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Posted By: Q'er on 2009-09-16
In Reply to: Thanks for your thoughts! - Victoria

What should I expect at MQ with regards to pay, schedule, management and workload? Pay is comparable and always on time.  You pick your schedule, although I have had to change mine several times to ensure work. Management... hard to say.  I personally do not have much contact with my supervisor.  It is frustrating when you need something or have questions and it takes a week to get an answer. Workload, well, you will not have one account. You most likely will have 4 or more a day that you bounce around to.  It is difficulty keeping all of the client profiles straight and QA gives contradicting feedback. 

Do they leave you alone and let you do your job or do they micromanage? A good mix of each.  They really micromanage your schedule.  Part time is 24 hours and do not work 5 minutes less or they will take an hour of accumulated PTO time.

 Do MTs work holidays? I had one holiday off in the past 12 years with the Q.  If you are scheduled to work on a Monday and Christmas lands on a Monday, you are expected to work. Sometimes the supervisor will approve time off  on a holiday but expect that you will work the bulk of them. You will not get off both X-mas and Thanksgiving. 

Is there opportunity for paid time off? Yes.  Your PTO accummulates for anything over 24 hours in a week and I think it is over 150 lines per hour. Remember what I said previously about not being 5 minutes shy of that 24 hours!

I know I would get experience with MQ or any other company for that matter, but aren't I getting experience with the company I am with now too?  I personally would not recommend MQ to anyone anymore.  I used to really love this company, and I am not sure if it is like this everywhere or not.  MQ is always hiring because they apparently have a high turnover rate. 

If I were you, I would stay where you are and get your experience with the company you are at.  You like it there and you said the pay was good.  Work is slow everywhere.  I run out at the Q.  The longer you do not have to do VR, the better.  Yes, you will have to learn it at some point, however, especially at the Q, it is awful.  I used to make over 25 an hour typing and I am down to about 13 with the speech recognition. 

I hope this helps you. 

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Victoria, I agree with you. I am Jewish and my SO of many years was Cherokee. I think that a lof people concern themselves with being oh-so-politically correct because it's a good way to hide out from facing the world's real problems. I get so tired of the politically correct terrorism.
thank you Victoria
I agree there are some great people here, hope I get some replies!
To Victoria
I'm with Victoria � don't worry about it. You meant no racist slur, and sm

this person is just trying to stir up trouble.  I remember the phrase from when I was a kid 100 years ago, but it seems you cannot say anything anymore without first checking to see if it is politically correct.  I would rather look at the heart of what the person is saying, what he/she meant, and not pick everything apart by individual words or phrases to beat the person over the head because perhaps they did not use the right phrasing or whatever.  Life's too short to blow up over every little thing.

I am sorry you were treated that way.  Seems best to polish up your resume and find someone who will appreciate all you are willing to give.  Good luck!