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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Think the lowest I've seen is 600 lpd (maybe 500?) with Phoenix MedCom in 24 hours, but they..

Posted By: don't pay for spaces. nm on 2005-09-07
In Reply to: Any companies hiring for 300 lines a day and very flexible with hours? SM - No Name


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Phoenix MedCom and Phoenix Transcription in CA are 2 different companies
Phoenix Med is in NY. The posts seem to confuse the two at times.
This is not Phoenix MedCom fromNY...it's Phoenix from California
Phoenix MedCom doesn't pay by gross line.
Do you mean a different Phoenix...Phoenix MedCom doesn't use IM
Maybe a different company?
Phoenix MedCom
I have been an MT for over 25 years and have worked with Phoenix MedCom since the day they started. I have worked with the owners and some of the staff for well over 10 years before they opened up this company. I worked for MQ for less than a month when MQ bought out the old company and would never again. At Phoenix the staff is the best, you can work 24/7, pay is great with bonuses, and there is plenty of work.
Phoenix MedCom
Came to Phoenix after working for 2 large nationals and wouldn't go back for anything! Pay is good, even w/o spaces (headers more than make up for it), accounts are great, staff are helpful. Best place I've found in years!
Phoenix Medcom
Is anyone out there currently working for Phoenix Medcom? Is your experience with the company good? I know they don't pay for spaces, but do the headers and footers REALLY make up for it not being paid for spaces? What type of platform do they use? Is it user friendly? Thanks so much!
Phoenix Medcom
Thanks SO much for the information! They sound great to me; you've helped me to make my decision.
phoenix medcom
I was told by a recruiter they pay by the 65-char line without spaces.
Phoenix MedCom, Inc.!!!
According to Phoenix MedCom's
own web site, Operative reports comprise approximately 80% of our volume. Do they now have clinic work??
Phoenix Medcom
What does anyone know about this company? Anyone working for them/has worked for them that could give me some info? I've been offered a position with them; they pay 10 to 11 cpl, but would like to know something about them from someones who's there or has been there. (Sorry, I can't seem to find any information in archives.) Thanks!
Phoenix Medcom
Nope, no shift differential. I told them I want M-Th or T-F, daytime hours, and they agreed.
phoenix medcom
Great company, I have been with them for over a year
Phoenix MedCom
I took the 2 years ago.  It was the worst test ever!!  I didn't think it would ever end; it was CRAZY long!  I did pass it; however, I ended up going with another company.
Phoenix MedCom or MDI?
Has anyone here worked for either of these companies? If so, did you like working for them?  Any advice would help.  Thanks! 
Phoenix MedCom.
I have been with the company since they started. No complaints at all. Lots of accounts.
Phoenix MedCom
They paid me $15.00 per hour for my training.
Phoenix MedCom
Does anyone work for Phoenix MedCom in NY? They just hired me and sent me tons of paperwork to download which took over a half ream of my paper and I haven't even started the work yet.  Does everybody get this much? Confused. amj
Phoenix Medcom

I was wondering if any one has input on Phoenix Medcom.  I sent my resume and they sent me back information.  I am just looking for good/bad from anyone that has worked for them or still does.



Phoenix Medcom

I would recommend anyone to work for Phoenix MedCom.  They just recently had to let me go, but that was not their fault.  They had worked with me extensively to try to get/keep my line count up, and unfortunately for me, I have a psychological disorder that makes it hard for me to do this.  PHOENIX MEDCOM is a VERY good company to work for.  Yes, sometimes they have to be hard-nosed but that's for the good of all.  I don't know what ESL dictator the poster was talking about, but I found their dictators to be good ones! 

Answer their emails, take their tests, you'll be happy you did.---Karina S.

Phoenix Medcom
I worked for them twice with the last time being just a few months ago.  Yes, they don't pay for spaces, but it isn't difficult to get your lines.  They can be hard-nosed about some things, but that's their right as owners.  :)  If you do the job, they pretty much leave you to yourself.  I don't hesitate at all to recommend them.
Phoenix MedCom
Can anyone tell me about Phoenix MedCom?  Pros and cons?  Thanks a bunch!!
Phoenix MedCom
go to www.phoenixmedcom.com and check us out. Set your own schedule.
Phoenix MedCom

Hey out there!  Does anyone have any experience with Phoenix Medcom?  Thank you!

Phoenix MedCom - sm

I believe they do NOT pay for spaces.  Is this still true?  They say competitive line rates but 9-10 cents without being paid for spaces is NOT really good pay. 

Anyone know anything about them, recently?

Phoenix MedCom
Unfortunately, yes, they do not pay for spaces, and pay is 9 cents a 65-character line to start.

I have been working for them for the past 3 months. I had to carefully weigh my options. I choose to work for them for the 9 cents per line without spaces for the following reasons:

1. They are a great company to work for. The people are polite and helpful. No game playing. They respond promptly when you need them.
2. They leave you alone to work. They don't bother you at all.
3. Work is always available. Unlike other companies, you do not run out of work. It is a rare case if you do run out.
4.You work Monday through Friday on your own very flexible schedule. You do not have to work weekends, but you can if you want to, and provided you meet your agreed lines for the week, you get a higher rate for the weekends.
5.Their work is easy. Very few difficult doctors. You can use your ShortHand program, auto text, and template some work, which will bump up your lines.

Phoenix Medcom
I worked for them a few years ago as an IC and was paid 9 cpl but that was without spaces.  Maybe now they count the spaces?  BTW, I really enjoyed working for them but had to get a job with insurance. 
Phoenix Medcom
Very good company to work for.  Really nice group of supervisiors, pay is always on time, fairly good accounts.  Good feedback.  Flexible M-F work. 
Phoenix Medcom

Does anyone out there have any experience with the co Phoenix Medcom - good and bad


Phoenix Medcom

Anyone familiar with this company.  Are they good to work for?  They have an ad on MTStars job board and was thinking of applying.  IC status only.  How is their cpl rate for an experienced transcriptionist?  Do they pay for spaces, etc.  Pros and cons, please.


Phoenix MedCom
For anyone who has experience there.... like/dislike/etc.

Phoenix MedCom?

Does anyone currently work for them? How is their QA system...do they basically leave you alone unless you're looking for feedback? I'm thinking about applying but want to make sure. They seem nice. I know they use Emdat/Inscribe.


About Phoenix MedCom
I have been working for them for about 7 months. They are a very professionally run company, very organized. Since I have been with them, I have run out of work only 2, and that is only because I did not have a backup account, which I could have asked for. Work schedules are flexible. You work Monday through Friday, and if you wish, weekends. They leave you alone as long as you are doing a good job. The only thing that you have to know is that they don't pay for spaces, and that is unfortunate because it means a 15-18% drop in your pay. Until I can find a company that will pay for spaces, and is as organized, professional, and great to work for, I'm staying with Phoenix MedCom.
Phoenix MedCom
I was looking back in the old posts and noted a question and also a statement about  LD requirements.  Phoenix requires a flat rate plan, for which they reimburse their ICs for acute care/Lanier work. They need a DSL or cable line for their internet work.  Also,  the INTERNET work DOES pay for spaces; the program for transcribing on the Lanier accounts does not pay for spaces, and the rates are adjusted accordingly. Our MTs who transcribe on both platforms/programs say they make approximately the same hourly rate on each. I hope many of you will try Phoenix out. I think you will like a company formed, owned and operated by MTs.
Phoenix Medcom
Is there anyone out there that works for this company and who can tell me how you do pay-wise with not being paid for spaces?
Phoenix MedCom does
There is a bonus structure based on volume starting with 12K per pay period and going up to 24K per pay period.
Try Phoenix Medcom
Fantastic company too

Phoenix Medcom
Phoenix Medcom
Phoenix does have other accounts which do pay for spaces which is doctor specialty work.   As per the previous replies, Phoenix is a wonderful company to work for and have a very supportive staff who work closely with you from the start. 
Phoenix Medcom does nm
Phoenix Medcom
Does anyone have any information on this company.  Good to work for?  Work steady?  Anything would appreciated.  Thanks so much!
Phoenix Medcom


I'm just wondering if anyone has any current info on Phoenix Medcom..good or bad?   

Phoenix Medcom

Would like to hear from anyone who has knowledge regarding this company, pros and cons, please.  Thank you.

Phoenix Medcom
The platform I use is very user friendly and I was up and running in no time at all. It is a word-based platform (meditech).   Tons of work and no cherry picking allowed AMEN!   Only one ESL on my account , but there is a lot of support throughout the company.  The nicest people I have ever worked for or with. Pay is always on time.  I should add it is a part-time, supplemental account for me so I cannot comment on how it would be full time, but I love it.  If it were not for the fact that my primary account is a local one, and I make a lot more money, I would go full time in a minute.  Hope this helps.
Phoenix Medcom

Would appreciate comments from anyone who currently works for them or did in the past. Also, if anyone has applied recently, and how long it took to hear back?

Thanks -

Phoenix Medcom
Does anyone have any current information regarding Phoenix Medcom regarding workload and the platform used?
Phoenix Medcom??
Has or is anyone working for this company. Just curious about how they are to work for and all. I am leaping from a very comfortable practice that has lost two of its doctors recently and they are on my short list, but I do not see much in the archives about them. Any info would be much appreciated. javascript:editor_insertHTML('text','');
Phoenix Medcom

Great company, Pay always on time, direct deposit available as well.  A big plus is they always have work.

Phoenix MedCom
Any info on this company would be appreciated, their platform, etc.! :) Thanks in advance...
Phoenix Medcom
Just took a position Phoenix Medcom.  Anybody have currently working there have any comments on good, bad, or other?
Phoenix Medcom
I don't know anything about them but I know Emdat is a breeze to learn.