previous email
Posted By: sm on 2009-07-29
In Reply to: low on work since Nov.? 9 months, - .
There was a previous email by the owner earlier this summer in which she said May was the lightest month of dictation in probably the history of the company. I'm assuming other months recently have been light, too (economy?, split contracts with another company?), but it would be appreciated to have that addressed directly.
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Previous employee
The pay is HORRIBLE!!!!
previous message said, you have
to go their to train, etc.
I should have said, you have to go there to train, etc. I think that is what the sheesh was about.
I did for about a day at one of my previous jobs. sm
My employer insisted on having it installed even though I already had cable internet. It was SO slow, unbelievably slow. I had to wait for the typing to catch up. If it's the only thing you can get, that's one thing -- but if you can get DSL or cable, don't do ISDN. A couple girls at my previous job still have it out of necessity, but I hated it.
Previous employee
I did not like it at all. I did not like their supervisor. She was always on vacation taking cruises, etc. I do not like MT World software. I also do not like typing pools.
Previous employee!
Is there any possible way we can corresponsd via email?
This is exactly what a previous poster was
talking about. These companies hold the contract over your head as use them as a scare tactic. Most of us are doing this to make money to pay bills, help our kids, etc. and I'll be damned if they are going to dictate to me how much money I can make when an opportunity comes along to work part time with more money.
Previous post
Attention to administrator.. Please remove my full name from the post I just put up. It should only have the initials JMD rather than a full name
previous post
Thanks for the info. !
Did you have previous insurance before? sm
Maybe I am not understanding, but I just got Blue Cross and they tried the 12 month wait on me too and would not cover a scan. When they found out I had no lapse in coverage with my previous insurance that I had before starting with them then they dropped the 12 month wait on me. So I am wondering if you had insurance up until before you got Blue Cross and if this would apply to you.
Previous post
It is CMTI or Certified Medical Transcription Inc out of Florida -- sorry I omitted, but was really tired last night due to the heat here.
And according to previous employees .... sm
That is if you are lucky enough to actually receive a pay check from the company for work completed.
might as well stay at your previous job
I ran out of work on my third day here. I'm extremely disappointed. I left my last job due to lack of work, and then I come here with high hopes and poof - I run out of work. I may see about returning to my previous employer.
Um, that's exactly what was said in the previous post. nm
Sorry. Mean to sent previous question to respondent below.
Sorry about that
How bizarre! Vianeta was the previous sm
platform used by my employer. I actually liked it. There were some days when it was slow, but overall I would not be afraid to use it. Different companies use it, so it must be tweaked for the individual companies I would imagine.
From multiple previous posts there is no
set line rate, several variables involved, but most say it is very hard to get lines and pay is low.
you can search previous posts, sm
no complaints here, but some people have had problems, work is there, pay is on time, they pay downtime if work does run out, insurance is good BCBS
If you check my previous posts...
I did explain my experience with them.
Previous posts were deleted (sm)
They were NOT talking about the resumes being fake. Some earlier posts had said they would post some names of applicants for you to ask them what the name of their company was because they weren't revealing their identity. They did list a few names but the post containing the names was soon deleted. So, they were weren't meaning the resumes were fake, they meant that they had listed fake names.
any previous or current MRC-MD employees here? sm
Can you give my any pros or cons? Is platform productive? Plenty of work? Alot of ESLs? Are they nice people to work for? thanks
What happened to previous post
What do you mean choose from the ones no one wanted. What account is this on? Initials only pls.
Link to previous thread.
copy and paste this:
or click the link below.
Update on previous post
Forget the above. Not with them already. Believe what you read in the archives. Trust other people's experience. Still waiting for my check as well. The account was fine, that was not the problem. Just to update and revoke the above. My conscience could not let this stay. Happy Holidays and good luck in your search for a great place to work.
tip for copying from previous reports
You can copy from some of *your* previous reports, and not just from a day back. Open a second window, log into Bayscribe (now you will have 2 Bayscribe windows open), go into My Account - Reports Summary - and then click on the alternate date box. A calendar will pop up. If you keep track of your reports and know that last week you did a report by Dr. X you can go in by date and pull up the reports you did and then copy from one into your other Bayscribe window.
If you need a sample or 2 from a difficult doctor that you haven't done before or maybe not this specific report type, ask your supervisor and she should be able to get you some.
Change previous post
Actually, need to alter my previous post slighlty - they pay 4 for VR/ 8 for straight for Editscript and, I think, a little bit more for their other platform (do not remember the name). They actually have one of the best line rates for VR that I have come across.
I agree with the previous post
other than if you were working at McDonald's with nobody there to train you and you are just standing there waiting, you ARE STILL GETTING PAID.
I don't have an answer for your previous
but I'll talk to ya, GP!
Sorry to hear you are caught in the blizzard of '09. My friend's sister lives in Fayetteville and says it is pretty darned rough up there. Stay warm and keep safe. Hope you will have power back on soon.
You misread reponse previous to last
The lead Editor was not the moody, hard to get along with person. Do not now if she is there now though. Stay away from the owner-bipolar/psycho personality.
Answered you on a previous post but way
down the page and did not see that. I have been in this field of work now for almost 40 years. I do VR and love it and make what I want but having said that, a person that allows someone to walk all over them is responsible, not the MTSOs. If more would just revolt, they might see a change but probably not, gone on too long now. People sit around and wait for work for days, weeks? What the heck is up with that? It is because people here do not want to give up the comfort of home and don�t search for other employment.
Should clarify my previous post above
my speed in straight transcription is 130-140, heavens knows what it is with editing.
I agree with the previous poster and
if you use DocQScribe and offer statutory employment, contact me.
Get a grip - The previous ISR rate was 30% cut sm
of your base rate. This is 7% more, hardly HUGE. And way better than the flat line rates that most places are paying.
Same for TransTech - have access to previous reports
Has anyone ever gone back to work for a previous company?
I was just wondering if any of you out there had ever gone back to work for a company that you had worke at before. What was your experience in doing so? Is it worth looking into?
Thanks for any help.
Line counting program. I'm sure there are previous
posts regarding this issue, however, I really don't have the time right now to do a search for them. I was wondering what the best line counting program is, where I can get it from, etc. I have Windows XP and use Microsoft Word 2003 if that helps any at all. I would very much appreciate anyone's input on this subject. TYIA.
Bad experience at previous jobs does not justify
Your previous posts with yelling(& in mind's eye
oppps quit instead of quite in the previous message.
Sorry for the typo, I was typing as fast as my brain would go ;)
Forgot to mention in previous post below
CBay does not have enough Indians to MT for the Q, so they signed a 6-million line contract to get SPi to start outsourcing it to the Philippines Situation will not get better!
From previous posts and in my interviewing history,
I am not sure that is correct. Some companies actually do just pay a certain amount per report for QA and it is very low and others pay just for the blank filled in. Pathetic, ain't it.
Look at previous posts here. It's said to be a terrible place to work! nm
Previous ad on the other job board says they start you off at 8 cpl. Current ad doesn't say. nm
of coure a company asks about previous employment
there is a reason why they asked about your previous employment, and it has nothing do to with bait and switch.
Still have not received 1099 form from previous employer!
Am I not correct that employeers are supposed to send out 1099 forms by the 31st of January? I quit a company back in May of 2007 and I still have not yet received a form. I guess I should contact these people? You would think they would have sent it to me by now! It's frustrating having to contact old employers because you really do not want to have to be bothered by them anymore!
Judging from previous posts they are a horrible company.
THey offshore big time. If you'll search the archives you'll find lots on them.
My current job allowed 4 hours of training pay. The previous
job allowed an extra 25% of your line rate for 3 days. I don't think there is what I call an industry standard for training.
My previous post was verbatim from the company when I inquired at employment. Maybe (sm)
they tell everyone something different, like what they THINK they want to hear.....Guess I should have put it in quotes.
Haven't noticed any relation. Try and make contacts from previous posts to help weed out the
Rapid Transcript, Inc- Does anyone have any recent info on this company...current/previous employees
I am wondering about anyone who has recently or is currently working for this company...any input is appreciated. There is some Bad talk about non-payment in the search archives from 2003-2004, but no recent talk. Just curious. :)
I find it interesting that this owner is constantly exposed as a slow to nonpayer with previous
bankruptcy issues and people still go to work for her.. Things that make you go hmmmm. I mean if this were a single incident with a disgruntled worker I could understand, but when GROVES of people complain, she is still able to recruit people. I do not get that. I personally turned her out because the pay was too low for me, but apparently for some, ANY payment on time or at all would be acceptable. People need to take a stand and quit. When she is unable to fulfill her obligations as she leaves her employees struggling to do, maybe she'd get her stuff together.
ooops. I mean that individual plans suck..not stick as I stated in previous post...NM