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Nice holiday spirit. For crying out loud.....

Posted By: OH GOOD GRIEF! on 2007-12-17
In Reply to: You are a lawyer then? - TT112

This is still a democratic country, is it not? Why is it that if people don't agree with YOU or the bandwagon cheerleaders for a company, they get bashed? I worked at TT and found it to match all of the complaints that are read on here. That doesn't mean it's not a good company - just not a good company for ME (and others, by the way). CHILL..................

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    For crying out loud
    Why would you wait for weeks - are you new to this industry?

    This is COMMON practice and I don't care how big or small the company is... Many are just advertising for clients they HOPE to get soon - many are poorly organized and/or UNDERstaffed for administrative purposes.

    Make it a rule to apply for MANY jobs at once; you'll be lucky if two are hits and then you can choose the best fit for you.

    Always ask up front: Do you tie payment for work done to payment received by your client?

    Is this opening immediate or for the future?

    If you ask the right questions up front and they don't perform, start sending more resumes ASAP.

    Take it from someone who learned the hard way.

    And stop buying foreign cars for crying out loud. sm
    Look at the 10s of thousands of workers who are being laid off from GM and Ford after giving decades of their lives.  Thanks to all you people who buy foreign cars.
    Get off your high horse for crying out loud. She did not mention that it was a transcription company

    Employee assistance is available to support all staff and their family members at no cost. This confidential service addresses a variety of issues that may affect the quality of your work or personal life including stress, depression, anxiety, grief and relationship conflicts

    Maybe YOU should do some research before you jump all over somebody. WHen a person just mentions a name, it doesn't necessarily mean a transcription company.

    Someone is not in the holiday spirit. You seem hostile.
    Have to post that I received a very nice holiday bonus from QT which

    that's the spirit. nm
    In the spirit of the year...
    I really hope you mean that and I accept. I have been in this business for years and years but accepted IC only for the last 3 months of this year (asked and going to be their employee at first of year) because I had already paid in far too many taxes this year. Am married but go single, no dependents so had no fear about not having in enough for this year. I am huge animal lover, have 3 furkids and definitely going to see our new panda as soon as she is on display. Volunteered at our zoo when we first got her parents a few years ago so happy to welcome them and doubly happy to welcome her. She is a beautiful little girl. Again thanks for the apology. Merry Christmas!
    Now THAT is what the spirit of Christmas is all about. (sm)
    When I worked in house at a local hospital we used to adopt a family each year and had a blast doing it. We were a large department and would provide food for the holiday meals and all the Christmas gifts. One year we took my little truck with the camper and literally had it filled with boxes of food and presents. One lady in our department is of a religion that didn't believe in Christmas, but wow, did this lady come forward with food products for the family. One year the mother of the family we adopted even sent us pictures of Chrismas morning. That was truly a heart warmer too.
    I think you missed the spirit of my message.

    You sound emotional about the whole issue. Upset - angry at me even. I am not saying we all fear change and we should all be distrustful. You are looking at posters who are afraid their companies are going under or accounts are lost, and now implying that they must be lowsy MTs, as the good ones have nothing to fear. That's 100% bunk. Of course, if you are an MT and you have terrible skills, you will probably lose your job. But there are too-numerous-to-count fantastic MTs, myself included, who lose their jobs thru no fault of their own when the company makes some move that is adverse to the employees - like selling, going under, or losing accounts thru contract negotiations, etc. So, one can be sitting there one day, pretty as a picture making good $ and feeling all warm and cozy about your relationship with your boss - so like a good friend, and the next day you are dead in the water with not a whisper of a warning... That is the reality of our industry. Its not being distrustful at all - its realism and being cautious and watching your own back, as I assure you, no employer will watch it for us. As for being distrustful when one hears all sorts of news about a certain company - it generally points to something going on within the company. Something is up and its our responsibilities then to search and seek out the truth of these rumors. If I compare news on 5 or 6 different MTs websites, and all have similar discussions or threads from bonafide posters, well then something is up. That's not being distrustful - its being informed. If you don't need your income to survive and it matters not to you if you lose your job one day, great. But there are legion of us who do need to know!

    who's crying??????
    You're the one who came here crying.
    Boohoo, poor you, aren't making enough money at $21/hour. I can understand you not wanting to read this crap. You're not even happy getting $21/hour to read crap, so reading this for free must be doubly painful. Enjoy your box.
    I'm crying over here laughing so hard
    no message so you don't have to bother looking inside the post. I thought same thing when I first got here...thought boy is this NM lady annoying. LOL!
    For crying in the corn. I had to chuckle at that.
    Thank you for making me smile.
    My accounts are crying for overtime. What's up I wonder? NM
    OMG. Did you really sound that out loud? nm
    Loud and Clear.
    OMG, I burst out loud on that one! NM
    Shhh! Don't say that too loud!
    Well for sobbing out loud
    Who said anything about stopping change????
    Very nice owner, nice work, nice place - sm
    the leave you alone.  I left because they do not budge from their pay which was kind of mediocre.  I would go back if I had to because they were extremely nice.
    hahaha... I HATE that loud, -
    I used to laugh out loud at the VR-produced
    nightly news on the TV sets at my local gym. I'd be watching it while using the treadmill, elliptical trainer or StairMaster, and would occasionally belt out a 'Bwa-ha-haaa!' at something the VR had written. Got more than a few stares from my fellow gym-goers, who probably thought I was nuts. The humor of VR sure did make my workouts go by quickly, though!
    Its a message board for cryin out loud!
    To bad we can't come on here and state our feelings or vent our frustrations without having to worry about all this. Some posts are over the line, but most are just people who want a place to talk to others in the same boat they are. I think the ones who are trying to dissect the posts to figure out who they are written by need to spend a little more time working!!!
    LL ahh c'com on. IF ans out THERE loud & clear, not riled up MTs
    If know very well LL, if the ans were avail in first place and some MT did not know the ans, and posted upsetting things, he TRUE answer WOULD be posted by other MT and you know it.

    People get upset not knowing, then speculation begins what else can they do.
    I guess you live in a vacuum! Search this board, for crying outloud! SM

    A couple of weeks ago there were several former JLG employees posting how they were fired from doing SR and were not even offered MT positions!  I'm not trying to hide anything and I don't appreciate you insinuating I'm a liar! 

    You want to know who I am, email me!  My information is from firsthand experience!

    Very nice people, nice place to work. nm


    Yes, nice QA (and nice people in general), but very little work right now. nm
    Yes! Nice lady, nice company. nm
    I second that. Amphion is nice, nice, nice

    that's nice. have a nice weekend.
    Nice post, thank you and have a nice day. nm
    holiday pay
    Do most companies provide holiday pay?
    No holiday pay?
    I do not work for Spheris, but that is the most selfish/ crasiest thing I have ever heard. I hope I don't sound like an idiot here, but is that even legal to have to work on a holiday without getting extra pay (apparently, it must be) ..but, I tell you what, I would be taking off every single holiday. I can understand if you were IC or SE or if they offered different incentives... but EMPLOYEE?
    holiday pay
    Does anyone who works for DRC/Acusis remember if there used to be paid holidays or has it always been just premium holiday pay?  I've only been here since March, but I was under the impression when I hired on we had 8 paid holidays???
    no holiday pay at DSG. nm
    holiday pay
    well, i'm not sure where people on here are getting their information. the new policy states you have to make your line quota 6 out of the last 8 pay periods and be employed there at least 6 months. it isn't that unreasonable
    So what's their big holiday?
    What holiday?

    IC Holiday Pay?

    If you are an IC, are you asked to work major holidays?  How many do you work?  Do you get a special line rate for working the big holidays? I wonder what the line rate is for holiday pay at most companies?

    What's holiday pay?
    Where I work as an IC, everyone who is normally scheduled for that day of the week is expected to work unless approved to take off in advance.  Experience tells me that there is usually little to no work on the holidays, though.
    holiday pay
    i get time and a half - 13.5 cpl - 6 major holidays
    holiday pay??
    I get the same pay as always.  I need to apply where you work. 
    Holiday Pay
    You negative people just slay me. Did you not get the email from Management about there being FULL management and supervisory staff working the holidays? If they get paid for the holidays I'm sure they deserve every dime they do get. All you have to do (from my experience working the past several years with TT on holidays) is sign up to work the holiday and you will get paid lines and a half. There will be work, there always is. Now whether it's an account that will be your comfort zone will be another question. They can only give us the dictation the doctors dictate. They can't create something. I'm just really defensive when it comes to TT, they've been really good to me because I've been a good worker for them and plan on continuing as such.
    Holiday Pay
    I forgot to mention in my previous post...why don't you build up PTO like TT gives? Then you can take a holiday and get paid. Times are lean now and you have to make some sacrifices just as TT has to do I'm sure. Some people think that just because there is a company they are making dollars hand over fist. If I had a company that offered people to accumulate PTO why would I want to give them free money and pay them for doing absolutely nothing? Good luck in finding somewhere these days that will give out free money. Sounds like you're more interested in a handout.
    Holiday Pay
    I work for three services; at two I get $.03 per line extra and the third I get 15% extra of whatever lines I've done.
    Holiday pay
    Well work then. The BENEFIT is you work from home. You forfeit some benefits in exchange for others. Get over it. Guess you didn't mention they give you a Christmas gift though. How many MT companies do that for their HOME BASED MT's?
    It's the holiday
    With short work weeks, you'll likely hear from them next week. Good luck! Great place to work!
    I just TAKE the holiday. If they don't like it,
    Holiday pay
    Don't blame you for being miffed. They say you only get holiday pay if you make your line rate. I don't know how many times I have been suckered into working a holiday and sat there all day for nothiong because I could not make rate with no work. Won't do it anymore unless I can get a guaranteed wage for sitting around waiting for work and totally ruining my time with my family.
    Holiday pay
    Your supervisor can approve holiday pay for you if you did not make your hours because of NSA - so take heart, you should get your holiday pay as long as you are putting in a ticket for your NSA once a day. That info is per one of the super's.
    It has been my experience that usually there is not much work on the holiday and if you check in a few times and if necessary type a few reports there is no problem.