSO have a right to request..
My credit report/score?? I have applied for an employee position with a company that actually has decent reviews here. The company wants me to grant permission for them to access our personal financial information. My husband and I discussed it and have decided against this based on the simple fact that our my credit report has absolutely no relevance whatsoever with home-based employment. I could understand it if I was working in a field related to finance, handling money, or even dealing with the public. I don't have anything to hide. It's just the principle.
Can I be denied employment for not allowing them access to my CR? Anyone else experience this?
Tell them you will comply with their request
start emailing you every time the well runs dry, stating why that happened and what corrective actions are being taken to remedy the situation. Be sure to emphasize the requirement to inform you precisely when the next reports will appear and how much work you will be able to find on the system at any given hour on any given day.
Sheesh! If it were me, I'd stay put just as long as it takes to get something else lined up and then submit your final email and tell them toodle-loo.
Can you request certain job
Do they let you request certain job types?
My favorite type of job is operative notes and I would be more than happy to take them off everyone's hands. My ideal day would be operative notes (with an occasional psych eval and ER note mixed in). I dream of the days when I could work without a set schedule on the work types that I liked on ONE account. Those were the days.
I'm been with MQ for almost 10 years and right now I'm in the cesspool of 25+ different hospitals; never having the same doctor; I just talked to my supervisor on the phone for the first time ever last week (and she's been my supervisor for 8 months now); haven't had a raise in 5 years despite asking every year. I've stuck it out for the last 3 years being unhappy because I felt fortunate to be able to work from home. I finally got mad enough this past week that I put my resume out and now I have 3 different companies to interview with in 2 days.
My request for workers
Apparently all of you who are so disgusted with my posting are so busy that you have time to be on this chat board. I, am quite busy and do not have time to filter through hundreds of resumes, which I have received in the past from a posting. Therefore I was upfront and honest about what I needed and what I would pay. NO, this is not subcontracted work, this is a full fledged hospital account, if it is any of your business. Spend time working not running other people down that you know nothing about.
She specifically said we had to request
If we miss work for any reason we are supposed to put in for PTO; then if we make it up by the end of the week we can cancel the PTO request. She specifically mentioned that the only time we have the option of not using PTO and going unpaid is when we have used all our PTO up. She mentioned all this in a blanket email to the whole team right before we started regularly running out of work due to overhiring. How plain does it need to be?
I'm not saying it isn't legal to request it
I'm just saying it seems a bid inconsiderate. She isn't a new employee and she isn't an employee. She is an IC who has been working for them and obviously has handled their accounts for a while now. If she was a brand-spanking new MT to the company and clients, the request wouldn't seem so unreasonable.
If it is a new platform that they're rolling out, wouldn't it be more considerate to train the ICs online rather than expect them to travel for training at their expense? If she was an employee, the company would have to pay the expenses, but it seems they're just taking advantage of the fact that she is an IC.
since you seem to like to nit-pick other MTs' small typos. I'm sure you'd feel right at home there ... as far as this board is concerned, the poster whom you feel the need to criticize IS NOT ON YOUR PAYROLL -- unless you're trying to deflect from the message of the poster.
some request to know cpl before testing.
oops - meant Keystrokes. Fat fingers today. nm
comany info request
Hello all ~
Does anyone know anything about the following companies and could share experiences, etc? They are Freedom Type and Private Secretary. Also, does anyone know of any companies who handle just clinic or VA accounts?
Thanks so much!
I believe it's quite reasonable to request a deposit on the..
equipment. WMX does not require you to use their computer, but your personal computer must meet the system requirements to be used, so update it if you must. The deposit is deducted over 4 pay periods IIRC, and you will get it back when you leave the company and return the equipment.
Too bad you take this stance. I wonder how many good companies you've passed on. WMX is one of the best. It's a shame you'll never know that.
They do offshore, but only at the request of the client. nm
The client has to specifically request no
offshoring to not have it sent out. If nothing is said, the Q is able to do what they want with it.
I would request a copy of the test
to review and learn from. I'm not saying that you did make any mistakes, but it would be easier to think that if the company is not willing to provide you with that. I would definitely want a copy for my own knowledge.
Its a reasonable line request
Even with a slow, troublesome platform and lots of crappy ESL, I always do more that 1600 lines per 8 hour shift. The only way I wouldn't is if I ran out of work or had a lot of interruptions, or just felt like goofing off.
I wish that you would share your post directly with MTSOs who may not see it here, by anonymous email or some other method. Actually, I just might send the link to the HR manager of some of these MTSOs, if that's okay.
Recently, my Indian manager was replaced by a female USA manager, who has some of these traits/habits, the worst of which is that we have received emails that indicate her inclination to always assume that 100% of the clients concerns are the fault and responsibility of the MTs, that MTs should be able to read minds, etc., etc. Her communication style is very condescending. If you email a question, you don't expect an answer unless she decides that it is important. You know the type. I can't wait to find out how it all works out in the months to come.
I wanted, I got. Maybe its your attitude with which you request?
Sounds like to me you have issues.
Comm Pg; request Help; use the drop-down box. nm
did not receive yahoo request sm
can you resend it as I did not get it. You have my yahoo email there right? I will be back in about 2 hours adn will check for it again then. thanks so much!!