Two great places
Posted By: mt on 2008-10-27
In Reply to: Also would like info on med-scribe as well... - lookin'
Transcend and Diskriter. Awesome places to work; no drama, no BS, no broken promises.
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Really sad where people will readily list places they hated but not name places that are great.
What a wonderful, sharing group of people MTs are. :-(
Webmedx fits that bill, great company, great benefits, great pay and always on time. NM
Great company, great boss, great account!!!nm
Been both places
I would say you won't better yourself. Of the 2, I'd choose Spheris but I'm not still there either.
Could you tell me the better places?
What companies are there, if you don't mind, in case I have to look. THANKS!
Most places like you to have in the mid-90s at least. Sorry. nm
Some places will let you do Fri., Sat., Sun. Never saw
There are other places that pay well.....
I'm SE and 9.5 cpl with 6.5 years of experience.
I have done it several places sm
I love TransTech, I MEAN I REALLY LOVE IT. I am IN love with MT again.
places to go
I know several of us have gone to Encompass, Keystrokes, Webmedx, to memtion a few.
places, places
sorry i got kids screaming at me right now. Thought I better correct it before one of the high and mighties say something.
no more than other places
and it would depend on the account. As in most cases, I have found that after doing the account for a while and getting used to the dictators, there will only be a handful that really continue to be difficult each time you get them, when you sigh because you know it's going to lower your line count.
Maybe you should look other places for
companies rather than just ONE single board. There are MANY companies out there who don't post ads here, and many who don't post ads at all.
Actually, that is cheap. Most places much more. nm
No, there a lot of places that have two divisions.
I just don't think you see it much in transcription companies. I love the small company feel of MDI.
This is going places it never should be, all over a comma. nm
Few places
Dial up: First Choice, Spheris, Precyse only if 37K or faster, and SoftScript.
Satellite allowed: Precyse, TRS, Opti-Script, WebMedX, Probity, and MQ. nm
Here's a few places that have been
Accuscribe, DSG, Echo Sten-Tel, Execuscribe (just started using it recently), InTouchMI, MQ, and VanBelkum.
Don't know about Good places, but here are a
DeVenture, MedGarde (supposed to be not goodl), Meditech in Georgia, MTS in Mass., NEMT, Nicholas Transcription of New Hampshire (but no pay until the client pays them!), Opti-Script in Penn, and QED. I do not know if these places are currently paying weekly - other than DeVenture - only that they have in the past. Good luck!
Is everything getting counted the same way? Many places don't
places to work
Hey, just a shout out to all. Of these companies who are the best to work for. Transolutions, Webmedx, Axolotl or DSG. Anything you have to say about line rate, benefits and equipment provided would be greatly appreciated.
Do any of these places have enough work any more?
Seems like all of the big companies are low on work any more. What gives? How are we supposed to make a living?
Radiology places??
Where to go for great radiology transcription jobs?? I am seeing 6.5 cents to 9 cents a line... i see .75 to $1.15 per job. Things are not like it used to be when you see per job. That is hard when you run out of work as I just left a place that ran out of work paying per report. Any suggestions where to apply?
I've had two places tell me no
I'm not 100% sure, though. I was told I had to have 2003.
Do you work for these 2 places?
I feel ya...ESLs slow me way down once in awhile too!
Sorry, I have worked several places and
never heard of getting a negative line count for a report. No way would I be working there.
I've done VR at 2 different places now....
Both places, I could see old reports and while I'm seeing all these old reports with ridiculous errors and some just downright mind-boggling, I'm seeing the same crap on my screen for me to fix.
So, I'm talking to my supervisor one day about going back to just regular old transcription and she says to me I've got girls doing 3000 plus lines per day on VR, you'll get there eventually. So I said, With good quality? She said yes, of course....I started looking for work right then. Now I come to my 2nd place with VR and I'm getting the same crap. I see these godawful mistakes and no one seems to care. I've pointed them out and have been told If the hospital doesn't complain, don't worry about it.
If I sit here and make these reports good quality, format-wise as well as content, I CANNOT double my line count and I've been doing this for over 10 years. If I just run through them like apparently every one else is doing, I might make some least until someone complains....then I have no job.
I've since gone back to just plain old transcription. My wrists burn, but I'm happy and making money again. I wish you all the best of luck at 4 cpl, which seems to be the going rate. Good luck!!!!
I need to know which places offer VR only for
the Johnsons and Smiths. The place where I work has any and all on including the Jofannsens, Abuggula, Sharnif and the like. That would be a really dream job to have only the very easiest English. Not happening at my place.
System great, pay good, everything great, but most managers from old Edix, problems, poor people ski
when you are out of work, you are out of luck. If you are good at brown-nosing, are tough enough to be without any self-esteem, and have maybe money coming into the household on the side in case you tick someone off, then you may succeed, for a little while.
Don't ever ask questions or have problems with anything. Don't ever have a problem. Don't think you will have any control over anything you do, either.
A few 'good' managers remained when I left, but the new ones were all from the old Edix, and were completely into numbers, cared nothing for individual MTs...if there is work, you BETTER be working. If there no work, you will hear nothing, no one will help you.
Oh boy! You really put all of us in our respective places. I am humbled by your
Give me a break...
Saw them listed as places to do internship (sm)
for MT training from Penn Valley.
just mainly wanting to know if the location was north of the river.
I have found that large places
like hospitals, banks, insurance companies offer the best benefit packages to part-timers. In fact I once worked 10 hours a week at a bank just for the benefits package. PT MT at home with benefits, however, I don't think you will find. It's hard enough finding FT with benefits and the premium isn't $800 a month.
They are completely inflexible. There are places
Don't give them a second thought! You can easily do better for yourself.
Do they have an ad up somewhere? Many places on old lists aren't around any more. nm
That is exactly what I was thinking. What is sad is that people want to know where these places are
so they can apply there too. If you'll notice, no one has ever came back on here and said thanks for giving me the information because they are not for real. If anyone could make that editing on ANY platform wouldnt we all be working there. So, thanks for the enlightening and given the people who really believed a reality check.
Some places have no-compete clauses with
These places keep notes on us. I know this from experience. nm
Here's a few I've gathered. Some places only
Amphion, Charts In Time (CIT), DeVenture (some), Focus, eTransPlus, Keystrokes (some), Landmark (some), MedWare (some), NEMT (some), Opti-Script (Penn.), OSI, Probity (some), Professional Transcriptions (Pensacola, Fla.), Rapid, Superior Global, Transcriptions South (Fla.), Transcription Systems (Ill.), Transcend (some), TransTech, and TTS in New Hampshire. Good luck!
Don't know about benes, but some places inside
SPI/Cymed (32 hrs?? maybe). Opti-Script (min. of 35 hrs), Northeast Transcription (32 hrs/1000 lpd, but pay on 70-char. lines at 7-8 cpl). Transolutions (32 hrs), SOAP Transcription (32 hrs), and Med-Scribe, Florida (35 hrs). This is not recently dated information and may have changed since last obtained. nm
Any other places besides TransTech and MedScribe (Fla) that have
I don't think it's that bad. I've done a lot worse at other places.
Last 2 places I've worked I was off QA
after one day.
They only reduced the rate of ASR , but pay is still more than other places. Plus, sm
contrary to another post above, there is no lack of work at all. Only around the holiday time was it a little slow but that is usually the way it is at other places too.
I think at other places, they're used to it. They think it's the "norm."
Places love people who can do
the lousy accounts. That is one less problem for them. Have you thought about going elsewhere?
I was a CMT once. Big waste of money.
In this economy, lots of places (not just MT)
The ground-level people usually are not cut during a sale, but if mid and/or upper management start making an mass exodus, that could be a sign.
For the most part, you won't know until it is a done deal.
It sounds like we are talking about 2 different places
My gosh, sorry for such a bad experience. I am glad I don�t have the same.
While some of these problems are common at many places, sm
Ending up with a negative line count is not. RUN!!
Haven't worked for those places but....
I can recommend MDI-MD and Landmark. MDI-MD is IC only; Landmark has employee and/or IC.
I'm not sure if either is hiring but they're definitely worth a shot.
Hope you find something else soon :-)
I think it has been slow most places but is starting
Yes, their normals, not yours. Not all places are like this apparently. nm