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Not exactly brilliant....

Posted By: AnnuderMT on 2009-06-19
In Reply to: You are brilliant!!!! - not so crazy MT

I just have a way of having things go wrong so often that I've gotten good at looking at the variables and guessing what's screwing me up this time. LOL I wish I could make a new career in that!

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You are brilliant!!!!
I tried your idea and you were right. Everything is there if you use Internet Explorer. Thanks for helping.
This one is brilliant!

LOL---You know what they say about brilliant minds:-) nm

according to 1 brilliant mind on here..
she does VR on fast forward only correcting important stuff to get her 400 lph or greater to make $$$$. for her, it's all about ka-ching. some people just can't be taught. does she not realize her initials go on the bottom of each and every one of those reports? Her QA is less than 97% and is only checked once a year!
Haha!! Brilliant move!!
I did the same thing once when I worked in-house. The cherry-picker ended up being written-up. That's the way it should be. The good employees should have a fair shake of things. Too bad people like sm will defend them. Yes, revenge is sweet LOL. Justice!
Brilliant! a real catch-22
And you cannot keep copies because of HIPPA so you cannot win.
AHIMA is not a regulatory body. I read da-nose and think it is brilliant.
Billing practices have long been an issue in this industry, but I guess I don't see where you are coming from on the impending regulation thing. It has been a long week for me and looks to be a longer weekend so my brain cells are a bit drained, lol.