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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Six years this October.

Posted By: Spheris. :) on 2007-05-18
In Reply to: how long have you been working - Katydid


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Have been with MDI-MD since the end of October,
and to my knowledge they only hire MTs as Statutory Employees. 
I have been with Keystrokes since October....
I love it...wonderful supervisors and they truly appreciate their MTs...would recommend it to anyone...
October is close enough
You don't have to be to the letter, to the day, to the exact moment. It's October in 3 months. Four years and 9 months is just as good as five years.
Been with TT since October. Came from MQ. TT is the best company
I have ever worked for. The work is good and plentiful (I have only run out a couple of times and then I have had plenty on my backup). Tech support is good. Communication is great and I really feel like they care about making this a good place to work. The owner used to be an MT and so she knows what it means to do this job. I say go for it.
Been here since October and love it! :-) nm

And Chicago CSC is closing also as of end of October...nm
Dear KS, problems since October, oh yes
My experience is very recent.... still waiting to hear from ....... who said I passed but she is too busy to talk to me for the past 3 weeks. Told me to be patient. I am glad my patience paid off in that I got a better job than KS was offering.
Knew this would happen !!! Did it in October, too. nm
I heard back the next day, but that was in October
Guess it just depends on the recruiter and how urgently they need MTs.
Yes it does. MQ bought Lanier in October 2003.
Not when I was hired (October). Great company. :-) nm

Same thing happened at TT the year before in October, too.

For those of us left with TT for 2 year, there is hardly ever sufficient work to work your negotiated shift.  Always asked to flex and move right into the weekends to get enough lines, if possible to even on weekends for everyone trying.

Actually, my hire date was October 9 last year
but since it was my first new job in almost 28 years, it was a BIG thing. I left the old job because my beloved boss closed down his practice to join another one, and the other group declined to hire me. Their loss. I was hired by a medium-sized national that just got acquired by a large national. We're 1 month into the new regime (so if we want to get technical, I actually have started a new job in the last 30 days) and the only thing that has really changed so far is the pay period is now twice a month instead of every 2 weeks. I still work the same shift, the same accounts, the same pay rates, the same supervisors and QA people, the same platform, everything.

There's been some grumbling on this board about the new company and how they lure you in with big promises and then you always seem to run out of work, coincidentally just before you achieve the gross pay required per period to be considered full time and thus eligible for benefits. Of course I can only speak for myself, but I haven't seen any such thing, and the only times I have run out of work (briefly) have been on or around holidays. If the work is coming in slowly at any other time, our people actually call the clients and ask them what's going on. (And then they send out e-mails to let us know what's happening.) I work a 32-hour week (by my choice) but probably at least 9 days out of 10, there is enough work that I could work a full 8 hours if I wanted to. (And this pay period I came in at 25 percent over the gross minimum--and I know for a fact my own pay rate is actually on the lower end of the scale, so reaching that minimum is NOT exactly difficult. At least not for me.)

We don't get a lot of extraneous e-mails, only necessary announcements and requests, and we're all on IM so we can always find somebody to help if we have a question. We are also not only encouraged but strongly urged to send ANYTHING doubtful to QA, even if we have to leave 100 blanks in a report. They'd rather have a QA blank than a guess. And QA has NEVER gotten the least bit snarky with me; even when it's been a real duh! mistake on my part, the worst I might get is a smiley face with a gently-worded note pointing out the error.

I have a co-worker who was hired the same day I was, on the same account. She has a neighbor who works for the company that just acquired us, and LOVES it; in fact, she was encouraging my co-worker to jump ship and c'mon over, until we all found out we were all comin' on over anyway, as of April 1.
In fairness, we are supposd to get written info in October. nm
The letter about the pay cut in ASR was mailed out and is to begin October 1. No question about it.
Didnt you get the letter.
Show of hands: Who at MQ is excited its finally OCTOBER?
Packet time and for many, Big Decision time...
October is usually slow. This week is a Jewish holiday sm

I believe, Sukkoth.  Don't think the grass is greener anywhere.  The only thing that irks me about QT is someone saying they'll have work for me in 10 minutes, a half hour, or an hour, and nothing ever comes through.  My time is valuable to me.  Sitting around and waiting for nothing really, really irks me.  Other than that, I really love this company, and it would take something really serious, like them outsourcing or selling out to MQ, to get me to leave.  However, I'd really like it if they'd not leave me hanging for work when they say they're putting some in my queue.  Maybe I should send them a bill for waiting time.  MY TIME IS MONEY!! 

I work parttime as an IC for another national which really helps!  When one is slow, the other is busy.  Nice balance. 

Anyone with BIG Enterprises out of Maryland? No reply to 2 resumes in October. nm
Same thing in October, then accounts went to voice recognition,

causing low work situations at times.  They push those jobs through VR and Exspeech rapidly and I found Exspeech to be one of the worst editing platforms I had ever used.

Hopefully, TT will pick up accounts in order to keep all those 25+ MT's they are advertising for busy -- because the jobs on these new accounts go through VR at a rapid rate, and regular transcribing disappears in a hurry.  If these 25+ MT's don't like Exspeech method of editing, then you will most likely end up with lack of work very soon.  It happened with the *big hiring spree* back in October last year !  The mass hiring of MT's are used to *train* dictators for Exspeech.   The pay reduction is at the rate of 50% less for editing.

I suppose most companies in this business are going in that direction now to make larger profits. 

No, they built a new one last year and moved into it in October or November. sm
I think they have a really big office now, from what I heard.

The person I am talking about started the second week in October for HR but the recruiter has been
with us since late summer.

I am going to dig into this, so thank you for the information. There is too much back and forth going on here to sort through what is true and what is not, so I am going to take some time and take it to my coordinator.

It might seem petty to a lot of you that we are willing to do this, but reputation is important and we have all been working too hard to let things like this happen.

I know that there will be flames here but the truth is that the Keystrokes Management Team has been working very hard to reverse a lot of things that happened in the past in order to make KS the best company in the industry. This takes time.

I do know that there are a lot of happy MTs at KS as we do not have a lot of emplpyee turnover, but I also know that one unhappy person can be like poison. Rather than attacking that person or persons, we are working on the reasons that they are unhappy and working to change that.

If KS was such a bad company, it would not grow as it has. I am not saying that they are perfect, just that they are not as this board portrays.

Another thing is that so many people attack the owner and say that she is unprofessional. You obviously have not met her. She is all business with her employees and customers and actually a fun person to be around as well. I have never met someone who gets as much done as she does and her customers love working with her.

I just think everyone should form their own opinions.
Wall Street Journal article, October 2004
A friend sent this to me. UCSF heard from an overseas MT who had not been paid that if she did not receive the $$ owed her she would publish the reports on the internet. There was a lot of followup to this which I will not go into here, but why wouldn't this sort of thing still be possible.

Later that year there was a report of a group of MTs in Bangladesh who tried to force a change in their local management by threatening to make transcribed documents public.

After that California was supposedly looking at a bill to disallow sending confidential medical reports overseas as they are not bound by HIPPA. Never heard what came of that.

I still tell these stories to anyone considering sending work abroad. I just wish some of them overseas would be stupid enough to actually pull a few stunts like that and then see how much work we lose.
I talked to them today. They want 3 years in a hospital or 5 years combination sm
hospital and at home or clinic and at home. For radiology, they want 3 years full time radiology. I thought they were very nice and I have a few friends that work for them and are happy. The pay seems average to high for what I am seeing now. I think they are 0.08 per line or 1.08 for radiology. Beats what I will have with the new MQ program.
Honda is 11 years old, 190,000 miles . Toyota was 15 years old and 279,000 superb
I worked on site for many years. I've been doing this for 10 years... sm
I've worked on site, at home, for small MTSOs, for nationals, for hospitals. I've been paid per line, per minute, and per hour. I've been an MT and a QA. I have ALWAYS worked weekends and ALWAYS worked nights for the shift differential because MTs can't survive on 6 or 7 cents a line. At least I can't and I type 105 wpm.

I've BEEN dedicated from day 1, sister, so you are barking up the wrong tree.
15,000 lines per pay period. 8 years with KS, 6 years on this account! nm
Not going anywhere else!
30 years - this WAS my career. The last few years you guys have ruined it.
You work 9-5? Big deal. I work more than you do. I bet I work harder too. Treat US with respect, lady!

Don't talk to us like that and don't expect us to kiss your feet. Kiss ours for a change!
See if you'll be producing more after 30 years of MT'ing and at 50+ years old.
I don't think so. My income increased every year also, until I reached age 50 and 30 years of MT'g, been downhill ever since.
It wasn't tough 5 years ago. Or 10 years ago, yet
How to you spell
G-R-E-E-D ???

All the shifty, dishonest, greedy pigs in this country belong in JAIL.
Did MTfor 10 years; QA for 2 years and now
doing editing of speech/voice recognition.  I find all three to be very different.  MT you start with a blank page or a template, QA you have the whole document and you need to give a good quick read and check for correct name, MRN, formatting, and all blanks, etc., and if you know the MT you do not necessarily need to give the whole document voice to typed - editing is a whole 'nother thing.  From what I have seen so far - you have a document and you cannot count on anything being correct - you need to change almost everything in some cases - which is more difficult than a blank sheet as there is a lot of deleting and it is confusing.  It can be helpful because some of the medical words are in there and some of the drugs can be correct - and although I have found easier on the wrists some days - still very, very difficult.  You must match exactly voice to type because you cannot count on anything to be correct - JMHO
I think it just boils down to years and years of
If you kick a dog often enough, it's going to not only turn on you, but other dogs as well. Even though I made more money as an in-house MT, our managers were the worst. All greedy, self-serving women who lied, cheated, and made their way up the management ladder by stepping on those of us who worked under them. They created hostility, distrust and ill will in the office by pitting MT against MT (I suppose they figured it would keep the MT's from turning on THEM!), and the suspicion it bred created a hostile workplace like no other. I finally couldn't take it anymore and quit to work at home, for less than half the money. I'm lucky - I have an employer that at least treats me well, even though the pay stinks. But from what I've read here, that isn't the norm at all. So it's little wonder so many at-home MT's are ready to chew someone's head off. They're tired of being lied-to, cheated on line counts, disrespected, and at the same time expected to produce more and more work, with little to no mistakes. So it's little wonder we're all a mite cranky.
Some of us have been at MDI for years and years. Why should we have to start all the way at the bot
2 years ago
I worked as a statutory employee about 2 years ago and quit after about 6 months or so because I got a better offer. The people were nice but I ran out of work a lot. Also they still have me on their mailing list as a stat employee. Obviously they still don't realize that I haven't worked there in almost 2 years!
4-1/2 years for me too nm
9 years.
Over 7 years, OTI
18 years.
I have no idea what is happening for others or new plans or anything.

I've just gotten started. I didn't ask about any of that -- I just know what I was given.
Been with them 8 years
9 cents a line - NO RAISE
A little over 3 years. (NM)
been with MQ for eight years and
never heard of such a thing, is this new/old/specific to your office ????
Doing this for 20 years
I had one hospital in Florida I worked for and they started out at 15.00 per hour, but the more you typed, the more you made. Their line counts though were based on 55 characters with spaces so it was very easy. If you typed 2000 lines per day, you got 20.00 per hour, and then for any after that they paid 8 cpl bonus, so the average monthly bonus was 1500.00. I made 65,000 for the first 9 months I worked there. There are still hospitals paying 12-21.00 for in-house work. In-house would be really the best way to make any money. I went to working at home because of illness. I made last year just under 50,000 but it nearly killed me because it was 7-days a week and up to 18 hour days. Now, I have seen ads for LPNs (1 year of study) making 15-20 per hour, and in most cases the admissions employees in hospitals make more than we do transcribing. Salaries for at home people have gone way way down since I started working at home in 2000. I've seen ads for 6 cpl for people with over 10 years experience and as long as people continue to take those jobs, the other companies won't pay us more either. Used to be we got overtime as well, but now they are going to lines per week basis and will let you work extra, but with no change in the line rate. It's really rather sad how the trend has been.
I get 10 cpl but have known them for years
About 4 years ago...
problems getting paid. Not sure if things have changed since then
I have been with OSi for just under 2 years


OSi isn't the most popular national around, which is basically why I just keep my opinions to myself, but . . .

I have a very simple account (lots of normals) as my main account.  While it isn't really challenging, even at 7.6 cpl as statutory I make plenty of money.  I have run out of work on my main account a number of times, but I have 2 backup accounts.

I am never hassled by QA or my coordinator.  I pretty much work when I want, have no line requirements or day or time issues to deal with. 

I have been very happy there.  There are bonuses at least monthly, and that adds to bottom line.

Go for it. 

IC MT with 8 years exp.
I have been working an account for the local ER for about a year now at 12 per line.  Now they have over-hired in house, and I am only called when they get behind.  I am looking for part-time or p.r.n. work that will either pay this or at least get pretty close.  Any ideas? 
YES for 6 years now.
My dear friend, if a person is mad, they can express themselves on whatever grammar they want to express themselves. Since there are rules and regulations in this forum i am not using any foul words to hit these very evil people. You can rant whatever you want but the things in my Post is always the truth.
Wow, 14 years. They must be doing something right! NM
I also have been doing this for 25 years and all

Accounts Payable.  All my accounts are large teaching hospitals.  Maybe a small hospital would work with you, but a large teaching hospital doesn't have time to mess with that.  It doesn't matter if you tack on a charge for paying later than your invoices says, or whether you offer a discount for paying early, they STILL pay on their own schedule.  Which is fine - I know how it works.  I just go ahead and make my invoices net 30 days because I know that's how they pay anyway.

Now a doctor's office - that's a different situation and yes, they will be more accommodating.  But I prefer acute care myself, and I prefer a teaching hospital, not someplace that does appendectomies and delivers babies and that's about it. 

18+ years
she probably thought you might get her preferred job.
OTJ - 19 years. nm
OJT - 28 years.