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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

They will hire ANYONE regardless of lack of skills. That's why QA is such a nightmare. nm

Posted By: d on 2008-10-19
In Reply to: Anyone QA for SoftScript? Any info? nmsg - Lynn


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No, Paul, you are not. Left last year due to lack of work, but not lack of respect. It's a shame
I liked 'em a lot.
It's a nightmare!!!
A QA nightmare - has anyone else

I started with a company recently.  I had to invest to upgrade my word to 2003.  They have account specifics that are so all over the place that each QA person interprets differently.  I have one QA who seems to have it out for me.  I'm getting reports back with changes and corrections that I know I couldn't possibly have done.  I even wonder if they have me mixed up with someone else.  I think I like the company overall but I don't know whether I should just hang up my keyboard and move on or what.  Has anyone had a QA nightmare that they survived?

OMG! A nightmare again?
OMG! This is not a new situation at Axolotl? The regular Ax posters below have always given nothing but rave reviews on Axolotl, but now act as if this is an old problem, having no work. Is it a new thing or an old thing? I am hanging on by my nails and losing money daily. Not to belittle the OP losing $200 a paycheck, I have lost far more and am near panic state. If misery loves company, this must be happening to many of us. What is happening? I had never heard 1 word ever about low work here, so this is a shock to me. Is this not as temporary as I had been led to believe? I don�t have much time to play around, as my finances are near flat lined after months of this.
Yes, it's been a nightmare.
TY for your concern. Several of us haven't been paid our 2nd checks due. One hasn't been paid AT ALL. Stay away from TransMedical, Inc.
Spheris = Nightmare
Spheris is a nightmare and would not recommend them to ANYBODY...
Spheris ESL nightmare
I lasted 3 weeks at Spheris.  They put me on a level 9 account, which is non-stop ESL's, never the same ones twice, all doing consults and cardiology.  I just got slaughtered, couldn't get any traction and make any lines.  Sometimes a 15 minute dictation yielded only about 35-40 lines.  Then I found out Spheris is outsourcing to India BIG TIME.  I got out before I went bonkers.
Demographics a nightmare!
She seemed nice, pay was on time, but the time put into searching for patient demographics was ridiculous.  If they ever changed that, wouldn't be too bad.
Nightmare 2 years
You know, I'm one who calls things like I see them, probably gets me in trouble most days but when a person is loyal to a company for over 2 years despite health problems of their child continuing to work regardless only to be fired due to what I consider poor QA practices and constant changing of the rules.......well, I'm just grumbling at this point. The bottom line. Avoid TTS out of NH like the plague. javascript:editor_insertHTML('text','');
This board became a nightmare
under the previous administration.
Would be my worst nightmare also. NM
I can't imagine why anyone would apply for a job like that.
WARNING - etranz is a nightmare

Once again, another payroll check from etranz returned NSF.  I left this so-called company, but I am still waiting for three paychecks, which if they ever do come I'm sure they will be worthless.  This company is delusional.  They do not understand why everyone keeps leaving and they tell themselves that each former MT had a "story" or were non-productive, etc.  This is far from the truth.  The truth is this company is based upon lies and they apparently have no money to pay their employees, so they continuously make up more lies and say your check is coming, that they had problems with the bank, that they refinanced their homes and have the money and intend to pay on time. 

They have never paid on time . . . and most of the time when you finally get a paycheck, weeks late, it is NSF.  They don't care!  Meanwhile, you have to try to fix everything with your bank, etc. and figure out how to get your money. 

Stay far far away from this one!

Tis true, and it's a recruiter's nightmare...do it or else!
There software platform is a nightmare.

Terra Nova nightmare....
Hi - I used to work for terra nova - bad experience for me - they started out really good, paid on time, etc, but when they switched over to the platform they work on now, they started messin up my money, when I did my line count for the pay period, it was never what they said it was - in the beginning, the line count feature on that platform was not accurate.  When I checked my counts against their count, I was getting paid for work from the previous pay period?!?!?  It was just crazy and when I spoke up about it all I got was BIG attitude from the owner - can't even remember her name right off....I'd run the other way if I were you....that's just my experience though, maybe they've improved since then...my thing is (with any company) DON'T MESS WITH ME MONEY!!!! 
Nightmare account specifics
As someone else has already stated here, the account specifics generally come from the client, not the service you work for (though they certainly can interject their own hoops to jump through and other insanities via their QA guidelines). I once started a new client with a new service and was presented with account specifics that totaled well over 120 pages, and the account supervisors forwarded me 75 helpful e-mails in my first couple of hours there, all of which detailed additional specifics for that one account. That's just nuts. I feel your pain.
Wait a minute, you mean this isn't a nightmare I just had
no backspace -- what a nightmare! -- thanks for the warning! nm
I think we all have had nightmare experiences. I recently started a job that was "starving" fo
more work than you can imagine and then 2 days into it, NOTHING.. plus the software was a pain in the beeeehind!!! This great opportunity turned out to be a waste of time. Hopefully things get better for you. I quit..making $4 an hour was not my idea of surviving.
So you know - there are companies who appreciate your MT skills more
doing op reports. So many MTs don't have experience or don't want to do them. You can negotiate with other companies. Not sure you will get 12 cpl but maybe 11 cpl.

Good luck.
The only skills you need at Amphion
you might want to explain what 10-key skills are because(sm)
it sounds like, from reading the posts below, the only ones who know what these skills are are the Amphion MTs.  It also sounds like some sort of skill that anyone wanting to apply to Amphion might need to possess.  So, please, enlighten the rest of us who have been MTs for 10, 20, 30+ years and have never heard of this.  Not being snide, just curious as to this new term.  TIA
Definition of 10-key skills
Accounting courses teach 10-key skills by touch the same way typing courses teach keyboarding by touch. When you are entering numbers, it is much, much, much easier and faster to use the keypad to the right instead of the numbers on the top row of the keyboard. This is by touch, not by hunting and pecking the numbers to the right of the keyboard.
Well, with your writing skills.....
They're probably happy to be rid of you .
Get out and keep your skills fresh.

A good MT will have ESL skills
When starting in 1973, there were a lot of ESLs; work on getting better at transcribing them..IT'S OUR JOB.

Life is not fantasy world where everything goes the way we want and/or there are no challenges. It's called reality. I get compensated more for my ability to transcribe ESLs well. The new economy calls for being indespensible and helps protect your job.
I am so impressed with your skills
not- you sound like you are the only 1 who does well on VR, making you faster and better than most so you say. Did you break your arm patting yourself on your back?
I am NOT judging anyone skills sm
by the number of years on the job. You have taken this way out of context and I am not even going to address the diatribe. Well, except for one thing.....your comment about folks making the same wage no matter how many years they have been in the business.

If you were in another profession and you were there 20, 25, 30 years and someone came in to the office making the same as you or maybe even more, wouldn't you be just a tad irritated? My goodness why have pay scales?

I am so glad you have never had to ask for help or ask a question on the word board etc, arent' you just special? I don't know an MT alive that hasn't had to ask a question now and then no matter how many years they have been doing this. Sometimes you just can't find what you are looking for. Granted, probably 99% of the time folks can find things on their own but no one is 100% perfect that they never have to ask a question.

What you don't realize is the opinions you have really DO come from being a newbie. When you have been in this for years and years you will know that not all things are so perfect. You really do have the know it all attitude of a newbie. You may be an exceptional newbie and one who is a very quick learner, reserches to find what you want, but you still have the attitude!

Actually with that attitude, you really do need to ALWAYS be working at home alone because you would never last in an office full of MTs. There are folks who do need mentoring, know they need mentoring and are not afraid to ask for help. So glad you never make a mistake, can ALWAYS find what you are looking for and never need to ask questions. You are just to perfect for words!
our kids will have to learns skills such as
even lawyers are offshored now

we will never change... the big guys like congress and bush are messing up our lives... combine offshoring with the influx of illegals doing the hands on jobs and middle america is history, as we knew it, never to be the same. It could have been prevented...other countries doe it, but we are at the mercy of the big guys. I have a feeling if we were at the mercy of the big GIRLS such as hillary and other women, we would be in better shape. Men are motivated by small heads and testosterone.
My skills are gone. I am a Diskriter employee
I have worked for Diskriter right out of school for awhile now.  In the past 3 months, I have failed over 25 employment tests.  At first, I thought how could this be I work for a national company, Diskriter, so how come I cannot pass an employment test.  How can I get the skills to pass an employment test?  When hired at Diskriter, I only took a written test.  Q and A at Diskriter barely exists.  I thought this was a dream job, but now I am limited because I cannot pass an employment test.  Am I the only one in this situation?  At Diskriter the important thing is making 1200 lines per day.  If you make your line count, you can send everything to the site, which I have done to make my line count.  Now it is coming back to haunt me.  Please do not judge me.  All I want to do now is get a better job.  Diskriter is not the company for me, even though QA is nonexistent.  Thanks
There are a lot who also do not know basic English skills. Example: (sm)
the difference between their, there, and they're.  Affect, effect.   Basic skills of sentence structure.  Just knowing some medical words does not make you a good MT.
Maybe nothing available that fits your skills and what they are looking for. That doesn't mean
You might have come across as difficult to work with if you turned down what they were going to put you on. Maybe there was nothing available for YOU. I did recruiting for another national in the past and would never do that again because this is the most miserable group of people in the world. Jeesh. Get over yourself.
maybe he/she has excellent skills without mistakes
key skills have nothing to do with demos on different accounts
It isn't "typing" skills they are interested in, it is
transcription skills - big difference.  An oral interview will yield the information as well, if not better than doing transcription.  If transcribing you have references available and can take time to look things up, if an oral interview you have to know your stuff or else. 
Skills only a small part..
It doesnt make a blankity blank bit of difference how skillful you are if you have a munged up system in your way. Certainly gaining skills is a good thing. But, I'd expect the mangement teams in these companies to be evauating that and leading in that area. They don't know how to evaluate squat, not skills, not how to improve, not their system, not their satisfaction, not their own skills, not, nada, zippo, nothing. These companies need to be bashed. The way they compare to other industries is ghastly. It's hard to get better through osmosis. And no, don't work for Spheris. Their attitude is far and above one of the worsts. You want people to get better? Teach them, instead of managing them. This industry needs an overhaul. I'm working hard at exiting. Almost there.
Use some of your research skills and search the
archives.  SS is a terrible company and I would not recommend them to my worst enema.  You won't find much good about them in the archives either. 
Again with the crappy reading skills
With each post, you clarify how you are able to make your grandiose claims about VR. Reading, as they say, is fundamental, and once you ignore that whole pesky reading for context thing, I'm sure VR does get a lot easier. Try it again, slowly this time, and you'll see that I qualified the 1000 lines number by following it with an 'or'. I know...it requires actually a little more effort than looking for squiggly red lines under the word, but you may find you actually can follow a discussion better. But don't try it in your work. It might actually slow you down.
Me too. As soon as there is a little extra work they hire and hire and then noone has any. This
goes on all the time.  I get sick to death of it.  I think having 2 part time jobs is better so you have 2 jobs to count on.
If they're lacking in skills as you say, maybe they should apply for

They're already qualified for that, especially if they have 7 kids and no experience at MT any further back than 2003.

or maybe some offices still have poor mgmt & skills
Honestly, think it is PD (recruiter). No grammar skills. BUT it could be Flo
Please work on your typing skills - your post has so
flexible, not flexable Spheris, not Spheirs MedQuist, cap the Q appreciated, not appriciated Also, it would be, ... with flexible hours (for those sleepless nights). ... I think if you will have difficulty finding and holding a job with those kinds of mistakes.
How arrogant. I have been doing this for 20+ years and have no idea what your 10-key skills sm
is a reference to. Throwing little code phrases out that mean nothing to the vast majority of MTs as a measurement of MT skills does not help your point of view at all.
10-key skills mean can you operate a calculator? How that has anything to do with being a skilled M
is beyond me. The Amphion people are a joke. They act like they are the best of the best but the reality is that they are a sad group of people in a sad little company that is growing in single digits (read, sloooowww). Gimme a break!
And that makes up for giving your time and skills
Are you an MT, you MUST have research skills. I found the web address
Maybe you need to improve your (proof)reading skills.
The ad clearly states that she pays weekly. What is so wrong about being upfront about how much she is paying? If that is too low for some people, they do not need to apply and do not need to waste anybody's time. What is so wrong about being honest and asking for honesty? With this type of ad, you know from the start how much is paid and do not have to go through hours of testing just to hear how much they offer.
Giving away my time and skills is not a "little thing"
I work Sun-Thurs and Georgie needs social skills

I changed from Tues-Sat 1st shift to Sun-Thurs 3rd shift because I start Sunday evening and I am done with my shift on Fridays at 7:00 a.m.  I have all day Saturday and Sunday to spend with my family.

Georgie, you are just a NASTY person.  There is no reason to be so rude and condescending to others.  I think you need to take some classes on social skills or get some counseling because you seem to be a pretty MISERABLE person.

That was NOT in my post. Too bad your posting skills are not as sharp as your criticizing ones. nm