So, then, you're selling your knowledge
Posted By: cheaper. on 2009-05-13
In Reply to: The company I work for went to VR a few months back. I was as terrified as you are. sm - VR MT
More output for the same pay means nothing more or less than that each line of knowledge (because that's what it is) is going for a lower price.
The value of VR to the client should not be price, but time. When price is the value proposition for VR, knowledge is being offered at a discount. It is positively idiotic for MTSOs to sell VR using price as the value proposition. The appropriate value proposition is TIME because VR should permit shorter turnarounds.
The question is, do MTSO's actually charge less for lines produced by VR? I'm not sure. If they do, they're giving away the store (and forcing the knowledge workers to discount their input).
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The companies are selling America out we're
selling biz
pls email me more details about your service and clients (type of transcription), etc.
Selling MQ??
Sold to who? I don't know what you're referring to. Thanks in advance for clarifying.
Not sure who they are selling to
another national has offered us jobs with them and I don't think they are the right fit for me.
medquist selling
Has anyone out there heard anything about medquist selling the company??
Thanks for any info.
Selling business sm
Can you email me your contact info?
Difference in selling and just closing down
I can understand if there were legal issues regarding the sale of a company, but rumor has it that QT is just calling it quits, I would not think there would be any legal reason not to tell anyone, maybe they are just trying to prevent the MTs from leaving before the account has terminated. Still from what I read, most of the MTs would not go until the account was gone and the doors were shut, so I think it would more professional if QT told their transcriptionists what was going on.
No mention of selling, just that they won't have work for for me
Never heard of them. Who are they selling to? Is MQ starting that again? nm
Watch out selling them short...
you just might find another job which you think is better, and guess what, you've made a mistake and want to go back. By then you are stressed out and sorry for second-guessing. Take advice from someone who has been there and done that. Good luck whatever you decide to do, only hoping you save yourself grief. :)
No. We use DocuScribe and have no intentions of selling to MQ. sm
They have a separate department for technology, used to be Lanier, and they keep it separate. It is the same as using WebChartMD or EmDat. We pay what we use.
And with so many smaller MTSOs selling out
to larger MTSOs with no warning, it certainly justifies our being suspicious and expecting the worse possible outcome.
I don't know about D...her silence during this entire month-long famine has made me second-guess my opinion of many of those at MDI-MD whom I previously thought very highly of. While selling MDI-MD wouldn't make her dishonest per se, at this point it feels like she is selling out her dedicated MTs.
I was completely exasperated with her email this morning which made no mention of any of our concerns and instead acted like it was regular Happy MDI Wednesday.
The lack of acknowledgement that there is a problem on more than one account just flabbergasts me.
thinking about selling my transcription service
and just wondering if any one has any opinion on interest in that. The person owning the company would make a minimum of $82,500 a year, running the business and doing some transcribing part time. It would be very easy to do some marketing and bring in some new accounts, which could easily push that 82500 to over 100000 a year. I have repetitive stress injury and my doctor has told me I need to find something else to do. I was thinking if there was an MT or a group of MT's (the company is incorporated so shares can be sold) that would like to get together, they can eliminate the middle man, earn retail price for their lines and establish job security, not to mention satisfaction. Price would be around $250,000 but like I said, a group of people could go together to cover that and with a little work in marketing, it could be paid off in three years. The business is about 10 years old and to the point where it is generating its own referrals. It could really go places if someone wanted to spend a little time marketing to a few new hospitals. Any one have any thoughts on this.
Proscript does not offshore - one of their selling points. nm
Speaking of selling QT to the Indian company. NM
I say be aggressive... You are selling your services and need to let them know you are confident
I just accepted a position after turning down 3 because they were not exactly what I wanted. If you are pateint and know exactly what you want, you can usually get it, (unless of course you want to transcribe for a doctor who speaks clear english, spells the hard words, talks really slow, but not too slow, and acutally realizes you are on the other side of the earphones ----- I can dream can't I??)
Politicians get money for selling us down river. How
Depends if it involves selling, bothering - sm
all your friends, family, friends of friends, etc. then NO. It is is something that is done at home or in an office w/o cold calls, etc., again no selling, then yes. My neighbor got sucked into a demo of that cookware that is so great but super expensive, something in the base, forget the name, needless to say she did not get into it, it was crazy what they expected you to do and foot the bill for as well. -- Personally I hate selling and obviously do not have an apptitude or attitude for it.
This sounds like one the MTSOs who got rich from selling
their company. You need to live in the real world sometime and see what you can do without. Your beer and champagne will be gone, but so will the steaks, lobster, and even a fresh vegetable unless you grow them. Even better, try giving up some other things - aspirin, ibuprofen, kleenex, vitamins they recommend you take daily, doctors visits, dental care.
Sorry, LMAO, I never want to meet you or be around you. You are evil.
I can't paint worth a you-know-what but I'm in on that Caribbean crap selling gig ... let's
I wonder if those places ABC was talking about selling bulk identity theft...
information online with the internet could be getting the information from health records overseas. The identity theft is sold in bulk to bidders on the internet from overseas. ABC I think had a special on it but never did identify where all of this information was gleaned. Something to consider I guess
That's good news. I love Keystrokes, and I hate to think of them selling. sm
The people are great, and I truly feel that I have finally found a home. Still, business is business. I have a friend who has been with Transcend for years and is very happy there, but I want no part of it. I plan on working until I'm 70, so I'm crossing my fingers that the bottom does fall out for me before then.
Not to my knowledge...nm
I have some knowledge..
How long have you been there and why are you not happy there?
OSi and knowledge
I think that many of you who challenge the skill level of those working at OSi are full of sour grapes. I think just like any company OSi has a variable learning curve of skills in both MTs and Editors. Everyone comes into their job from a different knowledge base, whether it is formerly working in-house, formerly working on a clinic account or just out of school. I think all of us need to be more tolerant and help others move on an upward curve rather than a downward one. By the way, I love working for OSi and I have been there for almost 4 years now and I have always found everyone to be helpful.
To the best of my knowledge
everyone has been paid. Don't know why no one else has posted this fact. It is notable that no one posted the company's name, which I think suggests a certain loyalty as they have been a very responsible employer.
To the best of my knowledge sm
They have everything traditional on Extext. Some ASR is on eScription, some on Nuance. Standard XP computer is fine and Word 2000 or 2003, and I didn't read the ad, but whatever they said.
You'll love it, I sure do.
Not to my knowledge, but I don't know everything that goes on. sm
I do know that I have a great account and can get 300 lph, so the money is good. cpl rate is better than most as well.
Yep, it's for selling some kind of health supplements from home, like an Amway organization. nm
InterPro Medical...Hope this doesn't appear to be selling soul to devil.... but
I am seriously considering working for InterPro (a company owned by India that outsources). Never thought I would, but I see they have BCBS insurance which starts in 30 days of employment, and other good benefits. I am a diabetic with hypertension and paying almost $400.00 a month for Cobra health insurance, which will expire soon, thus will be left uninsured. I've tried getting individual insurance, but no one will ensure because of my health problems. Can anyone give me some specs on InterPro, i.e. current employees, etc.., or any other companies where insurance goes in effect 30 days of employment.
Keystrokes is not for sale at this time, and there are no plans for selling in the foreseeable futu
This is a rumor started by someone for absolutely no reason. There are a few companies out there who have approached Keystrokes about selling and have been turned down. A few have been very agressive and do not like to hear the word no.
The company has been growing steadily for the past 10 years and has agressive growth plans in place for the next 5 years.
If you have any questions, contact one of the owners or member of the management team directly. They will answer your questions.
This is just another example of someone trying to stir the pot.
Not every company is for sale, at any price. Although that may change in the future for the owners of Keystrokes, right now they enjoy growing the company and improving on what they have built. It will be several years before the idea of selling would be entertained.
Shannon may have tried to help, but her knowledge
was too limited. The only one I can rely on for help or a half way honest answer is Terri in the office, but I do not know if she is a teamleader or not.
No direct knowledge but
There's a message on the Career Step board by someone who says pay is late and by Paypal. Don't know about the rest but the Paypal payroll would be enough to turn me off.
Not to my knowledge. My account
right now has a backlog, as does a fellow MT's on a different account. I have NO idea what account this person has been on, but I have worked for MDI-MD two different times (took a few years off when I had a baby) and have NEVER run out of work. They're a great place to work, and you can get a secondary account in the off chance that your primary ever runs out of work.
Well... it is common knowledge
that the whole QA department is the laughingstock of the industry. What a joke... unbelievable. They wrote the book on inside politics. You never get promoted with this company unless you are in the right clique. Truly the blind leading the blind. Coordinators aren't even that bad. QA department in a league of its own. Now that I'm gone I can look back and laugh - really laugh. LOL LOL
I don't have any person knowledge of them, but
at least I can't remember hearing a lot of terrible things about them. Give them a try. Might work out great for you.
Is there anyone out there who has current working knowledge of Spheris? Hospital just sold off to them, all the employees given little to no information.. they said they only send stuff to India on a third shift basis if needed... Please reply if you have had any current experience with them, either good or bad... such as hours, flexibility, any information would be greatly appreciated.. thanks again all MTs out there... cindy
Knowledge is power!
I just wanted to thank you all for sharing. Every opinion and every point of view are valuable. The truth really will set us free --eventually.
P&G forced my sister to stop selling Mary Kay in her spare time...gotta SM!
This was years ago way before P&G even owned Revlon. It's not like my sister wore a white coat and created cosmetic formulas. She was a RECEPTIONIST!!! The Suits at P&G told her to make a choice because they didn't need an employee working for the competition...Give me a break!
BTW, the ONLY reason my sister even sold the MK was so she could get it 1/2 price.
Whatever you do on YOUR time is YOUR business!! (As long as no laws are being broken or ppl getting hurt)IMO
I work for this company. To my knowledge, my DD's have ... SM
A-L-W-A-Y-S been in the bank on time and usually early, and I have worked for this cmopany for nearly 5 years.
Now, I don't know what happened to affect the DD this time, and I myself have not gotten my check as of noon on the day after payday. However, I do live out of state, and I know for a fact that someone who lives closer to the office that I do has already received hers.
Can we not just give the company the benefit of the cout this one time? Can we not, just this once, accept tha maybe an error occurred, or an emergency, or some other mishap, and wait and see if everything works out to our advantage by the next pay period? Saying that this company should not be in business is really jumping the gun!
I have a feeling that if you have automatic withdrawals that are affected by this situation, if you will talk to management, they will probably work with you with some kind of a reimbursement. They have always been more than fair with me in anything I have ever asked.
I realize that paydays are not to be fooled around with, but come on, haven't they A-L-W-A-Y-S paid us correctly?
Please don't post what you have no first-hand knowledge of. sm
It just makes it difficult to sort through what is true and what is not.
Anyone with knowledge about Doctors Documents?
based in Florida? Pay, workload, good people to work for?
Any info appreciated.
Er, make that personal knowledge (nm)
No personal knowledge of this account but (sm)
In the past, I have found that most residents at teaching hospitals are pretty good speakers and dictate painfully long reports. Also, very rarely on ANY hospital, do all the dictators on the doctors' list dictate. If you have a list with 200 names on it, chances are you'll hear about 50 of them - if that.
Lack of knowledge or complacent.....
This is exactly what I posted the other day when another poster accused me of making no sense. A poster was asking about a particular company and I told her this company was overall good, but they were doing the line count for you using their software and then direct depositing your check, all without an invoice beforehand. They then turn around and ask that the IC send in an invoice so they can have it on file; they are trying to cover their behinds by saying the IC sends in an invoice, but of course, I never did because that was a joke. If I couldn't count my own lines, I sure wasn't sending in an invoice. I quit and found something better for me. So, whenever ICs stop the practice of letting companies get by with free work (which is what we are doing when we accept an IC job on their terms, so they do not have to pay SS or Medicare taxes, we are keeping the problem alive). I see all the time companies wanting employee status in certain states only, but other states can only be IC status, BUT they still expect the IC to keep the same hours, shifts, etc., as an employee, which they cannot do.
Like I said earlier, it has become so customary for the IC to just go along with the company's dictating to us, we have lost our IC status but we pay IC status through the nose come tax day.
I figure knowledge is power
I agree with you, I believe that it is to your advantage to be a well rounded employee. But, I also know that when you are depending on this as your only source of income (luckily I do not) you want to make as much as you can and ESLs make that difficult sometimes, especially when you receive different ones all the time.
I also believe that the doctors could have a little more respect and at least TRY to enunciate. Some don't even bother.
So I guess I agree with you, but I understand everyone has different circumstances.
It takes just as much time & knowledge, and in
many cases can be much more time consuming. The only reason it pays less is so the MTSOs can make a larger profit. It s*cks and is a rip-off for MTs. You have to do basically triple the number of lines to make the same amount of pay as regular, and that's impossible to do. You can't listen to reports at triple speeds, and even if you could, it takes way too long to make all the corrections of that ASR mess.
our fund of knowledge comes into play
with each report we type. If that doesn't justify a decent compensation, I don't know what will.
Should we just hop to the problem parts of the report since we are only getting paid for that part of the report, eschewing the rest, not making sure it makes sense? It's outrageous, and we should all refuse to do it unless we get paid the same as straight typing. Why should technological advances cause us to lose pay? No one else is taking a cut except us, yet we are the glue that holds this profession together. I know it's all been said before, but it's wrong, and if the MTSOs read this board, they will at least know where we stand on it.
We earned our knowledge through blood, sweat and tears over the years, and we should be compensated for it. Why shouldn't we?!
The knowledge thing is right on the money
I never went over to using the so called hot keys, made it this long without so no use in using now. How you like it when they say newbies only like? I think the ones protesting so much don�t want to give up their templates, all their Expanders because then they might have to think about what they are reading and make corrections. Yeh for VR.
VR and straight need the same MTing
the manual skills differ, but not necessarily always.
You can download to an MT who has never done VR a VR document for editing and she will be able to do it. NO SOPECIAL trainin g is necessary.
When I tested for companies, when VR was introduced, they tested me on editing VR, I had never done it before and I passed.
Basically every MT can do it, bringing up the speed that is the challenge.
Anyone Have Knowledge of Heartland's Mentoring Program??
I have been offered a position with Heartland in their mentoring program. Anyone have experience with them?? I want to hear the good AND the bad before making a decision! I'm hoping this will be better than what I've found so far, which is an apprenticeship and I am NOT making enough to survive lol