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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

believe me, nobody is going to behead an American MT,

Posted By: lara on 2009-09-12
In Reply to: I'll take drive-bys any day over beheadings - and burkas.

do you think Saudis are savages?
There are no burkas in Saudi Arabia, these are in Afghanistan.
In Saudi Arabia the national dresses for women are called 'tob/twab 'and 'abayyas', I looked this up in the Employee Orientation Manual, 43 pages, very informative and very civilized.

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An American
Your right - I posted and I am American. Read the book - The Worls is Really Flat - grow up. This is a busines that Sally Struthers advertises to unemployed people in the middle of the day - Learn to be a medical Transcriptionist ...

I believe that rasism is bad. The people on this site are off balance. They believe that ONLY Americans can do this work. They believe that because someone was born in another country - they are a lesser person. How sad and small - it is the very thing that will kill the business for Americans. MTSOs understand that they provide a great living for people in India. Indian companies provide health insurance, paid time offf, transporation to and from work, and free meals. Do American MTSOs provide ANY of this?

all american
meant appreciate that, oops 
Yes, you got it - American men do same.....NM

American MTs

American MTs:  Is this job for you?  This little paragraph should go in all their job ads.

And yes, we do outsource, to India, to the Philippines and we have American MTs. Our overseas MTs don't complain about having to work, they don't ask for time off every other day, they don't have excuses for not turning in their work within TAT and several of them produce client ready work. Our offshore MTs pride themselves in their work and turn in the best quality they can, unlike a few of the American MTs we�ve had that turn in less than perfect work, don�t take direction and refuse to change bad habits, and ask for more work just to make more money.  Juliann Shapin

non-American MTs
Gee you are a foreigner...you are not an American...so should American companies not hire you because you are taking the American dollars away from Americans? Would you feel the same way about hiring British MTs or French MTs?
No, he IS American. Which is of course (nm)
Are you American?
They took American and MT out of their name...
That about sums it up! I guess they can take our money for their self-serving agenda, but don't expect them to use American or MT in their name anymore. Thanks for NOTHING Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity. What a joke you always have been and still are....
Well, no WONDER you can't get American
Of course, don't think for a minute that INDIAN MTs don't read these boards. So now THEY know what kind of an employer you are, too! I hope one of them gets ahold of a sensitive medical record of YOURS someday, and holds it for ransom like that Pakistani MT did, and sells your SS#.
Are you American? If not, why don't you go to
the board in your own country? If you are American, then why not do something about helping Americans get jobs? Can you answer these questions?
100% American
American company
A company from Maine wants to hire me (if I pass their testing). THing is, they hardly discussed a thing with me about anything. THey only want to pay me 7-8 cents per line, but promise to provide me with the computer and all supplies that I need. I dont want to invest alot of time studying and stuff if they decide not to pay me or send the stuff. They only have one other canadian working for them as an IC (they pay american MTs really well as employees with benefits). Just seems kind of odd to me. THey are called Northeastern Transcription anyhow. I wish i could find a good company to work for that pays decent are and nice to work for. Me and hubby are both out of work presently!!


Jan from canada
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Majority rules here in America. MOST people celebrate Christmas in this country. If I were in a Japanese country I would expect to see oriental things all over the place and if I were in Israel, I would expect to see Hannukah all over. What is wrong with people? The world has gone totally nuts.

Is anyone happy with American
They have some surgical positions that I'm interested in.  Has anyone had good luck with them?  What is the pay and insurance like?  Or is it IC?
Assumed you were American..
which makes it more sad that you expect such poor quality of your very private personal medical records and others as well, not to mention the lack of privacy in another country. Go figure!!! No patriotism whatsoever. Shame on you.
Ever though it could be that American MTs don't want to put up with a boss like YOU!!!
American labor is the backbone of this country. You are part of a HUGE problem!!!!
AAMT--where's the American in it?

This is in reference to their teaching in the Phillipines.


I myself do NOT feel comfortable having my information sent overseas, including my name, DOB, and often SSN listed in the demographics screen of each note. I have heard stories of prosecution (or lack there of) by identity theft from people in other countries. Maybe Americans should start boycotting or protesting the healthcare industries that outsource overseas!!!!!!!!!!!! 

That's why they keep american's ignorant
Thank your corporate media for reporting the government's propaganda... I think Americans have to learn the hard way that if they don't participate in democracy they will surely lose it.
The american "dream"
The american dream has now turned in to hoping you have the winning lotto numbers because you can't rely on anything anymore. Jobs are leaving and have left the US for places where employees make far less money. I just wonder how many more companies will follow and what will happen the the citizens of the US can no longer afford to buy any of the products made by these companies due to jobs being offshored. I honestly feel bad for those who have lost their jobs due to companies offshoring. Several family and friends of mine lost jobs when Maytag moved out. Unfortunately, most of them have jobs that pay so low they cannot afford to purchase Maytag products. I think the American Dream has pretty much disappeared. Some may still have some luck attaining it, but others will never have the chance. I think it's only a matter of time before more MT work is offshored to the point where the majority of us will have to find another line of work. Unfortunately, that work is going to be far less pay and not so great benefits. I'm sorry to all those at Heartland who have been laid off. I hope you all find something soon. I know down the road there will be many more of us in that situation as well.
American people need to know

I think the American public needs to know what is happening with their medical records and all their personal, private information. 

All American Transcription

Does anyone know anything about this company? I got a call from them and wanted to check them out. I don't want to waste their time or mine. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!

Yes, you said it!!! Any non-Native-American...nm

No, it is actually an American run company in
Garden City, NY. Now whether or not they also offshore, that I do not know.
?? American company
Please provide your information validating that this is now an American owned company.  I believe the correct company name is SPi (not PSi), and from extensive research, SPi is actually now wholly owned by the Phillipine Long Distance Phone Company, but SPi will retain its name.  None of my research discloses that an American company has purchased SPi, rather the opposite, another Phillipino company has purchased SPi recently.  If you have validation that this is now an American-owned company, I would great appreciate this :)
but if the american quality were better..sm
Do you understand?
If they are going to pay transcriptionists and they are equal, then price is an issue. If americans were sooo much better, indians wouldn't be able to compete.
It's an American family; however
looking at their website, it does say they have significant private equity in India.

That would be All American Transcription. Not sure if it's
Proud American
Good for you! It is also time to let the patient know where their sensitive information is being sent. We are only 5% of the world's population, and if we don't safeguard our economy and jobs, we will all be cleaning houses for the rich of the world that come here to suck up what we have left.
All American Transcription
Does anyone have any information on this company out of Ohio?  I see their ad for sleep study help and was thinking of applying since my regular job is so slow.  Thanks for any and all help
Sorry.....100% American company.....sm
I have spent 10 years building my company and can proudly say I have NEVER sent work overseas. 
Oh, but I am American MTer
Still does not apply.
American MTs/India
One of the reasons the work is sent to India at night is because very few MTs will work past 6 p.m.  I work a split shift and am shocked at how many MTs will only work between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Mon-Fri (not 12 hours but only hours between those.)  Even when they are hired for one weekend day which is the way it is supposed to be now for new hires they don't show up on their weekend day and there are very few of us who work past 6 p.m.  If American MTs want the work they have to work all shifts.  If you are new in a company you get the crappy shifts and days until you work your way up after being their for awhile.  That's they way it is in corporate America-why do MTs think its not they way for them?  
for AMERICAN workers. In case you have not noticed, America is having a Depression. AMERICAN JOBS FOR AMERICAN WORKERS. I wish you well in your search, but not with an American company.
It's getting my American and ESL all wrong... when you first look sm
When you glance at the document, you say wow, impressive... but as you edit along... it's full of mistakes. It is quicker than retyping the whole thing but the pay is far too low for what I have to do now. I'm making below minimum wage.
Oh and I will not work for $10 an hour either. Forget it.
American companies will let you

work overseas as their employee?  For instance, if you wanted to stay for an extended period in another country to visit someone but you can't afford to not work?

Still American MTs doing the work
why shouldn't people from India not be allowed to have a part in it? Don't they deserve to make a living too?
I do try to buy only American products now, so,
I worked for the Q and got out when we became Indian owned because of the principle of the whole thing. I then realized I had to make a whole lifestyle change and underwent a consumerism makeover.  I do try to only buy American products and have given up my beloved Wal-Mart and Target for the USA.  Products are more expensive, yes, but I have found quality again, which the cheap garbage is lacking.  We just have gotten used to inferior quality as Americans.  So, I buy less, buy American, and an enjoying a sense of pride knowing I am putting my money where my mouth is.  I also will only speak with American reps when I call credit card companies and the like. I am very polite and explain why, and they are very understanding of our situation and our stance.  But yes it should be a lifestyle change and it is worth it.  If more of us did it, we would see change. In the cases when I cannot buy American, as it's not always possible, I pick and choose my countries based on my political and personal feelings towards that country - sadly, one I avoid at all costs based on pure hatred is India.  I feel torn about that, but it has been the way they have torn up our industry that I feel this way.  Yes, the CEOs in India are more shrewd than our shrewdest conniving American CEOs.  I feel for the people, but I feel for my family more at this point.
I don't want American MTs having that info, either.
Are you a native American?.......sm
If not, your ancestors came from *somewhere' to this country, didn't they?
American Transcription Solutions
Any info on this company?  Looking for editing job, and they have an ad posted.  You may email me.
American Transcription Solutions
Does anyone have any info on this company in Clearwater Florida?  If any current employees can provide info either on the board or e-mail it would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance
American Transcription Solutions
Do you mind me asking what they pay scale was?
American Transcription Solutions, Inc

Anybody work for this company.  Are they good with pay, work, etc?

Any info would be greatly appreciated. 

doesn't sound like an American sm
company to me. The ad is worded to differently.

Is info on All American Trans Co?
Yes, but it is hard for me to even want to buy an American-made car now, sm
With all of the recent announcements about them cutting American jobs and increasing jobs in India (GM) and Ford cutting its American work force by 1/3 (but not its Mexican work force) and now Chrysler is cutting approximately 4,000 jobs also; it's hard to want to buy American, as they are doing the same thing the MT companies and Financial companies and IT companies are doing --- getting the work done cheaper in other countries!!!!!
American Transcription Solutions

I was wondering if anybody has heard of American Transcription Solutions from Clearwater, Fl.  I would like some feedback as to what the company pays, work situation and what they are like to work for.


ditto, except I would only do hourly for American MTs as well!
American Falls, ID, www.omniscribemt.com

Work Ethic and the American MT
I just had to say something about the disparaging remarks made against the American MT.  I think they are the gold standard of the industry.  I have seen the work sent from Third World MTs.  Full read QA often translates to 95% rewrite.  I feel even stronger about owners of companies using the Third World MTs.  Many of the offices warehouse hundreds of sweatshop transcriptionists who cannot leave until they reach their quota.  Any woman should be ashamed of exploiting these women and then trying to exploit the American QA by paying them slave wages to bring their work up to a standard that would fool many clients who do not know where their work is being sent.  I applaud any work that mistakenly gets sent to the client before a complete rewrite by an American editor.  The client should see the value their money is getting.  There is nothing more reprehensible than women getting rich by oppressing other women and what the American MTs are being paid should be an embarrassment.  Please do not tell me about your overhead....every person living has expenses - what makes the MTSO's more important?


I am a Canadian MT who will not QA work done in Third World countries.  It is a personal choice.  I will not train them in medical terminology or the English language.  I have too much respect for the hardworking, dedicated women in North American working under the tyranny of companies who monitor their washroom breaks to help the Third World MTSOs make more money off the sweat of their MTs.


Yes, American and Canadian MTs have families and lives that may, at some time, require them to take off the shackles of their headsets.  They are women, mothers, wives first .... not indentured servants to the transcription companies.  Many people died for the freedom to speak and that right also extends to transcriptionists.

Sounds like you have little to no respect for American MTs
and value much much more your overseas MTs. At least that's what I got from the post. From a business perspective, paying someone close to nothing as opposed to paying someone what they are WORTH, would be a plus for you.

However, from my perspective as an American MT for nearly 10 years, this is the kind of attitude that has nearly destroyed this field. Not only that, that kind of attitude is what is going to ruin this entire country.