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Wow. You thought that was rude? I didn't see any name calling or condescending

Posted By: pot calling the kettle black again on 2005-12-02
In Reply to: I think I made a valid point. What is your purpose in - deflecting from it? sm

attitude like a lot of other people's posts. No, Sara Beth and Billy Bob did not ask a legitimate question. It was a flame attempt and you're helping to fuel the fire.

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Are you the same condescending person the word board? I thought this was called "Company Board.&#
i didn's see any name calling from Alice
you lost me...
Keystrokes - I thought this was rather rude

I applied at Keystrokes at least 6 weeks ago.  My only communication with them was my sending a resume and them sending back a questionnaire regarding my equipment.  Not asked to test, nothing. 

I get this rather unsettling e-mail today (6 weeks later): 

Thank you for your interest in the medical transcription position now available at Keystrokes Transcription Service, Inc. We have had the opportunity to review your resume and regret to inform you that we have chosen to pursue other candidates whose skills, background, and length of experience more closely match our needs.

Now, let my just say I have 16 years of experience, acute care, ops and have worked for some large teaching hospitals with always great QA scores.  What the heck is up with this company?

I thought it was rude that they never spoke to me or let me test
Believe me, I have a lot of good experience and don't feel I am just entitled to a job. I am flexible on my hours and days and can do any work types. My equipment is state of the art.

It just really fries me to see these companies complaining about a shortage of MTs and then just brushing them off when someone good comes along. Do they really want quality MTs, or do they want newbies that they can pay nothing and walk all over?

The way I figure it, it is their loss, not mine.
I'm very sorry! I didn't mean it to be rude, was just - sm
in a funny mood and had this mental picture of an MTSO in the Emerald City. It was all downhill from there.

I wish everyone on this forum was so darned THIN-SKINNED! If ever there was something MTs need these days, it's a sense of humor.
I didn't say she was rude for making more lines
I said she was rude for implying that somehow it was the fault of those who have low volumes and that they should get a life, and I didn't bring up the email because I thought it was inconsiderate. I brought it up because it shows that the company isn't going to acknowledge something that isn't a problem. Besides, if you work there, you know for a fact that a lot of people are posting there about not having work. Are you calling all the people that posted there liars? Why would you come here and act like it's not happening at all? A lot of people that are working other shifts and sit all day long fishing for jobs only to end up using their PTO just to bring in what they're used to. Telling someone to get a life because they have it better than someone else is just plain rude.
Not to be rude Shasta but didn't you just say you turned down a position from Keystrokes because
just curious...
I thought you didn't work for MQ????????

MQ is not for the transcriptionist.

MQ is for the company.

sorry, didn't finish my thought. sm
65-character with spaces is much better than 55-character without spaces.
I'm confused too. I thought you had to pay self-employment tax if you didn't pay SS. sm

So, that would lead me to think that you should be able to draw on it, like SS.  I really have no clue, though.  I am a statutory employee, so they take out my FICA.

Sorry for the double post - I thought it didn't *take*
I thought a card was nice...I didn't need anything more
I thought a card was nice...I didn't need anything more
I looked at that, thought it didn't look right but was stressed from testing (lol - sorry) nm

I also thought the offered rate was too low and didn't accept it. nm
I got 100% on the phone interview, and thought the on-line test was easy, but they still didn't h
The rude rude rude post is TRUE
My only contact with them was rude. The front office person or whomever schedules interviews is rude
This was about a year ago but I set up an interview and either I was supposed to call them or they were to call me at a certain time but I totally spaced off the time change. The lady went off on me and told me that they had no interest in me because I couldn't call on time etc. Rude. There is no way I would ever work for someone like that.
Condescending AC?
Got any initials???  Please????
you sound condescending

If you feel you are so right what is the purpose of this board that is provided for us?  I grant you should have open communication with your supervisors, but in the past this board has helped tremendously with some issues.  there's nothing wrong with asking more than 1 person until you can get your supervisor to answer. you may get some insight from someone as a MT.  You just never know the reason why that person may be asking here.  Try to be positive!

There was nothing snide or condescending in her remark.
If you're that hypersensitive, please seek help for your disorder instead of reading between the lines and trying to censor other people.
You 'had' condescending people???
You may also want to look up the meaning of condescending. There is nothing condescending about my post.
Offered you a job but was hateful and condescending?
About what?!?!? Details! Details! LOL! This is too good.
I honestly think you're being condescending and
rude about the comfy jammies statement. This career and its earning implications is so more vast than women wanting to stay home in their jammies. Please don't be so ignorant. Of course the MTSOs played on our desire to stay home and raise our families, but lots of other factors played into our pay rates plummeting - offshoring and competition among the big nationals. I've been in this career, working from home, my entire adult life, nearly 27 years now, and my choices were not based on my desire to - stay home in my jammies - as you succinctly put it. Even now as I look at new companies - the bottom line average offer is 8 cpl - period I have great credentials and experiences, but that is it. Will I sacrifice my entire life style for 27 years or accept the 8 cpl eventually? I'll not toss my lifestyle to the wind - my family is too important to me. Not my jammies...
Just be rude..out and out rude so they have just cause to "fire" you.. haha..What a bunch of i
Who would want to work for incompetent people like that. Time to change your phone numbers. They are like bad stalkers.
Annoying, Condescending, Uppity Snakes in Suits

...and did you know another for Spanish moss is hanging lichen? I had condescending people. nm
I feel like I had my life sucked away sorting through this condescending, judgmental post. sm

While I do not disagree with some of your points, I am not sure what you hoped to gain by posting all of this.  The ones you address almost certainly will not recognize themselves, and even if they do, they will not change.  And for those of us who are NOT that way and do strive to be the best we can be in all respects, it is just a stating of the obvious. 

I am an old timer too, although I hate to think of myself in such unflattering terms.  I started with carbon paper and a Selectric typewriter, transcribing dictation from vinyl belts.  I do NOT long for the good old days in that respect, although I do miss the days when line rates were higher and being paid by the gross line was the norm ... sigh.

As we all know, the times are tough now in the MT industry, and it seems we would be best served to help and support one another rather than chastising and scolding others for their posts.  Of course, as I type this, I realize my post could be seen that way as well, and for that I apologize.  I very much believe in the laws of attraction and the power of positive thinking, and I have never seen negative energy attract anything other than more negative energy.

I cannot seem to sleep tonight, so I guess I might as well transcribe a bit more and make my insomnia profitable.  

Rude answer to a rude post. nm
3 words, rude, rude, rude....sm

the owner sends out UGLY and NASTY emails to the MTs. The communication is just a disorganized mess and they hire you as an IC, but pretty much treats you like an employee.  Emdat sucks and pretty much the accounts are not that great.  VERY hard to get your lines in Emdat platform.  They LOVE to FIRE....when in actuality.....(that is the term they use)...you cannot FIRE an IC, you can lock them out of the system and I guess that is firing, but those two words have always been a pet peeve of mine....hearing when MTs are fired as ICs....Just my opinion

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Rude, rude posters
Hope you rude posters find a good fit for you.  Don't run down OSi because some of us like them.  No problems either and I have 10 years experience.  No newbies here like you say.  Love the accounts I'm on.  Hope the complainers find a good home, but if not, they will be back and on another company's case. 
It is so rude to call QA rude because YOU have
been stuck on QA hold for six months!! And the other poster above - if you are getting QA notes and they are including your supervisor, which you imply is not the norm, then YOU are the one responsible. It matters not if you've been an MT for 1 week or 30 years - if your skills are not up to par, they are not up to par. Many MTs get cleared from QA hold within hours or days at most - companies do NOT want to hold you up from producing, nor do they love to waste their $ on MTs on QA hold. You really need a reality check. And no, I am not rude! It is always, always the MTs lacking in skills who get pissed at QA - no form of feedback is acceptable to that type - even sealed with a kiss and a big bow!
Rude! Recruiter was very rude to me.
She had an attitude right off the bat.
I actually thought of that. I even thought of trying to go back to MQ part-time!! (sm)
I just wonder about hours at a second company.  I work days (and some nights) with this company.  I have a set schedule but with the no work situtation I've been on the computer at all hours of the day and night.  Right now I have no work, so I would love to jump on at a company #2 and start working.  Do you have to have set hours at your company #2?  Thanks for the suggestion.

What incentives were you hired at? If you are an SE, were you told you get quarterly bonuses?  PLEASE REPLY!

Just keep calling (sm)
Don't be nervous. Same thing happened to me. They are spread pretty thin there, with people wearing a number of hats. They don't really have one person who does only recruiting that I'm aware of, unlike the other companies, hence the disconnect in getting back with people.
Have you tried calling them?


Calling on ICs

I have always been a FT employee for a national ...I understand IC status but very unfamiliar w/companies hiring IC status....Any advice on ICing greatly appreciated and good/bad companies....How is money doing Rad as compared to hospital basic 4...?

Thank you

keep calling
630-553-3680 I played phone tag for quite awhile before I finally got to talk to the recruiter. I believe they must be really busy hiring these days.
No name-calling, please. (sm)
We all have to get along on this board. If you don't care for what someone is posting, you can disagree but you cannot use foul names or vulgar references.

First off an MD would not be calling HR to
talk about an MT.  They have a contact and if they had a problem with the work of an MT they would call their contact, not HR. 
Have you tried calling them???
Why would you be calling yourself sm
Newer TTer if you've been there for 3 years?  Probably forgot to change the name field, didn't you?  I smell someone trying to be more than 1 person here.
you are calling her smug?

I think it's quite smug that you assume because you state you were allowed to have a flexible shift that this statement will automatically allow Transcend management to know who you are!  So, you were the only one treated special?  Well, you don't work there anymore so all should be fair now!

Also, I knew coming into the job that Transcend had 300 or so employees and was not as big as Spheris.  Who cares?  Also, I think the fact that you pointed out, about how numbers of MTs post positive comments about Transcend, I think that definitely speaks as to the health of the company.  If we were posting negative comments, everyone would be ready and more than willing to accept those posts as an indication of how the company is functioning.  It seems that the bad is always more spicer and acceptable than the good. 

As far as blanket statements go, that is exactly what was going on with the unhappy poster.  They were blanket statements.  And as far as trying to "draw her out", you are absolutey correct.  I could care less who that poster is, I want to draw out the specifics of the allegations.  I want to understand what she is talking about and why.  If you are going to post something on here that is controversial, you had better be prepared to back it up, good or bad.  There is nothing wrong with expecting that out of someone, otherwise that poster's comments are chalked up to a disgruntled employee or bad seed. 

I also know that I am no one special at Transcend, but I have managed to be treated very well there since being hired.  I have been given everything that I need and have FINALLY found a company that I can trust.  It is quite easy to get on here and post positive things about a company, placing your name beside it.  You are right about that.  However, I have worked for Keystrokes and Spheris and have posted many times complaints about each and have posted my name.  Why is that? Because I believe in what I stand for and if I feel that I am not being heard or treated fairly, I am not ashamed or afraid to stand up for what I need.  Sure there may be repercussions in that, but I am willing to accept that.  What some people don't realize, though, is that there are also repercussions in anonymity in that you never get anything changed.


Considering this company, could some people give me their average pay an hour, etc.  Tx

?? Why the name calling? Deal with it..
I see. So that's why you are calling her dishonest?
Apparently there were changes made. That does not make her dishonest. It means her plans changed.
I have this recruiter calling me
about a position within her company. When I asked her initially how she got may name and number she said someone gave it to her but she couldn't remember who. Anyway, she has called 4-5 times. Her name sounded familiar so I looked back to old jobs I had applied for. She used to be the recruiter for SoftScript (I guess, she may work for both). Are they allowed to take that information with them to another company? I'm really bothered by the fact that she has done this and have told her to quit calling me but I'm just amazed that she has taken this information and is now using it for this other company.
Hmmm. I would try calling them. nm
If they are calling you , then yes, you passed - sm
otherwise you'd probably never hear from them, or maybe get an email saying try back in 6 months. Talk to them, you have nothing to lose. If you like what they say accept the offer but tell them you cannot start until January. Or if they don't like that offer to work PT until then and go FT in January. It usually takes a week or more to get all set up as it is. As for looking around, you face a lot of competition, jobs are hard to come by. I just lucked into a backup job for my main job (both are totally IC, no set hours and on the new one just have to meet 500 lines a day) (getting bad vibes from my regular job, another MTSO is trying to get the account away from my employer, and if they succeed I am out of a job--they have been up front with me at least at let me know). The pay for the new IC job is not great (average), but for now is it extra $. If it becomes my B&B I will be making less, but it is easier work so it would all work out in the end. You could accept the MW offer and keep looking, no law against that. Good luck.
Try calling a recruiter.