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PS, I was a supervisor in the home office

Posted By: Independent MT on 2007-10-24
In Reply to: Why Extext line counts are usually less - Independent MT

That is how I know for a fact that it is done this way.

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No. Talking about the office manger/recruiter/supervisor.
May have a home office in tn
But definately is affiliated with the Phillipines, know the person who runs it.
Home vs. office
Well, I've done both but did billing in between. Each has benefits. Our local hospital pays more per hour if you get over the req. amt. of lines. Pretty cool. However, they're small and don't often have openings. They have a good starting wage too.

OTOH, I like being at home, working in my sweats, and having my 3 cuddle babies (my 3 pugs) at home with me. We are trying to breed our 2 black pugs (just once to carry on the line) and I wouldn't have been able to do that if I had still been doing med. billing at an office. I had a TAH last May and had to use all my vac. days. I have to be home with my female if she has puppies in case something goes wrong and with the puppies in case she abandons then litter. Home trans. allows me to do that.

So, I guess, to each his own. At first, when I left an hourly paying job, I wanted to run to the local hosp. and beg them to hire me. Now, I'm more secure in what I can do and I feel comfortable at home. :-)

You can work in the office or at home....
if you dislike the office, or find it tense, you should ask to work from home. There are only about 15 people that work in the office, most are not transcriptionists, and my experience is that they would rather transcriptionists work from home.

Life's too short, go ahead and make arrangements to work from home. Why would you want to work in the office, especially if you dislike it so much?

Transcend has their home office there,
don't they?
Saw JLG hiring SE and IC. SE can take home office deductions, right? (sm)
Any other pros/cons about this or the company in general?
I'm an employee and can take home office deductions. You
have to have a $$ amount equal to a certain percentage of your income to be able to claim expenses if you are not an IC.  I don't claim home office because it only made about a $50 difference in my report and I'd rather not claim it than worry about an audit since my office isn't 100% office use, my internet service isn't 100% work related, etc.   HR Block does my taxes too. 
Link to home office info


Does Diskriter still photograph your home office?

I have been wanting current info on them, also.  Anyone out there help?


Working from home/office work

I feel I need to speak up. I understand that the industry is going backwards in pay and for all of the more experienced MT's this is really degrading from what I hear from some. I understand and I would probably feel the same way. This is a craft. Not everyone can do what we do. It is a very hard craft. We should be paid what we are worth. There is no doubt about that but I also know how it works in an office in this industry. Being in an office is awful! I did it for 15 years. I worked at 2 different companies and both took advantage of the hard worker I was. I had MULTIPLE jobs and was not compensated for it. When I hear MT's complain about how bad they have it I want to scream. Yes, the pay is an issue. Yes, the belittling emails from managers is ridiculous. I completely agree and all of those managers should be let go but you do not know how awful it is to be in an office setting dealing with those belittling managers.

Trust me everyone in the company you work for or wherever that is not a VP or CEO is going through hell on a daily basis and not getting paid for it. You are making a lot more money for the time you put in than the people working in the office mostly. The people in the office are probably working on salary. When you figure the hours they work and the amount they are paid that are probably making about $5.00 an hour or less. They also have to work nights/weekends etc. from home. They also are having to listen to all of the MT's daily when they have a problem, they call in giving a excuse as to why they cannot come to work and trying to scramble to get the shift filled when the MT is really not sick as she said, problems dealing with the clients and their complaints about the work or turn times, problems with MT's and editors fighting via IM or email, problems with the Sales guys telling potential clients...oh yeah, we can do that...when we CANNOT.

I could go on and on. Being in an office is a lot more work than you would think. I would be greatful for what you have. I am not bitter at what I have gone through in an office setting. It got me to where I am today. I just want to let you know it is not easy working in an office and it is a lot harder than being an MT when you can type and then stop for the day and not have to answer to others and deal with their issues. Being an MT is a craft and it is hard...just be thankful!

Have a HAPPY HOLIDAY! Be joyous! Feel Blessed!

"People are quitting" -- who? I work in the home office
and no one has quit in the last month.
I realize we work from home, but where in Ky is their base office?
That is the owner's home. Office is in Ahmedabad, India. It is deceptive sm
to advertise otherwise.  All of the work is sent to and comes from India. 
MTSO gift to their at-home MT's who make their living for them and all the office staffs' livi

Why is it so hard to share their profits with the at-home MT's? ? ?   Give me MONEY for Christmas because so much has been taken throughout the year -- I won't it back -- or at least some of it !  I will buy my own gift or pay my light bill or buy my children/grandchildren a gift with it.

In general, the top echelon is getting so greedy at most MTSO's!   They would have nothing w/o the MT's constantly tapping those keyboards . . . and I mean it gets more and more difficult for us MT's as with each passing year to make a decent living . . . I dare say a living of any sort.  Only those MT's who have husbands to support them are happy with whatever few cents they are offered, because it is only play money for them anyway.  Hubby pays all the bills.   I guarantee you that if a poll were taken of the Happy MT's with their at-home job, it would either be hubby making living for them OR mommy not having to pay a babysitter to work outside the home.  Those in HR/management, with a little research, can easily see how our paychecks are dwindling month by month due to lower wages because ASR/VR is taking away the decent dictators and leaving only the horrible dictators (who take lots of time to transcribe a quality report), lack of cost-of-living raises, rising electricity bills at home that the MT has to pay, high-speed internet/phone bills higher and higher and loaded with taxes, rent/mortages/taxes/insurance continuously rising. 

The office staff don't have to think about those at-home costs, as theirs are paid by the MTSO during their working hours/shift, nor do they have to worry about the lack of raises, etc, because in-house employees get raises automatically with tenure or with a 6-month or annual review or at the discretion of management at any time.

Personally, my line count continues to decrease; I don't know what the reason is because in the past many years, I could transcribe 200-400 lines per hour, and I do good to transcribe 100 or 150 an hour with the horrible dictators sifted out by the VR machine Dictaphone ExText.  

Please don't yell at me -- because I am thankful for a paycheck -- but why is the burden put on my fingers to WORK HARDER AND HARDER to earn that paycheck.  Don't say try ASR/VR because it will double your income, because I have tried that and know better and have proven that theory to be wrong -- at least on Dictatphone ExSpeech you can't !

The other thief of a good line count/wage for the U.S. MT's is the majority of our work going offshore because it can get done CHEAPER !  Who is all that extra money saved by offshoring our work going to ??  Not the at-home MT.  That is exactly why I request MONEY for my Christmas gift from my employer, rather than some promo gift that is handed out to any and everyone.

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL US MT's in the good 'ole USA !  ! !

In the early days, MedQuist said working at home was a benefit, therefore at-home sm
employees did not receive as many benefits as those working in-house.  As I believe, it was something like at-home employees got 3 days off a year versus 10 days for the in-office employees -- WHAT?!!!  I told them it made no sense to me, since by working at home I was saving them money -- no need to provide office space, equipment, references, utilities, etc. -- yet I get shafted.  I was only part-time when they took over the previous company with their great policies, and I told them to kiss where I can't. 
The main office was in Bolingbrook but they built an office in Yorkville last fall. SM
I think that the owners live in Yorkville, so it was built close to their house. Nice office, just pretty far out.
Just curious, is the MQ Nashville office the old Lanier office? nm
I don't work in the office and never claimed to. I am just saying that since the new office open
October with everyone of the admin staff in one place, these problems do not occur any more.
Can't get paid in the office if you don't work in the office.
JLG has MT's working at home, not in the office, not to mention working out of state.  The mail is the only way to get paid since they have temporarily suspended direct deposit.  The only ones getting paid on time are the ones that do work in the office, like the management and people answering the phone. 
Closed FW office, Indianapolis office too. nm
Try going through supervisor. They should get
Why don't you say this to your supervisor?
Any acute care account may seem difficult for you. Express your concerns to your sup. and see if you can be placed on a different account.
My supervisor
Not sure who you had for a supervisor, but none of our supervisors have quit in the three years I've been here. Please be sure you have your facts straight there.
According to my supervisor....sm
you can work OT on any account listed if you are off hold for that account. If you see an account that you might like to help on, read the account specifics to see if you might like it and then ask your SMT to add it to your affinities. You will be on an initial hold, more than likely, but once you are off hold you can work all the OT you can stand.
Is KW still the supervisor?
If not, then things are probably much better.  Sounds like they worked out the bugs, though. 
Is your new supe 'D'?
Have you tried asking supervisor
for help?  I don't know if anything can be done about the clunky program, but perhaps you've encountered a lazy tech who is unwilling to work with you and your macros.  Maybe your supervisor or his/her supervisor can help.  It's worth a try. 
Let the supervisor know......

Well, I would think that if you can prove it you have a case. I know, this would make me crazy. I have felt the pinch of cherry pickers myself.

I wonder though, how is it that the supervisor doesn't know these people are taking an hour or two off or if their internet is down? Why are they emailing just you? If they are not notifying the supervisor, maybe next time you get an email like this you could email back and say something like thanks for letting me know, I'll be sure to let -insert supervisor's name- know right away that you are not able to work at this time, let us know when things are -insert excuse for not working- back up again/you are feeling better/etc.

I would most definitely let the supervisor know every single time someone was taking time off for the reasons you gave. Then, the supervisor knows and can handle it accordingly.

Since she is not the supervisor, she
should never have been contacted to begin with. After the first one, however, I think I would have questioned the MT as to why she was not notifying her supervisor.
I liked Beyond Txt, I liked my supervisor
I liked my hours, I liked just about everything, except I was always just short of full-time lines. It was a high ESL, which is no problem for me, but I am very picky about QA. They also have a QA percentage requirement along with a line requirement, so every day I'd see those numbers and send less and less to QA b/c I'd take a lot of time to make sure I did it right. My fault. I ended up not able to support my child and I had to get a second job. Then I was exhausted and decided to just leave. I would have been very happy had I been able to make a higher line count with the QA I wanted and they required, and benefits. Like I said, one of those situations where I wished it would have worked out, but bills to pay, family to feed, all the rest! Good luck to you.
Must have the same supervisor or there all bad
99% of the emails I send my supervisor go unanswered the first time, and when I have to email her again because I really need an answer, I always tell her this is my 2nd or 3rd email so she knows how incompetent she is. I keep thinking maybe she will up her game, but so far it hasn't worked. Whenever I see a link asking for suggestions from any of the newsletters or emails we get from the company, I always send a suggestion that they do a survey of the MTs on 2 subjects. 1. How satisfied they are with their job. 2. How would they rate their supervisor's performance.

Apparently they don't like my suggestions as they never make an attempt at either.
My supervisor is also from NY, but
she is as sweet as an angel.  Maybe she wasn't born there. 
Call your supervisor.
I would call her and tell her you are at a point in time where you have decided it is important to take care of some personal issues. Be very upbeat, positive, and looking forward to the change. Tell her you have enjoyed so much working with her, and you will be glad to give a 2 weeks' notice, and would like to know if you would be eligible for re-hire if future pursuits do not work out.

Save the email.

If she wants more details, just tell her it's personal. You don't have to go into detail, and no, you won't sound dumb. :)
I called my supervisor...
I really struggled with the decision to quit. I liked the company (a national) and accounts, but I could no longer handle the 20-hour minimum for PT as I already work a FT job and it just became too much. She was very nice about it and understood. She is a good supervisor and I felt I owed her that much. I did give a 2 week notice.
Account to ASR - per supervisor -- been asking

supe about this for a year or so -- just told within the last week (after my many questions to her about where the work has gone on this account) that the account had gone to ASR -- I heard a "jillion" excuses from the supe for the "no work" situation, EXCEPT THE TRUTH -- that it was going to ASR. Now only get the jobs that ASR cannot interpret. MQ supes are definitely not for the MT -- but MGMT puppets !! Don't you tell the MT's that their accounts are going to AST UNTIL AFTER equipment is working well, and we can handle it without the MT  !!!!!!!!!!


OSI's quality supervisor probably can't
I also suspect that she's been posting all kinds of crap on this board because that's the kind of lunatic she is.
So is that why the new US MT supervisor is Indian?
It depends on your supervisor. They are all very different.
How so? Supervisor answers, no one else
Have you spoken to your supervisor
Just curious. You've spent time in training...have you tried to see if the issue can be resolved?
The supervisor's name was Denise. nm
My supervisor just told me that they were having
problems with people not sticking to their schedules and work being out of TAT.  You might want to ask the recruiter about scheduling before you make your decision, as it might be an issue. 
Supervisor? He isn't on our side! No wonder he kept
calling this weekend to see if I could work extra! He and everyone in that office knew it was coming..how they sleep tonight, I will never know.
apparently you do not have the same supervisor I did!
Exact opposite. Pay was always on time, though.
Re: MT supervisor discussion below...sm
I was an MTSO many years ago and have been an IC with my own accounts ever since.  I'm curious exactly what an MT supervisor does?
Supervisor position
Anybody know if the supervisor/manager position has been filled for Superior Global.  I read some bad comments about this company, just was wondering.
Supervisor's pets
Has anyone else had a supervisor that had pets while riding all the other MT's? Anyone else out there who has had that problem?  If so, I'm sure your stories are just as entertaining as mine have been. 
Please notify the supervisor or QA (sm)
Many of us were QA'd for weeks because they had the luxury of taking the time with us then.  This is a good thing.  They will eventually take care of all this, but if it is a priority, which I think this is, it will be taken care of pronto.  Just do it.
No I am not a supervisor, just type a lot (sm)

and I bet I know which accounts you are talking about, and I do them too.  They're still a mix.  Good with the bad.  I have a lot of experience with ESLs, so they don't bother me.  I also get my share of slurry progress notes.  It still evens out.

Their best supervisor had her last day yesterday and she usually

would get them right on it. So many new people in positions they do not know how to do and the MTs are on the ones suffering. Counting the hours and days until my time is up with them.