credit check
Posted By: mag on 2006-09-06
In Reply to: Why would a company do a credit check? - sm
They do the credit check/background check because they are giving you THEIR equipment. Having worked on the inside for a few years, you would be surprised how many transcriptionists have drug problems, arrest records, identity theft, and best of all - sell the equipment for $$!!!
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Does background check include credit check?
"You can check my credit if I can check yours"
Why Credit Check for MT job?
Does anyone know why an MT service would want to do a Consumer Report on applicants? I can understand a background check, but why do they need to do a credit check? I've never had this come up before.
I have never had to have a credit check
to work. Not all companies do this. Granted some do but they all do not! You'll find another job just hang tight.
Credit check
I am not sure potential employers are allowed to run a credit check without your authorization. Are you sure you did not sign something authorizing them to do so? I recently filled out a long application for a hospital and then when I got to the end, there was a notification that they run credit checks. I did not finish application because I do not feel they should have access to all my financial information.
credit check
I have nothing to hide either. I have owned a house since I was 26 and my credit is excellent. My original point was I do not think they are legally able to check without your authorization. If they just want to get my credit rating number that is fine, but I do not feel an employer has any business knowing how many credit cards I have, name of my mortgage, etc., when I am sitting at home 1500 miles away from the hospital transcribing. It is not like I will be stealing from the petty cash drawer.
Even if they tell you is ISN'T a credit check
once you give your permission they can check whatever they want by all rights because you signed on the dotted line giving them permission to do a background check.
Why would a company do a credit check?
They are not loaning you money and you're not purchasing anything on credit are you?
A credit check really has no bearing on whether you will get a job offer
I had a phone interview with Amphion this week, and was told they would do a credit check and reference check if they decided to offer the job to me. Many places do not bother to tell you, but they do check. You can ask during any interview. I saw a bunch of posts where companies took a long time to call an applicant. It could be that they are checking up on them first before they even call to set up an interview. Most places do it as a formality. As far as I know, a bad credit report has never prevented anyone from getting a job unless they are going to be working at a bank or someplace where large amounts of money are. As far as I am concerned, just ignore it. It has no bearing on whether you will get a job offer or not. Nothing to worry about.
You HAVE to authorize a credit check with a signature;
Credit check IS the norm. Employers want to how
link again for MSN Money credit check
didn't work for some reason above.
You dont remember okay credit check but you
Oops, meant to post under credit check
That really irks me that a company thinks they can run someone's credit without authorization - business like them need to pay through the pocketbook - maybe they will learn a lesson.
I don't mind undergoing credit check if I'm told in advance and I authorize it - but I would DEFINITELY go after a company for the maximum penalties allowed if it ran one without my consent.
Credit check, FBI check was not for
me. The notion that if you don't pay your bills means your not a responsible person really kills me!!! Lots of people have $$ problems, especially if you are an MT, LOL!!! They are the only company I know that does these checks. Seems a little anal to me!!!
Your credit?
Make sure you have their correct business address and check them out with the local better business bureau. They may be scam artists. They may not even be a real company. Who in the heck are they?
credit due you? Since when do I owe YOU
:^p ppppffffftttttt! good bye!
you are not *owed* anything by me or anyone else, except maybe a good swift kick in the you know what, which is what YOU want to give everybody else, because they *whine* too much...according to you. so there...ppppffffttttt again. double rasberry!
What about all the credit card
numbers you give them when you order something?
Last year, I tried to order a Dell keyboard. I must have wound up on the phone with someone from India, and before I could give her my credit card number, she insisted on knowing whether it was a personal or business account.
At that point, I told her I didn't feel comfortable giving my information to her, and I hung up. I will never order anything from Dell again because of this. In fact, I've limited my on-line, over-the-phone purchases since this happened.
I agree with you that we should boycott, but maybe we shouldn't limit it to the healthcare industry.
I'm sure not going to get into a credit score war w/you, BUT....
I can guarantee you that mine is way higher than yours - and it didn't get that way by allowing whomever wanted to look at my credit report to send me a bunch of BS through the mail or call me! I have never heard of the person to whom you referred in your last posting, but I guess there is only one expert or advisor in the world, correct? I will continue to use the freeze on my account and know that I'm protected while you on the other hand..................
Well, it seems to me if credit card
Most of the telephone reps have an accent! So, I'm sure they're sitting their with my information too. I'm sure they don't care about my last colonoscopy or Pap smear, but they sure do have my credit card number, social security number, and address. What can someone do with your medical history? Can they steal your identity with your medical history? Let's be realistic here.
Employers looking at your credit!
That should absolutely be none of their business about our credit report. I can see about criminal investigation, but credit, that is confidentiality and those people can steal your identity in a heartbeat especially when we have never met these people in person. We fax forms constantly to so many different MTSO companies and have no clue what they could do to destroy our credit! I would never allow a company to check out my credit report unless I was applying for a mortgage, buying a car, applying for a credit card, etc. What nerve do these companies have going into more personal detail about our own credit rating. Please...lets be so darn careful about protecting our identity. Very scary world we live in today!!!!!!!!
credit checks
Do you know if they turn people away from employment if they have bad credit.
No credit checks.
Just wanted to clarify - Execuscribe performs criminal background checks. They do not perform credit checks.
That last is an old quote. Can't take credit. :) NM
Check Monster, CareerBuilder, Check with the companies you see listed if they're
I give you much credit, but what about weekends?
Transcend does give you credit but I
am going into business for myself anyway this summer. Transcend has whacko management but at least you could see your lines.
Equifax ... and credit reports
My brother is a lender for a national bank. Running credit reports can hurt your credit. Doing credit reports are considered credit applications. Please be very careful...
How about line count credit?
MslaMT, I hope you don't mind, but I have noticed you responding to the eScription messages often, and I have been wanting to post a question to you and/or any other eScription users who would like to reply. I have been on eScription for about 5 years now, and have been very happy with it. In the past 6 months, however, my 2 main accounts have started tallying line count different (lower). I can't get a straight answer as to whether they have stopped paying for the header and footer, or if they are counting the number of characters per line differently or what. Have you had this experience on any of your eScription accounts, where overnight out of nowhere you suddenly get less credit for jobs done/lines typed? This has amounted in about a 27% pay cut, pretty drastic. This is eScription doing this without notice, not the hospital/account or the company I work for. Has anyone else had this experience?
This is not just about MTSO checking credit. It is
Put a "freeze" on your credit report at all 3....
credit-reporting agencies. That prevents anyone from looking at your credit report without your permission. Costs $10.00 with each agency and can be rescinded at *your* whim.
My son has a horrible credit report and
his work history is just as bad. He was given free credit in the fact when he was young and still at home, I put him on my credit card, excellent and then he married, did not pay bills (even when he and his wife were both making over $1000.00 a week) and their credit is lousy. He never keeps a job for long, quitting because something always wrong on their end with any job.
background & credit checks
When I applied to MQ a little over a year ago I read where they had the right to do a background check on me I hadn't been in a situation in quite some time where it would even be a second thought. I'm nowhere near a cheerleader for MQ (far from it these days), but to my knowledge they never did one. While I would play a libertarian card here, my guess is that they do this in case something arises later. It seems more a CYA thing in case the MT doesn't return their PC, or there is a question about other things (drugs or whatever).
Interestingly, as I wrote the line about an MT not returning MQs PC, I talked to my friend yesterday who actually got fired from the Q over a totally made-up situation, and she still hadn't sent the PC back to them. It's been a good 3 months by now, so go figure. Her only reason was the cost of the boxes, as she's not using it.
Hope this helps. ??
Well, that won't help my credit card debt.
On DQS, how long does it take to see how many lines you get credit for each report? nm
Btw, it is also legal for companies to share credit
Did not say your credit was not good, I don�t care what your numbers are
I said MINE and only mine is what I care about. I am completely out of debt, only pay monthly bills and it does not matter about yours or anyone elses credit scores to me, only mine but I was just passing on what I had heard, not what I made up. The best thing for anyone to do if they are thinking about freezing their reports is to contact their credit bureaus. As for me, I see no need in doing this at all. What others do, I could care less. My slate is perfectly clear. Others scores, who cares?
Which companies require credit checks?....
Maybe I'm old fashioned, but requiring drug tests, background and credit checks smacks of total disregard for my privacy. It is disrespectful, to say the least, not to mention insulting.
If an employer feels justified to approach me with implied suspicions that I may be a drug addict, criminal or a deadbeat on my way IN the front door, no telling what lies in store for me once I step through it.
I do not bring my personal life to my job and would never consent to what amounts to an administrative strip-search by giving an employer free access to my private information. If they ask for this, it tells me they have nothing to offer me.
I am currently doing a job search and would love to know which companies are doing this, so as not to waste their time or mine.
Has anyone filed bankruptcy, had a credit report
I give up :(. I'm going to file bankruptcy but I'm concerned I won't be employable after that with another MTSO (or any other company; they almost all require credit reports these days).
Credit & criminal background checks
I'm thinking of applying to these companies and wonder which ones do these checks. Don't judge me but anyone with teenagers knows that things can get out of hand. Thank you.
Diskriter, Alltype, TTS, MDI-MD and (yes) Medquist.
Also, has anyone ever been hired and then fired for a stained record?
Call the credit card company
and file a claim. Most have a $ limit (has to be x$ or more) but this is your best bet.
And then file a report - you'll have to do some research in your state to find out where.
I am not a lawyer, but I doubt the contract would hold up in court.
PRINT OUT every piece of correspondence you have on your computer in case your computer crashes. Also save it to disc.
I had awful credit for a long time and always got employed.nm
just so you know, the government has a free credit report per year
lots of experts say get 1 free credit report from Equifax in January, get 1 free credit report from next biggie 4 months later, and then get 1 free credit report from the other big one 4 months after that - that way you are monitoring all 3 big credit co per year. Forgot the website but do a search - why pay for something the government (and your taxes) gives you for free.
A company feels like if you keep your credit in good standing, then
they can expect the same from you. I am in total agreement with a company checking, I have nothing to hide, in fact am very proud of what my credit score is. They don�t care what you owe or how much you owe, the only thing they are looking for is how do you handle your credit. When you are renting now, places check your credit. Smart move on their part.
Someones credit has absolutely nothing to do with how good a worker they are.
There are more people now days that have low credit scores compared to those that do not. A lot of different scenarios can put you with bad credit like major medical bills.
I don't think people should be judged on their work habits by something that may be beyond their control.
I'm nobody's idol, I'm just lucky. I have terrible credit from past
financial indiscretions. We filed for bankruptcy and cut up our credit cards and just tell ourselves how lucky we are every day that we have a roof over our heads and food on the table. We're not homeless or hungry and that's a big accomplishment these days.
Hang in there! Keep looking at your local hospitals for jobs. A lot of hospitals hire MTs to work from home these days. You might get lucky like I did.
I have had a credit report run for the 2 out of 2 MT jobs I have had over the past 10 years - nm
Most companies of all kinds request credit reports these days, fair or not.
Saw on the news that ID theft is big biz in India cause of the credit card industry sending their
They can check mine if I can check theirs...nm
I dont mind background checks, but why credit checks!!!! nm