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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Thanks! We all appreciate the warm wishes from most of our fellow MTs. sm

Posted By: Heartlander on 2006-05-11
In Reply to: Everyone working for Heartland - mt

I'm not sure, but I think Mary may have emailed Dateline. I hope so! I will definitely be contacting them for an inside investigation. It would be interesting to see how things are going over in India.

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That would be WARN not WARM. But I'd try to warm your
Sorry for the typo. My hands got ahead of my thoughts.
Warm and fuzzy

You could probably find enough deserving people who  need help right under your nose.  The internet is full of people needing/asking for help.  Some are probably legit, some are probably scams.  Even in this backwoods community there are plenty of places people really needing help can go to get it.  My opinion is if someone is really in such dire straights, why haven't they sacrificed their computer and internet?  If they use same for working, there is work available so why not work instead of begging?  This community has fund raisers all the time to help needy people when their house burns, when they have unexpected medical bills and just about every other emergency that could arise.  But....to each his/her own.  It's your money. 

I'm pretty familiar with animal rescue groups too.  The only privately funded groups I know of are actually 501(c)3 corporations.  The private funding goes to pay a lawyer and the IRS to set it up, not cheap.  Then the rescue group can legally solicit donations and generally speaking, someone is paid an administrator salary (perfectly legal) from donations or fund raisers.  I know this because 6 months ago I worked with a lawyer who donated his time to help me.  This 501(c)3 is to raise money to restore an old grist mill.  There will be no salaries paid in this case...which you have to indicate in the 501(c)3 filing papers.  According to the IRS, they are running 6-8 months behind in processing applications.  The lawyer told me this was because so many people are going that route hoping to make a living.


This MT was always in the minority trying to warm people
My Christmas check was short, that was poo-poohed by posters here, my line count short of full time for overhiring, they are great was the response, only 1 person ever said they agreed and thought they were the only one. So, I would say actions speak louder than words. Maybe seeing that 3 cpl for VR (very low in this industry) and 7.5 cpl for full time acute care (because a person cannot get their lines b/c of overhiring) has become the norm for these wonderful people and this wonderful company. Well, if you can afford it go be with this wonderful company. Or, get a real job and remember the lesson of actions speaking louder than words, and the story of the scorpion and the frog... which I hope you already know...
These stories warm my heart
which is maybe why I love helping people.  Had the people who were my mentors  not been so kind, I would never have achieved the success I achieved in the MT world.  They gave me knowledge that no MT school could ever provide. I could never be arrogant or try to put anyone down, I remember too well what it was like to be a newbie even though it was nearly half a century ago.
most companies are dying for even just warm bodies
most of the time if you suck, but are trying, they will keep you. They would rather pay you garbage to type at least SOMETHING than have the work sit. It's a pathetic business these days... sickly and pathetic
LOL!!! Of course they did. OSi wishes they could hire 2 MTs
Too funny!
Thanks for your good wishes and....sm
All the best of luck to you in your future....you'll do GREAT.....the dynamics of your posting(s) tells me that....*grin*      
Sincere best wishes to you ...

Hi SC.  First of all, let me say good luck to you in your quest for a raise at your present job.  I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you. 

My personal experience is that in the 20 or so years that I've been in this industry I've never received a raise from the MT service at which I was employed at the time that I asked for the raise.  Either they hemmed and hawed or just ignored my request altogether.  (Let me specifically state that my work experience has been comprised of both MTSO's and nationals.)  My solution, unfortunately, has always been that when I got to the point that I felt my increased skill and experience along with the cost-of-living merited it, I moved on to the next service.  The new service/national would always offer me a significantly higher line rate.  Ironically, I've been with my present employer for about 2-1/2 years of so.  I emailed my supe about the possibility of a raise about a year ago ... and never received a response ...

Hopefully others will be able to present a more positive experience in this area.

My sincere well wishes

for all of you.  May all of you have the best of fortune and not lose your jobs to some foreign country, have abundant work and may there be a chicken in every pot.   After all, this IS America.  United we stand, divided we fall.

The kind that wishes they could do unto others
Deal with it.
My prayers and best wishes to Heartland's sm
US MTs who have been laid off. If it were me, I'd be tempted to drop a line to Gov. Howard Dean who is the chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Howard Dean is also a physician, an internist, who I'm sure would be very interested in hearing from some MTs about this situation. I'd also contact one of the nighttime news magazine shows, Dateline, etc.

I wish you all the very best.
they say be careful for what one wishes for or jokes

that states that China will be taking over the USA in 2039....hopefully, by that time, I'll be dead!  *LOL* but not really laughing.

And this might not mean much, but I note that the fortune cookies given out by Chinese restaurants in the SE USA now are educating us all to their alphabet and numbers; in other words, their language! 

BRAVO!!! I send you my very best wishes for success! (nm)
Wow .. it's great to hear from you! Thanks for the good wishes. sm

The thing with eTransPlus was not a good fit for me either.  I think it is probably a good company, it just didn't work for me as my start date kept getting pushed back, I was running out of work, there were program glitches, etc.  Sometimes some things are just not meant to be.  I hope you get on with Keystrokes again.  I know it sounds kind of gushy, but I have found them to be truly wonderful people.  I don't need someone to constantly sing my praises or anything -- decent pay and plenty of work is enough -- but it is kind of nice to hear thank you every now and then, and know that if you have a problem arise, someone will listen and try to help you. 

Again, thanks for posting -- great to hear from you!  Good luck! 

It is a losing game. They make next to nothing, get paid for a warm body count. Losers. Recruiters
Sten-Tel is bringing all of their offshore work back in to USA. Per the client's wishes! nm
My Fellow MT's I need your help!
The small MTSO I work for is out of the Houston, Texas area, also the account I am on is in that area.  As you know several cities have been devastated from hurricane Ike.  I have been out of work since late Thursday, and a little work is trickling in this morning and yesterday, but not nearly enough.  Anyone know of a company hiring PT to supplement my income. I really need something I can pick up fast.  I work on the ExText platform presently, but also have worked on DocQscribe, and Bayscribe, along with proprietary software and Word.  I have 30+ years experience and love operative reports, but can do everything acute care/clinic, all work types and ESL.  I am really in a financial bind right now with the possibility of losing my home. Need a position that pays bi-weekly, can't afford to wait 1 month before getting paid.  Dont' have health insurance as I have a 90-day wait, which will be December 1 before I am insured.  I need to try and get a temporary insurance as am diabetic and have hypertension, but cannot afford it.  Did manage to enroll in Walgreens health program, and get my meds cheaper than what I paid when I was ensured.  I have tried applying with some positions I had tried over the years, but turned down for various reasons, but think I've been black listed.  I guess you can say I'm sort of desperate now though.  Thanks you guys.  .
Thank you fellow MTs....
I am so glad to have people respond and will check into all of these companies.  Thanks again!  You are all very helpful and I appreciate it. 
See what I mean, fellow MTs? (see below)
And I think Bitemia's rage is just the very TIP OF THE ICEBERG. The rest is hidden just below the surface, and could end up sinking their ship. TT sure shudda' thought this one through a little better.
Was hired by Amphion two weeks ago, and even though I don't start for another week, was wondering how long until I get the computer, etc.  Don't want to bother them, but am getting anxious....should I contact HR or just sit tight?  Am REALLY excited about this opportunity!!! 
Fellow Transcender, I have had so
many problems with this platform.  If you make just ONE mistake, it screws everything up and you can't get back.  I did 3 reports in 3 hours today.  Very frustrating. 
Help your fellow MTs. Which company is this?
find an employment attorney and do it ASAP.

That's all I am at liberty to say.

A fellow TT'er
Your need to repeatedly justify yourself is really doing more harm than good. We know your story and we know by now you LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your job, but these posts are really getting old. IMO you're repeated posting does nothing but turn off potential applicants.
maybe I will get an org. started just for my fellow MTs. nm
Except that I owe it to my fellow MTs to warn them off.
Fellow MDIer
I'm with you on this one. I have never worked for a company that had as much integrity as MDI.
Fellow Coworker


I work on 2 accounts and 1 starts with E and the other with H and they are both on the Escription platform.

My fellow MDIers
I feel your pain. Yesterday I got exactly half of my lines. I can't feed my family this way. What to do, what to do? I totally love MDI but 50% of my lines doesn't pay a California mortage. I wish they would give us some timeline as to when the work will be normal again.
To fellow TT MTs - what do you make

of the fact that we're only allowed to work no more than 40 hours a week?  I always used to work more than that, ever since I started full time with TT.  Of course I never expected to be payed time and a half if it was my choice to work more than 40.  Then all of the sudden strict 40 hours and no more.  What do you all think is going on? 

It's YOUR conscience, fellow MT
If you're cool with what you're doing, keep on keepin' on. *Shrug*

I'm not much of a gameplayer myself so perhaps that's where your 'logic' loses me.

Anyway, your justifications are now bordering on ridiculous and boring me out of my mind so I'm out of this thread.

Self-pity was NEVER an attractive quality to me.

My fellow MDIers
Is anyone else still sad about the demise of the MDI as we knew it?  It seems to me that the last bastion of integrity and respect for MTs kind of fell apart.  How do you all feel after these several weeks have passed?
Thanks fellow Webbies. nm

Fellow St. Louis MT HELLooooooooo
Hey, I live in St Louis, too, and would love to chat with others in my area. If you are interested, please let know, and somehow I can send you my email.
I need answers from a fellow MT who will be honest
fellow QTers what did you think of the e-mail this
Not trying to be nasty to my fellow QT people, but maybe we should THINK that they just need us

to work hard and go above and beyond the call of duty just because it's the right thing to do in this case to get things back in order.  That was an honest, heartfelt this morning....why don't we forget about what used to be for right now and just help out.  I thnk we'll all be glad in the long run if we do. 

Having fun, fellow Spheris-ites?
COMPLETELY out of work since 2:00P.M. on a weekday!!!!  How are we supposed to pay our bills???  This is insane!!!
you're welcome, fellow coworker :) sm

I don't know if your ShortHand could back up and put an 's' on the end of the word preceding, but you can do that with TASpeed (used to be able to do that with Smartype, and that's what I missed the most about it until someone found that you could do that with TASpeed.)  In TASpeed under Acronym, I use ss, then under Replacement type {bksp}s exactly that way, and then when you need to add an 's' to the preceding word, just type ss then space bar, and an 's' will automatically be added.  Can also do that with 'ly' endings, 'ing' endings, etc.  Hope this helps!

This forum is to network with fellow MTs and to ask
questions.  Many times, MTs have already searched references and will ask questions here and that is alright. And, while people should attempt to look to their own references first, sometimes a question can be answered quickly and that's ok, too.  Policing of who should do what, when, and where is not really necessary on this site other than by MTStars moderating team.
Fellow IP train rider here. For why pay was off,
I worked there and had personal friendships with a couple of the acct managers and team leads.  We were not getting paid for spaces. That is what I was told by middle management.
You even know when your fellow MT's call in at the last moment !

Wow, are you ever psychic!  You are either mgmt or a **wannabe**.

If not mgmt, these are your coworkers that YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT, unless you know them as your personal friends, and thank God I do not know you, but on the other hand DO YOU KNOW ME!

Hey fellow MTs! Will someone please share which co's pay for demographics. Thanks! nm
Any fellow Allstate Transcription....sm
MTs?  Just wondering. 
Thanks fellow MQ employee for sticking up
for the company. I also work for MQ and got tired of defending it and having to duck from all the daggers thrown by other posters. I work for another company, started last week, and have been out of work 3 times. They send out constant e-mails, ...we have 8 jobs would each of you do 2 so we can get them off the system? 8 jobs and they're freaking out. Or, we have no work, would you please check your e-mails to see when work is available and flex your schedule? Don't have this at MQ.
Fellow Californians, a question
Does anybody know if the UC system is issuing IOUs to its MT contractors and subcontractors?  I had a contract with them for years, back when it really paid, but now that the state is getting ready to go bankrupt, I am wondering what will happen to all the contract MTs who work for UC.  (I no longer contract with them, thankfully, but am concerned about those who do.)  Thanks.
Maybe a fellow MT who just wanted to cause trouble?
Apparently some had animosity towards her for whatever reason and blocked her on IM, etc., according to what another co-worker says below, and it really is easy as pie to make up a similar Yahoo addy, so not a whole lot of effort needed, IMO.
I hope that each and every one of you have a wonderful day and that we are all capable of making our line counts or even more.  Have a great day!!!!   
Question for fellow MDIers

Are any of you getting work today? I have been babysitting my screen for seven hours now and have had five short jobs all day.  Does anyone know what is going on?

Question for my fellow MDIers
We went for weeks with insufficient work so I took on a side-job, which has been reliable and plentiful.  Now my previously-empty MDI accounts seem to be overflowing and MDI wants extra work.  Has this happened to any of you?  What did you do?  I want to be loyal to MDI but, given that there was low work for so long, I am inclined to keep the other job as well just as a backup in these economic times.  Of course, I will always do the required lines at MDI but I am at a point where I am now afraid to put all of my eggs in one basket.  What do other people think?  I just feel more confident having two sources of income rather than one alone.  Is my thinking wrong here?  I'd really appreciate some feedback as I think I am too close to the situation to see things clearly.
Question for my fellow MDIers
Just curious, is your situation getting better?  I have been sitting here for four hours and have done 300 lines and my account just ran dry.  What are you doing about your situation?  I do NOT want us to bash MDI, am just looking for some positive suggestions as to how others are handling this dry period.   Let's exchange ideas and keep it positive.  I am not encouraging a bash MDI session, just looking for some solutions.  I do not want to leave because I love MDI, but I also need to work, so am kind of in a dilemma.  Ideas? Encouragement, etc?