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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

No, it is in Houston.

Posted By: TT on 2007-08-16
In Reply to: where is this company located? - Teresa


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Several ads on job seeker's board.
Is this the Alliance out of Houston? nm

Alliance MT in Houston????

I was wondering if anybody has had any experience with this company?  Good or bad?



MediTask....NOT in Houston

There are two MediTasks.  The one I am wondering about is in Austin....I think.  Is it a nice place to work.  Pay??  Hours/shifts?  Anything would be wonderful!

i should add that this is the alliance out of Houston
Is the name of the company AMT in Houston? /nm
Transtech in TX (Houston)

From time to time, I search these boards for any posts regarding my company, MediTask.  Yeah, I know I'm late (really late) posting, but some time back someone had asked about my company, asking if it was the one in Houston, owned by Matt Read, or what.  Nope - not me.  Here's my story:  

I own Medi-Task (Hill Country, TX).  I started this business in Houston in 1989, and moved to the central Texas in 1995, selling that portion of my business to Matt Read.  He didn't change the name (another whole story there) but just added -"Houston" to the end of it.  I fielded calls and inquiries for a long time until they died out.  I understand he sold that business several months ago. I've tried calling but they sometimes have a message giving a pager number (?).  Ouch... I wish people weren't confusing the two companies! 

Being an MTSO, I did hear things through the grapevine to the tune of MTs not getting paid, or paid on time... I can't really comment on that because I had nothing to do with how Matt ran his business, and basically kept my nose to the grindstone where growing my business was concerned.  So, you'll have to raise those questions with someone else who was really there.

MediTask (my company) has clients in 7 states, and MTs in as many.  We're a smaller, close-knit group.  My MTs have never gone without pay, and I believe in behaving honorably in those matters.  My reputation is important to me, and I hope to never see any negative about myself or this company.  But, people are funny  - - some move from company to company peddling their wares (which are sometimes rusty), and then get bent way out of shape when their services are no longer needed.  Some are just bent on getting out of shape.  However, that said - I have MTs who have been with me a long, long time.  In fact, the first MT I ever brought on board in 1989 is working with me today. Others have been on board since '92 and '94, 99, etc.

All the MTs here are subcontractors, so I don't offer the big perks that the nationals do.  Sometimes I feel bad about that (and have lost great applicants who are looking for more), but also understand that there are pros and cons to both ways. There's not a corporate bone in my body, and I never really want all the headaches associated with handling a huge company.  I like it smaller where we all know each other's names, and work close as a team.  We actually get together whenever we can in Austin or Marble Falls - that's pretty cool.

No one asked me, but I thought I might clear the air on the "MediTask Houston or Austin or what?" posts, let ya'll (yep, I'm from Texas) know who I am, and what this company is about.  I'm proud to be associated with the people who work with me, and so lucky to have such dedicated, helpful, spirited, intelligent colleagues such as them.  I'm blessed. 

Anyone who has curiosity beyond this, I'm happy to answer any questions I can. 

Sarah Mayor, Owner

MediTask - Central Texas



Only one I can find is R & S Transcription, but out of Houston. E'd you! nm
This is happening at Transtech Houston

No work this week the majority of my shift.

Are you TT MT's out of work, too, or just me? I am wondering, as this has not happened to me since I began working for them.

In a poor house in Houston
you are saying "offshore company" - they are in Houston so...
not an offshore company - American based and American owned.

If they offshore work, I do not know.

I was there a couple of years ago when they changed from TSI to Smartmed. Their only downfall was very high insurance costs.
Yes, I live right outside of Houston. It was postmarked
Friday, if that helps.
other hospitals in houston are back
A friend works for a different hospital in Houston and said they have been back up to full speed for 3 days now. So just seems odd they are not all back up to full speed. Maybe their hurricane preparedness was not as heavy duty?
I work for the one out of Houston but don't know anything about the Ohio TT
The one in Houston is the one people love
Is eSmartMed the same as the SmartMed located in Houston? nm Thanks!
Anyone have any info on Trans Tech out of Houston?
Transtech in Houston has lots of VR work
You may have the option of working weekdays and rotate weekends, 1 one weekend per month. That is my deal but I have been here a while. Or you can work Sunday through Thursday.
That always makes it better. I do local to Houston and since I live there, it seems easier
Answers to some questions asked about TransTech out of Houston, TX

Different platforms -- Dictaphone ExText -- very clumbsy/clunky editing platform.  Probably 85% ESL now that so much VR/editing being done. 

Big push for more editing, so what straight transcription that is kicked out from the voice machine is absolutely horrible on the ears!  THE TRUTH and nothing else but the truth !

Answers to some questions asked about TransTech out of Houston, TX

Different platforms -- Dictaphone ExText -- very clumbsy/clunky editing platform.  Probably 85%-90% ESL now that so much VR/editing being done. 

Big push for more editing, so what straight transcription that is kicked out from the voice machine is absolutely horrible on the ears!  THE TRUTH and nothing else but the truth !

Pay half for editing/VR work . . . yuk ! 

Different strokes for different MT's, but I work to earn a living, not for the fun of it ! Transcription used to be a FUN profession, but lacking now with all the jobs going to VR machine. 

Any recent info on TransTech Medical Solutions of Houston TX.....sm
I just received an offer to test, wonder if it is worth it; I have a few offers, but nothing I am truly convinced about....how is this company to work for, and do they accept PT folk, don't care if it is IC, SE, or regular employee......and I, too, need flexibility, as long as I get my lines in and always make turnaround time.  Long time ago, there were many, many companies that operated that way; now, it seems, everyone is very rigid -- so am I, but I have to make things work with family situation, I am not only caring for 3 kids, but also 89-year-old mom part-time.  Thanx all in advance!
MQ Houston office closing? I was thinking about applying but I just heard that they are closing
the Houston office soon.  What's going on with them?