WELL SAID TT12 - mine hasn't run out yet (I love slow times though)
Posted By: TT'er on 2007-05-18
In Reply to: Yippee I actually did run out of work this morning! - TT112 (not a "powers that be)
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Depends on the account. Work on VR lately has been slow. Just like all companies, we have slow times
Honestly though, I have only had 2-3 times in the past 2 years where it was like the other day...no work... It did pick up later but I just think it's important not to make someone think we're overloaded with work all the time. That would not be fair to them if they end up with high expectations.
The slow times are ideal for trying out new jobs.
You can keep your current job and still have time to work toward learning a new job and becoming proficient before the work load picks up again.
Give it a few weeks and then make up your mind which company would be better.
Mine isn't slow at all
Had this happen several times. I look at it as their loss, not mine! :) nm
But, in these tough times mine was started
before these times so that doesn�t wash in this case. I wish I made the money I did in the 80s- almost 60 thousand, outsourced and my money fell to 40 something and now it is like everyone else in the 20s. I like, others don�t and last word on this, some apparently just worse than others, so glad I am where I am and not stuck with second hand equipment.
Yes! Still waiting for mine..really slow this year...nm
Love Mine
I absolutely love mine, but it's a very small local company and I just transcribe for 10 doctors as an IC and there are only three other IC's working there besides me.
I love mine too! nm
Which platform are you referring to? They have several. I LOVE mine!!! nm
I disagree. I love Meditech and it is not slow. I currently do 400 lines/hour with sm
my Expander and have no connecting problems. It is not a dial-up connection, it is VPN with DSL. That might be the difference.
There are also two types of Meditech, Client and Magic. I use Magic and love it and Client is supposed to be even better because it is Word-based.
Different strokes for different folks.
I work for Transcend, love them, but right now a few accounts are slow..so depending on which you
were hired for, do not get your expectations too high. The work can flucuate the key is flexibiltiy. If you have to have a set schedule, I would double check on the work flow for your shift on your account. I would hope that they could be honest, and if I know them, they will be.
Got mine from Transtech this morning. Amex gift cheque. LOVE THEM!
LOVE Bayscribe, HATE MedRite! MedRite when I used it was slow sm
and cumbersome -- would type and wait for it to catch up! Plus it had some annoying thing where if you were gone too long, a pop up window came up and you had to explain why you were gone. Bayscribe is fast, smooth, user friendly, and at the end of each report you can see how many lines you did and how much money you made, for that report and for the total day.
Good luck to you whatever you decide!
A lot of times, if they need extra help, they will over 1-1/2 times our regular rate. sm
This is the equivalent of OT but you get it even if you have not done 40 hours already. I have also received AmerExp gift cards a few times for incentives offered. I think it depends on the account.
I do know for sure that they are working on an incentive program but I have no details and not even sure if they are still looking at it.
I do know for sure that I make more $$ with Keystrokes than I have ever made anywhere else.
No - it is not always slow! Depends on the company and hospital. I have never been slow this time
Slow time is usually in September when everyone is back to work/school from the summer months.
Been doing this 24 years and never slow this time of year. Actually, I am drowning in work - can't keep up.
hasn't it been said it can be 30% less...
Is there any company which hasn't been...
complained about???
I've read the posts and wonder.
It hasn't been announced yet..
But some of the office people have "leaked" the info apparently.
Really, that hasn't been my experience at all.
I was initially concerned when I heard the company was sold, but honestly you would never even know they are a part of Transcend unless you actually knew it. (Does that make sense??). The owners are still extremely active, and my managers and team leader are really special.
You are the first person I have ever heard has noticed a change. MDI is growing, but they are growing on their own. I think they have almost 500 transcriptionists at this time. BTW, I don't think Transcend is much bigger than MDI - they also have 500 employees.
This hasn't been my experience other than to say
do my work. Working before anyone else gets up and then end of day seems to make all the difference in making line count in my situation with MDI on a C-phone account. Perhaps it is an issue of what accounts you have and how versatile you are.
OSi hasn't changed
I just left there because of the VR and the low work volumes. They aren't offshoring, I can tell you for sure. I can tell you also that the work is still very low, the VR pay is terrible and forget it about communication, and yes they still micromanage through the IM.
This hasn't been a situation that has gone on for
months. The biggest account took some of the work back in-house w/o warning. It was done w/o warning and the other accounts have had to absorb all the MTs who were left w/o work. I have been there less than a year so I don't know if the work flow is a cyclic thing or not, though if you read the board it seems like the workload is low all over. I know things are frustrating, but at least they pay for down time.
I have never known them to use the supervisor as a recruiter!!!!!!!!!
it hasn't started yet, still getting set up
Amphion hasn't, to my recollection
It still hasn't been resolved for everyone. I'm still in limbo. I'm going
to give it until tomorrow.
Huh??? CyMed hasn't been around for almost 2 years now.
They were bought out by SPi, which is one of the worst companies out there! I know this for a fact as I worked for Cymed for about 2 years until they were bought out by SPi in the mid to late summer of 2006, so they don't even exist anymore.
This is the first year Oracle hasn't sent anything...oh well.
Not even a thanks. As a matter of fact, been unusually quiet this week. Hhmmm, feeling guilty maybe?
I'd like to know why this bunch of crooks hasn't
I can think of a few MTSO bigwigs who could use 150-year jail sentences.........
The industry HASN'T advanced. sm
That's what the 'gripes' and 'complaints' are about. Technology in this field has advanced, but normally with advancement of technology comes advancement with compensation for continuing education. That's not happening in this field. THAT's what the complaints are about. I, for one, welcome advancement in technology. I'd still be working on a Selectric typewriter with carbon paper if I didn't. What I don't welcome is the fact that while technology is advancing, the working conditions are declining. While we are continually learning and sharpening our skills, researching new terms, equipment, drugs, procedures we are LOSING pay. This is one of very few industries where the workers are continually required to learn more and do more, but the compensation is going backwards instead of advancing. When technology advanced for the physicians and for the nurses, did they take cuts in pay? No, they actually advanced with their fields and their compensation increased based on the justification that they had invested time and money to learn the new technology. They became 'specialized.' When technology advanced for the medical centers and hospitals, did they lower their prices because their staff could do their jobs in a few less steps? No, they raised prices based on the premise of increased price of equipment and costs for doing business. What about us?? We have increases as well! What honestly justifies a cut in pay when the cost of everything else is skyrocketing? Can you tell me that??
This MT board is really the only way we have to communicate about our field. The 'griping' and 'complaining' is a symptom, and there wouldn't be a symptom if there wasn't an illness. So obviously there must be something wrong with the way this field of medical transcription is moving. This networking board allows us to discuss it openly where we can't with our employers or management. It almost seems as if some people won't be happy until they can take that away from us too.
So you're one of the lucky ones who hasn't
taken a cut in pay for working longer & harder? It's sad to not be able to feel compassion for your fellow MTs who are struggling to make ends meet when their pay is being cut & the cost of living is rising. The CEOs of the MT corporations aren't going hungry, but some of our fellow MTs are really struggling. My compassion lies with them.
Love, love, love TransTech! Not overhiring, just growing like crazy!
Are you sure you don't mean MDI (Medical Dictation Services, Inc.? MRC hasn't been around
She has been told this for years now. Hasn't changed.
You would be shocked at how many MTs have left them. Amazingly they keep finding others to hire. Sad, sad, sad.
I was told it hasn't started for any account
In order to finish you have to start and as far as I know no account has been started with this new line counting utility. When I questioned this, on several occasions, each time I was told its still happening but that was the extent of any information that was conveyed to me.
If your company hasn't paid you come payday and
promises it will either be overnighted to your or in your account by the end of the day and it isn't, and the next day the money isn't there and they wait until the end of the day to tell you they don't know when you'll get paid doesn't that sound very fishy? I think the CEO should have issued a statement and outlined exactly what the issue is. If it isn't a matter of money (like they don't have it) then why not say what the problem is.
Someone mentioned this situation yesterday or the day before and got reamed, but I think this is now a MAJOR issue. Fortunately for me I got a big tax return and I haven't paid all the bills yet so I'm not hurting, but I can imagine there are more than a few who NEED their checks NOW.
Hasn't your mother taught you any manners?
What is wrong with you to judge? Do you think every MT has to be just like you. Every business has the high achievers and the ones who struggle, possibly to find they have chosen the wrong field, or the wrong company, specialty expander.
Your ladies who toss off your smart a$$ comments at every chance are part of the reason MTs are considered difficult.
If you are like this 24 hours a day, I have a feeling you spend a good deal of time MTing because there is no one else in the house with you. Who'd want to spend time with a person who could cough up a post such as yours? A masochist possibly.
Find yourself a sense of humor and until then, cease posting in representation of medical transcriptions. We have more class than that where I am in this business.
Medware..There hasn't been anything on this board since August 2007...(sm)
Does anyone who works for Medware care to share their opinion about the company in regards to steady work, flexible schedules, platform, benefits, etc.? You can e-mail me if you wish. TIA.
I bet you 1 million $$ you won't find one on mine. Mine is
2 years old and it does not have a 9-pin serial port, nor does it have a game port. I have used both ports on other computers so I know what both ports look like. I also have a company provided computer and it does have the ports on it.
CEO hasn't left yet, she's leaving in August. Co's are bought and sold all the time and I
think this is that big a deal.
I too love path & can't find it at home & would love to cross-train into rad in the meantime I do
The owners haven't changed, MT supe hasn't changed
I've been in their office. I know the people. It is a sweat shop and you will never be paid a decent amount or get respect. You won't know which is a good or a bad day for the person you report to until you literally get yelled at.
They have to offer bonuses because their reputation is that bad and nothing has changed. You may get work that has been recorded 3 times from some of the worst accounts you could ever imagine. They take accounts no one else will touch. That hasn't changed.
Love this company, love my boss, very informative QA.nm.
Does anyone think 41 is too old to go to nursing school. I love MT but I just would love to be a
nurse. I have such a interist in helping others and the medical world.
Love, love, love DeVenture
Super nice, flexible and just all around nice to work for.
Love, love, love Axolotl
I totally love Axolotl. Just as A-team said, fantastic benefits. Yes, strict schedule, but never ever had a problem getting off when I needed to. I wouldn't dream of going anywhere else.
Me too. I got cut off one too many times.
I can't tell you how many times....
this has happened to me! It's as if they either don't listen, or don't want to hear that you are only able to take X amount of work each day. Don't you feel taken advantage of? The only solution I've found is to leave the MTSO and keep looking for someone who will respect your requests. It's tough to bounce around like that, but I don't think your existing MTSO will change. Good luck.
I think so, although at times the
communication can be not so great. I don't know how many MTs KS has, though they seem to be growing so fast that the number is subject to change weekly, but there is still a small feel to it. The owner is fairly forthcoming with information, at least from what I have seen thus far.
Here are the times - SM
If your last name starts with the letter A through F: 10 AM
If your last name starts with the letter G through O: 11:30 AM
If your last name starts with the letter P through Z: 2 PM
You have said that 3 times...
Who are you trying to convince? If the hourly QCs were worried about quality instead of their own prestige and how much money they make, things might have been different....