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People post "I went to XX cause everyone says how

Posted By: great they are but I hated them." Just pointing on 2008-03-11
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Maybe post your resume to let people
Other person needs a massage!
As of now, 275 people have read the post!
I think the title of post set people off...
tell your ex-coworker: no, you do not know of anyone hiring; if she asks again, tell her the same thing. Be thankful she did not ask to use you for a reference; then you have a problem.
sorry, post should be under 'all MDI people and no...)
You do realize that probably 90% of the people who post
on here and read on here probably just applied to your company that you're talking about! It's nice to know that there are still good companies out there. It gives me a little glimmer of light in my oh so dark tunnel that I've been stuck in lately.
I actually know a couple of the happy people who post...sm

I actually know a couple of the people who regularly post positively on this board about Transcend. I email with them quite regularly. They aren't management. There's one theory down the drain.

And, no, I'm not management trying to create a story, either, although you probably suspect that I am.

Try to accept that people can be happy and supportive of their employer. It's better to be part of the solution than part of the problem.




I don't think that is the fault of the MQ people. Anyone is free to post about anything at any ti
Maybe it's because they post jobs and never respond to people.
Has anyone actually had them respond to a resume?
This is why people do not like to post here. I am not an OFFICIAL recruiter but sm
like to refer KS to others as I am so happy there. I was not aware that using the title was misrepresentation. It really does not matter. I am not going to waste any more time here. It gets very time-consuming and I am tired of feeling attacked if I post anything at all.
Well, yes. But my point is the OP said wanted people to post

positive experiences with Focus.  I've seen other posts like this where a person will ask about a specific MTSO and say something like just good things or no negative posts please.

It just strikes me as looking at the world through rose colored glasses.  How can you make an informed decision if you only consider one side of an argument?  It's just silly.  Why bother to ask any questions at all?  Just take the job and be done with it.  People take time to answer questions honestly here and try to help out fellow MTs so they don't make the same mistakes we've made and what thanks do we get? 

Pollyannas like the OP who just wants to hear the good. 

This post is true. Pay attention people. nm
People post that info all the time.
Hey, GP, some people post libelous information

about companies. I hope it's not you being sued. I don't know if you ever worked for TT or not but  I've seen some of the outrageous things stated against TT and I just don't know if I would believe some of those posts. I think they may be disgruntled employees taking out their hatred on a company that, until a few months ago, had great reviews. Then someone posted a nasty comment about them and it's been going downhill since then.

This board is for comments on companies, but not some of the nastiness I've seen against TT lately so, again, I say, it all started with one disgruntled employee and snowballed from there. If they are suing someone, they must have a good reason, don't you think?


Last word here - People here need to read a post correctly
I never told HER to suck it up. Why don�t you read postings correctly. Can you not make a distinction between me saying I JUST SUCKED IT UP as telling about my vacation and you saying something entirely different? What is the matter with the posters here? I am outta here for the afternoon. Everyone have a good time.
I remember your post several weeks ago..Hopefully, you still arent working for these people. I'm
sure they have been paid by their client. Why do they think they can rip people off. You need to post their name so that noone else bothers with them. Oh yeah, I think I remember now..It was someone named Joanna who asked for overflow help on podiatry, right? I am ashamed to admit that I submitted my resume. Luckily, she never called or I would be doing what your doing..Nightmare..
good guesses, but none of what you stated in your post....i rest my case though, you people
ARE TRULY NASTY.......nothing short of a JERRY SPRING remake here....i simply said that SoftScript was wonderful and so far, i've been told i'm a joke, insulted, called names, etc.......now lets see if anyone has anything nice to say......as if that were possible on this board.............
If 10 people vote to have post removed it is removed
automatically.  Look near the bottom of this post and click on the blue vote/moderate and go from there.  I've already voted, so need 9 more.  This person does need to be banned though and as they represent themselves as being SS management, then SS should also be banned. 
My post should say the post above not the post below, Sheryl's post to be specific. nm
People at TT have been paid! People who haven't well, maybe you did not make count and your check
after insurance deduction. Maybe your bank is holding it. Maybe anything! But we GOT PAID. This is NO LIE. And I am sick of this board. Nothing but disgruntled exemployees arguing with employees who like their job. Ugggg. I am working. BTW: THERE IS WORK (clears throat) remember that? Work?
Keystrokes is wonderful!! They are the nicest people and care 150% about their people!!
Excellent company!!!!
I worked for SS and some people were very RUDE and I am talking about the editing people in some
instances.  It ALL depends on the person, as it does with any company.  They paid on time and the lady over me was very nice, but boy the person in QA was mean to EVERYONE!!  Never seen anything like it before.
Are people trying to scare people or just tell them what is happening. I am not scared just seeing
that things are changing very rapidly and not for the better for me. If I have no work and need multiple accounts everyone else is in the same boat now arent they that have my accounts. That is how people know what is going on.
Maybe due to the people that manage Amherst. I think MQ would be a lot better off finding new people
up there with all the problems you hear about that office. Seems like something is very very wrong there.
I doubt it. There are more happy people than unhappy people sm
at Medquist. I've checked out other companies but I liked MQ the best (I kept working at MQ while testing other companies).
SO right! People who get paid to bring people on-board -sm
to these companies (few, if any, are 100% honest, it seems), are going to be honest and tell you anything that isn't rosy and sugar-coated. Having a good prospective MT walk because the company isn't so great means less green dollars in their bank account every month. They're not going to tell us anything that DOESN'T make them more money.
More people will come into VR because the qualifcations to do MT are not the same. Lots of people w
to work at home. It's all relative to what you are used to. The nationals are counting on this. I think MTs will work cheaper rather than reenter the work force with no other skills than MT. The nationals are counting on this.
They named people's names. That is not right. People just sm

need to keep from naming names.  I thought it was an informative bit of information, but when you name names, then posts are way out of line. 

I would really like to see a truly professional way of talking about a company.  I don't care what board you go to, somehow people just do not want to play nice when it comes to talking about people.  If those people could learn to be a little more professional and stop posting names to their wrath or anger, then that will be the day I can say I am proud to be in this profession.  When I see those types of things, it makes my skin crawl.  If it were me being talked about, I would be livid.  I certainly understand why the posts were deleted. 

Thank you for saying that. Most people here just love to trash people.
It is against board rules though.
Heartland - we take care of our people people
I meant in quotation marks, not parentheses.
For people at MDI-MD that say they are out of work, I see they are hiring now. Are people still
running out of work or did they get more accounts.  I am interested in this company.
Honestly, people some people are lazy...
plain and simple, sad but true.
If you see a post that needs deletion, please post the link on the Monitor board and we'll

review it.  This way, requests for post deletions won't appear in the newsletter.



It's a "fishing" post. Same post a few days ago with numerous errors
You are not allowed to post their link on this site. Post
will be removed. It was up last night and post got removed.
Read Spherson's post below, who admits, in the post, they do pay it.
Peachy, your post is interesting, but my post now is irrelevent but
A few weeks ago I went to my clinic where they had recently implemented EHR or EMR, whichever you call it, and the doctor's back was to me the whole time he and I conversed because his nose was stuck in his laptop. To me, it felt a little more impersonal, but I understand he was doing what he had to do, but it seems like the bedside manner may go to the wayside if the doctors can't even look at you when they are asking you questions or you are speaking to him/her. I know this is relevant to your original post, but just an interesting fact that I had not anticipated. Anyone else experience this?
This is why I NEVER post my cpl. I'll post the range of
what the company pays, but NEVER what I make.  I know that I make more than probably 70% of the people there, because they know I produce a client ready report and that I can do anything they throw at me.   We don't have levels, but I guess if we did I'd be at the highest level.    Telling how much you make isn't so bad, but when people know what company you work for and then what you make that isn't a good combination.  The ONLY people I have ever discussed what I make with, are my husband and my MTSO owner.   Talking about your salary/pay is enough to get your fired in lots of companies. 
Post edited -- DO NOT POST NAMES. (SM)
If you continue to post names, e-mail addresses, or phone numbers on this website, you will be banned.
Your own post verifies other post about MTSO not
This post is in regard to the post w/ the heading below
Nothing is closed. Anyone free to post or not post.
One post was another "run" type of post and the
the recruiter. Once you are in with the company, the recruiter has nothing to do with you or your job. I want specifics about problems with THE JOB, not the recruiter.  Specifics such as no or late checks, line counts being messed up, no work, taking bennies away with no explanation. Things that matter, not the recruiter. 
Dont kid yourself that people dont know what is going on. Do you honestly think these office people
dont talk. Maybe you should make sure you know what you are talking about before you open your mouth.
Who said people who work for KS aren't happy for people who work for (sm)
other companies?  I'm happy for people who are happy with their jobs, no matter what company they work for. 
everytime you post, where ever you post
unless you go through an anonymizer, your IP address can be traced back to you, even through the guises of this web site.  There are web sites you can find on the internet to do this for you, or if you are 18 years old and like to hack, it's an easy enough thing to do.
I post a pay range, DOE; however, most don't post..
I wish some MTs would start thinking about the business aspect of the industry.  For example, this is a public site, so go to Google or another search engine and type [the co's name] and per line, and voila! now everyone knows how much you pay your MTs.
Post removed, you can re-post.
Because people like you come on this
because you don't have any problems with MDI then no one else possibly could either. I'm really glad your experience has been so positive. I'm not saying mine has been bad but there are issues at management level whether you want to believe it or not. Have you read any of these posts? Does that answer your question?
Who are these people?
I'm not sure who the devil-nurse is but I know who the current manager is. Who is the first one you mentioned? Her initials are okay if you care to answer.
some people
not only is she too young to read the newspaper to find out about the divorce rate and many people maintain relationships with their exhusband she also can't take a joke and is plain crazy and mean to boot.
Probably not seeing that a lot of people are having
